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Why did the force decide to create Anakin?

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The force needs a physical manifestation in order to have sex with Natalie Portman.
The idea goes that midichlorians are the physical bridge that allows biological beings to commune with the immaterial Force.

It's an aggressively stupid example of superfluous exposition that kills the cool mystical aspect of the OT.
The problem with your formula is that the canon reason why the Force was out of balance was simply that there was an extreme actor using it to fuck up and control the entire galaxy in the form of Palpatine.

It wasn't explicitly to do with the Jedi Order needing to be balanced out, although the Order wasn't exactly perfect, and problems within the Order contributed to Palpatine's rise and were a prime motivator for Anakin making his initial choice to follow the dark side path before his son brought him back to his senses.

You're going to have to start a zero state at some point, and the only reason why a Palpatine can exist is because from that zero state something else has to be there to create the initial imbalance.

The problems with the Order were because of how large and unwieldy the Order got, which happened because the Order had to expand as much as possible to try and prevent as many child-Palpatines as possible and also to help one another as a collective avoid straying from the path.

It's the basic premise of human nature, individual vs institution, etc. Human history is full of stories like this, and quite often those stories show a repetitive cycle off. But that's not required, and the main difference of Star Wars is that the Force acts as the initial premise of the cycle and a counter-balance, because it is entirely possible to write a story where you DON'T have a tendency towards a balance (permanent change, etc.).

If Palpatine isn't there, and there are just minor issues, the force can deal with those minor issues, but the minor issues within the Jedi of the Order also help create an "eventual" major disturbance, at which point, balance has to be restored with more drastic measures


So that's the only point of it? They made it seem like it was a huge philosophy with revolutionary concepts and whatnot, but the only consequence/application is the Force ghost thing? :/ They could have just said Qui-Gon invented a technique or something.

Anakin didn't even learn it and he became a ghost just fine.

The Clone Wars also introduced Sith ghosts if I recall correctly.

It is revolutionary. The Jedi had become set in their ways and were not following the Living Force, just their dogmatic view of the Cosmic Force. Qui Gon understood that it was not a false denial of the world but true selflessness through love and the giving over of the guidance of the self to the will of the (Living) Force that allowed one to fully commune with it. Unlike other Jedi who died and whose energy returned to the Force depersonalized, he was able to become essentially a bodhisattva and retain his identity. It's ironic, because the way to remaining oneself is to negate onself.

As for Anakin, why he was able to become a Force ghost without training is not clarified. Filoni said George told him the reason but he hasn't spelled it out. It probably had to do with him sacrificing himself for Luke + being the Chosen One. And in one of the Clone Wars Q&A videos he hinted that it might have to do with the idea of life after death being planted in his mind on Mortis.

There are no Sith ghosts. The ones in TCW like Bane were illusions. It is impossible for the Sith to ever retain their identity after death because of their love of the self and desire to maintain physical life eternally. To them, death is an absolute (aha!) which must be overcome - it is the final enemy. They are afraid of death and want to bend the Force to their will to have total power; they aren't willing to give themselves over to the Force and become its servants.
The idea goes that midichlorians are the physical bridge that allows biological beings to commune with the immaterial Force.

It's an aggressively stupid example of superfluous exposition.

So stupid that it never gets mentioned again even in the prequels. I'm guessing George thought it would be a handy shorthand explanation for why some people were Jedi and others weren't but it just raised questions that were already answered by "faith and practice".


So stupid that it never gets mentioned again even in the prequels. I'm guessing George thought it would be a handy shorthand explanation for why some people were Jedi and others weren't but it just raised questions that were already answered by "faith and practice".

"Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith so powerful and so wise, he could use the Force to influence the midi-chlorians to create...life."
"Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith so powerful and so wise, he could use the Force to influence the midi-chlorians to create...life."

Listen, we could spend all day combing through all the bullshit Palpatine says OR we could get on getting on with pretending Midichlorians aren't a thing!
The idea goes that midichlorians are the physical bridge that allows biological beings to commune with the immaterial Force.

It's an aggressively stupid example of superfluous exposition that kills the cool mystical aspect of the OT.
Sure, the force wants to flow through the bridge that is Anakin into Natalie Portman.


Huh, so now I'm wondering if Snoke is Plagueis?

Possibly, if they retconned Plagueis, but in the old canon Plagueis was a Muun by the name of Hego Damask, and we were shown the Muuns in Clone Wars (both Tartakovsky and Lucasfilm) and in Episode II, and their heads are a lot more oblong than Snoke's, who just looks more like Voldemort.


