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TITANFALL 2 |G2.1| "Whatever The Fuck That Means"


GGs JaMarco :)

I gotta adjust to the higher latency, but PvP was quite fun today!


In its current state, I'm not sure what the MGL has over EPG-1 at all.l

Archer let's you get the equivalent

A degree of elitism is whatever, but when it's part of an ad hominem rebuttal, it reeks. It basically states that you can't disagree with a CTF player because they're guaranteed to know better than you. Fuck that noise, seriously.
you're funny dude .

You're the most vocal person in here, and when anyone tries to tell you that you're blatantly wrong, like you are with the archer you go posting gifs and all this stuff trying to explain why you're right and everyone else is wrong.

You've refuted all opinions, even frothy's on why the archer isn't the best choice . So, yes after a while I come in suggesting that maybe you just don't realize it because of who you play most the time. That is a possibility you know . But of course then I'm called an elitist for it yet what else is there to say? Others have already explained in detail why the archer isn't fantastic. Frothy has a video showing how easy it is to doge an archer rocket.... step to the side!!! Lmao .

Fact is every single thing I have pinpointed wrong or out of balance with the game was eventually echoed and repeated by the player base some time later. Yet, you're the first to attempt to tell me I'm wrong even with mounting evidence supporting my views.

maybe it's an ego thing? I dunno lol.


SMGs are stupid. I can't believe Swolbro was complaining about the Hemlok so much. Like, are you serious...
d yet.

You can have a debate without resorting to claiming that someone's not good at the game, and using that to disregard their opinion.

There's really no point replying to you anymore.
what the lol.... you made the first comment. How else do you want me to reply to you?

Trying to claim the hemlok isn't completely and utterly fucking broken just because you're enjoying yourself with an smg...... really there is no point .
what the lol.... you made the first comment. How else do you want me to reply to you?

Trying to claim the hemlok isn't completely and utterly fucking broken just because you're enjoying yourself with an smg...... really there is no point .

The hemlock is pretty broken, can confirm. It operates like a burst fire sniper rifle.
GGs JaMarco :)

In its current state, I'm not sure what the MGL has over EPG-1 at all.

Archer let's you get the equivalent of 5 MGL shots (roughly) on certain enemies that would otherwise turn around and get you. It takes considerably longer to get that sort of damage with the MGL, so as long as you're fighting a distracted Titan, you'll walk away having dealt more damage every time.

The only scenario I can think of where MGL > Archer is when you don't have the time to lock-on... but in those situations, you're at a huge risk. Well, that and when a Titan is hiding through Electric Smoke.

You're wrong about the Archer/MGL. You may be having some success with it and that's fine, however any good Titan player can avoid, defend or otherwise reflect Archer rockets ridiculously easy. Of the 1 in 20 archer rockets that actually hit, it is generally because a Titan is heavily distracted by other pilots and Titans. In that case, yes the Archer shits out damage with little effort, however a Titan is so distracted that it is unable to respond to the lock on indicator, the travel time, and cannot step slightly to the right/left to avoid damage - chances are that Titan was in big trouble anyway.

A good player holding the MGL is far more effective in my opinion.

FWIW I've played the shit out of the game:


The only attacks that one-shot Doom health are Northstar's Fully Charged (on a crit), 5-hits with Tone's Tracker Rockets (if you count that as one-shot), Flame Core and possibley Ion's Laser on a crit.

Ion's laser shot doesn't one-hit even on a crit, but you left out Legion's Power Shot.

No Love

you're funny dude .

You're the most vocal person in here, and when anyone tries to tell you that you're blatantly wrong, like you are with the archer you go posting gifs and all this stuff trying to explain why you're right and everyone else is wrong.

You've refuted all opinions, even frothy's on why the archer isn't the best choice . So, yes after a while I come in suggesting that maybe you just don't realize it because of who you play most the time. That is a possibility you know . But of course then I'm called an elitist for it yet what else is there to say? Others have already explained in detail why the archer isn't fantastic. Frothy has a video showing how easy it is to doge an archer rocket.... step to the side!!! Lmao .

Fact is every single thing I have pinpointed wrong or out of balance with the game was eventually echoed and repeated by the player base some time later. Yet, you're the first to attempt to tell me I'm wrong even with mounting evidence supporting my views.

maybe it's an ego thing? I dunno lol.

Truth. Archer sucks now. It misses A LOT more than it used to.


