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Why are there no good dinosaur games?

I was addicted to this game when I was younger. Damn good times.



Best dinosaur game on the mac:

This must have been one of the best games exclusive to the Mac OS platform, we used to have it installed on our computers at school and everybody used to be on it constantly during break times. It's one of those games that sums up pc gaming from the 90's


About the game:

"You are a dinosaur (a Nanosaur to be exact) from the future who has traveled back in time to collect the eggs of 5 dinosaur species before the giant asteroid hits the earth. The "primitive" dinosaurs will attack you as you try to get their eggs, but just remember that it's for their own good that you blast them into oblivion!

Being a dinosaur from the future, you are equipped with several pieces of technology to help you in your mission.

Fusion Blaster: a multi-purpose weapon for killing things.

Jet Pack: For flying over things that might kill you.

Temporal Compass: for finding time portals.

GPS Locator: for figuring out where you are and where you should go.

You can jump, swim, run around, jet around, shoot stuff, etc. The general rule to playing the game is "if it moves, kill it or it'll kill you." You only have 20 minutes to collect all 5 egg species so being efficient about your actions is critical."


there was also a sequel called Nanosaur 2, however it kinda sucked.


Anybody remember Evolution: The Game of Intelligent Life?

It was pretty impressive at the time I thought. I wonder if it works on modern PCs...


I curse that gaffer than once mentioned Valve should do Left4Dinosaurs, it has been one of my dream games since =(


Yeah Dinosaur games need to come back, if not playing against them then playing as them, some of my favorite games with Dinos are Dino Crisis 1&2, Turok 1&2(though it had more dinosoids) Primal rage and Prehistoric Isle 1 & 2.

Oh and I tend to play tokyo jungle like a dinosaur game with the


Primal Carnage is fun with friends. Its up on steam. What I really would like to see is a game based on The Lost World book built like DayZ!!




Best part is, during a nostalgia trip a few months ago I tracked down the game, got it working via DosBox and played it for a few hours. The game is STILL good. Maybe not very pretty graphics wise, but still a great amusement park sim.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Maybe since science has been stupid enough to point out that Dinosaurs have feathers then game designers/developers are less keen to develop games for them since they wouldn't be cool enough :(


So is there anywhere you can get that Paraworld RTS legit these days?

I remember being super excited for that back when it was coming out, but I completely missed it and I'm tempted to give it a whirl.


Give me a Left for Dead style game with Dinosaurs instead of zombies and you have my money. Hell, I'd even love a DayZ style game with Dinosaurs instead of zombies.


I was saying earlier that I would love to see Far Cry 3 to get some Dino DLC. Could you imagine it in that environment?


That JP: The Lost World PS1 game was throw-your-controlleringly hard.

It was closer to disc-snappingly glitchy and buggy.

To all the people listing Yoshi games - they are games with a dinosaur character in it. They are not dinosaur games.

A dinosaur game should be scary and awe inspiring at once, with a real and present threat of being bitten by a big set of dino teeth or having your character be eviscerated in the pouring rain.


The best dinosaur game:

3D Dinosaur Adventure. Makes me feel nostalgic.
Oh man i used to play a ton of this and 3D Body Adventure as a kid. The ten minutes before the meteor struck minigame in dinosaur adventure was tense as hell as a kid.
I also had 3D underwater adventure or something but it didnt have a sweet 3D first person minigame ala body or dinosaur adventure that i could find so i didnt play it much.

Man starting off in the hospital parking lot in 3D body adventure and then going to your patient and entering in their body to fight germs and viruses. So good

Nostalging hard over here


With feathers or without?

I'm happy with either interpretation. They were still big animals, and if you've ever seen a large bird like a Cassowary or an angry Emu, they can still be quite terrifying in their own right.

Personally I love the more modern understanding of velociraptors. 3 feet tall, feathered, and unable to disembowel you. But they still hunt in packs and can take down larger prey without having to scare South African game hunters into a state of grudging respect.


Unconfirmed Member
I curse that gaffer than once mentioned Valve should do Left4Dinosaurs, it has been one of my dream games since =(
Holy shit. That would be amazing.


This is bad ass

Yeah, I agree. feathers > no feathers



Rygar 8 Bit

Jaguar 64-bit
theres plenty maybe not modern but theres some really good ones out there
cadillacs and dinosaurs
dinosaurs for hire
dino city
joe & mac


Well, I'd be all over the idea of surviving in a Dinosaur era. Seems like something of that scope would require a lot of money and too much risk to get funded in todays climate.
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