What is the definition of large and unwieldy we are going with here? At the time of the purge according to legends numbers there were only 10,000 Jedi in the order. 10,000 for a galaxy with multiple planets having billions of people on them and a captial with 1 trillion on it.

There are more Eagle scouts on our planet then there were Jedi for a whole galaxy. I think it might be harder to be an Eagle scout as well most people wash out.

The force seems really complicated if you take all the legends stuff into account. Jedi and Sith just seem like different sects of the same religion when apparently you have things like force witches and gray force users out there. Where do they land on the balance?


Bro i hate to tell you, but the force is sentient.

And Anakin was extremely powerful the movies just did a shitty job of showing it.

If he never lost his limbs he would have been the most powerful Jedi easily
It's too bad that the Force doesn't go beyond the "crude" physical matter.

Fighting skill =/= powerful Jedi (see Yoda in ESB)

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Because George Lucas. I like to pretend that this dumbass plot point never happened and that Anakin's paternal lineage is never explained. Not having ever been explained is better than that stupid Jesus metaphor.
You're going to have to start a zero state at some point, and the only reason why a Palpatine can exist is because from that zero state something else has to be there to create the initial imbalance.

The Sith and their manipulation of galaxy-wide conflicts, political institutions, and the role of an ancient order of mystical warriors, all the while growing their power over the Force that controls the universe, isn't sufficient by itself?

Even without the problems going on with the Jedi, Palpatine still would have represented a massive imbalance in the Force. The problem with the Jedi was ultimately that Palpatine was able to wipe most of them out while using them as a scapegoat for his power grab; he would have still been a substantial threat without them, and was still able to amass plenty of power through more ordinary means that didn't directly involve the Jedi. In fact, it's implied that all the stuff he was doing independently of his relationship with Anakin was like a poison to the Jedi's ability to use the Force.

In fact, it's only because the Jedi exist that Palpatine needed a tool to get rid of them. So even without the Jedi existing and being such a large institution, he'd still have been pretty successful at wrecking the galaxy.


I don't mind the idea of the Force having a will, that was an idea from ANH when Obi-Wan said it partially guides your actions. I just hate this thing of the Force "willing" Space Jesus into existence, it's painfully unsubtle and cheapens the story.

It was more of they harmed the force so much it pushed back

It's too bad that the Force doesn't go beyond the "crude" physical matter.

Fighting skill =/= powerful Jedi (see Yoda in ESB)

Anakin was gifted not only in combat ability but his telekesis was pretty much unmatched in a fucked up body.

Also yoda's claim to fame is that he mastered all 9 forms of lightsaber combat making him one of the greatest Jedi of all time. The only person who probably cold have beat him in a duel in his prime is mace Windu


maybe plagueis created anakin to have his conciousness transfered to him so he could be young again, and then sidious betrayed him and lost track of the child or something


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
It was more of they harmed the force so much it pushed back

Anakin was gifted not only in combat ability but his telekesis was pretty much unmatched in a fucked up body.

Also yoda's claim to fame is that he mastered all 9 forms of lightsaber combat making him one of the greatest Jedi of all time. The only person who probably cold have beat him in a duel in his prime is mace Windu

In the films Anakin wasn't ever shown to be more gifted than any other Jedi, they kept saying how powerful he was but they never showed it. He got beaten easily by Dooku in AOTC and once again by Obi-Wan ROTS, he never showed any Force powers greater than anyone else. Yoda and Palpatine were moving giant objects and the most impressive thing Anakin moved was a pear.


In the films Anakin wasn't ever shown to be more gifted than any other Jedi, they kept saying how powerful he was but they never showed it. He got beaten easily by Dooku in AOTC and once again by Obi-Wan ROTS, he never showed any Force powers greater than anyone else. Yoda and Palpatine were moving giant objects and the most impressive thing Anakin moved was a pear.

Eu, the recent comics have shown Vader killing an entire army by himself. The movies did a very poor job of displaying the force in general and things like the shows and comics (that are still cannon) made up for it.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
The force wanted balance and sensed potential in Mama Vader's womb.

Then Anakin fucked it up, although it was partially the Jedi's fault and totally Palpatine's fault that he did. He eventually did do what he was born to do though, because Luke came to clean up his mess at the very end.

Not sure how the new trilogy factors into the prophecy... it'll probably just be ignored. But, you never know.


Having read drafts, it was garbage then too.

Lucas was lucky back then to have a ton of editors, producers, actors, even his own wife rewriting his stuff to make even the faintest of sense.

I mean... good grief... It's a MIRACLE Star Wars turned out as good as it did.

