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TV hosts blame Cara Delevigne for not responding well to their stupid questions

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Didn't say it was required, but if you were given a break like that I bet more often than not, your going to read the book if it isn't a massive undertaking like GoT or HP

So now their job is to not give a shit?

Aren't they there to provide news for people who watch their show, and might give a shit. Imagine being a fan of hers and to see them end the interview prematurely because someone sensed an attitude when there really wasn't one.

They're there to provide news, yeah, which is why celebrity interviews their producers lined up to earn some extra scratch is at the bottom of their priorities. They don't earn enough on those interviews to have any incentive to do better, and they're targeting a specific audience anyway. If they were brilliant interviewers they'd be doing something else, and if the films producers wanted that they'd have booked something else.


yeah she looked pretty bad in that. attitudinal as fuck. If she had just plastered on a fake smile and gotten it over with, we wouldn't be commenting on this today, because I mean, who the fuck is watching a tv morning show in Sac-town?


"With that said, I saw you in London a couple of weeks ago on TV and you seemed a lot more excited about it than you do right now. Are you just exhausted?"

"Oooh. No, I'm still very excited. The premiere was last night, it was an emotional night. Felt like an end of an era. But I'm not any less excited than I was a couple of weeks ago. Maybe if I had a bit more energy. It's the morning."

"You do seem a bit irritated. Perhaps it's just us."

"Yeah, I think it's just you."

"On that note, we'll let you go then. How about that? Let you take a little nap. Maybe get a Redbull. How about that?"

*feed cut off*

"She was in a mood! Ooooo weeee! Jeez louise!"

"You make 5 million dollars for 6 weeks worth of work! You can pretend to talk to Good Day Sacramento with some oomph!"

If someone told you "hey, smile a bit more, be more excited", pretty sure you'd get pissed off. Like, you can't see your own facial expressions, so you won't know how you come off. Like, why are you getting so personal? Can you just be professional and focus on the interview rather than my mood?

Then adding the cheetah and baby screaming sound effects afterwards was pathetic.

I see you've conveniently started the interview at the end, ignoring the context for them noting her lack of enthusiasm and irritation.


semen stains the mountaintops
"With that said, I saw you in London a couple of weeks ago on TV and you seemed a lot more excited about it than you do right now. Are you just exhausted?"

"Oooh. No, I'm still very excited. The premiere was last night, it was an emotional night. Felt like an end of an era. But I'm not any less excited than I was a couple of weeks ago. Maybe if I had a bit more energy. It's the morning."

"You do seem a bit irritated. Perhaps it's just us."

"Yeah, I think it's just you."

"On that note, we'll let you go then. How about that? Let you take a little nap. Maybe get a Redbull. How about that?"

*feed cut off*

"She was in a mood! Ooooo weeee! Jeez louise!"

"You make 5 million dollars for 6 weeks worth of work! You can pretend to talk to Good Day Sacramento with some oomph!"

If someone told you "hey, smile a bit more, be more excited", pretty sure you'd get pissed off. Like, you can't see your own facial expressions, so you won't know how you come off. Like, why are you getting so personal? Can you just be professional and focus on the interview rather than my mood?

Then adding the cheetah and baby screaming sound effects afterwards was pathetic.

Then why was she annoyed and being so sarcastic at the start of the interview? They only started talking to her like that after she had shit on them for 2-3 questions.


Seems odd to defend her disinterest and condescension as being "british" when there are many British actors and actresses who don't behave that way when giving interviews. To the contrary, she was more Bruce Willis here than say, Tom Hiddleston.

Of course the hosts were rude and unprofessional, too. There was no high road taken here. Rudeness begets rudeness I guess.
They're there to provide news, yeah, which is why celebrity interviews their producers lined up to earn some extra scratch is at the bottom of their priorities. They don't earn enough on those interviews to have any incentive to do better, and they're targeting a specific audience anyway.If they were brilliant interviewers they'd be doing something else, and if the films producers wanted that they'd have booked something else.

That's not the news hosts fault, It's not like they've been following the press junket for this movie. They're just doing their jobs. I don't know why other people assume the guy read it but this is a broader complaint that can't be placed squarely on the Sacramento people.

So your saying because of politics, their job is to do it however they want.
Playing favoritism or acting like a professional to an interviewee because they are a bigger name doesn't sound like you are right for the job.

And you don't have to be brilliant to get the interviewee's 4 letter first name right or to ask questions about the movie without making things personal.
I see you've conveniently started the interview at the end, ignoring the context for them noting her lack of enthusiasm and irritation.
How would you feel if mid-way during your interview I pointed out your "lack of enthusiasm" and "irritation" and focused on that continously?


