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What should DC do next to salvage DCEU? Fire Snyder?

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There are three things they can do immediately:

1. The upcoming Justice League movie needs to be cancelled and replaced with a standalone Batman film, directed by Ben Affleck.

2. They need to make sure that the Wonder Woman movie is actually good.

3. Zack Snyder shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the set of any upcoming DCEU films.

When it comes to setting the stage for the future of the DCEU, the suits at Warner Bros. need to understand that it's possible to have a darker tone while still having a fun movie. I loathe how Marvel has made jokes out of some of their best villains, but so far the DCEU has been nothing but bleakness.

Henry Cavill has the potential to be a great Superman, but the suits don't seem to understand that in order for Superman and Batman's conflict to shine, they need more moral issues and less fists. Superman's story is one of hope. That needs to contrast with Affleck's Batman.

The way it's heading now it seems like the DCEU will be a mix of Clash of the Titans and the dreadful Transformers movies.


Which is why Joe West is the true hero of that show.



I think they need to ditch Snyder because I don't think he really understands the characters he's trying to show on film. They should probably re-group around Wonder Woman and whatever Batman Affleck film they'll do and try again.
Justice League animated series is soooooo good! Lots of subtle adult humor in there. The scenes with Black Canary and Oliver had more sexual tension than any of those weird scenes of Daredevil and his sister Karen.


WB/DC gave the keys to their Ferrari to a guy with multiple DUI's. Delay Justice League 7-9 months, dump Synder, and get a competent director.


BVS is tracking for a 300m opening. Nothing will change.
300m worldwide gross. With the reviews I think it will now do $145m to $160m domestic with a 70% 2nd weekend drop.

The OP has some REALLY heavy hitters to come in and fix it. I don't think Vaughn or Del Toro want anything to do with this. Coogler is already on board to direct Black Panther.

Instead of going for top tier established, WB should be looking at solid storytellers.

Joe Cornish, Rupert Wyatt, Gareth Evans would all be solid picks to direct new movies.


Forget movies, stick to TV.

I'd be all for this actually. Marvel owns the cinematic space. WB is just too late and have killed whatever goodwill they might have had with BvS. DC's TV offerings have been far more cohesive than this shambolic Justice League setup. And more than anything, they've nailed the characterisation of these iconic DC heroes.

Comics also lend themselves far better to a TV series than a single film. There's lots of time to build up characters and backstory and seeing characters every week gets me far more invested in their development than seeing them for two hours every two years.

Imagine The Flash or Supergirl with even half the budget of BvS. It'd be blockbuster quality every week.


Imagine The Flash or Supergirl with even half the budget of BvS. It'd be blockbuster quality every week.

I do, and I shudder. I agree with your general point. A TV show comic series would be fantastic. Marvel has done some amazing stuff with their shows.

But it boggles the mind that people put utter shit like flash and supergirl at the forefront of what DC should strive for. They are atleast as poorly written as Man of Steel, they just strive for more traditional images of what their superheroes try to be and I cannot emphasize how much that is simply not enough.

I don't want Superman to be dark and dreary, but I'd rather have him be that grimdark nightmare if they also write him well than basically have him written (and acted, can't forget the abominable acting) the way a CW show is.

Given the choice between a high production CW show and Snyder's girmdark shitflicks, I'd rather just not have an adaptation happen at all.
2. Postpone Justice League
3. Have a strong DCCU committee ala Feige or the Star Wars story group. I'm not sure who you get for that role, but I didn't know who Feige was before Marvel exploded. Bruce Timm would have been "the guy" a decade ago. Still might be, but that will never happen.
4. Hire strong creative teams. You can do a bit better than the guy that wrote Pan. I'm not sure if Affleck has any superhero directing chops, but I would vote that he takes over Justice League.
5. Don't worry about these films being super realistic, don't be afraid to embrace the fantastical aspects of comics.

Snyder can make shitty films without Batman and Superman, so why should he hold the reigns?

Pipedream that will never happen: After watching the first season of Daredevil, I couldn't help but think how amazing a new live action Batman show could be. There could be entire seasons dedicated to story arcs that are hard to adapt for the big screen like The Long Halloween or No Man's Land. Hopefully this happens during my lifetime.


2. Postpone Justice League
3. Have a strong DCCU committee ala Feige or the Star Wars story group. I'm not sure who you get for that role, but I didn't know who Feige was before Marvel exploded. Bruce Timm would have been "the guy" a decade ago. Still might be, but that will never happen.
4. Hire strong creative teams. You can do a bit better than the guy that wrote Pan. I'm not sure if Affleck has any superhero directing chops, but I would vote that he takes over Justice League.
5. Don't worry about these films being super realistic, don't be afraid to embrace the fantastical aspects of comics.

Snyder can make shitty films without Batman and Superman, so why should he hold the reigns?



Is there any thing to salvage yet? Most people haven't seen their second movie yet. The third movie isn't out till August. The fourth movie just wrapped up filming. The fifth movie doesn't start filming till next week or so.

People are acting like the sky is falling based on critical response and RT scores. Calm down.


Nothing? JL is probably too advanced at this point for a change. Snyder got the universe going and now it looks like a bunch of far more talented people will be doing the side projects of this universe, like Suicide Squad,WW, Aquaman or Flash. So just look how those are developing and pick one of them to take over Snyder after he;s done with JL, Same way as Russo's success with Winter Solder led to them getting Avengers 3 gig.