That's because he continued to change it, I don't think it's down to luck, he knew exactly what he wanted with the story and how it should look. Hence isolating parts of the story based on the budget he had, working with Ralph McQuary on his universe then going out of his way protect further movies based on his story when negotiating his contract intially with Fox. He believed so much in his story that he was going to see the whole thing through, with or without the help of big studios. Also remember, the SW we ended up getting was lambasted for being nonsense at the time as well, but he got the same feedback for his earlier films which went on to be massive hits.


Sheev and his master molested the force to make him.


These first two posts in combination with each other made me laugh way too hard.


good credit (by proxy)
Are you guys talking about the books? I don't remember the force being an entity with will, or the plagueis guy.

Glass Joe

Because George Lucas had a typewriter and had financial incentive to make sequels/prequels. He just got the money and ruined it with dumb crap he made up on the spot.



I would personally fly just to kick Kennedy and Johnson

On Topic, The Jedi believe that there is only the light side of the force, that one is the true force. But the Dark Side which is created by human flaws is like a cancer, destroying the purity of the force.

The Jedi prophecy says that the Force will create Anakin and have him bring balance to the Force.

For the Jedi it meant destroying the Sith.

It could have meant to be a middle road.Purging a failing Jedi Order along the way

For Sidious, he didn't care, he just saw a powerful pawn.

The force wanted balance and sensed potential in Mama Vader's womb.

Then Anakin fucked it up, although it was partially the Jedi's fault and totally Palpatine's fault that he did. He eventually did do what he was born to do though, because Luke came to clean up his mess at the very end.

Not sure how the new trilogy factors into the prophecy... it'll probably just be ignored. But, you never know.

I wouldn't be surprised if Rey is the new chosen, created as a response to the rise of Snoke and the Knights of Ren

Would explain her BS power levels


To those that keep saying the force needed to be balance and there were too many jedi... At the end of the day, planets weren't being blown up under the Jedi rule and millions of lives weren't lost because of them either.

Is the force really "balanced" if thats what it took to make it so? I mean these guys just denied them selfs some basic pleasures in life, not like they were feeding on people.

Just seems bizarre. No more roaches in the house, but you also destroyed all the furniture and killed your family in the process.
I'll sound like Plinkett but it was honestly a really stupid idea to make Anakin so damn powerful/important. We had never seen anything that implies that Vader was so far above anyone else in the (then nonexistent) midichlorians. And it never really showed in the prequels except when people talked about it.


Anakin, something wonderful has happened. Midichlorians fucked two babies into me and I'm going to die of heartbreak.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I'll sound like Plinkett but it was honestly a really stupid idea to make Anakin so damn powerful/important. We had never seen anything that implies that Vader was so far above anyone else in the (then nonexistent) midichlorians. And it never really showed in the prequels except when people talked about it.
It was never shown in the prequels because George Lucas was constantly telling instead of showing and wasted an entire film on kid Anakin. Thankfully we got Clone Wars, which contains one of my favorite star wars moments ever, this is what people mean when they talk about the chosen one. It's honestly insane how little the force was used in the prequel films.
The force isn't a conscious entity. It doesn't decide things. Anakin just happened to have more mitachlorians in his cells through genetics and chance.

Please stop, you are chipping away at my soul. Giving the Force such a deliberate will just makes everything so lame, the character's actions become arbitrary if the Force could just "will" things right anyway. The Emperor was destroyed because Luke refused to accept that his father was 'dead', not because of some omniscient force. Why did the Force only create one Chosen One? Why didn't it create a whole bunch, was there a nasty cooldown on the Force Sperm power? It's not like being conceived by the Force gave Anakin superpowers anyway, he got bitchslapped in almost every single duel except Dooku round 2. It's all utterly pointless.

Yeah, I'm not so sure about that. That whole thing with Mortis in The Clone Wars seems to all but outright say that the Force does have a will of its own.

Oh, and The Clone Wars does a much better job at showing how powerful Anakin is (see Crossing Eden's post above). Honestly, the prequels disservice literally every single "powerful" character shown. Their feats in the movies are kind of a shitty barometer to measure them by. In fact, I'd say TWC went totally out of its way to show that some of the characters are extremely powerful/resourceful/whatever.


It was never shown in the prequels because George Lucas was constantly telling instead of showing and wasted an entire film on kid Anakin. Thankfully we got Clone Wars, which contains one of my favorite star wars moments ever, this is what people mean when they talk about the chosen one. It's honestly insane how little the force was used in the prequel films.

Thank you for this. I really liked how the Clone Wars explored more about the force be it the Father, Son & Daughter or the Nightsisters.
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