That lack of enthusiasm is just standard here (when the focus is on them). It's the equivalent of making a duck face for a photo. Excited people, I say.


semen stains the mountaintops
How would you feel if mid-way during your interview I pointed out your "lack of enthusiasm" and "irritation" and focused on that continously?

How would you feel if I kept shitting on your questions with sarcasm every time you asked me something?

Both the host and the actress came off as douchey here but she did start it. I really don't get why her rudeness is getting a pass while some people are condemning the host's behavior.
How would you feel if I kept shitting on your questions with sarcasm every time you asked me something?

Both the host and the actress came off as douchey here but she did start it. I really don't get why her rudeness is getting a pass while some people are condemning the host's behavior.
I see you've conveniently started the interview at the end, ignoring the context for them noting her lack of enthusiasm and irritation.
First question
"The book is taught in a lot of high schools and such. Did you get a chance to read it? Or do you have time to sit and read HAHAHAHA ...these days? You're so busy!"

The question probably would have been fine without the condescending sounding laugh and her response would have been fine without the flat sarcastic delivery.
I think both were unintentional and harmless, but the hosts took Cara's sarcasm as being bitchy when she was just being fun (although dry)

The book is in high school, combined with did you read it and a laugh would probably raise anyone's eyebrows, especially if people thought less of you intellectually because you were a model.


How would you feel if I kept shitting on your questions with sarcasm every time you asked me something?

Both the host and the actress came off as douchey here but she did start it. I really don't get why her rudeness is getting a pass while some people are condemning the host's behavior.

Because celebrity worship.
If an interviewer loses control of the interview it's the interviewers fault. If they wanted to salvage it at all they shouldn't have started making snide comments about her.


semen stains the mountaintops
First question
"The book is taught in a lot of high schools and such. Did you get a chance to read it? Or do you have time to sit and read HAHAHAHA ...these days? You're so busy!"

The question probably would have been fine without the condescending sounding laugh and her response would have been fine without the flat sarcastic delivery.
I think both were unintentional and harmless, but the hosts took Cara's sarcasm as being bitchy when she was just being fun (although dry)

The book is in high school, combined with did you read it and a laugh would probably raise anyone's eyebrows, especially if people thought less of you intellectually because you were a model.

"So the movie is based on a best selling book by John Green, you play Margo the star character there, did you get a chance, the book is taught I know in a lot of high and such"

She was explaining how this books is so popular that it's even being taught in schools now so a lot of kids know about it. She wasn't saying, "hey dumb model, are you even smart enough to be able to read a high school book?"

And the laugh was just her laughing at how insanely busy she is now because of her movie work that she might not have the time to even sit down a read a book anymore.

There was seriously nothing condescending about that question.

"So the movie is based on a best selling book by John Green, you play Margo the star character there, did you get a chance, the book is taught in a lot of high and such"

She was explaining how this books is so popular and it's even being taught in schools now so a lot of kinds know it. She wasn't saying, "hey dumb model, are you even smart enough to be able to read a high school book?"

And the laugh was just her laughing at how insanely busy she is now because of her movie work that she might not have the time to even sit down a read a book anymore.

There was seriously nothing condescending about that question.


Again it was the laugh that came out of nowhere. I bet she didn't even here the busy part that came afterwards.

I'm not saying the question was condescending, just the ill timed laugh could be perceived as being condescending, just as her sarcasm could be perceived as being snobbish.

Both were harmless


"So the movie is based on a best selling book by John Green, you play Margo the star character there, did you get a chance, the book is taught in a lot of high and such"

She was explaining how this books is so popular and it's even being taught in schools now so a lot of kinds know it. She wasn't saying, "hey dumb model, are you even smart enough to be able to read a high school book?"

And the laugh was just her laughing at how insanely busy she is now because of her movie work that she might not have the time to even sit down a read a book anymore.

There was seriously nothing condescending about that question.


It's Cara's job to read the book and learn the character. But they made it out as if she came across as the type of non-actress that just picks up as many cash in jobs on her looks as she can and doesn't really invest in her work. That is why she was rubbed the wrong way. The implication was obvious and it's how they started out.

She shrugged it off but they continued to probe her with vapid assuming questions that all came with stipulations that betted against her.

Since she wasn't putting on a bright face for them, they thought they'd pin their fuck up back on her for being in a bad mood. When Cara was obviously not having any of their bullshit they straight up mocked her.


semen stains the mountaintops
You guys are reading too much ill intent in that question.