Is there any thing to salvage yet? Most people haven't seen their second movie yet. The third movie isn't out till August. The fourth movie just wrapped up filming. The fifth movie doesn't start filming till next week or so.

People are acting like the sky is falling based on critical response and RT scores. Calm down.

My own personal opinion, but I hated Man of Steel... and I hate Batman v Superman more than I ever thought I could possibly hate a film.

I absolutely have zero interest whatsoever in any Justice League film based in this awful, horrible Snyder universe.

Scorched earth this and salt what remains so nothing will ever grow from it again.


Really though, just keep doing whatever they're doing until it stops making money, but in the meantime release the shitty embargos on the TV shows.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
I'm no fan of Synder (I think his best film is the Dawn remake) but it sounds like the biggest issues are the plot and the execs wanting to shove too many plot points into the movie because they want their Justice League now. So they can't really blame him. They've already made their bed, now they have to lie in it.
300m worldwide gross. With the reviews I think it will now do $145m to $160m domestic with a 70% 2nd weekend drop.

The OP has some REALLY heavy hitters to come in and fix it. I don't think Vaughn or Del Toro want anything to do with this. Coogler is already on board to direct Black Panther.

Instead of going for top tier established, WB should be looking at solid storytellers.

Joe Cornish, Rupert Wyatt, Gareth Evans would all be solid picks to direct new movies.

Back in 2010 the lineup of directors for WB were Duncan Jones (Moon, Warcraft), Matt Reeves (Cloverfield, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes), Tony Scott, Jonathan Liebesman (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Wrath of the Titans). I believe the story goes, most passed on it due to the rushed conditions over Superman's rights.


Back in 2010 the lineup of directors for WB were Duncan Jones (Moon, Warcraft), Matt Reeves (Cloverfield, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes), Tony Scott, Jonathan Liebesman (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Wrath of the Titans). I believe the story goes, most passed on it due to the rushed conditions over Superman's rights.
I think most passed because of the trust put into Snyder. Who wants to be tied to the hip to this guy?


No one involved with that is interested in working on films and they've said so multiple times.

I also don't think the transition between 22 minute cartoon to 2.5 hour long live action movies would be as smooth as some people think.

And also, while I loved the DCAU, it was EXTREMELY episodic and I like to have some continuity between the episodes, which Bruce Timm has shown to be less efficient in if the Green Lantern Animated Series is anything to go by (It was still a good series, but not fantastic).

So I don't think making the DCCU work is as simple as "Apply Bruce Timm, wait for results"
I do, and I shudder. I agree with your general point. A TV show comic series would be fantastic. Marvel has done some amazing stuff with their shows.

But it boggles the mind that people put utter shit like flash and supergirl at the forefront of what DC should strive for. They are atleast as poorly written as Man of Steel, they just strive for more traditional images of what their superheroes try to be and I cannot emphasize how much that is simply not enough.

I don't want Superman to be dark and dreary, but I'd rather have him be that grimdark nightmare if they also write him well than basically have him written (and acted, can't forget the abominable acting) the way a CW show is.

Given the choice between a high production CW show and Snyder's girmdark shitflicks, I'd rather just not have an adaptation happen at all.

So I'm not crazy


LOL WB doesn't give ass about the quality of the story. As long as it keeps making money, the truck will go full speed ahead.
I agree with everything the OP said except the Cyborg thing; just scrap that shit. Coogler is great (hurry up and watch Fruitvale Station) but I don't see how a standalone Cyborg movie will ever work.


LOL WB doesn't give ass about the quality of the story. As long as it keeps making money, the truck will go full speed ahead.
Given the reviews and potential word of mouth, it might not make money, at least not the ROI that WB is looking for with a tent pole project like this.
I'm no fan of Synder (I think his best film is the Dawn remake) but it sounds like the biggest issues are the plot and the execs wanting to shove too many plot points into the movie because they want their Justice League now. So they can't really blame him. They've already made their bed, now they have to lie in it.

He's the director, he should have removed all of that bloat if it was hurting his film. Many films don't come together until they hit the editing room anyway. He should definitely be held accountable for the reception of his movie.


I also don't think the transition between 22 minute cartoon to 2.5 hour long live action movies would be as smooth as some people think.

And also, while I loved the DCAU, it was EXTREMELY episodic and I like to have some continuity between the episodes, which Bruce Timm has shown to be less efficient in if the Green Lantern Animated Series is anything to go by (It was still a good series, but not fantastic).

So I don't think making the DCCU work is as simple as "Apply Bruce Timm, wait for results"

I don't expect the DCAU folks (Paul Dini+Bruce Timm) to write the screenplay for all movies, just mapping out all the potential road map for DCEU is enough.
And JL cartoon was mostly 2-3 episodes arc, not just one and done episode like most cartoon nowadays. Taking ques from that show is enough.

Also, Green Lantern Animated Series isn't part of the DCAU. DCAU ends with Justice League Unlimited.
He's the director, he should have removed all of that bloat if it was hurting his film. Many films don't come together until they hit the editing room anyway. He should definitely be held accountable for the reception of his movie.

Snyder assuredly does not have final say on what goes in his movies though. If the producers wanted the JL characters in this movie, there is nothing he could have done about it.


I don't expect the DCAU folks (Paul Dini+Bruce Timm) to write the screenplay for all movies, just mapping out all the potential road map for DCEU is enough.

Do we need such roadmap though. WB seems to be aiming at much less controlled and uniform shared universe
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