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What should DC do next to salvage DCEU? Fire Snyder?

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I would drop plans of external movies - do not give Aquaman, Cyborg etc their own movie..... they are not ready yet and may never be. Throw everything they have at Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman featured stories...... the comics have oodles of stories to pick from.

Only have The Flash and co appear in Justice League films.


I thought burton left. But yeah would have fucking loved him to have made a last batman movie or that superman one he had.

He sucks post 90s tho so no not interested in having him back unless he's woken up finally

I keep hearing he left or they threw him out for Forever. Not sure (exec producer lol).

Well never saw another burton batman or the amazing superman concept but..yeah. Modern burton does really seem mediocre.


I really do wonder what might have been if Burton had keep the Dick Grayson origin in Batman. I don't know if he meant to have a kid though. (The Robin concept doesn't work if they're adults; as we saw in Batman Forever.)
Go forward as bad as that sounds to some.

Zack gets put on a short leash with Justice League and both him and WB come to an unspoken understanding that Justice League is the last film he touches as a director. (I think it was going to end up that way before all of this, but more to do with Zack talking about how long he's been directing DC films)

Zack and his wife are still left on the creative team, I imagine the contracts signed would be hard to swallow at this stage, but give Johns the Kevin Feige role while being paired with Charles Roven. Johns gets to focus on the overall universe and comic knowledge while Roven handles the more tradition film producer role. I doubt Johns knows that much about getting a film made.

Announce the Affleck directed Batman film as soon as possible. Ben has all but come out and confirmed the rumors.

Announce a new solo Superman film. It needs to serve as a soft reboot or something. Keep the cast, but change the tone and negative reaction to the character.

Delay Justice League 2. I would assume Justice League 2 (which is slated for 2019) wouldn't go in front of the cameras until 2018. Use 2017 to strengthen upcoming solo films and get the Batman and Superman films in front of the camera. Give Batman the Justice League 2 spot. Find a spot for Man of Steel 2. Release Justice League 2 in 2020.

It would be nice to plug George Miller into Justice League 2 or Man of Steel 2. I'd prefer Man of Steel 2, but it seems WB and Miller might not be on the best terms right now? Honestly, I wouldn't care which one he'd take, but he's old and slotting him into something still 2-3 years away from filming + another 8-12 months in post is a risk.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
Leave it as it is

Because i want to see how bad they can get for DCCU, lol


I would drop plans of external movies - do not give Aquaman, Cyborg etc their own movie..... they are not ready yet and may never be. Throw everything they have at Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman featured stories...... the comics have oodles of stories to pick from.

Only have The Flash and co appear in Justice League films.

I would hate that. The external movies seem far more interesting than the core ones, with possible exception of Affleck's Batman.
I would hate that. The external movies seem far more interesting than the core ones, with possible exception of Affleck's Batman.

I don't think the casual audiences are ready for solo side character movies, they need to be introduced in a team up film first (this was not the film lol).

Yes Marvel have had a good track record but look at the creative team behind the movies. Then look at the creative team being the DC films....... it's like comparing a Lamborghini against the Flintstone's car :p.


I don't think the casual audiences are ready for solo side character movies, they need to be introduced in a team up film first (this was not the film lol).

Yes Marvel have had a good track record but look at the creative team behind the movies. Then look at the creative team being the DC films....... it's like comparing a Lamborghini against the Flintstone's car :p.
I would say DC's creative teams for their external projects are generally far better and more experienced than Marvel ones, at least untill recently. The only meh team is Supes one with Snyder and you want them to double down on that.
I actually somewhat loved the movie but yeah Snyder absolutely has to go.
Unless his is okay sticking around just overseeing visual stuff(visual concepts, storyboarding, etc)


Go forward as bad as that sounds to some.

Zack gets put on a short leash with Justice League and both him and WB come to an unspoken understanding that Justice League is the last film he touches as a director. (I think it was going to end up that way before all of this, but more to do with Zack talking about how long he's been directing DC films)

Zack and his wife are still left on the creative team, I imagine the contracts signed would be hard to swallow at this stage, but give Johns the Kevin Feige role while being paired with Charles Roven. Johns gets to focus on the overall universe and comic knowledge while Roven handles the more tradition film producer role. I doubt Johns knows that much about getting a film made.

Announce the Affleck directed Batman film as soon as possible. Ben has all but come out and confirmed the rumors.

Announce a new solo Superman film. It needs to serve as a soft reboot or something. Keep the cast, but change the tone and negative reaction to the character.

