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UC4 Game Director Justin Richmond Leaves ND (And famousmortimer leaves GAF #1393)

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The Everyman
That might be because GAF is an enormous collective, not a single person, and therefore is unlikely to have any sort of consistent opinion. That's why we often ban people for speaking as if GAF were a monolithic entity.

Beyond that, as always, if you want to discuss moderation policy, you should probably PM a mod.

that's obviously true but when myself or other people reference 'gaf' or the 'internet', i feel that it's clear that it's being used as a shorthand for the 'seemingly vast majority of posters on this forum/thread/page'.
Dualshockers reported on Pete Dodd's post and ran with the story as an accurate source of information.

All they did in reality was further spread libelous and unfounded claims.

And not just this particular post either, but literally hundreds in the past. Up until a few hours ago, this was the top story on N4G: http://n4g.com/news/1482661/after-t...n-hiring-again-insider-explains-what-happened

To the site's credit, it has since heavily ammended its article from this afternoon's events: http://www.dualshockers.com/2014/03...-hiring-again-insider-explains-what-happened/

It still earned a lot of traffic - and subsequently advertising revenue - from this story, though.
Me too! I was on IGN for about eight or so years. Remember when they gave Double Dash a 7.9 and the GameCube board went nuts? Hilarious.
It was chaos in almost every review thread. It became unbearable the last few years especially leading up to X1 - PS4. Im upset I never knew about NeoGAF until 2013.


atFamousmortimer ‏@atPeteDodd 22h

@PSTrueGamer Orchestral Media who? He left because he was going to get fired. He decided to make an indie startup - which is smart.

"Orchestral Media who?". Someone says he's wrong about his info and this how he reacts? That clearly puts his blog post about apologizing and not knowing about Col post in the comedy category.

Orchestral Media Who? Clearly Mr. FamousMortimer Ego doesn't know about Orchestral Media Developments. They are too small compared to Dodd Scientifics in this industry.

Sorry for this rant but I just can't shake the fact that someone was so stupid to post about someone being fired by being incompetent without any proof which led to someone having to disclose his son serious illness to defend themselves from being known as incompetent when the truth is completely different. As a father this angers me so much. This one case where it goes well beyond gaming. You don't play with other people lifes. You just don't make up facts about people and then pull a Mitch Dyer shrug <3 when you are proven wrong.

I should just stop posting.


Gamefaqs = Console wars for 12 year olds.
Neogaf = Console wars for 21 year olds

Seriously though, I agree with the sentiment that GAF has declined in the past few years. I've seen a great deal more "console war" type topics, I.E digital foundry threads, this past year that would have been an absolute no-go back in like, say, 2009. And just in general, the quality of posts has declined. I think the one of the biggest problems is that a fair number of people on GAF judge others with opposing views as the "enemy," and not simply the opposition.

Just don't participate in those threads. I ignore most. If you avoid most of the bees to honey console wars threads, GAF is pretty great.

We know the PS4 is more powerful than the XB1, but every DF thread just goes nutzos. I don't get it.


The Everyman
Take a little bit to go from Mort's post that's in the title and read forward. Then you'll understand.

i read the post. that's what he apologized for. shit, you can murder someone and apologize and that doesnt make the apology a bad thing. you can have whatever opinion of him you want but an apology isn't a bad thing.
Can I get a summary of what the fuck happened here?

Famousmortimer "leaked" some information on the state of all the layoffs and people leaving Sony (Driveclub director not delivering)

Turned out he made it up or something, the former director of DC shows up and explains that his son is ill and he had to leave the job

Famousmortimer got banned
thugway isn't a Pakistani doctor. He is a doctor in the UK I believe

He's a doctor in UK who happens to be a Pakistani. Or he lives in Pakistan. Fact is that he is not in the games industry.

Regardless, taking these non-industry insiders (outsiders?) and having their words as gospel is hilarious.

At this rate, ntkrnl delivered on more facts then anyone else combined.


Who would be a fucking insider? What a thankless task. I've just read the last 5 or 6 pages of people expressing their joy at someone else's permaban. Gaf feels schizophrenic to me at times, either lauding someone to the heavens for giving them their drug, the inside info they constantly crave, or stamping on them in case of error.

Ya, it does kinda feel weird how not long ago FM was an upstanding member with a solid track record, and today people have a "hurray the witch is dead!" reaction.

Again to be clear, the ban was deserved, I don't disagree with it. Sometimes enforcing the rules means making decisions that you yourself find no joy in. It is necessary to keep GAF better than the grossness of so many other forums. And maybe I'm wrong and whoever banned FM did it gleefully, but if it were me I know I wouldn't.

