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Why did the force decide to create Anakin?

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Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Wow, what the hell? I never knew that. Was that in the extended universe books or something?

Apparently there were some weird non-canon ILM showreels that were mistakenly sent to cinemas between 1999 and 2005.


The Jedi are awful

Anakin is the worst Jedi but also the most powerful

The Jedi being wiped out is a problem Anakin solves for the Force

Anakin dies killing the Emperor, the Sith are now totally off the board

Luke Skywalker inherits his dad's sweet force affinity, learns from the mistakes of both his father and the Jedi, founds new Jedi order that isn't awful

Not necessarily looking at the EU! (yes I know it's not canon, but it might still happen)


Apparently there were some weird non-canon ILM showreels that were mistakenly sent to cinemas between 1999 and 2005.
That explains why Rogue One has prequel references such as showing Mustafar and has prequel actors reprising their roles. This silly head in the sand belief doesn't hold much water as Lucasfilm happily keeps referencing them in the new material.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
That explains why Rogue One has prequel references such as showing Mustafar and has prequel actors reprising their roles. This silly head in the sand belief doesn't hold much water as Lucasfilm happily keeps referencing them in the new material.

Happily keeps vaguely referencing the least stupid parts (Mustafar wasn't even named onscreen and I don't think Bail Organa was either).

Don't expect midichlorians, virgin births or Darth Plagueis to ever be referred to again.

I don't get it, what is mid-chlorians and how did that impregnate Anakins mother? Didn't Anakin have a normal dad?

Anakin is Jesus, get it? It's like poetry.


Please stop, you are chipping away at my soul. Giving the Force such a deliberate will just makes everything so lame, the character's actions become arbitrary if the Force could just "will" things right anyway. The Emperor was destroyed because Luke refused to accept that his father was 'dead', not because of some omniscient force. Why did the Force only create one Chosen One? Why didn't it create a whole bunch, was there a nasty cooldown on the Force Sperm power? It's not like being conceived by the Force gave Anakin superpowers anyway, he got bitchslapped in almost every single duel except Dooku round 2. It's all utterly pointless.

Star Wars is a myth. Myths throughout history are filled with deitys sending sole chosen ones to save their people. Why did God only send one Jesus instead of 50 of them?


Happily keeps vaguely referencing the least stupid parts (Mustafar wasn't even named onscreen and I don't think Bail Organa was either).

Don't expect midichlorians, virgin births or Darth Plagueis to ever be referred to again.

Even The Clone Wars tv show and various prequel era comics ignore midichlorians. It seems no but Lucas cares about the chlorians.


I don't get it, what is mid-chlorians and how did that impregnate Anakins mother? Didn't Anakin have a normal dad?

Bruh, his father figure was pod racing and getting out of dodge.

Terrible fucking plot but somehow redeemed by something something importance of strong father figures. GOD WHY DO I HAVE TO LIE TO MYSELF TO FEEL BETTER!!!


Gold Member
Happily keeps vaguely referencing the least stupid parts (Mustafar wasn't even named onscreen and I don't think Bail Organa was either).

Don't expect midichlorians, virgin births or Darth Plagueis to ever be referred to again.
From all things from the PT both Mustafar and Bail Organa would be the least insulting things to mention by name.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Star Wars is a myth. Myths throughout history are filled with deitys sending sole chosen ones to save their people. Why did God only send one Jesus instead of 50 of them?C

You tell me, if God had a brain he would have sent more than 1 Jesus in 2000 years.


Happily keeps vaguely referencing the least stupid parts (Mustafar wasn't even named onscreen and I don't think Bail Organa was either).

Don't expect midichlorians, virgin births or Darth Plagueis to ever be referred to again.
Doesn't change they are canon. Lucasfilms official policy is the first 6 films and The Clone Wars are the foundation of the franchise that all future material must adhere to them. That the George Lucas approved canonical media is essentially the rock of everything and all other media must build on it.

They aren't going away. The current tv series Star Wars Rebels heavily references prequel era events for example.


Anakin is Jesus, get it? It's like poetry.



Reading briefly through that site and wookiepedia, thank fuck Disney nuked most of that shit. The links go on forever.
That is the canon entry for Anakin unless you switched over to the Legends tab. All of the material relating to Anakin in the prequels, and the animated series' are 10000000% canonical.


To quote revenge of the Sith "Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life..."

