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Twitter Thinks That Laura Ingraham Made a Nazi Salute During the RNC

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This thread is looking into a cloud and seeing a Nazi salute. Yes, it looks like one. But no, it isn't one. C'mon people.

Like I said in the 2nd plagiarism thread, this is just looking to create a story where there isn't one.

You know your country is fucked when a racist candidate running for a racist (yet huge, accepted) political party has a speaker who frequently co hosts on a racist (yet huge, accepted) news channel, go on stage in said racist political party's convention to endorse its racist candidate, do an obvious Nazi salute and peoples reaction is:

"Her? Doing something racist? Bit of a reach isn't it? Where is this line of thinking even coming from?".

Cognitive dissonance, I think it's called?
I always find it strange that politicians from other countries go to these things to show support for a candidate. Is that just a thing in these far right circles, or did I miss other political parties doing the same?

I remember Mark Rutte (VVD) campaigning a bit for Open VLD during the elections.

"I was just pointing to a friend at the stadium!"

"I'm not aware of the political implications of the gesture."


If it was intentional it was probably just her mocking the left knowing the reaction she'd get. Allows her to play the victim and as others have said blame those crazy sensitive libs

Honestly nobody would be stupid enough to legitimately do a Nazi salute on prime time TV at a convention, but the way her expression changes and she locks her elbow is creepy af


Ok, what did she do?

If she purposefully did this for attention, and to be able paint the left as "Crazy SJWs that can turn an awkward wave into a Nazi salute"? She's succeeding in exactly what she set out to do.

If she didn't, then you're all crazy SJWs trying to turn an awkward wave into a Nazi salute.

I say ignore it. It's only good for her, and bad for the left.

Ignoring her is fine. She is a fucking idiot.

But if she did this for attention as you and others suggest she might have..... she just looks dumb. Well, more dumb. That is only on her.

Either way the whole thing is funny to me. Just a shit show of shit all the way around. Every day brings more shit and a good portion of America scoops it into their mouths.


If it was intentional it was probably just her mocking the left knowing the reaction she'd get. Allows her to play the victim and as others have said blame those crazy sensitive libs

It's true, but I'm glad at least some people have the balls to point out blatant neo-Nazi pandering when it happens. This shouldn't be acceptable for a major political party that's shaping the ideology of a significant portion of the population. It should be condemned at every opportunity.
If it was intentional it was probably just her mocking the left knowing the reaction she'd get. Allows her to play the victim and as others have said blame those crazy sensitive libs

Honestly nobody would be stupid enough to legitimately do a Nazi salute on prime time TV at a convention, but the way her expression changes and she locks her elbow is creepy af
It's your dissonance speaking. I think we're way past "nobody would be stupid enough to". Hell, your first paragraph illustrates that: a large portion of the GOP is at a point where they really don't give a fuck how they look because it won't hurt them: either their base will be indifferent or it will be happy with all the white supremacy signaling.

Ignoring it won't make it go away. If anything, anyone planning to vote for that party should take a good, long hard look at months of increasing white supremacy winks and wonder what they're really supporting.


"I know she's a bitch so it must be intentional" takes the cake here.

The more I watch it, the more intentional it looks though. Kind of sort of nazi salute is really easy to do by accident but that was text book.



"I was just pointing to a friend at the stadium!"

"I'm not aware of the political implications of the gesture."


if this is on europe no one gonna defend this, like that footballer dude that his career fucking gone in that instance

for some people of america? naaaaah yall reaching

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
It's true, but I'm glad at least some people have the balls to point out blatant neo-Nazi pandering when it happens. This shouldn't be acceptable for a major political party that's shaping the ideology of a significant portion of the population. It should be condemned at every opportunity.

If she did it on purpose, then that's literally what she wants you to do. Feel like you need to condemn this behavior. Because then she can say, "See what the liberals do, they take an accidental Nazi like wave and label you as a neo-Nazi racist for it. Is that the America you want to live in"

She'll be the victim at the end of all this, because you're falling into it so hard.


I'm pretty sure at a rally near me during the primaries people did salutes exactly like that. So I don't put it past her doing this intentionally.
If she did it on purpose, then that's literally what she wants you to do. Feel like you need to condemn this behavior. Because then she can say, "See what the liberals do, they take an accidental Nazi like wave and label you as a neo-Nazi racist for it. Is that the America you want to live in"

She'll be the victim at the end of all this, because you're falling into it so hard.

