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Why did the force decide to create Anakin?

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The balance has nothing to do with keeping an equal amount of Jedi and Sith. It has to do with allowing the Force to work naturally without abuse or the cancerous growth of the dark side.

Well, if that's how it works and the dark side keeps popping up, sounds like the force needs to try something that isn't chemo.

Can you link this instead of posting a picture with text on it like it's proof?


I just take Kreia's view, regardless of if Plagueis made Anakin or the force gestated him, the force manipulating everyone's lives in the galaxy makes it evil and it needs to be purged for galactic civilization to prosper or die on its own whims.

There is nothing in there that says the Force has a will that tends towards the light.

Like I said before, the Sith are a poison on the Force and Anakin is created to act as an antibody. The key point though is he is conceived by the midichlorians, not the Force. This is what the Force is

"Well, the Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together."

"Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship."

The Force is an energy field not some dude with a white beard sat in the clouds who wants the good guys to win. It's an energy field that certain people can manipulate and certain groups interpret it in different ways.


It's got nothing to do with the Jedi or Sith. They are just two sects of Force users; the term "Sith" has meant many things across its existence and the Jedi as they knew them didn't survive the fall of the Old Republic.

It's got to do with the Force. The "Light side" of the Force is it's default state, the way it "should" be. It represents harmony and growth, the creation of life. The Dark Side is a corruption of that; taking that energy and using it to evil or selfish ends. That's where the Jedi philosophy comes in; they believe in harmony with the Force. You live alongside it, let it guide your actions, don't abuse it, and everything is alright. The Sith see The Force as a tool; a weapon to be wielded in the pursuit on one's own gain. This is misusing The Force, encouraging discord and strife within it and creating imbalance. That's why The Sith are the bad guys, it's how they pollute the spiritual energy that flows through all living things.

But don't the Sith have their own prophecy?

Who's to say which is the 'correct' interpretation?
The more they try to explain shit, the worse Star Wars gets. It was nice when the force was just a source of power and no shit prophecies were involved. Anakin is a much more compelling character when the chosen one/balance the force crap is removed. Just an old knight who was corrupted by the dark side.

I agree with you.


He wrote most of it in 1976
Having read drafts, it was garbage then too.

Lucas was lucky back then to have a ton of editors, producers, actors, even his own wife rewriting his stuff to make even the faintest of sense.

The Jedi Kane Starkiller and his two sons, Deak and Annikin Starkiller live on the Fourth Moon of Utapau. Their seclusion from the forces of the Galactic Empire is interrupted by the arrival of a Sith flying a Banta Four starfighter. The Jedi and his sons go to investigate, but the Sith gets a jump on them, killing Deak with a single blow. Their foe is no match, however, for a Jedi Master, and Kane avenges his apprentice. It is clear that the exiles must flee the Kissel system and they leave for their homeworld of Aquilae. Aquilae, a planet not yet controlled by the Empire, is ruled by the wise King Kayos and Queen Breha. Unfortunately, even as the Jedi arrive in system, the Galactic Emperor, Cos Dashit, plots with his advisors to annex it, one of the last of the Independent Systems. Spies on Alderaan, the gas giant capital of the Empire, leave to bring news of this to Aquilae's leadership.

I mean... good grief... It's a MIRACLE Star Wars turned out as good as it did.
Having read drafts, it was garbage then too.

Lucas was lucky back then to have a ton of editors, producers, actors, even his own wife rewriting his stuff to make even the faintest of sense.

I mean... good grief... It's a MIRACLE Star Wars turned out as good as it did.
Lucas' wife completely saved the film.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Just ignore I and II, and even Revenge of the Sith if you want although some like it, and it's not a problem.

Head canon ftw.


Having only light side without dark side is the exact antithesis of "balance".

