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Trump addresses Charlottesville [Up: Trump's people force him to croak out "racism"]

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Ante Up
Trump attributed "bigotry" to "many sides". That's objectively incorrect.

The only people who can possibly twist the anti-racist message into one of "bigotry" are the white supremacists who feel persecuted.

Trump is the symptom of the US as a white supremacist country. Replacing him isn't going to fix anything and he isn't something new.

The white supremacist movement is actually quite small and fringe. They're no better than any other class of troll and should be completely ignored.


The white supremacist movement is actually quite small and fringe. They're no better than any other class of troll and should be completely ignored.
That's not true. The active members of white nationalist coalitions like stormfront might only account for a fraction of a percent of the population, but the number of people who tacitly accept the tenets of white nationalism is a huge amount of the US.


From last night's show:

“Nazis are a lot like cats,” John Oliver said. “If they like you, it’s probably because you’re feeding them.”
Good stuff lol

The white supremacist movement is actually quite small and fringe. They're no better than any other class of troll and should be completely ignored.
Except they've been around for decades and as such have clearly been successful in replenishing their ranks. We should actually be doing more to stifle them instead of ignoring and letting them fester. Society, excluding the government, hasn't come close to doing all they can in regard so why would the answer be to just give up and stick out heads in the sand?
Trump attributed "bigotry" to "many sides". That's objectively incorrect.

The only people who can possibly twist the anti-racist message into one of "bigotry" are the white supremacists who feel persecuted.

The white supremacist movement is actually quite small and fringe. They're no better than any other class of troll and should be completely ignored.
When you take institutional racism into account, White Supremacy is most definitely not fringe.
Trump attributed "bigotry" to "many sides". That's objectively incorrect.

The only people who can possibly twist the anti-racist message into one of "bigotry" are the white supremacists who feel persecuted.

The white supremacist movement is actually quite small and fringe. They're no better than any other class of troll and should be completely ignored.
What about those in positions of power such as politics and law enforcement? They're not fringe.


For example, any person you see who thinks "many sides" was a good appraisal of this situation has likely internalized white nationalist ideology.


"I feel a responsibility to take a stand against intolerance."

Read the statement from Merck's CEO (for which Trump is now attacking him).

— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) Aug 14, 2017



Is he really attacking someone when we just had a terrorist attack in our country by Nazi's? Scum. What a bitch he is.


It's funny that his supporters are fine with Trump being politically correct when it comes to Nazis.

Please, Trump, be as direct and combative as possible when talking about Obama or Hillary. But condemning Nazis? No, that's a bridge too far. Please act civil.


He really hates it when Black folks talk back to him doesn't he? Totally not racist though. Prove it!

I would love it if reporters during press conferences with Trump would ask him straight out to take a lie detector test about whether he is a NeoNazi/white supremacist. Basically, you can't take him at his word and implying that his word is worthless.


Trump attributed "bigotry" to "many sides". That's objectively incorrect.

The only people who can possibly twist the anti-racist message into one of "bigotry" are the white supremacists who feel persecuted.

The white supremacist movement is actually quite small and fringe. They're no better than any other class of troll and should be completely ignored.

Nah, it's really not. It's embedded in this country. We wouldn't have Trump if White folks didn't feel they were losing their privilege.

These people may not identify as White Supremacists but that's their motivations. I see it every day with my own White family that are certainly not Nazis but they have no empathy for other races in particular and complain about being attacked all the time. wah wah Happy Holidays. wah wah protestors.


Nah, it's really not. It's embedded in this country. We wouldn't have Trump if White folks didn't feel they were losing their privilege.

These people may not identify as White Supremacists but that's their motivations. I see it every day with my own White family that are certainly not Nazis but they have no empathy for other races in particular and complain about being attacked all the time. wah wah Happy Holidays. wah wah protestors.

The current culture has made it so the Fox News and Breitbarts of the world have brainwashed people into overt hate, leading them on a slippery slope to Nazism.


And the guy won't condemn Nazi's, but has no problem going after a black man that just quit his administration. Red flags. Racist.


Good on that CEO, proud of him.

Fuck off Trump.

And coming from Trump that's rich. He just tried to shove down the horrible healthcare bill down our throats and would have been perfectly happy if insurance companies made serious bank. He doesn't give a shit about drug prices. The dude probably thinks drugs cost 12 dollars a year knowing him.
If the white nationalists protesters were the ones attacked, trump would most likely respond in a very different way.