The grave dancing is just odd though. I am not happy he is gone, I just know that it is right that he is. This isn't celebratory to me at all. But who knows, maybe there was a long hostility to Mort that I didn't pick up on or didn't see.
lol so salty.

i for one am glad this guy is gone. he has legit info. my problem lies in the way he speaks of others and his overall attitude. i remember him saying he created and led the ps4nodrm movement, if he knows so much about ps4 (he knew vr) then he probably would've known about nodrm as well. and he had a nervous breakdown before and always talks about his issues. i've always felt like he seeked for attention and that his tone in his posts was always, "yeah i'm always right no one can challenge me and my leaks."


And not just this particular post either, but literally hundreds in the past. Up until a few hours ago, this was the top story on N4G: http://n4g.com/news/1482661/after-t...n-hiring-again-insider-explains-what-happened

To the site's credit, it has since heavily ammended its article from this afternoon's events: http://www.dualshockers.com/2014/03...-hiring-again-insider-explains-what-happened/

It still earned a lot of traffic - and subsequently advertising revenue - from this story, though.
I did a google search and it made me laugh.


Who would be a fucking insider? What a thankless task. I've just read the last 5 or 6 pages of people expressing their joy at someone else's permaban. Gaf feels schizophrenic to me at times, either lauding someone to the heavens for giving them their drug, the inside info they constantly crave, or stamping on them in case of error.

Mort has explained his sequence of events, and it seems plausible to me. I don't find it plausible that he would deliberately set out to hurt someone he didn't know by spreading false rumours, I think he was just passing on something he was told without his usual care, in a moment of weakness.

The glee some feel in this makes me laugh. I remember hearing Frankie Boyle making the point that people on the Internet furiously angry at some breakfast television presenter must themselves lead unfufilling lives. Like, if that is your arch nemesis, what does it say about you? I think that applies here somewhat.

I wonder if the mods could actually check when mort logged in to neogaf today and logged out last night. It seems, by taking his light hearted tweet as his 'response' and permabanning him, they assume too much, or rather, they assume something they could probably check at their end.

Maybe we could express our sympathy with Col. Rodgers more productively by joining an organ donation register. (uk, us). You can spare a kidney to help people with diseases that don't respond to drugs. In the unlikely event he's reading this, I wish him and his family all the best.



Mistaken? The creative director himself came onto GAF to clear his own name...

Yeah, this is a misconception, maybe I wasn't clear. It seems from a previous post by modus that they felt morts apology was so awful they had little choice to make it a permaban. Mort himself says he had no idea it had blown up when he made his first response on twitter, since he hadn't logged into gaf. I'm wondering if it would have made a difference if the mods realised his first tweet wasn't his response to Rodgers, which they can probably check. But this is O/T so I'll stop after this clarification.


Gamefaqs = Console wars for 12 year olds.
Neogaf = Console wars for 21 year olds

Seriously though, I agree with the sentiment that GAF has declined in the past few years. I've seen a great deal more "console war" type topics, I.E digital foundry threads, this past year that would have been an absolute no-go back in like, say, 2009. And just in general, the quality of posts has declined. I think the one of the biggest problems is that a fair number of people on GAF judge others with opposing views as the "enemy," and not simply the opposition.

New consoles just came out. I think it will calm down.
I dunno, it's always seemed to me that most of the people recognised as insiders here have an even worse strike-rate than Pachter's predictions. Scuttlebutt is low-brow anyhow, maybe we could all benefit from just talking facts and not sensationalising everything.


I think it's understandable that there have been more console war topics lately seeing as how there have been three new consoles released over the past year and a half.

That's true, and the mods should be cracking down on offending users more than ever now. I mean, I can't think of an honest reason as to why low quality posters like David Meltzer or Hiccup were allowed to last as long as they did.

Congrats to MSGAF, just Thuway to go and the crying can finally stop.
Perfect example. Low quality posts like this shouldn't be tolerated.


That's a shame that guy had to come out and clarify the situation. Some fucking weird people out there wanting attention it seems.

Col. Good luck to you and wishing good health to your son in the future


Fame and ego. That's usually what it is.

We have 1st party employees on these boards, but they don't ever want to leak things, because they know it doesn't make a difference, and only leads to trouble.

Games and politics are all fun speculation, why a company did this or that, what games can be expected... but individuals who are not company representatives seem a little off limits to me.