My personal take on the whole thing is that it was actually the dark side that was unbalanced, not the Force itself. The Jedi simply never understood what the prophecy actually meant. Light could fall to the dark, but dark couldn't fall to the light. You never saw the Emperor warning Vader away from puppies and rainbows for fear of falling to the light side. Forever will it dominate your destiny, and all that... it was a one-way ticket, and there was no way back. Ever.

Until Anakin.

The most powerful Force user who ever lived, created for the express purpose of falling to the dark side (makes ROTS all the more tragic when you realize he didn't have a choice), and then coming back. Thus breaking whatever permanent hold the dark side had up to that point and allowing people to actually go both ways.

Interestingly, this theory appears to hold up in Episode VII, with Kylo Ren saying that he "feels the pull to the light". Something I imagine no dark side user ever felt before. It's ironic that he has his grandfather to thank for that, although I don't think he realizes it.


I think it was supposed to bring balance to the dark and light side since the whole thing was starting to tip towards the dark side?


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Its all about bringing balance to the force, it was all out of wack sio anakin was suppose to be a big reset button, how he was going to do it was up in the air but ultimately he was going to complete his goal


Palpatine said a lot of things.

Please stop, you are chipping away at my soul. Giving the Force such a deliberate will just makes everything so lame, the character's actions become arbitrary if the Force could just "will" things right anyway. The Emperor was destroyed because Luke refused to accept that his father was 'dead', not because of some omniscient force. Why did the Force only create one Chosen One? Why didn't it create a whole bunch, was there a nasty cooldown on the Force Sperm power? It's not like being conceived by the Force gave Anakin superpowers anyway, he got bitchslapped in almost every single duel except Dooku round 2. It's all utterly pointless.

Bro i hate to tell you, but the force is sentient.

And Anakin was extremely powerful the movies just did a shitty job of showing it.

If he never lost his limbs he would have been the most powerful Jedi easily
But don't the Sith have their own prophecy?

Who's to say which is the 'correct' interpretation?

Nah, the Sith have always had trouble with any sort of unity or organization; infighting and survival of the fittest is one of their core tenets after all and it's one of the reasons for the Rule of Two. Sith Empires and Orders have been attempted but they never work out all that well.

As a result if you get 100 Sith in a room and ask them any sort of philosophical question regarding the Force you'll likely get 100 different answers (as well as an argument and probably some bloodshed). Individualism is the core belief and as a result it's more likely that any given Sith would believe THEY were a chosen one rather than prophesizing some other one.

As for why the Jedi are right that's mostly because the proof is in the pudding. Areas and people strong in the Light Side are healthy and vibrant while the opposite holds true for the Dark. Even down to the flora and fauna. Sith might deny the corruption but it's written all over their faces, in some cases quite literally.
Having only light side without dark side is the exact antithesis of "balance".

The mistake people are making is buying into the idea that the "light side" and the "dark side" are actual properties of the Force that are supposed to exist in harmony.

As far as I can tell, there's just the Force (which has sentient and cosmic influences), and there are people who use it in various ways. Some try to be in tune with it, others try to bend it to their will.

The latter has a corrupting influence, and the Force will inevitably work through its control over all things to balance that corrupting influence out.

IMO as far as I can tell the fact that dark side users are always allied with Space Nazi empires is supposed to be a clue about the validity of their worldviews.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Bro i hate to tell you, but the force is sentient.

And Anakin was extremely powerful the movies just did a shitty job of showing it.

If he never lost his limbs he would have been the most powerful Jedi easily

I don't mind the idea of the Force having a will, that was an idea from ANH when Obi-Wan said it partially guides your actions. I just hate this thing of the Force "willing" Space Jesus into existence, it's painfully unsubtle and cheapens the story.


I don't understand why people are still trying to make sense of the prequels. They were completely terrible movies that ruined the entire Star Wars mythology. There was zero point to them except to make money. That's the answer actually: the force created Anakin to make George Lucas richer.
It gets even more complicated with Qui-Gon Jinn's unique philosophy regarding the Force in TPM. It's supposed to be a different philosophy than the normal Jedi's and the Sith's, but I'm pretty sure it's been completely ignored in all subsequent episodes.


