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TLoU:R Photomode Thread:I struggled a long time with compression [READ OP] [SPOILERS]



I have 545 pictures right now. :l
A bit of Flickr help needed!

Everything was okay with my TLoU album up until the last upload. When I now go to click on a thumbnail it opens but is blurry, and there are no image size options. :/ This is happening to the new uploads as well as previous ones which were perfectly fine. Is this a known issue with the site?

I'm uploading images via USB.

edit: this one is intentionally blurry!

edit the second: Disabling Adblock on Flickr sorted the fuzzy issue.



Finally checking out this thread. Just finished page 2.. man, some absolutely stunning stuff. What an incredible game -- can't wait to see some of the shots from Winter!


OK...I have a thing for the red filter so please indulge this selection.




Should point out the majority of my pics don't use the red filter, but I quite liked these ones.
Just recently got the game and I'm still playing around with the photomode, but I like these shots the best so far:




[quote="omonimo, post: 125422637"][IMG]http://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t31.0-8/10494342_945761132116558_4050124211893645126_o.jpg[/IG]
Read the rules.
A couple of my first efforts with photomode editing, not a scratch on some of the talent here.

Bill's Town.

A moment I cannot believe I missed on my several playthroughs on PS3.

Took a screenie of this as it's my favourite line in the game.

Imgur jpgs aren't allowed. Final shot is from a pre-rendered scene. Please reread OP.


You might want to actually emphasize "No Pre-rendered, Photomode shots only" in the OP for clarification.

Otherwise people will likely use this topic as a dumping ground for Last of Us: Remaster shots they snapped with the Share button.
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