I said it before in this thread, I've watch a fuck ton interviews with Game of Thrones actors and they're asked if they've read the books. It's probably one of the most common questions. Turns out pretty much none of them have and don't plan to.

Like wise, people that are in Marvel movies are always asked if they are fans of the hero they are playing, have they read the books or were they aware of the hero before they got cast.

It's a pretty common question when the movie is an adaption of a book or comic.


I didn't even think she was being that bad. It felt like she was making jokes and trying to keep it light. Definitely didn't deserve that bizarre roast by the anchorpeople at the end.
and then "only joking, of course I read the book"

if it was that obvious, why explain it? the hosts got the joke

I think anyone dumb enough to ask that kind of question would be dumb enough to get offended when someone makes a joke out of their question. Unfortunately, Cara being empathetic enough to realise this and actually answer the question wasn't enough because these hosts were still offended since they can't see through their own shit.
Also the other reporter follows up the book question with her being so busy (looking at her IMDB) With her doing one thing after the next, after the next... "Do you find that it's easier for you to focus because your so busy? If you had down time, maybe it wouldn't be so easy for you? What do you think?

I think her face was more how do I answer that than, I don't want to be here.

Also people are forgetting there is a delay... so her response is going to begin with a few seconds of silence.

You guys are reading too much ill intent in that question.

I said it before in this thread, I've watch a fuck ton interviews with Game of Thrones actors and they're asked if they've read the books. It's probably one of the most common questions. Turns out pretty much none of them have and don't plan to.

Like wise, people that are in Marvel movies are always asked if they are fans of the hero they are playing, have they read the books or were they aware of the hero before they got cast.

It's a pretty common question when the movie is an adaption of a book or comic.

There's a difference to being in a tv show based off a long unfinished series of books or decades of comics versus a stand alone novel, let alone being cast as the main character out of hundreds of actors/actresses.


Honestly, the only thing I saw wrong was them commenting and harping about her having no energy. I would have jokingly responded the same as she did.


You guys are reading too much ill intent in that question.

I said it before in this thread, I've watch a fuck ton interviews with Game of Thrones actors and they're asked if they've read the books. It's probably one of the most common questions. Turns out pretty much none of them have and don't plan to.

Like wise, people that are in Marvel movies are always asked if they are fans of the hero they are playing, have they read the books or were they aware of the hero before they got cast.

It's a pretty common question when the movie is an adaption of a book or comic.

I think it depends on the book and the cast member. Did anyone for instance, ask Phillip Seymour Hoffman if he read the Hunger Games novels, a novel aimed at 13 year olds that came out when he was 40? Okay, I'm sure a couple did, but it's a silly question in that case, and I'd argue in this case too being a YA novel, though not so much given Delevigne is younger.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
She's on a press tour, it's her job right there to sell the movie.

She did a horrible job doing that. This a morning show, it's not supposed to be hard hitting. The idea is they ask you softball questions and you answer some stupid questions say your bit about how great the movie is and move on.

I think she comes out looking way worse than the people interviewing.. this is the stuff they do everyday.. same stupid kinds of questions, same person selling something on the other end.


I can't believe anyone would defend those obnoxious hosts, with their cloying attitudes and unprofessional condescension. Delevingne wasn't rude, she responded to their vapid questions like a thinking human being with a dry sense of humor.

Sure, she was sarcastic and made a few wry faces during the questions. I think that's allowable considering how everything the hosts said was so damn inane. Have you ever been stuck in a room and forced to speak to cackling hyenas who have no interest in even the pretense of a regular conversation? Do you really expect a young person not to react to pointed questions from people who are so vulgar that they'd rather laugh at their guest than make her feel welcome on their show? Delevingne responded to every lame, insinuating question with a real answer and she didn't insult anyone. Her reward for making the best of an uncomfortable situation was to be told she needed a nap and a Red Bull. Classy.

It kind of freaks me out that some posters aren't seeing what's going on here. No wonder there's so much insensitivity and injustice in daily life. If you can't determine who's a jerk and who's not, what can you do?


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
I can't believe anyone would defend those obnoxious hosts, with their cloying attitudes and unprofessional condescension. Delevingne wasn't rude, she responded to their vapid questions like a thinking human being with a dry sense of humor.

Sure, she was sarcastic and made a few wry faces during the questions. I think that's allowable considering how everything the hosts said was so damn inane. Have you ever been stuck in a room and forced to speak to cackling hyenas who have no interest in even the pretense of a regular conversation? Do you really expect a young person not to react to pointed questions from people who are so vulgar that they'd rather laugh at their guest than make her feel welcome on their show? Delevingne responded to every lame, insinuating question with a real answer and she didn't insult anyone. Her reward for making the best of an uncomfortable situation was to be told she needed a nap and a Red Bull. Classy.

