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What directors do you want to see do future Star Wars films?

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Lynch was supposed to have directed Return of the Jedi. I cannot imagine what type of film that would have been. It might have been restrained, boring and devoid of either Lynch or a well made film. Or it could have been truly special.

It's like thinking about if Tarantino had been allowed to direct Casino Royale. Quentin has said in interviews that CR was made because of his interest in the novel. He is a big James Bond fan and had always wanted to do it. But the fear is always that Tarantino (like Lynch) has so much style it might ruin a franchise. For all the faults of the caretakers of either franchises it is difficult to blame them too much for not taking these visionary directors.

Strangely enough I think Joss Whedon has the right temperament. Firefly to me was a destillation of the Han Solo fantasy and the banter in that show reminds me of the best of times with the banter in the original trilogy. I'm not a fan of Avengers or Age of Ultron, but I think Whedon has the right temperament. I think he is more solid for Star Wars than Edwards.

ew @ whedon, even as a big firefly guy

Casino Royale came out just fine. But I'd still love Quentins take on a Bond flick. Going even more serious than it already is probably isn't in the cards though.

Lynch's Return of the Jedi...that might been too crazy. Letting him set the tone for the prequel era Jedi would have been interesting though.
Hmm. My go-to answer would probably be Rian Johnson, actually. So...

Really though, I wouldn't want to see many of the auteurs being mentioned in this thread take the job. I don't think they'd be skilled at making a Star Wars movie feel like, well, a Star Wars movie. With most of these directors like Wes Anderson, I'd also much rather just see him tell his own stories than get sucked into a studio system.

I think someone like The Russo Brothers are a much more natural fit. They've quickly proven themselves to be master craftsmen of big mainstream pop filmmaking, which in all honesty is what Star Wars is.


My top picks:-

#1 Peter Jackson (LotR / Hobbit)
#2 Wachowskis (Matrix / Cloud Atlas)
#3 Joseph Kosinski (Tron Legacy / Oblivion)
#4 Guillermo Del Toro (Pans Lab / Pacific Rim)
#5 Bob Zemeckis (BttF / Cast Away)


Would want to see George and two of his friends he previously wanted to bring in before do a trilogy together - Coppola, Spielberg, Howard, Cameron.

Makes me sad when people say Whedon or Favreau. It's fine to like that style but not every franchise has to be that way. There's already too much Marvel campiness in Episode VII.


Dave Filoni is a great dude but he can't even make Rebels not be shit, I don't trust him with a full length movie.

The problems with Rebels aren't his fault. First off the budget per episode is not even close to what TCW had or what a feature film would have. Also, the show had a mandate from Lucasfilm/Disney XD to be episodic 20 minute stories rather than more serialized like TCW, where he excelled with essentially feature length tales. It's no coincidence the best episode of that show are the ones that are 40 minutes/2 parters. Additionally he stepped back as a supervising Director anyways and is merely a producer at this point.

Ran rp



Star Wars has a few constraints. It's an established franchise with a specific style to the look and feel of the movies. Lots of suggestions of great directors, but they would either be constrained with the current style or maybe Disney wouldn't give them the freedom to change the visual formula. Ok top of that, Disney and Lucasfilms must be hands on with the story and big cinematic scenes, just like with the Marvel films. That would give less flexibility and creative freedom for many of the stated directors. Who knows though, things can always change to keep things fresh if they keep it a yearly thing.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
Jeff Nichols

He's earned a right to direct a big budget sci fi.

Michael Shannon to star, natch.
Star Wars has a few constraints. It's an established franchise with a specific style to the look and feel of the movies. Lots of suggestions of great directors, but they would either be constrained with the current style or maybe Disney wouldn't give them the freedom to change the visual formula. Ok top of that, Disney and Lucasfilms must be hands on with the story and big cinematic scenes, just like with the Marvel films. That would give less flexibility and creative freedom for many of the stated directors. Who knows though, things can always change to keep things fresh if they keep it a yearly thing.

Except from the sounds of things Rian Johnson is very much in creative control with Episode 8, so I don't know if your comment about a lack of creative freedom and flexibility is valid...


Star Wars has a few constraints. It's an established franchise with a specific style to the look and feel of the movies. Lots of suggestions of great directors, but they would either be constrained with the current style or maybe Disney wouldn't give them the freedom to change the visual formula. Ok top of that, Disney and Lucasfilms must be hands on with the story and big cinematic scenes, just like with the Marvel films. That would give less flexibility and creative freedom for many of the stated directors. Who knows though, things can always change to keep things fresh if they keep it a yearly thing.

Star Wars faces a unique problem.

Do people want a great Star Wars movie?

Or a great movie that takes place in the Star Wars universe?

I feel like some directors mentioned in this thread are more suited for the former, while others the latter.

Right now with TFA and RO, Disney seems to be chasing the former only. With the films we have announced so far, that seems to be the plan in the foreseeable future, too.

Will someone ever be allowed to make a Star Wars film with no jedi? No lightsabers? No OT characters? No classical, Williams-esque music? I feel like someone like a Tarantino or Scorsese would fucking nail it, if they were at all interested.


Except from the sounds of things Rian Johnson is very much in creative control with Episode 8, so I don't know if your comment about a lack of creative freedom and flexibility is valid...

I am aware he is hands on with the story, but working of a predetermined treatment or story outline if I am not mistaken. So yes, he is working on the story or script, but in probably a controlled environment.

Star Wars faces a unique problem.

Do people want a great Star Wars movie?

Or a great movie that takes place in the Star Wars universe?

I feel like some directors mentioned in this thread are more suited for the former, while others the latter.

Right now with TFA and RO, Disney seems to be chasing the former only. With the films we have announced so far, that seems to be the plan in the foreseeable future, too.

Will someone ever be allowed to make a Star Wars film with no jedi? No lightsabers? No OT characters? No classical, Williams-esque music? I feel like someone like a Tarantino or Scorsese would fucking nail it, if they were at all interested.

Some good points for sure. I think that at some point, the movies will move away from that nostalgia, who knows maybe ep 8 will do that. I don't think it's wrong to give the films a new look or feel, it's just right now Disney seems to know what will make it the most money and success.


I want Nolan do a film set way before all SW films with a mysterious/twisty KOTOR-esque plotline. Have a co-director for the lightsaber action scenes though.
Zack Snyder. Yeah, I said it.

I dunno how the movie would turn out since I only like BvS and Dawn of the Dead from him but he'd be pretty amazing at the iconography and lightsaber fights for sure

Anyways only 2 directors I can think of are edgar wright and cuaron

Actually Gore Verbinski would have been amazing too.


Neo Member
Newish Director - Dan Trachtenberg

Established Directors - Alfonso Cuaron, Park Chan-wook and Bong Joon-ho


There is no chance of it happening whatsoever, but I would definitely want to see a Tarantino-directed Star Wars spin-off, either about some really psycho Grey Jedi or Sith fucking shit up or a revenge story about some little man hunting a bounty hunter or an Imperial officer. Make it a completely self-contained story, just within the universe and let Tarantino do his thing.

Soapbox Killer

Grand Nagus
Episode X Directed By Joss Whedon
Episode XI Directed By Genndy Tartakovsky
Episode XII Directed By George "Fuck the Haters" Lucas

About 10 years ago when I heard they were making another trilogy I wanted Joss Whedon to do episode VII and I'm pretty sure if Avengers wasn't happening at the time he would have got a looksee.
Matt Reeves would do a far better job than the directors Disney has hired so far too with perhaps the exception of Rian Johnson. Pretty interested in how that turns out (not to mention just generally interested in how the saga goes forward)
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