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What should DC do next to salvage DCEU? Fire Snyder?

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They know what to do...

People keep bringing up Transformers, but really, outside of that one franchise, what other movies get a 31% on RT and makes a ton of money?

Transformers seems to be the exception, not the rule.


People keep bringing up Transformers, but really, outside of that one franchise, what other movies get a 31% on RT and makes a ton of money?

Transformers seems to be the exception, not the rule.

not to mention transformers has more things pulling in audiences than BvS like weird ties to China and lots of T&A


Assuming BvS underperforms at the box office and Suicide Squad is kind of a dud...

1) No more Snyder
2) Reboot everything
3) The Arrowverse has a solid Green Arrow and Flash already, use them.
4) Bruce Timm, get him overseeing everything.
5) Get Nolan to direct a tone setting introductory movie for one of the trinity characters
6) Follow the Marvel format a little more, it works.


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No because those movies don't have Batman or Superman.

You can do a 6/10 Iron Man or Thor movie and get away with it.

The movie has to be part parody and not take itself that seriously.

This. You can do mediocre iron man solo movies and no one will give a damn. We are talking about two cultural icons here. Two of the most iconic super heroes here. You cannot afford to fk them up but WB is fking them up. Snyder should go asap.


I wouldn't have given him Man of Steel after Sucker Punch.
I wouldn't have given him BvS after Man of Steel.

In conclusions OP, oh my god yes.


in reality, BvS will probably make bank, and the audience's reaction will be decent enough for WB to be fine moving on with the universe as-is

but if by some slim chance they do decide to switch things around, I would definitely have a Feige-like individual (maybe someone from DC) who knows the characters well and makes sure they're accurately portrayed on film. build off from the goodwill of Suicide Squad and Wonder Woman (assuming they turn out fine), maybe do a soft reboot with solo Superman and Batman movies, and work to make comic book movies that can be compelling and dramatic, but true to the characters and enjoyable for everyone


People keep bringing up Transformers, but really, outside of that one franchise, what other movies get a 31% on RT and makes a ton of money?

Transformers seems to be the exception, not the rule.

Pirates 4 broke $1B with 32%. There are other films with rotten ratings up there as well.
Mods, please don't lock this.

Auspicious opener.

The question of "salvage" isn't going to be a question if this thing brings in over 180 mil this weekend. More like "manage" at that point, because the returns are where they'll want them to be.

Critical reception doesn't purchase tickets. They can (and likely will) shrug a lot of this off (sorta like how Paramount does with Transformers/Turtles) if it proves to be financially sound.

BUT if they do decide to move Snyder off the project (or Snyder moves off it himself - dude looks sick and tired of this shit on the press tour) expect a bunch of money to get shoved at George Miller.


Let's wait until we see how much money BvS makes.

However, if it underperforms...

-Hire Paul Dini into the same producer role Feige has at Marvel
-Get rid of Snyder. Fucking hell.
-Let Affleck direct Justice League... If rolling up to Nolan's house with a dump truck full of money doesn't work >_<


BUT if they do decide to move Snyder off the project (or Snyder moves off it himself - dude looks sick and tired of this shit on the press tour) expect a bunch of money to get shoved at George Miller.

see? all this abuse really has paid off.

I think they should tie Snyder to the back of a camel and send that camel through the desert. If Snyder returns, then he can be allowed to sit in the writers room while they work Justice League.
i really don't want miller to deal with this pressure. he's too god-tier to be encumbered with this.

he's handled productions far more stressful than this is sounding, but fury road took a lot of time to get right. this justice league needs to be filmed immediately. give him the sequel if anything.
People keep bringing up Transformers, but really, outside of that one franchise, what other movies get a 31% on RT and makes a ton of money?

Transformers seems to be the exception, not the rule.

Some Adam Sandler movies.

Alice in Wonderland wasn't quite as bad but also made a shitload of money.

And some animated movies.

And Twilight movies.

And Fifty Shades of Grey.

Plenty of movies that make good money while being shit.


They need to go all out. Everything going forward needs to be 100% success guaranteed before releasing. If it is 99%, then delay it to make it 100%.

Each of their movies must be directed by directors with proven track records. No giving new guys or failures like Snyder chances.

I propose Tarantino. I believe he was interested in Superman Returns at one point but got dicked around so he's probably still mad. However, DC should be in begger mode now so they should give him whatever he wants to make a movie starting one of their characters. I think he would do well on a Suicide Squad type movie so maybe a sequel or a Joker/Harley film.

George Miller is another obvious one.

I can't think of any others but I think you get the point. Proven directors, proven writers, guaranteed success. Anything else is unacceptable at this point. Batman v Superman being a disaster is a heavy blow but if they screw Justice League up, then it's done.
They need to go all out. Everything going forward needs to be 100% success guaranteed before releasing. If it is 99%, then delay it to make it 100%.

Each of their movies must be directed by directors with proven track records. No giving new guys or failures like Snyder chances.

I propose Tarantino. I believe he was interested in Superman Returns at one point but got dicked around so he's probably still mad. However, DC should be in begger mode now so they should give him whatever he wants to make a movie starting one of their characters. I think he would do well on a Suicide Squad type movie so maybe a sequel or a Joker/Harley film.

George Miller is another obvious one.