Delay Justice League 2. I would assume Justice League 2 (which is slated for 2019) wouldn't go in front of the cameras until 2018. Use 2017 to strengthen upcoming solo films and get the Batman and Superman films in front of the camera. Give Batman the Justice League 2 spot. Find a spot for Man of Steel 2. Release Justice League 2 in 2020.

It would be nice to plug George Miller into Justice League 2 or Man of Steel 2. I'd prefer Man of Steel 2, but it seems WB and Miller might not be on the best terms right now? Honestly, I wouldn't care which one he'd take, but he's old and slotting him into something still 2-3 years away from filming + another 8-12 months in post is a risk.
Great post and I'd try and do something similar. Try and make SS and WW as good as possible, do the best you can with JL and focus on trying to stop any need for damage control in the future.


I would say DC's creative teams for their external projects are generally far better and more experienced than Marvel ones, at least untill recently. The only meh team is Supes one with Snyder and you want them to double down on that.

Yeah David Ayer, Patty Jenkins, and James Wan are all just as good as the directors in Marvel's bullpen. Even if they're working in a framework Synder set up, they've all been promised a certain autonomy (which can already be seen in how different Suicide Squad looks from BvS) and will likely turn in good work. It's nonsensical to cancel their projects. Especially on the grounds of audiences not being "ready," whatever that means.


I think it's time for him to... go.

I say this as a man who enjoys MoS and BvS, but I think he has just reached the point where investing in him seems to do more harm than good for their brand in general.

Even if this movie makes bank, I don't think folks are so keyed to his vision that removing him would cause any type of drop.
After having actually watched the film...

If it grosses well enough I say keep him on. I want him on still for creative reasons, but WB might pull him back as director and keep him on as a producer if the film doesn't do well.

Just a few simple changes for BvS would have made it one of the best comic book movies of all time, but even in it's current form it's still a good movie.


I would drop plans of external movies - do not give Aquaman, Cyborg etc their own movie..... they are not ready yet and may never be. Throw everything they have at Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman featured stories...... the comics have oodles of stories to pick from.

Only have The Flash and co appear in Justice League films.
I have no idea what they were thinking giving Cyborg a solo film in the first place, rather than having him be part of a Teen Titans film (much smaller ensemble cast to work with if sticking to the line-up used for the cartoons as well, compared to Suicide Squad, a franchise unfamiliar to non-comic readers and with a main cast entirely too large for an introductory film). Wouldn't expect them to have any idea how to get people to like Aquaman, let alone take him seriously.


After simmering on this for the night.

WB would be absolutely insane to not replace Snyder.

Leave Nolan out of this mess.

After shitting on his actions for years, you guys got your cool flashy batman fighty fight fight stuff along with the hot garbage surrounding it. Deal with it! He doesn't owe you ungrateful people anymore!

Nolan's batmovies actually had action sequences that were more exciting, better looking and just flat out fucking understandable compared to BvS.

I said it once, I'll say it again. The car chase in this movie is one of the all-time worst that I've ever seen.


I think it's time for him to... go.

I say this as a man who enjoys MoS and BvS, but I think he has just reached the point where investing in him seems to do more harm than good for their brand in general.

Even if this movie makes bank, I don't think folks are so keyed to his vision that removing him would cause any type of drop.

This would be why I'd say replace Snyder. His mere name seems to have become poison for some, and the longer he's associated with the brand, the harder it's going to be to build momentum for the DCEU.
I said this before but I think it implores repeating: I don't think Snyder needs to necessarily leave but he does need someone above him to say no to some of his ideas. He at least had the foresight to see that adding The Riddler and the Joker to the movie would have been excessive. However he did not realize that a bunch of the other characters and storylines he had going in the film already made the movie bloated. Really DC needs a Kevin Feige to steer all the coming directors visions of their respective movies. Geoff Johns would be my pick but they have to do it ASAP.
I don't think Synder did as bad as the critics say nor do I think the film is as good as the fans say..it's in the middle.

No need to reboot or recast, I would like alot of others have said simply move Synder to producer roll and bring in a new director for JL...


Studios care mostly about money..this movie will print money. Plus JL shoots like in April that would be a very quick turn over to get rid of Sydner.
I said this before but I think it implores repeating: I don't think Snyder needs to necessarily leave but he does need someone above him to say no to some of his ideas. He at least had the foresight to see that adding The Riddler and the Joker to the movie would have been excessive. However he did not realize that a bunch of the other characters and storylines he had going in the film already made the movie bloated. Really DC needs a Kevin Feige to steer all the coming directors visions of their respective movies. Geoff Johns would be my pick but they have to do it ASAP.