"See this is the hatred Hussain Obama and Crooked Hillary put on our country! the weak AG needs to investigate the Democrats involvement in this terror attack! I will be HARD..."
Leaves tweet up on its own for several minutes whilst he recovers strength
"on all those involved! The Police will be given the freedom to crack heads and get these terrorists off the streets PERMENANTLY! #MAGA"

Something along those lines? maybe I've not mentioned the dems, butteremails and a random great friend of his enough?


Trumps thoughts on:
Obamacare - Disaster
BLM - Violent thugs
Mexicans - Rapist and Murderers
LGBT - Unworthy of healthcare and joining the army.
Muslims - All terrorist and not allowed in the country.
Neo-Nazi rally-
It's complicated, both sides.

Seems about right.


Is he really attacking someone when we just had a terrorist attack in our country by Nazi's? Scum. What a bitch he is.
Charlottesville and the young woman who lost her life are barely blips on the radar for Trump. He has no interest other than protocol said he had to say something. He's already back on the playbook he thinks works for him politically without pause or shame. He simply doesn't actually care. There's no emotional element for him in this or really anything beyond his vain reasons for going for POTUS in the first place.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
White supremacist terrorism can't motivate a response from Trump but negative coverage on the news and a CEO cutting ties with him seem to always prompt an immediate, angry response.

I feel as if this man's priorities are a little off.

Can I say things like "Donald Trump is a Nazi" now and not be scoffed at for being sensationalist? I feel like there's not many lines for him to cross, short of a televised sieg heil.


If the white nationalists protesters were the ones attacked, trump would most likely respond in a very different way.

We already know the answer to his because of his many sides argument. To him they are just as bad. Even murder and he won't distance himself from that position. The bias is as clear as day to see. Not too mention his history with inciting violence and calling out everybody under the sun except nazis or White terrorists.


It Trump mind, a CEO that calls him out is much worse than neo-nazis running people over and marching for hatred. He lacks any empathy for anyone that isn't himself.

Is there any evidence out there that he is capable of showing empathy to others?


Ante Up
Nah, it's really not. It's embedded in this country. We wouldn't have Trump if White folks didn't feel they were losing their privilege.

These people may not identify as White Supremacists but that's their motivations. I see it every day with my own White family that are certainly not Nazis but they have no empathy for other races in particular and complain about being attacked all the time. wah wah Happy Holidays. wah wah protestors.

What about those in positions of power such as politics and law enforcement? They're not fringe.

When you take institutional racism into account, White Supremacy is most definitely not fringe.

That's not true. The active members of white nationalist coalitions like stormfront might only account for a fraction of a percent of the population, but the number of people who tacitly accept the tenets of white nationalism is a huge amount of the US.

Acknowledged. White supremacy/nationalism lies on the extreme side of the spectrum of racial bias. The size of the online communities for these groups can be measured; they're small. I believe the most effective weapon against them is to simply deny them our attention. My experience is different from yours in that I don't believe the majority of white Americans hold these extreme views. Of course, if racial bias is a completely binary thing to you, I can see why you disagree.
We already know the answer to his because of his many sides argument. To him they are just as bad. Even murder and he won't distance himself from that position. The bias is as clear as day to see. Not too mention his history with inciting violence and calling out everybody under the sun except nazis or White terrorists.

but that's the thing, trump would probably denounce the people protesting against the white-nationalists and wouldn't even say many sides.


Trumps thoughts on:
Obamacare - Disaster
BLM - Violent thugs
Mexicans - Rapist and Murderers
LGBT - Unworthy of healthcare and joining the army.
Muslims - All terrorist and not allowed in the country.
Neo-Nazi rally-
It's complicated, both sides.

Seems about right.

You forgot drug dealers for Mexicans.


Acknowledged. White supremacy/nationalism lies on the extreme side of the spectrum of racial bias. The size of the online communities for these groups can be measured; they're small. I believe the most effective weapon against them is to simply deny them our attention. My experience is different from yours in that I don't believe the majority of white Americans hold these extreme views. Of course, if racial bias is a completely binary thing to you, I can see why you disagree.
I don't think racial bias is binary. It sits along a spectrum of views. The problem is that, no matter where they fall along that spectrum, most people tend to be okay with the status quo—which perpetuates racist systems. It abets those who seek these goals.

Just a couple of weeks ago we had a Harvard-Harris survey showing 57% of the US have a negative view of Black Lives Matter. This is cut and dried.


The white supremacist movement is actually quite small and fringe. They're no better than any other class of troll and should be completely ignored.

lol @ thinking that white supremacy is at the fringe of US society. You ever heard of the genocide of Native Americans? African slaves? Jim Crow? The current prison system? Police brutality? And all the other stuff

Racism and white supremacy are at the heart and foundation of the US.