It kind of freaks me out that some posters aren't seeing what's going on here. No wonder there's so much insensitivity and injustice in daily life. If you can't determine who's a jerk and who's not, what can you do?

Dude, she's on a press tour.. there's a way these things work.. you take stupid questions and pretend to be happy and sell the work you were just in. It's pointless stupid drivel for the masses on morning tv.


Dude, she's on a press tour.. there's a way these things work.. you take stupid questions and pretend to be happy and sell the work you were just in. It's pointless stupid drivel for the masses on morning tv.

Should things be that way? Should you just burn your life pandering to stupid questions? Should you put on a face for others?

Cara made the whole thing far more human and interesting. I bet the masses actually perked up more in the morning when they got to see a genuine reaction. It came with even more drama than usual, what more could you ask for!


Junior Member
Y'know, when Ayoade constantly mocked the interviewer in that Channel 4 interview, people celebrated him for it (and for good reason). He wasn't being a bitch (or the male equivalent - a dick perhaps?), he was being funny and awesome and 'da best. Maybe it's less okay here because American interviewers don't expect to be challenged in any meaningful way by celebrities? Or maybe people like Ayoade so much that they let him get away with something they won't let other actors and actresses?

Snark has to be done well to be appreciated. You really can't compare these two people. One is a multi-talented star who's had written and directed an adaptation of Fyodor Dostoevsky's The Double on top of a decade of great work. While the other has been doing their work in adaptions of YA books, GTA 5 VA, and on the runway. Intellectual, or comical equals they are most certainly not.

Should things be that way? Should you just burn your life pandering to stupid questions? Should you put on a face for others?

Cara made the whole thing far more human and interesting. I bet the masses actually perked up more in the morning when they got to see a genuine reaction. It came with even more drama than usual, what more could you ask for!

For 6 million bucks I'd wear any face, even yours injurai :)


Should things be that way? Should you just burn your life pandering to stupid questions? Should you put on a face for others?

Cara made the whole thing far more human and interesting. I bet the masses actually perked up more in the morning when they got to see a genuine reaction. It came with even more drama than usual, what more could you ask for!

Making some philosophical stand on the purpose of interviews is a terrible way to try and defend Delevinge here. It's been this way for decades and it's not going to change just because some spoiled actress didn't get her way. She signed the contract and knew this is part of the job, so spare us on the "burn your life" and "pandering" nonsense.
The hosts are in the wrong. She's a little sarcastic with some of her answers, but not in an incredibly rude way. And she always follows a bit of the sarcasm with an honest answer, a little laughter, and a smile. She didn't seem especially tired or irritated until they started with the "WHY AREN'T YOU MORE EXCITED?!" bullshit. She's speaking normally and probably has to sit through dozens of these interviews. Even if this was the only interview she had to do, I wouldn't expect her to be super chipper unless that was just her normal personality.

The hosts can fuck right off.


Making some philosophical stand on the purpose of interviews is a terrible way to try and defend Delevinge here. It's been this way for decades and it's not going to change just because some spoiled actress didn't get her way. She signed the contract and knew this is part of the job, so spare us on the "burn your life" and "pandering" nonsense.

Philosophical? Look if you want to suspend critical thinking and empathy in favor of vapid impersonal media than so be it. I'm challenging the notion that you should do x because things are done the y way.

The defense in favor of her has nothing to do with some contrived philosophy. The interviewers were clearly asking leading questions.
Making some philosophical stand on the purpose of interviews is a terrible way to try and defend Delevinge here. It's been this way for decades and it's not going to change just because some spoiled actress didn't get her way. She signed the contract and knew this is part of the job, so spare us on the "burn your life" and "pandering" nonsense.
You don't get it, this isn't some radical reform being proposed. There's already been a paradigm shift to how talk show interviews for these press junket things are now.
Dude, she's on a press tour.. there's a way these things work.. you take stupid questions and pretend to be happy and sell the work you were just in. It's pointless stupid drivel for the masses on morning tv.
Which is why I'd rather they shoot the shit like most talk show interviews now do with a few seconds about the movie and the rest about general stuff, like Jon Stewart, Ellen, Conan, Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel, Seth Meyers, etc.

This was never going to be a serious type of interview where you'd get insight about movie making (it's a morning show for goodness sake) so just use a different format of questioning that doesn't rely on stock questions.