I can't think of any others but I think you get the point. Proven directors, proven writers, guaranteed success. Anything else is unacceptable at this point. Batman v Superman being a disaster is a heavy blow but if they screw Justice League up, then it's done.

They're not going to do that. You and I both know that.
I'd throw money at Bruce Timm and Paul Dini to oversee the DCACU - DC Animated Cinematic Universe.

Oh, and also throw money at George Miller for the live action Justice League sequel.
He has nowhere to run. His only leverage is how soon filming is meant to start.

But, Captain America Civil War comes out right after. We're going to see a direct comparison with how fucked Snyders DCU is.

What if Captain America Civil War outperforms BVS by 3, 4 hundred million or even by half a billion?

Honestly, if WB has any sense, a small delay for their flagship movie to save it from becoming a complete joke is required, because that is what is happening to the DCU, its becoming a joke.


Assuming BvS under performs at box office:

*Demote Zack Snyder to producer role or someone who is in charge of superficial stuff like visuals/action. I think he should still have a place in the DCU in terms of the aesthetics but not be the main guy calling the shots.

*Delay Justice League and move up the solo Batman movie. Get Ben Affleck to direct with Chris Terrio all the way, no finger prints of Zack or Goyer on it.

*Keep WW and SS in production as normal.

*Get some solid directors and writers on these projects. Why is the guy who made Conjuring 2, Wrath of the Titans and Red Riding Hood writing Aquaman?

*Get people like Grant Morrison who have worked on DC Comics to over see the projects to make sure they are in line with what DC wants from these characters. It seems like Snyder is doing whatever they want with the characters/stories and WB is enabling him. DC can't be happy with how these characters have been portrayed thus far.
I was about to ask what's wrong with DCEU, but since I don't watch any of the shows, I guess that's what you mean.

It's a time/interest thing for me, but they don't look very good from the outside.


gotham > daredevil > flash > the rest (i should catch up on supergirl)


i'd probably put daredevil at #1 just barely but gothan, daredevil and flash are definitely the holy trifecta right now.

arrow was god tier until season 3 ruined everything. you still get glimpses of the greatness when green arrow appears on an episode of flash :(
i'd probably put daredevil at #1 just barely but gothan, daredevil and flash are definitely the holy trifecta right now.

arrow was god tier until season 3 ruined everything. you still get glimpses of the greatness when green arrow appears on an episode of flash :(
Only time Arrow was anything close to God tier was the second half of season 2.


Get people who actually understand the source material to represent the characters on the big screen.

Use a full range of color in the movies.


Canadians burned my passport
i'd probably put daredevil at #1 just barely but gothan, daredevil and flash are definitely the holy trifecta right now.

arrow was god tier until season 3 ruined everything. you still get glimpses of the greatness when green arrow appears on an episode of flash :(

Tbh, I think those episodes make him look way out of his league and a total chump
If BvS bombs I would just flush everything except Ben and pump out Batfleck movies.

I don't think it will need salvaging though. I think BvS will make it's money and SS will do well. They should still get rid of Snyder though. Get a great director for JL and then let some comics writer be the "visionary" of the DCU.
i'd probably put daredevil at #1 just barely but gothan, daredevil and flash are definitely the holy trifecta right now.

arrow was god tier until season 3 ruined everything. you still get glimpses of the greatness when green arrow appears on an episode of flash :(

Flash Season 1 could be part of the trifecta, but season 2 has been dog shit so far.

Arrow was never god tier.


The movie will perform fine at the box office but it will just continue the trend of mediocre DC films that get OK to Bad reviews yet still make bank.

And DC will continue to churn these profitable turds out.

See also the Bay Transformers and Fast and Furiuous films for similarities.


There is one man who could probably do the Job, his name is Tim Miller

Have you seen his Arkham videos?

But i'm sorry he is doing a damn fine job on Deadpool right now, so i dont want his time taken up with D.C stuff.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Batman, batman, and more batman. Occasional Superman too.

DC will always be able to make money off their comic book properties but I think they're moving too quickly with Justice League. I haven't seen BvS but there needs to be a solo Batman film with the new Batman before you start the collaboration "Avengers" type stuff. The whole universe doesn't feel established at all.

Chris Nolan was done with comic book movies after the bat trilogy he dont want that shit

Yeah Nolan isn't walking through that door. He didn't even want to do TDK after doing Begins but they got him to do two more movies. Everything I've read makes it sound like he hates flashy comic book movies that are loaded down with special effects.


The movie will perform fine at the box office but it will just continue the trend of mediocre DC films that get OK to Bad reviews yet still make bank.

And DC will continue to churn these profitable turds out.

See also the Bay Transformers and Fast and Furiuous films for similarities.

the last 3 Furious movies are great though
Whether or not Batman v. Superman does well for WB, I really think they need to step away from those two properties. Those two have had so many other movies made about them, when one comes out it's natural that comparisons are going to be made.

Hell, if they insist on sticking with the Batman universe, focus on some of the Bat Family. The characters and stories behind them could be so rich. Also, step away from the Joker. He's done. He's a great character, but he's run his course. At this point, I'd take a Batman movie with Calendar Man as the main villain.


WB double downed on Snyder (and Goyer) after Man of Steel.

WB will triple down on Snyder (and now Terrio).

I don't think they care.

I'm not sure what's going on with the suits in charge.
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