Gold Member
To bring balance to the force. There were too many Jedi and far too few Sith. After Anakin did his job there were 2 jedi and 2 sith (Until they decided to start expanding on it).

There, force balanced.

That's kinda how I figured it as well.


Junior Member
The in-universe reason is something like the Dark Side was growing too prevalent due to Palpatine's plot to dominate the galaxy, so Anakin was spawned to end the dominion of the Sith. Palpatine and Plagueis's manipulation of midichlorians (UGH, somebody punch me) to induce Shmi Skywalker's pregnancy played directly into the will of the Force.

So basically Palps and Plagueis engineered their own destruction, assuming their actions lead to Anakin's immaculate conception. Oops. (Fuck dammit, that's lame.)

this is real?


It gets even more complicated with Qui-Gon Jinn's unique philosophy regarding the Force in TPM. It's supposed to be a different philosophy than the normal Jedi's and the Sith's, but I'm pretty sure it's been completely ignored in all subsequent episodes.

What? It's the basis of how to become a Force ghost. Yoda admits he was wrong and becomes Qui Gon's apprentice.


The mistake people are making is buying into the idea that the "light side" and the "dark side" are actual properties of the Force that are supposed to exist in harmony.

As far as I can tell, there's just the Force (which has sentient and cosmic influences), and there are people who use it in various ways. Some try to be in tune with it, others try to bend it to their will.

The latter has a corrupting influence, and the Force will inevitably work through its control over all things to balance that corrupting influence out.

IMO as far as I can tell the fact that dark side users are always allied with Space Nazi empires is supposed to be a clue about the validity of their worldviews.

True. People think of the Light and Dark sides as a ying yang sort of scenario, which is not really the case.

There is simply The Force.
What? It's the basis of how to become a Force ghost. Yoda admits he was wrong and becomes Qui Gon's apprentice.

So that's the only point of it? They made it seem like it was a huge philosophy with revolutionary concepts and whatnot, but the only consequence/application is the Force ghost thing? :/ They could have just said Qui-Gon invented a technique or something.

Anakin didn't even learn it and he became a ghost just fine.

The Clone Wars also introduced Sith ghosts if I recall correctly.
Ok, so if light side is inherently balance, the contradiction would be that the users of the force are all sentient life forms that are going to tend towards personal gain, and thus tend towards the dark side. "Human" nature is the counterbalance to the force that so often leads to the dark side of the force.

The light side of the force is a state of harmony and balance, and the jedi strive towards that path, but just their mere existence as sentient individual lifeforms first, and jedi afterwards, contradicts with the path they want to follow.

This is why Anakin being older was more important: he had more time on his own.

Why was the old Jedi Order messed up, and need of balancing? I suppose, the more individuals, both jedi and sith, there are, the more variables that can work towards personal gain, whether it be minor or major in its severity. But to counteract individual desire, "humans" inevitably create institutions and attempt to get closer towards collective thought, however the very action of creating institutions that need to be so large that they span the galaxy and can identify any and all force-sensitive people would require more individuals which creates that instability. The old Jedi Order being so large would be the issue, and this was less a situation of a presence of sith that was an issue so much as the sum of all the minor individual desires among the Jedi.

Thus Anakin kills them all off to get rid of that sum total, then kills himself and Palpatine, as Sith inherently screw up the balance, and Luke tries to reestablish a new Jedi Order that can grow and locate force-sensitive beings across the galaxy so as to train them away from pursuit of their own selfish desires, etc. etc.

Mind you, I'm not that big on Star Wars, I'm just taking the given situation and expanding on it. Lucas essentially gets an infinite number of cycles and stories to work with, and the story is just about human nature, like many other stories, special counteracting galactic sentience called the "Force" be damned.


