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Why did the force decide to create Anakin?

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Seriously, why?

Was having this discussion last night with my fiancee and her friends and my contribution was that the force is a cunt. A bored one who decided to shake things and create some drama because, well, it's bored.

But that can't be all right? There has to be some deeper meaning behind why it decided to create Anakin and why it let him be so weak minded that he was so easily manipulated into killing nearly every single Jedi as well as millions of innocent people throughout the galaxy.

Or maybe it's just a cunt?


To bring balance to the force. There were too many Jedi and far too few Sith. After Anakin did his job there were 2 jedi and 2 sith (Until they decided to start expanding on it).

There, force balanced.
Seriously, why?

Was having this discussion last night with my fiancee and her friends and my contribution was that the force is a cunt. A bored one who decided to shake things and create some drama because, well, it's bored.

But that can't be all right? There has to be some deeper meaning behind why it decided to create Anakin and why it let him be so weak minded that he was so easily manipulated into killing nearly every single Jedi as well as millions of innocent people throughout the galaxy.

Or maybe it's just a cunt?

You have to remember that ultimately, the force is a neutral entities for balance. by killing all the Jedi, anakin brought balance to the force

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Never believe claims of a virgin birth. Not that it's impossible in life (some species do it) but Shmee is just a human. We all get horny.
Sheev and his master molested the force to make him.

Wasnt Palatine fucking with the force and Anakin came from that?

Darth Plagueis.

Wait, Plagueis was a real character and not someone Palpatine made up to fuck with Anakin?

To eventually kill the Emperor.

I mean, it couldn't have given Yoda an EXP boost and had him take out the trash?

To bring balance to the force. There were too many Jedi and far too few Sith. After Anakin did his job there were 2 jedi and 2 sith (Until they decided to start expanding on it).

There, force balanced.

You have to remember that ultimately, the force is a neutral entities for balance. by killing all the Jedi, anakin brought balance to the force

This ignores the million of innocent bystanders who don't give two fucks about the force and its desire for balance. Seems supremely fucked up.
The more they try to explain it, the worse it gets.

It's like trying to explain to a child why God wanted to do something in the Old Testament. "Because it makes a good story" is often the only reason we can comprehend.


Somewhat related, but was Anakin apart of Palpatine's plan as early as TPM? Or did he only become the focus after Maul died?

Edit: re: Plagueis, yeah I always thought that in the opera scene when Sheev was telling his story that he was referring to himself when talking about the apprentice who killed Plagueis. That little grin at the end of his speech gave it away I thought.


I didn't think the force was an entity with a will. More like a law of physics.
You missed all the times the "will of the Force" was discussed in the films?

The major difference between the Jedi and Sith is the Jedi strive to follow the will of the Force and it's guidings. The Sith strive to bend the Force to their own personal will and desires.
The force isn't a conscious entity. It doesn't decide things. Anakin just happened to have more mitachlorians in his cells through genetics and chance.
The Jedi are awful

Anakin is the worst Jedi but also the most powerful

The Jedi being wiped out is a problem Anakin solves for the Force

Anakin dies killing the Emperor, the Sith are now totally off the board

Luke Skywalker inherits his dad's sweet force affinity, learns from the mistakes of both his father and the Jedi, founds new Jedi order that isn't awful


Luke Skywalker inherits his dad's sweet force affinity, learns from the mistakes of both his father and the Jedi, founds new Jedi order that isn't awful

What about Ben though?

Ben shows that at its core the Jedi and Sith should not exist, because one cannot exist without the other and someone will always become corrupted by the Dark Side.


my take, either he was created with Plagueis' voodoo because reasons or his birth is the star wars equivalent of "nature finds a way"


Because George Lucas thought this stupid fucking plot point improved his story for god only knows what reason.


Anakin dies killing the Emperor, the Sith are now totally off the board

Luke Skywalker inherits his dad's sweet force affinity, learns from the mistakes of both his father and the Jedi, founds new Jedi order that isn't awful
They're not totally off the board though. Even in the old canon, there were tons of Sith after RotJ.
Lot of misconception here, "Balance to the Force" doesn't mean an equal number of Jedi and Sith. The light side is balance, it's harmony. Balance in the Force means victory for the Light Side. That's why Obi-Wan was so crushed when Anakin turned evil.

Luke was the real chosen one anyway, unless you want to subscribe to the theory that Vader eventually did balance the Force by killing Palpatine and himself.


The force isn't a conscious entity. It doesn't decide things. Anakin just happened to have more mitachlorians in his cells through genetics and chance.
That is not true. The force has a will. As discussed countless times on screen. Anakin was born OF the Force. He had no father. The Force impregnated Shmi Skywalker.