There is a fine line at times, but in this case I can't see any excuses which is a pity all round.
Like I before said,

Pete Dodd takes shit rumored or talked about elsewhere (Hasn't Kevin Dent been wrong tons of times previously?), puts a spin on it, and calls it his insider information. What a great and upstanding guy that people should donate money to!!

I’m not defending him; I was just referring to the SM game rumor that wasn't new.

I never took those “insiders” talk as true.

The main problem here is that a lot people did.


Junior Member
You forgot insane and irrational loyalty for a corporate entity.

Ever notice how mort's "inside sauce" was always in defense or proactive for Sony as a company?
Yea, just like him being the first one to say Driveclub was delayed.

Just trying to kiss-up to Sony like a good old boy!

I hate these topics, because they're so damn ironic. We flame a guy, who got in trouble for peddling false info, and what do we do? Let's make false info/theories about the guy! Yea!


Congrats to MSGAF, just Thuway to go and the crying can finally stop.

This is the conclusion you've drawn from this whole affair? Really?

mort posted a lurid, tabloid style account of the supposed failings of actual human beings. One of those human beings objected here. mort is now banned.

This is not about score tallying in the console war.
That's a shame that guy had to come out and clarify the situation. Some fucking weird people out there wanting attention it seems.

Col. Good luck to you and wishing good health to your son in the future
exactly. why col had to explain his situation to mort is beyond me.


that's obviously true but when myself or other people reference 'gaf' or the 'internet', i feel that it's clear that it's being used as a shorthand for the 'seemingly vast majority of posters on this forum/thread/page'.

Overuse of shorthand is bad. It paints with a wide brush when you could just quote individual users and address them directly. If someone notices a trend of responses, they can quote the person who they think most encapsulates the mindset and make a counter argument. That's a lot better than just saying "Flipflopping, GAF is at it again!". As an example that that other guy brought up, "GAF" praising famousmortimer for providing juicy leaks, then "GAF" "dancing on his grave". Well...

A) The people clamoring for his various leaks weren't necessarily the same individuals chiming in on his demise.

B) Even if the same users did enjoy the occasional harmless heads up on a console announcement, does that mean that Pete Dodd should be permanently armored from their scorn when he does something rash and inconsiderate?

I have no beef with mod policy, it is your show. But you seem to me to be in a position to actually physically check the truth of what Dodd says. Maybe it's not possible. Maybe it wouldn't make a difference?

Might you guys(and gals) have made a mistake, though?

I don't believe that the timeline of Dodd's tweet actually impacts his remarks on Col Rodgers in any way.
Boy. What a mess.

This is the world today though. Everything is expected to happen RIGHT NOW.

When we hear news about, for example, TLOU coming to PS4 as a leak from some dude in another country that works for Sony, we expect there to be an official statement as well as some new gameplay footage RIGHT NOW.

When we hear about resignations. We expect the absolute complete details to spill out about the situation RIGHT NOW. When we hear about people getting laid off, we expect there to be a breakdown of why each employee was laid off RIGHT NOW.

If we do not get our information RIGHT NOW, we will speculate. We will then turn that speculation into half-truths. Here at GAF, where people in the industry do actually come in and speak with the community a bit, it is even more heightened because we know there is the possibility of someone coming in right then to explain the situation. Do we all feel obligated that these companies come in and explain themselves with every situation and do it directly? I dunno. Some people seem to act that way.

It was the same situation with Amy Hennig. The entire thread is nothing but half-truths and speculation because the real story never came out about why she left and under what circumstance. So the speculation turned into a freakin internet Meme about Druckmann being an evil bastard that is forcing people out of the studio because of possible creative differences. All without a single shred of actual evidence or truth behind it. People will laugh about the meme at first, but then it takes a life on its own where some seem to take it as actual fact and will use it everywhere with every Sony story. Including the story about the director of DriveClub.

And here we are.

A mess indeed. But hopefully something can be learned from it all.

Really well said.

Right after the PS4 reveal in Feb Yoshida specifically said there would be no DRM and there would be offline mode for anti-social people (his words).


but for some reason people ignored this and offered a huge PR stunt for Sony, for free.

Yup, still amazing.


That's true, and the mods should be cracking down on offending users more than ever now. I mean, I can't think of an honest reason as to why low quality posters like David Meltzer or Hiccup were allowed to last as long as they did.

Perfect example. Low quality posts, such as this, shouldn't be tolerated.

lolwut, there's a poster on here named David Meltzer? Not the David Meltzer, right?
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