To bring balance to the force.
Do you need a definition for the word balance and what it entails?
A great light casts a strong shadow etc.


this is real?
It was at least strongly implied in the RotS opera scene, and further explored in the novel Plagueis (which is suprisingly decent but no longer canon).

Shmi's virgin birth is canon, as she informs Qui Gon about it in person in TPM.


So that's the only point of it? They made it seem like it was a huge philosophy with revolutionary concepts and whatnot, but the only consequence/application is the Force ghost thing? :/ They could have just said Qui-Gon invented a technique or something.

Anakin didn't even learn it and he became a ghost just fine.

The Clone Wars also introduced Sith ghosts if I recall correctly.

these are not jedi ghosts or sith ghosts, they are force ghosts, they are one with the force

or something

also anakin learned it because he walked both paths, and returned from the dark to the light side? or something?


Plagueis created Anakin via the force because he knew he would grow to become Vader, the most powerful Sith lord of all. But then Vader fucked it all up. So 10 years later, he tried it again and created
Lot of misconception here, "Balance to the Force" doesn't mean an equal number of Jedi and Sith. The light side is balance, it's harmony. Balance in the Force means victory for the Light Side. That's why Obi-Wan was so crushed when Anakin turned evil.

Luke was the real chosen one anyway, unless you want to subscribe to the theory that Vader eventually did balance the Force by killing Palpatine and himself.

That's like... literally the story

The entire point is the Jedi had the prophecy wrong the whole time... balance meant the end of both the Sith AND the Jedi.

Things needed a reboot, essentially.

these are not jedi ghosts or sith ghosts, they are force ghosts, they are one with the force

or something

also anakin learned it because he walked both paths, and returned from the dark to the light side? or something?

Only Jedi can return to the Force because they let it "flow" around them instead of controlling and corrupting it the way the Sith did.

And only certain Jedi can do that - Qui-Gon Jinn actually learned how to from an ancient holocron (think holo-book) and he was the first in a long time to be a "force ghost" ... he taught it to Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, etc...

Sith or dark-side users can have "ghosts" as well, but they are different, in a sense, and are almost always locked to an object, IE Holocron, Lightsaber, location (the cave on Dagoba was where a great dark side user died), etc..
Ok, so if light side is inherently balance, the contradiction would be that the users of the force are all sentient life forms that are going to tend towards personal gain, and thus tend towards the dark side. "Human" nature is the counterbalance to the force that so often leads to the dark side of the force.

The problem with your formula is that the canon reason why the Force was out of balance was simply that there was an extreme actor using it to fuck up and control the entire galaxy in the form of Palpatine.

It wasn't explicitly to do with the Jedi Order needing to be balanced out, although the Order wasn't exactly perfect, and problems within the Order contributed to Palpatine's rise and were a prime motivator for Anakin making his initial choice to follow the dark side path before his son brought him back to his senses.
So basically, the cyclical nature of the force isn't that the Jedi and Sith have to be at equal numbers, but that:

1) Balanced force requires jedi to promote it, follow in its path, and a lack of sith
2) Jedi required by force to work for the force, and not act for personal gain
3) Jedi are "human" (shorthand for sentient beings), and human nature tends towards acting for self-gain


4) To suppress such tendencies, humans need greater institutions to work as a collective
5) Institutions also needed to locate those force-sensitive humans to prevent them going off on their own and acting in their self-interest


6) Larger institution needed to grow larger, and larger, etc.
7) Institution locating more kids means more humans in institution
8) More humans creates more possibility of minor deviance in the force, at the very least. And compared to untrained force-sensitives, these jedi are trained in using the force.

9) Because the force is essentially a state of zero, but the perfectly controlled jedi is merely at that zero, there is no "above zero" super jedi to counter all the minor deviations.


10) Large numbers of humans need to go
11) Only Sith will kill Jedi
12) Sith inherently create imbalance in force, so there's still imbalance after the jedi genocide.
13) Remaining Jedi kill Sith.

Rinse and repeat

It's a basic institution vs human nature sort of thing
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