I really hate how this supposed to rile "liberals" up.

What about the millions of Jews in this country whose families were torn apart because of evils of Nazism and anti-antisemitism?

Like what the fuck guys. This isn't cute.
Yes, that fraction of a second waving out into a crowd.

I think we're all talking about that, on both sides of this.

I hate Laura Ingrahm but the mental gymnastics it requires is astounding to think that shes:

a) Advocating for the Nazi salute
b) A private Nazi who has muscle memory (ala Dr. Strangelove)
c) Signalling some secret Nazi pact

Like, let's say any of those are true, what does she (or the GOP or Trump) have to gain by her revealing her top-secret Nazism at this moment, when millions of people are watching her. If it's A or C, that she's making a conscience effort to signal Yay! Hitler! on stage, how does that help the GOP or her, at the convention?

This is exactly the sort of response that the far right eats up... "Oh look the left thinks Ingraham is making a nazi salut when she's waving to people... They're so desperate!" That somebody photoshopped in the trump wave from the other side, from getty images, just stokes the madness.

Like someone else said, this is tantamount to the right's obsession with Obama being a secret Muslim, who shows his true colors once in a while or signals secret Mohammedean messages to his Muslim bretheren using split-second hand signals and phrases.

It's madness. It's like the virus that festers in the far-right's brain has seeped into the water supply around Gaf Acres and now we're all nuts.

Or maybe D) she did it on purpose to troll liberals, because that's basically been her entire goddamn career. Seems like the obvious choice, to me.
If she did it on purpose, then that's literally what she wants you to do. Feel like you need to condemn this behavior. Because then she can say, "See what the liberals do, they take an accidental Nazi like wave and label you as a neo-Nazi racist for it. Is that the America you want to live in"

She'll be the victim at the end of all this, because you're falling into it so hard.
PC culture ruining Murica!!
In seriousness though, she should be called out for it, reasonable people know exactly what she's doing there, trump fans and alt-right dingbats can get fucked either way


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Ok, what did she do?

If she purposefully did this for attention, and to be able paint the left as "Crazy SJWs that can turn an awkward wave into a Nazi salute". She's succeeding in exactly what she set out to do.

If she didn't, then you're all crazy SJWs trying to turn an awkward wave into a Nazi salute.

I say ignore it. It's only good for her, and bad for the left.
If she wants to spend the next few weeks talking about tricking everyone with a fake Nazi salute, that'll speak volumes about her that won't simply work to her benefit.


I always find it strange that politicians from other countries go to these things to show support for a candidate. Is that just a thing in these far right circles, or did I miss other political parties doing the same?

There's a global far-right insurgency. Far-right european leaders are best pals.


Comics, serious business!
Don't worry guys, diversity among all levels of government, corporate America, the media, and the most powerful organization in the US, the NRA, will prevent these Nazis from pushing their "Make America Great Again" agenda forward.


It's sad people are giving her a pass on this given her disgusting ass history.

Probably because this adds very little to it.
Whether it was a stealth Nazi salute, or an awkward hand waving, you don't need it to make the point of not supporting her.

Just a huge waste of everyone's time.


I really hate how this supposed to rile "liberals" up.

What about the millions of Jews in this country whose families were torn apart because of evils of Nazism and anti-antisemitism?

Like what the fuck guys. This isn't cute.

Thank you. At best that would make her a piece of shit not worth defending, yet people are still giving that hypothetical in her defense. Just stick with she didn't do it.


Just look closely at the gif at how her wrist and hand turns firmly and flat to extend that salute. If people think it's not intentional , especially given her history, then you may be in denial.

This is clearly a dog whistle

Quite the opposite od Pence's claim that they stand with Israel.


Who knows why she did it. Obviously she's not a nazi

But that's a nazi salute. Maybe it was joking with friends about trumps base backstage. Who knows. It looked like a slip that was quickly corrected. We've all slipped and did shit that might have been in our heads for whatever reason (news caster bloopers anyone). What makes this funny was that it was a Freudian slip of a fucking nazi salute and the trump rally. It really doesn't get much more on he nose than this
If she did it on purpose, then that's literally what she wants you to do. Feel like you need to condemn this behavior. Because then she can say, "See what the liberals do, they take an accidental Nazi like wave and label you as a neo-Nazi racist for it. Is that the America you want to live in"

She'll be the victim at the end of all this, because you're falling into it so hard.