Someone tell me what crosshair works with TiF2?!?
Im so sick and bored of not having crosshair with some weapons.
I tried mumble but doesnt seem to work, any other?
Someone tell me what crosshair works with TiF2?!?
Im so sick and bored of not having crosshair with some weapons.
I tried mumble but doesnt seem to work, any other?

Not sure of any.

All the weapons have crosshairs in ADS or on first-shot, don't they. That is, they disappear when fire a continuous stream or short bursts.

I know some people just use a dry erase marker on their screen, a la Gears of War hip-fire shotty.
I find myself disliking more and more of the maps in this game the longer the current balance goes unchecked. Oddly, Complex, which I initially hated, is slowly moving up the ranks. For whatever, reason, I'm seeing teammates and enemies using way more varied combinations of weapons, titans, and perks there than the likes of Angel City or Kodai, which is all Hemlocks and Devotions and Turrets, 24/7.
The simple fact is the player base isn't very good. How are you going to know what is or isn't viable when being even slightly above average will allow you to dominate games with any weapon ?

This makes me sad, yet it seems to be the truth. I love this freaking game, but it's not fun to constantly win with ease. I primarily play CTF with my buddies and we're definitely not amazing, yet it seems we win 95% of our matches. (xbox btw)

The holiday rush has made it even worse, just constantly rolling over people... Really hoping some of these new players catch on quick to increase the competition. Would be sad to quit the game simply because of not being challenged enough.


This makes me sad, yet it seems to be the truth. I love this freaking game, but it's not fun to constantly win with ease. I primarily play CTF with my buddies and we're definitely not amazing, yet it seems we win 95% of our matches. (xbox btw)

The holiday rush has made it even worse, just constantly rolling over people... Really hoping some of these new players catch on quick to increase the competition. Would be sad to quit the game simply because of not being challenged enough.
I played a few CTF matches today and at one point this random kid on my team made a comment about how he loved the game but it was too easy. After he said that i spent the final few min of the match watching him play. He was horrible, absolutely horrible, and yet he thought the game was too easy!

Respawn needs to up the skilled based matchmaking. They don't have to go overboard, but a bit more competitiveness wouldn't hurt.
I played a few CTF matches today and at one point this random kid on my team made a comment about how he loved the game but it was too easy. After he said that i spent the final few min of the match watching him play. He was horrible, absolutely horrible, and yet he thought the game was too easy!

Respawn needs to up the skilled based matchmaking. They don't have to go overboard, but a bit more competitiveness wouldn't hurt.

Also, why are new teams formed after every game? I don't recall Titanfall 1 being like this...

It's so frustrating to finally encounter a good team and only be able to play them once. If we lose, i WANT a rematch and it annoys me that i can't have that.
Holy shit it's infuriating to get a Titan Assist for a Titan you dealt 90%+ of the damage to.

Really wish this gam would just award points for Assists and Doomed Titans like the first game, rather than awarding all or nothing on the last hit.

I sincerely HOPE they're being counted behind the scenes and going toward leveling up your titan.


I fell out of love with the multiplayer after a few weeks and can't bring myself to come back when I've got other things. At least the campaign is a good time when I've got the cravings.
I fell out of love with the multiplayer after a few weeks and can't bring myself to come back when I've got other things. At least the campaign is a good time when I've got the cravings.

I hear ya.

Im forcing myself to learn a new weapon to try and keep things interesting.

If we could get a group of 6 or 8 together for Mixtape Id be all in, cause I dont play much LTS, Amped HP or CTF. I just refuse to solo.
BTW, I think Resoawn could do their game a huge service by offering double XP weekends exclusive to specific playlists. Particularly less played lists like BH or CTF.

Also, I just may not have unlocked any, but playlist specific reward banners, patches and camps would be cool.

If somebody is a flag-running god, let them show it off.


There's only one thing to do. Make a clip of using the Archer and not using any Titans.

I don't know if it's hyperbole, but there's a few tricks to getting it to not miss.

== I want to demonstrate this because I really don't want the Archer to get a buff. Atm I think its functionality is being slept on, and if the accuracy increases more it'll be super annoying when it becomes the most popular Anti-Titan weapon.

Titanfall made it to the front page of Reddit again. <3
After being almost exclusively mastiff for some time now, on a whim, I tried out volt again.

L. O. L.

Guess I have been handicapping myself. I think I'm a better player for it though.
It should also have a shield like Legion and should come with a built in smart core.



