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Why did the force decide to create Anakin?

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Lot of misconception here, "Balance to the Force" doesn't mean an equal number of Jedi and Sith. The light side is balance, it's harmony. Balance in the Force means victory for the Light Side. That's why Obi-Wan was so crushed when Anakin turned evil.

Luke was the real chosen one anyway, unless you want to subscribe to the theory that Vader eventually did balance the Force by killing Palpatine and himself.

Luke was not the chosen one. Anakin is the chosen one as is shown in the Clone Wars.


Palpatine banged Smee. Smee gave birth to Anakin. Palpatine was worried Anakin would find out so he hired Tusken Rairs to kidnap her - then sent Anakin force wet dreams to incite him to kill Tuskan Raiders.

Palpatine bah Gawd.
I always though that Plagueis used the force to create anakin to destroy the Jedi. However due to how the force works, in the end Anakin ended up killing both Jedi and sith in a way and setting up the foundation for new Jedi in Luke etc

That way, Qui gonn isn't wrong when he says that Anakin is made from the force, but also Plageuis isn't wrong. But the force didn't "do" anything of its own. It used another's actions to balance things out in the end

Hopefully after Luke's new Jedi failed he realized that Jedi wasn't the way, and Bendu is the actual answer. Or maybe found that information at the first Jedi Temple.


Lot of misconception here, "Balance to the Force" doesn't mean an equal number of Jedi and Sith. The light side is balance, it's harmony. Balance in the Force means victory for the Light Side.

It's sad how often this needs to be explained since it's a defining point in Star Wars. Lucas really messed up a lot of people by picking the word "balance" instead of like "harmony".
It's sad how often this needs to be explained since it's a defining point in Star Wars. Lucas really messed up a lot of people by picking the word "balance" instead of like "harmony".

Except the flaw is that the light side isn't balance. We know the Bendu is balance. At some point the Jedi believed whole heartily that they were the "good" guys, and that balance is the light side of the force.

We know from the prequels alone that the Jedi are not Balance. They can't achieve balance when they deny themselves certain emotions and experiences. That's not balance. It's literally denial.
Copying this from Wookieepedia:


In addition to the above, the nature of the creation of the Chosen One was also briefly called into question in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. Although The Phantom Menace claimed that the Force conceived Anakin completely without outside influence, Palpatine implied in Revenge of the Sith that Anakin may have been the result of Darth Plagueis' experiments to create life by manipulating Midi-chlorians. The novel Star Wars: Darth Plagueis combined both views: Although Plagueis was indirectly responsible for Anakin's creation, the Force conceived of Anakin as a way to stop Plagueis and the Sith.

There are bunch of paragraphs of back story as to REASONS in there too. Worth a read if you're interested.

Now, this is from Legends material, but I've heard that Darth Plagueis is considered canon-ish. Having just watched the Father/Daughter/Son trilogy on The Clone Wars, I'm inclined to go with this theory.
I was not aware (until recently) what the EU consists of in detail, gotta say that at least the Sith Lord background/story is somewhat interesting and would have made interesting movies from the view of the bad guys, the actual life of Palpatine is (on paper) more interesting than that of Anakin Skywalker!
I probably got it wrong as I just read selectively here and there and most of it is nuked by Disney anyway, but my impression was that Plagueis mastered eternal life and Anakin Skywalker was directly or indirectly a result of his experiments and Palpatine wanted that too (eternal life) but never managed to get to the level of Plagueis and tried to clone his way into eternal life (maybe that was where Anakin came from?).

Whatever the case, I assume originally in pre 77 when writing the script all that was not planned and only conjured up with the prequels (?)


You guys realize that this chosen one thing is just a religious metaphor where Anakin was supposed to be Jesus (but he became the anti-christ) and the Emperor is the devil and the Force is like God?

I always thought that this explained everything


The more they try to explain shit, the worse Star Wars gets. It was nice when the force was just a source of power and no shit prophecies were involved. Anakin is a much more compelling character when the chosen one/balance the force crap is removed. Just an old knight who was corrupted by the dark side.


The Darth Plagueis story told by Palpatine in ROTS heavily implied that Anakin is a product of life manipulation by a incredibly powerful force user

I believe in the official novel he goes one step further and straight up admits to creating Anakin.
You guys realize that this chosen one thing is just a religious metaphor where Anakin was supposed to be Jesus (but he became the anti-christ) and the Emperor is the devil and the Force is like God?

I always thought that this explained everything

Yeah, every story ever told can be waved away with a simple two or three sentence breakdown.