The Force put Anakin in Shmi. Anakin was created directly by the Force.

Somewhat related, but was Anakin apart of Palpatine's plan as early as TPM? Or did he only become the focus after Maul died?
Anakin became part of the plan soon as he met him as a kid. His goal was to make Anakin his apprentice when he met him in TPM. "We'll watch your career with great interest"'.

Dooku was nearly a stop gap to get the war going, Anakin was always the long term plan.


You have to remember that ultimately, the force is a neutral entities for balance. by killing all the Jedi, anakin brought balance to the force

Again not how it works, balance is not a pure numbers thing but the existence of the dark side which is seen as the corruption of the Light side which is the normal force.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much

That is not true. The force has a will. As discussed countless times on screen. Anakin was born OF the Force. He had no father. The Force impregnated Shmi Skywalker.

The Force put Anakin in Shmi. Anakin was created directly by the Force.



This is what happens when someone tries to shoehorn in Chosen One prophecy nonsense into a simple story. Chaos and confusion.

Darth Vader killed the Emperor because the Emperor was the Bad Guy and to give Vader a redemptive arc. That's it. All of this prophecy nonsense came later.


The Darth Plagueis story told by Palpatine in ROTS heavily implied that Anakin is a product of life manipulation by a incredibly powerful force user


The in-universe reason is something like the Dark Side was growing too prevalent due to Palpatine's plot to dominate the galaxy, so Anakin was spawned to end the dominion of the Sith. Palpatine and Plagueis's manipulation of midichlorians (UGH, somebody punch me) to induce Shmi Skywalker's pregnancy played directly into the will of the Force.

So basically Palps and Plagueis engineered their own destruction, assuming their actions lead to Anakin's immaculate conception. Oops. (Fuck dammit, that's lame.)


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
The Darth Plagueis story told by Palpatine in ROTS heavily implied that Anakin is a product of life manipulation by a incredibly powerful force user

Palpatine said a lot of things.

The in-universe reason is something like the Dark Side was growing too prevalent due to Palpatine's plot to dominate the galaxy, so Anakin was spawned to end the dominion of the Sith. Palpatine and Plagueis's manipulation of midichlorians (UGH, somebody punch me) to induce Shmi Skywalker's pregnancy played directly into the will of the Force.

Please stop, you are chipping away at my soul. Giving the Force such a deliberate will just makes everything so lame, the character's actions become arbitrary if the Force could just "will" things right anyway. The Emperor was destroyed because Luke refused to accept that his father was 'dead', not because of some omniscient force. Why did the Force only create one Chosen One? Why didn't it create a whole bunch, was there a nasty cooldown on the Force Sperm power? It's not like being conceived by the Force gave Anakin superpowers anyway, he got bitchslapped in almost every single duel except Dooku round 2. It's all utterly pointless.


Anakin became part of the plan soon as he met him as a kid. His goal was to make Anakin his apprentice when he met him in TPM. "We'll watch your career with great interest"'.

Dooku was nearly a stop gap to get the war going, Anakin was always the long term plan.

Yep, that's what I thought. Thanks.

Although in my head cannon for a while I thought perhaps Plageuis created Anakin with his life creating abilities and Palpatine's plan to turn Anakin started then, but yeah - obviously not haha.
The in-universe reason is something like the Dark Side was growing too prevalent due to Palpatine's plot to dominate the galaxy, so Anakin was spawned to end the dominion of the Sith. Palpatine and Plagueis's manipulation of midichlorians (UGH, somebody punch me) to induce Shmi Skywalker's pregnancy played directly into the will of the Force.

So basically Palps and Plagueis engineered their own destruction. Oops.

I have in fact been sitting here with a knuckle sandwich for the first person to say midichlorians
That is not true. The force has a will. As discussed countless times on screen. Anakin was born OF the Force. He had no father. The Force impregnated Shmi Skywalker.

The Force put Anakin in Shmi. Anakin was created directly by the Force.


Wow, what the hell? I never knew that. Was that in the extended universe books or something?
Palpatine said a lot of things.
Considering during that opera conversation he literally tells Anakin that he's an evil Sith Lord, it seems pretty likely he was telling the truth. The lie was that Sheev didn't know how to manipulate life. That was his master and he killed him. Oops.


First of all, this is Star Wars. It's just some made up nonsense that resulted in couple of good movies in late-seventies/early-eighties.

Having said that, force needs to have itself in balance. It doesn't like when one side is stronger than other. And therefore Anakin. Force creates him to bring that balance.


Wow, what the hell? I never knew that. Was that in the extended universe books or something?
No it's in the films. It's in The Phantom Menace. "There is no father. I can't explain what happened". Qui-Gon later mentions it is possible Anakin was conceived of the Force itself.
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