I should have mentioned that as my point as well. Archer isn't S-tier, but it isn't F. Frothy is too liberal with shitting on weapons. I mean, he rated the Softball because he saw one guy use it and said "it's best for minion kills"... So why can't the Archer be great for doing better DPS on Bounty Titans?


Yeah so... Forget the Archer

EPG Glitch

EPG is the best Anti-Titan weapon. It has the benefits of both. Especially on Bounty Titans, it's like using a Nuke if more than one person on your team uses it. And this doesn't even have to be amped.
I'm not really trying to debate with you for argument's sake, which for some reason you appear to be doing ~~ instead, I'm trying to be helpful.

Bombarding someone with a shit ton of words that essentially say "but you can't deduce that from that one article..." ~~

That is to say, whether you are worried about the ChronusMax requiring a USB Hub for its perfect passthrough for PS4 or not; I myself who used one to play USF4, others who play Rocksmith or use MIDI controllers, and finally the rest of the internet will say that a USB Hub is not adding any practical input latency whatsoever.

In that article, the hub(s) tested showed .5ms of added "measurable" latency (or up to 500us).

FWIW, who knows if the Brook adapter is or isn't better ChronusMax (with a hub).

The only worthwhile thing to take away here is that it's not fair to conclude Brook > ChronusMax because one requires a hub with regard to input latency ~~ and the many, MANY people who use such devices will tell you that the negligible latency added by these devices are far better than buying third-party monstrosities for the PS4 over the Elite Controller.

As for competitions, it's not that I'll know the reasoning for now, but back when USFIV was moving to PS4 there was a lot of talk on converters. Wireless got banned at some point (you can find EVO clips of the disconnects in action), and macro aside, there's no reason why a tournament couldn't provide their own converters (which is what I imagine they did with the CoD tournament).

There's nothing wrong talking about input latency in controllers in a Titanfall 2 thread.

EDIT: (forgot to address this) The point I was making was that SFV has more input lag than SF4 on PC and Xbox (and Arcade). Despite that, people just "get used it". If you're playing an online game regardless, input latency in converters is very negligible.

The notion that I was bombarding you with words seems a little ridiculous. But I'm not in entire disagreement with you, the latency is likely to be minimal and potentially indisernable, but the fact is that a USB hub adds latency (to whatever degree) isn't disputable. Having to add a USB hub inbetween the ChronusMax and the device is an added inconvenience, another point of potential error or failure. If you don't need to use one, why would you?

As for the site you linked, they report minimal latency across a network and functionality that is completely unrelated to the PS4. The article you are linking is intending as a guide on how to use the Beagle 5000 USB analyser, not an index of input lag of USB devices on a PS4, or even a gaming device. Your extending the resource far beyond its authors intention, and regardless of how 'happy with' the information you are, you're misusing and or misunderstanding it.

As far as being helpful, If you are stuck with a ChronusMax then you are better off updating it to remove the 10minute authentication, not adding a USB hub to your connection. It doesn't do this with the latest firmware (so they claim). If you wanted to be helpful to people using a CronusMax then that is the advice I would recommend, but generally I wouldn't recommend them to begin with. Otherwise, buying a Brook superconverter rather than ChronusMax would be a better option. The Brook does add a small amount of latency yet it's still very low and is going to feel more responsive than a wireless controller anyway, and he Cronus has been frequently reported to do the same (add a little latency), Additionally alongside the other issues the Max faces (banned from tournaments due to macros, investigation for frying USB ports) it doesn't seem like a very helpful recommendation.

As for SFV people get used to varying levels of latency when they are all on the same playing field, but that doesn't make higher latency better. People get used to just about anything but that doesn't mean anything with regards to whether it's beneficial, or not. Unless there's a particular design intention, greater input latency is widely regarded as a negative attribute. That's why there is so many complaints about the latency in SFV, because it kills the reactive neutral game, the fact that there is more lag in SFV is not a good thing, and players frequently go out of their way to minimize that latency in any way they can.

I'm not debating with you for the sake of it, but because your posts have a tendency to feature a tone of unearned authority on matters that you seem to know little of, and it has potential to mislead and misinform people.


You need the USB Hub to remove the 10 minute thingie, at least, with the older version at least. I didn't/don't know if there's a later version without the hub. At least, when I updated the ChronusMax at my brother's, it needed a hub on top of that to stop the disconnects.