We all know Anakin was going to become darth vader, that doesn't mean we didn't want to watch three movies where we get to see his journey.
It's an analogy to Jesus. The one who will bring balance. The savior. The hero.
Mace Windu talks in Episode 1 about a prophecy. So the Jedi are religious and believe in one who will save him. This character worship is exhibited in many religions and cults.

I don't think the force have a will. It's not like the one ring in middle-earth. That ring is the embodiment of someone.

The question is if Anakin is born as a matter of chance or if he was being grown and groomed.
Because on the surface it sounds kinda cool to have a parallel to the birth of Jesus but Lucas didn't have the critical thinking to determine whether it actual made sense.

Yep. I mean, he needed a villain for the original trilogy...


A lot of people seem to be injecting their own beliefs into the story here which are, frankly, wrong. The canon is very clear - Anakin is the Chosen One and he was created because of the Will of the Force. The Force is not neutral. It has a will, and that will tends towards the light, because the dark side, while a natural occurrence, when abused becomes like a cancer that throws off the balance of the Force (its harmonious, well functioning existence).

Canonically, all we know is that the Force created Anakin to bring balance to itself because of the growing threat of the dark side. It is hinted, though not confirmed, that this may have been tied to experiments by Palpatine or Plagueis to create life in their attempts to harness ultimate mastery over the Force. In the Lords of the Sith novel, Palpatine remembers that Plagueis warned him to be careful in his pursuits because the Force could "strike back". In Legends, they went further in confirming that Plagueis directly caused Anakin's creation but it was because the Force turned his experiments against him by causing him to create the downfall of the Sith.


Except the flaw is that the light side isn't balance. We know the Bendu is balance. At some point the Jedi believed whole heartily that they were the "good" guys, and that balance is the light side of the force.

We know from the prequels alone that the Jedi are not Balance. They can't achieve balance when they deny themselves certain emotions and experiences. That's not balance. It's literally denial.
That Bendu stuff is interesting. I should watch Rebels, eh?
To this day I hate how they made Anakin/Vader force Jesus. It was playing on the idea that Vader had become such an iconic pop culture figure, that they had to make everything about him.
Wasnt Palatine fucking with the force and Anakin came from that?

Darth Plagueis.

This and the force needed to balance itself. The force is meant to be like ying/yang. In constant fluctuation, a perfect balance just cannot be obtained. However you can get close. The rule of two saved the Sith, because the emotions the Sith rely on are easy. There were so many tapping into the dark side of the force, there wasn't enough to go around. The force is in everything, but the part you can easily wield isn't. That gets shared. So by limiting the Sith to two memebrs, they were able to increase their power hugely. The consequence to this, was the rapid increase in Light Side users. The same thing started to happen to them and their powers became weaker.

Anakin was always going to happen. It is heavily implied that either Darth Plagueis created Anakin, but in my own mind someone like him was going to come along sooner or later. The force will always seek to balance itself out. Too many light or dark and someone will start getting ideas on how to deal with it.
That Bendu stuff is interesting. I should watch Rebels, eh?

It's like clone wars in that it takes a while to get going, and the best episodes are ones with multiple episode story arcs.

But there are many moments in rebels that are just flipping awesome. There are also many moments that are just like, "Hey, can we go 30 seconds without someone offering a snarky quip about someone else's job/plan/tactics/situation...
This and the force needed to balance itself. The force is meant to be like ying/yang. In constant fluctuation, a perfect balance just cannot be obtained. However you can get close. The rule of two saved the Sith, because the emotions the Sith rely on are easy. There were so many tapping into the dark side of the force, there wasn't enough to go around. The force is in everything, but the part you can easily wield isn't. That gets shared. So by limiting the Sith to two memebrs, they were able to increase their power hugely. The consequence to this, was the rapid increase in Light Side users. The same thing started to happen to them and their powers became weaker.

Anakin was always going to happen. It is heavily implied that either Darth Plagueis created Anakin, but in my own mind someone like him was going to come along sooner or later. The force will always seek to balance itself out. Too many light or dark and someone will start getting ideas on how to deal with it.

Make sure to note whether or not you're talking about Legends or Canon.

For those not in the know.

A lot of stuff pre-Disney about star wars exists. Disney decided it was way too much, and removed a lot of it from Canon. This is referred to as Legends material. Most Darth Plagueis stuff is Legend material.


I am pretty sure Ep VIII will reveal that the force isn't good or evil, that it's always perpetually trying to stay balanced and that Luke found out when he found the first temple.

I originally suspected he had killed his own trainees as a result, or left them to die, and is trying to figure out how to kill Kylo and Snoke. But now he sees Rey who wields the force without any training and realizes it's pointless as even if he killed other force users it seems others would emerge.