"Just an ironic Nazi salute between two non-ironic racists.. The real problem is liberals who point it out."

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
"Just an ironic Nazi salute between two non-ironic racists.. The real problem is liberals who point it out."

PC culture ruining Murica!!
In seriousness though, she should be called out for it, reasonable people know exactly what she's doing there, trump fans and alt-right dingbats can get fucked either way

If she wants to spend the next few weeks talking about tricking everyone with a fake Nazi salute, that'll speak volumes about her that won't simply work to her benefit.

She's not going to say she tricked people. She's going to say "I understand how it looks, but its a simple arm movement that I did accidentally, and now I'm being wrongfully prosecuted for it. See how easy it is to become a victim of the liberal SJWs"

I don't think you get it. Calling her out is what she wants, if she did it on purpose.

Which means you're not actually calling her out, no matter what you do.

You're either falling for her trap, or you're calling a person, who accidentally made a gesture that looked like a Nazi salute, a neo-Nazi.


I mean, I'll agree with the doubters that this shouldn't be a story. She left herself enough room that she can easily say it was nothing, and any news organization that runs with it is gonna look pretty damn stupid. No one should try to make a story about it, because that's he reason she did it.
Pretty much. Do people expect this to headline CNN?








Laura Ingraham may be a neo nazi, I don´t know, what I do know is that Clinton isn´t better than her

Sorry to burst your bubble, Neogaf






Laura Ingraham may be a neo nazi, I don´t know, what I do know is that Clinton isn´t better than her

Sorry to burst your bubble, Neogaf

Why do people keep posting still shots when we have VIDEO FOOTAGE of the actual salute? It's so dishonest.
Laura Ingraham may be a neo nazi, I don´t know, what I do know is that Clinton isn´t better than her

Sorry to burst your bubble, Neogaf

You're not busting anything. You being disingenuous and willfully ignorant of context. Post a video of any of those frames you just posted and then we'll talk.






Laura Ingraham may be a neo nazi, I don´t know, what I do know is that Clinton isn´t better than her

Sorry to burst your bubble, Neogaf

I mean, I know you're trying to do the "overwhelming evidence" thing where there's too many to refute, but advice for the future, any argument is only going to appear as strong as the weakest point. Leave out the ones where she's doing it wrong and it would be a stronger rebuttal.

You nailed the "ignore that this has been posted and responded to already" part, though. So you've got potential.
Then go after the things they actually say and do, and not some hand movement that can be easily brushed of as accident by the accused.

We can do both without your permission. Thank you very much.

I just don't understand why people are bending over backwards to give this racist piece of shit a pass on an OBVIOUS Nazi salute. If you saw a people wearing white sheets, a good and burning a cross, would you assume they were just drying their linen by a open fire? Or call a spade and motherfucking spade?


There was outage of what Megan Kelly was wearing.


The Fox News anchor was bashed on Twitter Wednesday evening for wearing a form-fitting, spaghetti-strapped top that left her shoulders and upper chest uncovered. Many viewers found the clothing inappropriate for a news anchor.

“Megyn Kelly’s halter is not appropriate dress for a professional lady at the convention, especially an anchor,” wrote one user.

“Can’t Greta [Van Susteren] teach that freak not to dress like an escort?” asked another, referring to Kelly’s on-air colleague.


Here is a perfect microcosm of the American media: one troll/idiot has now derailed the narrative and made everyone have to defend Hillary waving normally.

If you see a right-winger post something annoying and easily refutable, consider that it might be bait designed to waste your time and spread FUD.


We can do both without your permission. Thank you very much.

I just don't understand why people are bending over backwards to give this racist piece of shit a pass on an OBVIOUS Nazi salute. If you saw a people wearing white sheets, a good and burning a cross, would you assume they were just drying their linen by a open fire? Or call a spade and motherfucking spade?
Im talking about the big new outlets here, and those should focus on stuff that's irrefutable.
Not too far off. It looks just close enough for the conspiracy theorists to call it a Nazi salute.

Are you telling me that you can't tell the difference between a Sieg Heil salute and someone holding their arm out?

Are you trying to just be devil's advocate or do you really not know?
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