Isn't it rumored that Johns (rightly or wrongly) took much of the blame internally at WB for Green Lantern, and that his oversight on subsequent films was severely curtailed?


Get rid of him.

Critics hate him and his approach to pretty much everything. No reason to drag down the entire franchise.

More importantly than getting rid of Snyder though, DC needs a solid production team with an actual vision for the future.

Less Snyder and Geoff and more anyone else.

I was perfectly willing to have them do their own thing, but two movies in and they are wetting the bed. They should shelve their pride and copy Marvel's approach until they have have developed a working vision and unique house style.

Lastly, their movies need to be less ambitious, less expensive and less bombastic. Simpler stories and simpler themes are probably best until people have bought in to your universe.


Isn't it rumored that Johns (rightly or wrongly) took much of the blame internally at WB for Green Lantern, and that his oversight on subsequent films was severely curtailed?

If this is true, that's a damn shame. From what I understand, Green Lantern's issues all were from the studio heads' unreasonable demands.

But of course, they can't be held responsible.


Have Flash go into another multiverse erasing the current one which in sense is a mini reboot but keeping the characters.
If this underperforms, I can see JL underperforming by an even bigger margin and WW outright bombing.

SS is distinct enough that it may not matter in that case.
Have Flash go into another multiverse erasing the current one which in sense is a mini reboot but keeping the characters.

Fix the minor issue with Batman
get a Superman thats actually overly likeable, heck I don't care if you have to hire Dean Cain... Get a decent Superman.
Isn't it rumored that Johns (rightly or wrongly) took much of the blame internally at WB for Green Lantern, and that his oversight on subsequent films was severely curtailed?

Uh no? Geoff had like almost no involvement in making the movie. You might be thinking of Marc Guggenheim who did get a blunt of the blame for it's failure and that's why he was so adamant on doing Arrow "his way" so he could redeem himself for the GL movie.

Geoff Johns would be awesome in a Feige role, he knows the material, and he has involved himself in a movie that will hopefully be the beginning of the DCEU redemption arc, that being Suicide Squad. If not him I think Nolan would even do a decent job. The point is, DC needs a guy to captain the ship. This movie creation by executive committee is hurting them badly in the longrun. They need someone whose not involved in any one film but has a clear vision and path that connects all of them.


Isn't it rumored that Johns (rightly or wrongly) took much of the blame internally at WB for Green Lantern, and that his oversight on subsequent films was severely curtailed?

This is surprising to hear. I'm a fan of Johns work, even though I hear people malign it sometimes, which perplexes me. His Green Lantern saga and the New 52 Justice League run have been incredibly fun for me to read.
Uh no? Geoff had like almost no involvement in making the movie. You might be thinking of Marc Guggenheim who did get a blunt of the blame for it's failure and that's why he was so adamant on doing Arrow "his way" so he could redeem himself for the GL movie.

Geoff Johns would be awesome in a Feige role, he knows the material, and he has involved himself in a movie that will hopefully be the beginning of the DCEU redemption arc, that being Suicide Squad. If not him I think Nolan would even do a decent job. The point is, DC needs a guy to captain the ship. This movie creation by executive committee is hurting them badly in the longrun. They need someone whose not involved in any one film but has a clear vision and path that connects all of them.

Well, I did say "rumored." I'm pretty sure there was at least one piece on Deadline that had a WB insider blaming him.



Only have The Flash and co appear in Justice League films.

Flash can carry his own movie with no problem.

He has the charming personality to get people to like the character.

And his comics are way, way better than Wonder Woman's comics....he has much more stories to choose from.


Do a Crisis on Multiple Earths with the DCCU, Arrowverse, LEGO Batman, and a new universe that is actually the DC Characters we know and love, not bastardizations in the DCCU.


Sonic handles my blue balls
Bring in the one character that will (probably not) shake the world for his own movie.


Also starring a Latina former detective with a hidden heart of gold.

We're not ready for that majesty.


Flash can carry his own movie with no problem.

He has the charming personality to get people to like the character.

And his comics are way, way better than Wonder Woman's comics....he has much more stories to choose from.

Hopefully the person they've cast in the role can carry whatever script they give him then..............

I love The Flash in teh comics and the animated universe don't get me wrong. I'm just not sure on a live action MOVIE version solo adventure as yet.
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