Hence the title of VII, the force awakens.


The more they try to explain shit, the worse Star Wars gets. It was nice when the force was just a source of power and no shit prophecies were involved. Anakin is a much more compelling character when the chosen one/balance the force crap is removed. Just an old knight who was corrupted by the dark side.



Lot of misconception here, "Balance to the Force" doesn't mean an equal number of Jedi and Sith. The light side is balance, it's harmony. Balance in the Force means victory for the Light Side. That's why Obi-Wan was so crushed when Anakin turned evil.

Luke was the real chosen one anyway, unless you want to subscribe to the theory that Vader eventually did balance the Force by killing Palpatine and himself.

'Well in my opinion, the Jedi are evil!'

I was always under the impression that this is how, in their hubris, the Jedi rationalized their belief that Anakin would eradicate the Sith. What if they had it wrong?


'Well in my opinion, the Jedi are evil!'

I was always under the impression that this is how, in their hubris, the Jedi rationalized their belief that Anakin would eradicate the Sith. What if they had it wrong?

They ended being right at the end since Anakin did it anyway.


George Lucas is a huge fan of the Joseph Campbell's monomyth theory espoused in The Hero of A Thousand Faces.

Probably the most well known monomyth in the Western canon, Jesus of Nazareth, had a virgin birth. So it seems he was aping that in some way.
To bring balance to the force. There were too many Jedi and far too few Sith. After Anakin did his job there were 2 jedi and 2 sith (Until they decided to start expanding on it).

There, force balanced.

Which is stupid given it's only logical that it would expand beyond 2 on the Jedi side, even if the Sith largely keep that number in check. Obi-Wan and Yoda vs Anakin and Sheev was balance. Then the Jedi had to go screw it up.


Saint Titanfall
1000 plus years of circle-jerking will do that to an organized religion.

Both the Jedi and the Sith were responsible for bringing unbalance to the Force. The Jedi became too dogmatic and rigid, failing to realize that things like love and even anger are essential facets of the Force that shouldn't be buried but rather nurtured with respect and caution. The Sith, with their Rule of Two, and hiding for a millennium only amplified their abuse of emotion and lack of control and respect for the Force.
Eh wasn't the rule o two created to because of flaws the Sith culture already had. Namely that more than one Sith Lord would result in them waging never ending wars with each other for supremay leading to easy pickings for the Jedi. The point being to accept the power hungry nature of the Sith giving all Sith the oppurtunity to rule with a fast and quick successions. Seems like less of perversaion and more of a best of a bad situation that ultimately worked.
The canon is very clear - Anakin is the Chosen One and he was created because of the Will of the Force. The Force is not neutral. It has a will, and that will tends towards the light.

You're going to have to direct me to the canon source that says the Force has a will that "tends towards the light".
Which is stupid given it's only logical that it would expand beyond 2 on the Jedi side, even if the Sith largely keep that number in check. Obi-Wan and Yoda vs Anakin and Sheev was balance. Then the Jedi had to go screw it up.

Not that I subscribe to this logic, but how did they screw it up?

Obi-wan literally dies the moment he passes on the Jedi stuff to Luke.


Which is stupid given it's only logical that it would expand beyond 2 on the Jedi side, even if the Sith largely keep that number in check. Obi-Wan and Yoda vs Anakin and Sheev was balance. Then the Jedi had to go screw it up.

The balance has nothing to do with keeping an equal amount of Jedi and Sith. It has to do with allowing the Force to work naturally without abuse or the cancerous growth of the dark side.
'Well in my opinion, the Jedi are evil!'

I was always under the impression that this is how, in their hubris, the Jedi rationalized their belief that Anakin would eradicate the Sith. What if they had it wrong?

It's got nothing to do with the Jedi or Sith. They are just two sects of Force users; the term "Sith" has meant many things across its existence and the Jedi as they knew them didn't survive the fall of the Old Republic.

It's got to do with the Force. The "Light side" of the Force is it's default state, the way it "should" be. It represents harmony and growth, the creation of life. The Dark Side is a corruption of that; taking that energy and using it to evil or selfish ends. That's where the Jedi philosophy comes in; they believe in harmony with the Force. You live alongside it, let it guide your actions, don't abuse it, and everything is alright. The Sith see The Force as a tool; a weapon to be wielded in the pursuit on one's own gain. This is misusing The Force, encouraging discord and strife within it and creating imbalance. That's why The Sith are the bad guys, it's how they pollute the spiritual energy that flows through all living things.
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