NPR Journalist: A bunch of white nazi are murdering people and threaten entire existence.... whose hot take should we get. I know, more white people! /s

Look I get from NPR's perspective there are still alot of liberals living in bubbles but maybe we should just stop giving people who put us in this mess a platform. Even if you find the non-racist trump supporter..... the fucking nazi are out there. Maybe someone whose lives are actually threatened by Nazi should be a more important interview? God knows that's not hard to find.

It's not hard to find. In fact on the radio this morning they shared comments featuring BLM protestors at sunday's BLM rally in Phoenix. Comments specifically about boosting the black voice were a part of that segment. Before that I heard an interview featuring Derrick Johnson of the NAACP. NPR (and its local affiliates) is one of the best news outlets out there. Please listen harder before second guessing and criticizing for daring to be thorough. Or donate to your local station so it can rise to the level of others.


I don't know why people keep expecting DJT to respond to any situation like they want him to. He's the living embodiment of the racist uncle who shares those right wing FB post and emails. The Troll President.

Remember when


I about fell out my chair when I saw this posted on my twitter timeline.
It's so frustrating to see that some people are acting like they're just now finally discovering the Trump-Neo Nazi ties.

This shit has been going on under their noses since at least two years, and the alt-right certainly hasn't been shy about it.
Charlottesville and the young woman who lost her life are barely blips on the radar for Trump. He has no interest other than protocol said he had to say something. He's already back on the playbook he thinks works for him politically without pause or shame. He simply doesn't actually care. There's no emotional element for him in this or really anything beyond his vain reasons for going for POTUS in the first place.

Contrast Trump with Obama speaking about Sandy Hook here. Obama was in clear emotional anguish and had to exert every ounce of self-control he possessed to not lash out at our insane gun laws.


One is a leader worthy of respect and admiration, the other is an embarrassment and a terrible indictment on the character of the country.
If Trump's goal was to sink the bar so low for himself that even James Cameron could not get deep enough into the ocean to raise it, mission accomplished. This all just so terrible.


Contrast Trump with Obama speaking about Sandy Hook here. Obama was in clear emotional anguish and had to exert every ounce of self-control he possessed to not lash out at our insane gun laws.


One is a leader worthy of respect and admiration, the other is an embarrassment and a terrible indictment on the character of the country.

I just dry-heaved thinking about Trump's response to something like Sandy Hook.

He is a disgusting, transparent opportunist with zero tact and absolutely no concern for anyone or anything but himself and his personal agenda. Worst of all is that he honestly believes everyone else is just like him in that regard. The ultimate protectionist. He would turn it into something beyond grotesque.


The white supremacist movement is actually quite small and fringe. They're no better than any other class of troll and should be completely ignored.
Breitbart is both the hub for alt-right white nationalism and the largest and most active right-wing news source in the US. White nationalists, white supremacists, and literal Nazis are top decision makers for the Executive branch of the US government. While few people might publicly announce and identify as KKK members, more people share their views publicly than they have in decades. If it was enough to nominate and elect the most transparently racist Republican Presidential candidate in our lifetimes, it's by definition not fringe or small.
Trump attributed "bigotry" to "many sides". That's objectively incorrect.

Their whole angle is they're persecuted and being denied their right to free speech.

And that any violence is due to the violent left/antifa who are just as bad if not worse.

Every fucking MAGA bot on Twitter is parroting those lines.


This is the kind of stuff that will go down in the history books, and people are going to wonder whether a large portion of Americans were really so stupid, or malevolent, or both.
It's clearly both. "Malevolence, tempered by stupidity" could be the White House slogan.


I just dry-heaved thinking about Trump's response to something like Sandy Hook.

He is a disgusting, transparent opportunist with zero tact and absolutely no concern for anyone or anything but himself and his personal agenda. Worst of all is that he honestly believes everyone else is just like him in that regard. The ultimate protectionist. He would turn it into something beyond grotesque.
He'd probably say something about listening to both sides and unite the country, in spite of his decisive rhetoric.
I just dry-heaved thinking about Trump's response to something like Sandy Hook.

He is a disgusting, transparent opportunist with zero tact and absolutely no concern for anyone or anything but himself and his personal agenda. Worst of all is that he honestly believes everyone else is just like him in that regard. The ultimate protectionist. He would turn it into something beyond grotesque.

He would undoubtedly spend half the time talking about himself. We elected a know nothing, hateful narcissist as our president.

Cake Boss

lol at republicans that are in shock that the guy that started his campaign with all mexicans are killers won't oppose nazis. Where the fuck have you been the last 2 years?

The guy has and will always be a bigot. You are late to the party ya'll.
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