I always thought this was an obvious reference to Anakin being created, some people missed it apparently. They then ran with this for the Plagueis book which is now no longer Canon of course, but to me it will always be how he was created, we just don't know the details.


Now you know why the EU was nuked and screw anyone who complains.
I like how some people blame "Disney". The second TFA was coming which started before the sale to Disney the EU was dead. They would never attempt to adhere to that mess of 4 trillion books, comics, and games.


My headcanon is that Anakin's mom got so wasted on some one-night-stand, she can't remember who the father is. Better than "the force/siths telepathically impregnated Anakin's mom", that's just lame.


You tell me, if God had a brain he would have sent more than 1 Jesus in 2000 years.

Isn't the whole "idea" behind that, that Jesus being the living embodiment of God died for humanity and God as himself thought humanity wasn't worthy of another chosen one?

I'm sure there's some weird explanation for this if you ask religious nuts.


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
The Darth Plagueis story told by Palpatine in ROTS heavily implied that Anakin is a product of life manipulation by a incredibly powerful force user

So... They had sex?


because the Jedi are assholes and the force wanted them to disappear.

Judging by the movies there's not a single reason the Jedis can be considered the good guys.

Dark side rules


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Now you know why the EU was nuked and screw anyone who complains.

George Lucas never gave a fuck about the EU and viewed it purely as merchandise, if he ever wanted to override it himself then he did so without thinking. It was never taken seriously by Lucasfilm.
I mean the book isn't canon anymore but I thought Sheev killed him during The Phantom Menace.
Yep. The night he got elected he got his old master drunk(he thought he would be the power behind him while Palpatine of course wanted to rule alone since he never really cared for the Siths grand plan)and then used Force Lightning on him while he slept.
Well, in Rebels we're learning more about how Jedi and Sith are opposites, and how there is a middle ground.

If the Jedi truly were a group of people that swore off love and attachement, then they've obviously gone to far into extremism. The Jedi of the old republic got caught up in their own bureaucracy as well as that of the republic itself. The only excuse for forbidding a Jedi from love is that it's just easier to train them that way, and less risky. This is not a sign of "the good guys" at all.

While we love to pretend the Jedi's are the good guys throughout the entire series, the fact is they were heavily flawed, and had grown so large they needed to be put in check. It's just unfortunate the way that had to happen.


These arrogant Jedi fucks wanted their own Jedi Jesus superweapon in Anakin despite the light side already being the most dominant side of the Force at the time. The Force said "here's your balance now, you stupid idiots" and basically killed them all.
That is the canon entry for Anakin unless you switched over to the Legends tab. All of the material relating to Anakin in the prequels, and the animated series' are 10000000% canonical.

Nononononono, I mean the links to all of the weird bird Sith Lords and shit off of that page. All of the other crazy bullshit, including Han Solo having like a bunch of other kids and stuff, there being like 6 sided lightsabers and stupid shit.

Even palpa-bro's list of apprentices has too many entries for me lol.
Wellll technically it was the midichlorians that conceived Anakin not the Force, the Force is a neutral energy field.

That was either caused by Plageius manipulating them or the Sith being like a virus/poison in your body (the Force) and the midichlorians inside Shmi create Anakin like an antibody to flush them out. Anakin having free will doesn't have to do what Plageius or the midichlorians want so he just wipes out everyone.


I thought the point was that they were wrong and Luke Skywalker is actually the one who brings balance to the force.

As for Smee. Maybe she got drunk and slept with a Jawa?
What about Ben though?

Ben shows that at its core the Jedi and Sith should not exist, because one cannot exist without the other and someone will always become corrupted by the Dark Side.
The Light and the Dark are in eternal conflict. One may gain on the other, but it always reverses, equals out, and starts over again.

The Skywalker family is the current tool the Force uses to maintain balance.


Because Lucas needed Anakin to be analogous to Jesus as much as God damn possible and he's probably the only person less subtle than Zack Snyder.


Well, in Rebels we're learning more about how Jedi and Sith are opposites, and how there is a middle ground.

If the Jedi truly were a group of people that swore off love and attachement, then they've obviously gone to far into extremism. The Jedi of the old republic got caught up in their own bureaucracy as well as that of the republic itself. The only excuse for forbidding a Jedi from love is that it's just easier to train them that way, and less risky. This is not a sign of "the good guys" at all.