Philosophical? Look if you want to suspend critical thinking and empathy in favor of vapid impersonal media than so be it. I'm challenging the notion that you should do x because things are done the y way.

The defense in favor of her has nothing to do with some contrived philosophy. The interviewers were clearly asking leading questions.

you're clearly a Delebigne shill. How much are you getting for this? Defending her on message boards.
Cara was being a bit too dry and sarcastic. However the hosts didn't help and really escalated the situation.

What I didn't understand was the first question having to do with her too tired to have read the book? I'm thinking that before the interview the news people were prepped that she was tired or in a bad mood. Why else ask that question about being tired right off the bat?

When the film reviewer said she was way more excited in other interviews, he was completely unprofessional, rude and out of line. It was wrong. Even worse was when he said he liked the film because the teenage characters didn't sound like real teenagers but that some adult had written them. I can't imagine how that's a good thing.

And finally, the female interviewer cutting her off completely was ridiculous. So basically, Cara was a young actress not on her best behavior but the interviewers took it to a far worse level.


You don't get it, this isn't some radical reform being proposed. There's already been a paradigm shift to how talk show interviews for these press junket things are now.

So what? Why is it asking too much for her to just go along with this lame local news interview for like 5 or 10 minutes from a remote location? It's the easiest gig in the world, these interviews are the softest of all softballs and yet she decided to create the hostile atmosphere by being rude. Others can interpret it as being not rude or not that bad, etc., but frankly there shouldn't have to be any interpreting of her mood to begin with in this circumstance.


you're clearly a Delebigne shill. How much are you getting for this? Defending her on message boards.

She could have handled it with A LOT more tact. But acting like she had to, should have, or the fault mostly lied in her hand is just foolish. Fathom seems to think I was making some philosophical argument, but that is just wanky. It's really not a complicated interaction that needs much introspection. It's pretty cut and dry.
So what? Why is it asking too much for her to just go along with this lame local news interview for like 5 or 10 minutes from a remote location?
Maybe it says on the contract that she doesn't even have to feign excitement in the interviews, and just showing up is acceptable. I don't know, you seem to be in this industry, so give us some insight into actor interviews. Plus, it leads to interviews going viral, which is really a win-win for publicity for both sides with non-serious interviews.


She could have handled it with A LOT more tact. But acting like she had to, should have, or the fault mostly lied in her hand is just foolish. Fathom seems to think I was making some philosophical argument, but that is just wanky. It's really not a complicated interaction that needs much introspection. It's pretty cut and dry.

She really should be taking a nap and drinking RedBulls before doing these things though. She's not a civilian, she's an entertainer, and being on these shows isn't something she does out of the kindness of her heart or as a favor to someone. It's her job. It's actually in her contract. So while this 'too cool for school' persona might do well with the twitter and instragram set, this bad interview, as far as the objective of making people want to see the movie, was less than optimal for her, solely due to her perceived attitude and expressions.

anyway, I guess I really don't actually care.


Dude, she's on a press tour.. there's a way these things work.. you take stupid questions and pretend to be happy and sell the work you were just in. It's pointless stupid drivel for the masses on morning tv.
I think she came across as genuine. No need for her to force enthusiasm in the excruciating way those hosts did. She answered the questions. She rolled with the hosts' high school bullshit.

If part of her job was to promote her movie and show some personality, she was successful. I didn't know who she was before, but I like her now. On the other hand, I'd rather gnaw on my arm after rooting through a dumpster than watch that heinous morning show with those phony windbags. Their teeth would scare horses.

She really should be taking a nap and drinking RedBulls before doing these things though. She's not a civilian, she's an entertainer, and being on these shows isn't something she does out of the kindness of her heart or as a favor to someone. It's her job. It's actually in her contract. So while this 'too cool for school' persona might do well with the twitter and instragram set, this bad interview, as far as the objective of making people want to see the movie, was less than optimal for her, solely due to her perceived attitude and expressions.

anyway, I guess I really don't actually care.
I was way more entertained by her than I was by the hosts.


semen stains the mountaintops
You guys are right, it's pretty brave to go against the agreed structure of these dumb interviews.

This is why I applaud the hosts for calling Cara out on her attitude. They are the true pioneers here.

They could've continued the charade and pretended to be nice and not rude but they were genuine to the way she was acting. They tried to play nice but Cara wasn't having it so they threw away those pretenses.

Or both her and the hosts acted douchy and they were wrong. Her for being so sarcastic and shitting on their questions and them for patronizing her.

The first option where we turn one party into a hero for going against the 'norms' and another into a villain seems to be what we're going for, though.
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