SFV is bad for it, but the idea that addition latency on a game with 8ms of input lag is meh. May as well use a CRT and never play online if that's a huge issue.
Complex and Crash Site are starting to get worse, and not in the way some of you guys are probably thinking. So I like being a scumbag and use Devotion+A-Wall in those two maps in PvP because it's so easy to rack up kills vs randoms since it's hard to flank.

A recent trend I've noticed is that the game might start off with maybe just me using A-Wall or me and one other guy. But then minutes later we have 4-6 dudes using it. The last PvP match I just played in Crash Site had 3 guys from the other team using A-Wall. If that wasn't bad enough the guys not using A-Wall stuck to the guys using it so even if you got around it with something like phase shift you had another guy ready take you out.

So most of the match was these constant hallway shootouts where they stayed on there side and we stayed on our side because nobody knows how slide hop well enough to flank. I dread future PvP matches in these two maps if it turns into a staring contest with random grenade tosses. Now that I think about it, Ordnance Expert might be necessary just for these maps now lol.
You need the USB Hub to remove the 10 minute thingie, at least, with the older version at least. I didn't/don't know if there's a later version without the hub. At least, when I updated the ChronusMax at my brother's, it needed a hub on top of that to stop the disconnects.

SFV is bad for it, but the idea that addition latency on a game with 8ms of input lag is meh. May as well use a CRT and never play online if that's a huge issue.

Oh I don't disbelieve you that pre-patch that was the go-to resolution, but it doesn't seem like it is now.

The SFV remark doesn't make sense. Adding latency to a low or high latency game has the same effect, it's adds latency. SFV isn't any more 'bad for it' than Titanfall or any other reactive game. The only thing that really effects the influence latency is liable to have is the games frame rate since lower framerate games are less affected by higher latency.

Any game where you are dependent on reacting to visual stimulus will see players suffer when additional latency is introduced. That's why people tend to think about these things when considering devices like converters, that's why people make an effort to test them, that's why people make a big deal about the varying latency from one controller to another, that's why people use wired controllers where possible to begin with. It's not just about feeling disadvantaged with high latency either, for me, games just feel more fun when they respond immediately. For example playing something like a schmup with a wired controller feels night and day to playing with wireless, at least for me. It's not about the wired controller being more competitive, it's about how the game feels.


Oh I don't disbelieve you that pre-patch that was the go-to resolution, but it doesn't seem like it is now.

Hmm, I mean... It seems to be a different hardware revision.

The SFV remark doesn't make sense. Adding latency to a low or high latency game has the same effect, it's adds latency. SFV isn't any more 'bad for it' than Titanfall or any other reactive game. The only thing that really effects the influence latency is liable to have is the games frame rate since lower framerate games are less affected by higher latency.

Any game where you are dependent on reacting to visual stimulus will see players suffer when additional latency is introduced. That's why people tend to think about these things when considering devices like converters, that's why people make an effort to test them, that's why people make a big deal about the varying latency from one controller to another, that's why people use wired controllers where possible to begin with. It's not just about feeling disadvantaged with high latency either, for me, games just feel more fun when they respond immediately. For example playing something like a schmup with a wired controller feels night and day to playing with wireless, at least for me. It's not about the wired controller being more competitive, it's about how the game feels.

What I' talking about, is that 1 or 2ms is not going to make a huge difference when you're dealing with 17ms minimum just for playing on a TV.

And for Titanfall 2 particularly, if your ping is lower than the other person's, chances are he gets to "see" you before you show up on his screen. Like, I'm playing on New York server atm, and every death feels like one-shot, with no way to hit Phase on reaction.

It's so negligible it's pointless to care about. The benefit of using the Elite controller, even if it did add 2ms of lag, would be worthwhile.
This A.C.E guy is an alcoholic. First we fight then we drink! And right when you land, the faster you win the faster we drink!

I decided to try out the Devotion and I honestly don’t like it. I can definitely see why everyone uses it though. It just doesn’t fit my play style, guess I’ll just go back to the Volt.


This A.C.E guy is an alcoholic. First we fight then we drink! And right when you land, the faster you win the faster we drink!

I decided to try out the Devotion and I honestly don’t like it. I can definitely see why everyone uses it though. It just doesn’t fit my play style, guess I’ll just go back to the Volt.


Yeah, in Titanfall 1 he basically carried a team while shitfaced.


This A.C.E guy is an alcoholic. First we fight then we drink! And right when you land, the faster you win the faster we drink!