While we love to pretend the Jedi's are the good guys throughout the entire series, the fact is they were heavily flawed, and had grown so large they needed to be put in check. It's just unfortunate the way that had to happen.

Exactly, the Sith are power hungry pricks who will stop at nothing to get what the want.

However, the Jedi aren't saints either. They're nothing but self centered egotistical assholes who think so highly of themselves that they can't see what's going on right under their noses.

The only Jedi in the movies who didn't fit that mold was Qui-Gon, which is why the Jedi Council viewed him as nothing but a huge pain in the ass, and stonewalled him from ever joining the council (had more people listened to him, they might have been able to nip this whole Sith thing in the bud before Palpatine could even get his plan into motion).


Well, in Rebels we're learning more about how Jedi and Sith are opposites, and how there is a middle ground.

If the Jedi truly were a group of people that swore off love and attachement, then they've obviously gone to far into extremism. The Jedi of the old republic got caught up in their own bureaucracy as well as that of the republic itself. The only excuse for forbidding a Jedi from love is that it's just easier to train them that way, and less risky. This is not a sign of "the good guys" at all.

While we love to pretend the Jedi's are the good guys throughout the entire series, the fact is they were heavily flawed, and had grown so large they needed to be put in check. It's just unfortunate the way that had to happen.

If this is truly the case then the prequels did a very poor job conveying it


If this is truly the case then the prequels did a very poor job conveying it

That's what happens when you give George Lucas full control over something without anyone with enough balls to tell him that's stupid.

Glares at Rick McCallum.


If this is truly the case then the prequels did a very poor job conveying it

Prequels movies did a very poor job of conveying most things and various EU's even stuff like the Clone Wars show seems to exist but pick up the slack of the movies and to fix shit. Lot of them were better written the the movies especially Clone Wars
If this is truly the case then the prequels did a very poor job conveying it

The prequels did a terrible job of conveying anything. Watch the Clone Wars cartoon. It really really helps. To the point that I find Anakin (pre-Vader) to actually be enjoyable to watch.
Well, in Rebels we're learning more about how Jedi and Sith are opposites, and how there is a middle ground.

If the Jedi truly were a group of people that swore off love and attachement, then they've obviously gone to far into extremism. The Jedi of the old republic got caught up in their own bureaucracy as well as that of the republic itself. The only excuse for forbidding a Jedi from love is that it's just easier to train them that way, and less risky. This is not a sign of "the good guys" at all.

While we love to pretend the Jedi's are the good guys throughout the entire series, the fact is they were heavily flawed, and had grown so large they needed to be put in check. It's just unfortunate the way that had to happen.
1000 plus years of circle-jerking will do that to an organized religion.

Both the Jedi and the Sith were responsible for bringing unbalance to the Force. The Jedi became too dogmatic and rigid, failing to realize that things like love and even anger are essential facets of the Force that shouldn't be buried but rather nurtured with respect and caution. The Sith, with their Rule of Two, and hiding for a millennium only amplified their abuse of emotion and lack of control and respect for the Force.
I have a theory that makes me like this idea of the force creating Anakin way way more. It is pretty simple too.

Shmi lied. Anakin had a father, and he was a piece of shit that abandoned them. Shmi decided this was better instead of telling Anakin that on top of his already bad life he had a father that didn't love him, left him, and possibly was the cause of their servitude.


Plagueis and Palpatine created Anakin by manipulating the Force. Unfortunately for them the Jedi discovered him first but Palpatine was cunning enough to turn him.


This was such a bad story beat I still decide not to acknowledge it.

Qui-Gonn asks where the father is, and Shmi says there is no father and can't explain it. "Virgin birth"? No, the truth is she had a one-night stand with some deadbeat smuggler who bailed on her and never called back or something.

It's incredible for how ultimately unimportant this whole virgin birth thing is. There wasn't even a prophecy about a virgin birth or anything. It's just there for no reason whatsoever and has zero payoff in any way.


I always though that Plagueis used the force to create anakin to destroy the Jedi. However due to how the force works, in the end Anakin ended up killing both Jedi and sith in a way and setting up the foundation for new Jedi in Luke etc

That way, Qui gonn isn't wrong when he says that Anakin is made from the force, but also Plageuis isn't wrong. But the force didn't "do" anything of its own. It used another's actions to balance things out in the end
Are you personifying the Force? It's not like your Western bearded-god-on-a-throne idea, it's not a 'being' that makes decisions. