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Where do you stand on No Man's Sky?


I think it'll be a dud. Hugely, impressively ambitious... but I suspect it won't be particularly interesting or fun to play, given what we've seen so far.

Yeah same for me. I think the game will be huge but there won´t be a lot to do that actually makes it fun.


I was really looking forward to it when it was initially shown at E3, but my interest has dwindled a lot with time. I was going to be day 1 but now I'll wait until after release with reviews and possibly after a price drop. I have too many other important games to play around the time of No Man's Sky's release.


I have it pre-ordered, have bought alot of prerelease stuff for it already through iam8bit, am both happy and sad by the delay, have been following the game since December 2013 and I am considering writing fanfic for the game based around my own experiences when it comes out.
I'm ready. My hype is still there for it simply just because I enjoy chill out games. Even if it's gameplay is somewhat mediocre, I'm just looking forward to doing a bit of exploring every night after a hard day at work :)


I'm looking forward to it. The idea of exploring never seen before planets is really exciting and I'm curious how crazy the planet generation gets.


I was initially super excited at the first few showings of it, but as time has gone on (and on and on and on) I'm now I'm pretty much in the "wait for a sale...maybe" camp.

The fact we're so close to release and still no concrete details have been explained or shown or described is causing a HUGE red flag for me. Also a nearly 2 month delay after being a few weeks away from launch is super troubling. I've been down this road before so I'll just wait and see.

I don't see the lack of concrete details as a red flag. It seems like they are struggling with marketing a game based around discovery; "I can do that?" is probably a core part of the experience, and the more you explain the game the less of that you leave in the game.

Par Score

I've gone from totally hyped out of my mind to pretty damn pessimistic.

I have no doubt this will be a disappointment compared to the promise of it's original reveal, if only because as it's features and genre* have solidified it's no longer quite so magical, so I'm just managing my expectations really.

*It's Rust/Minecraft/ARK in space.
Preordered the Limited Edition when it went up on Amazon. Cancelled it a few weeks ago, at this point I am just not sure about the game and how it will perform on PS4. I am going to wait for a few weeks after it comes out to see what people think of it. Let the initial hype die down and see how things are once people have it for a bit.


As another big, spawling, aimless open-environment game... I've got zero interest. I prefer games with a tighter focus/linearity to them.
Waiting for reviews, maybe some Let's Plays to see what the type of experience the game provides will be like. It's such an open game and I'm not quite sure if I'll enjoy it.

Love the future it represents though. Can't wait to see more huge procedural games.
The game looks fantastic, but Greg and Colin over at Kinda Funny helped temper my expectations. I was previously looking at No Man's Sky through the hype-lens, buying into all of their marketing speak. Greg and Colin reminded me that Hello Games previously made the Joe Danger games and brought me back to reality.

Joe Danger was a fantastic game series, but it was the type of game I would play for 20 minutes at a time and then walk away. I was never itching to play more, but I always enjoyed my time with those games. I expect No Man's Sky to provide the same kind of entertainment. It'll be something I can pick up and play for a relaxing 20 to 30 minute spree. I just don't see it being the type of game I would play for hours at a time. As a result, I don't plan on getting the game until it's either discounted or free.


Day zero. My GF also can't wait for that game... Shame she has an internship opportunity she needs to attend to when the game comes out on August 9th. I promised her I will not play it until she comes back. Lucky for me, I already have other games to play in the mean time.


I'm waiting for reviews, I've a feeling its going to review really poorly based on nothing other that a gut feeling.

If it's good I'll probably get it at some point, if it's not I won't.


Either one of the best games of recent history or one of the biggest disappointments. I don't think there's something in between for NMS as far as I'm concerned.


Pre-ordered and frothing.

I'm expecting it to be rough around the edges when it launches, given the scale of the ambition and the reality of the team size, but I'm really looking forward to going out and exploring like crazy. My sense is Sean and company have really been holding back on the weirder shit we'll find in the game, and I want to go out and experience that before I read about it elsewhere.

As a result, I'm going in as blind as I can from this point forward. I'll peek in on reviews, but I've seen enough to know this is an insta-buy for me.


right here:


I am with you brother, can't wait


It's been my desktop background for 2 almost 2 years. I'm in on day one.

Even if it's bad, hello games have worked so hard to make this happen and their dedication passion and creativity is something I believe is worth investing in.

But it's going to,be great


The game will finally release in August (hopefully). Has been delayed multiple times, no show at E3 this year and a lawsuit settled recently. Their website was last updated in May with the IGN preview. Things aren't looking good for them.

I feel like the game will be mediocre at best.I hope I'm wrong because the game lloks great and the potential is huge.

Things arent looking good? Lol they are obviously in crunch mode dude.

What a negative nancy thread. Why so much concern? We've had that enough in basically all NMS threads :/. Not thread whining but I think your outlook is negative without reason.

Also Im really excited for it.
I just dont think there will be enough "game" there to make the epic, planet hopping part work for longer then a few hours before it gets boring.

It seems like a real impressive technical achievement but as a game I just have a bad feeling it wont have any meat on its bones.
I'm somewhat concerned that they don't seem to care about gameplay (that's the impression I got from interviews) but I'm still optimistic. Steam refunds are a wonderful thing.


LE pre ordered, day 1.

Easily my most wanted game this year, it's like a childhood dream come true even if only 50% of what is supposed to be in actually is working at launch.

PS: No, it's not like Minecraft.

Looking forward to:

- Having my own ship, with thousands of variations possible, and 3 classes: Scout (fast and nimble), Fighter (heavily armed), Merchant (space for cargo)
- exploring thousands upon thousands of worlds growing increasingly bizarre and dangerous as I approach the center of the Universe
- cataloging animal and vegetal species
- accumulating resources that I can trade or use for crafting my own gear
- visiting space stations and outposts, meeting alien species
- assigning myself roles for however long I feel, from merchant , pure exploration, mercenary, pirate, helping space police/ convoys
- visiting ruins and learning alien languages
- Unveiling mysteries and a narrative regarding said ruins, a malevolent force, and what lies at the center.
- taking risks and going through stargates.
- Finding an ocean planet and mapping its depths
- visiting caves, digging through the crust to access bizarre areas


Probably going to get it but I know what I am getting in to.

It isn't going to be some messianic new age life changing experience.

It will be something fun to pop in and explore for a while and then do something else.
I think it will be very cool at first but will ultimately lose it's luster because of the lack of longevity due to randomness and sparsity across the galaxy.
Day 2 purchase for me. Want to give it a day to make sure it isn't swallow garbage.

I have a feel it will be cool for a few hours, then become super repetitive.
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