I decided to try out the Devotion and I honestly don’t like it. I can definitely see why everyone uses it though. It just doesn’t fit my play style, guess I’ll just go back to the Volt.
I like his win line when he's like oh well you did your best - wait we won? We won!
I like his win line when he's like oh well you did your best - wait we won? We won!

Yeah, I just heard that the other game. He's pretty funny.

it's like 1 am though
. The only time I really see people are during Happy Hour. Other than that it's like the same few people on. I still don't really have problems finding games in Attrition, so it's not that big of a deal.
Buy the PC version.


We matched with those dudes again, Jaeger. They were in a 3 stack. Jiffy and I lost by $20 because, for some reason, our entire team couldn't get more than $100 each. It was like 2v6.

We were supposed to win the last round but I guess they got a bunch of pilot kills and cashed it in at the end ;(


tbh, the only meta that matters is how many people you have teamed up.

I think it's telling that the only game we lost (your last one) was the one where we ended up against a bigger stack.
Speaking on the Mastiff since people have mentioned it in this page, something that people don't know about it and generally don't do is they don't use ADS. Unlock most shotguns in other games, and weapons like SMGs in this game, the Mastiff does not have the same or lower accuracy when aiming down the sights. It actually has a much tighter spread, so you find that if you ADS you will get much more consistent one-shot kills, it's a real game changer when using the weapon.

Some people might know that, but others may not, so I thought it may be worth mentioning.

Hmm, I mean... It seems to be a different hardware revision.

What I' talking about, is that 1 or 2ms is not going to make a huge difference when you're dealing with 17ms minimum just for playing on a TV.

And for Titanfall 2 particularly, if your ping is lower than the other person's, chances are he gets to "see" you before you show up on his screen. Like, I'm playing on New York server atm, and every death feels like one-shot, with no way to hit Phase on reaction.

It's so negligible it's pointless to care about. The benefit of using the Elite controller, even if it did add 2ms of lag, would be worthwhile.

You can get quite a bit lower latency than 17ms with a monitor, though. I play on monitors (because they tend to be more portable and because they're low latency).

But that doesn't remove the fact that more latency is always worse. Yes you're right, a ms or two doesn't really make a difference but you can apply that logic to every aspect of your system and then suddenly you have quite a bit of extra latency.

There's also the fact that it just introduced more potential for errors into your system. It's not altogether uncommon that people experience input lag with USB hubs on PS4. Here's an example, they aren't especially hard to find...


Obviously things aren't working as intended in his case, but he still got a lot of extra latency because of the hub he added to his system. That's potential hassle that just isn't necessary in the first place in this case.



Obviously things aren't working as intended in his case, but he still got a lot of extra latency because of the hub he added to his system. That's potential hassle that just isn't necessary in the first place in this case.

I sure a hub could be "faulty" in that sense, but he claims he gets lag even with the extension cable plugged out.


After playing a whole night.

Y'all are really wrong about the Archer. There are so many situations that are just beautiful with it. The EPG (with glitch) is super hard to pull off with consistency, but I'd imagine with m+kb it's fine. Apparently, the splash damage glitch also works with Ion and his Vortex Shield, so aim at the feet for a boost of damage.


edit: Is this normal?


Like, there are worse examples. I am sure it's due to lag. But, is this at all by design?


Switched from stealth auto ejection to nuclear ejection thingy with Titan. Getting more kills now from the blast but died a couple times from not ejecting the titan in time. Not having to bother with ejecting was nice but getting killed again and again from other Titans exploding, i wanted to try it too.

What Tone kit are you riding (ps4) ? Had the particle wall upgrade all the time but I'm considering a change. 3 shots for the 40mm are not really worth imo but the extra tracker rockets seem good since you use them pretty often.


Switched from stealth auto ejection to nuclear ejection thingy with Titan. Getting more kills now from the blast but died a couple times from not ejecting the titan in time. Not having to bother with ejecting was nice but getting killed again and again from other Titans exploding, i wanted to try it too.

What Tone kit are you riding (ps4) ? Had the particle wall upgrade all the time but I'm considering a change. 3 shots for the 40mm are not really worth imo but the extra tracker rockets seem good since you use them pretty often.

Better wall is overall the best, but if you're playing public games of Attrition etc, +2 tracker rockets gives great DPS. Makes killing Reapers or getting the jump on Titans much easier.

Auto Ejection is not a great idea. It's not that Nuclear is necessary, but your Titan is useful when Doomed. Esp. in LTS.


my archer clip: http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/Cobalt Izuna/video/25224004
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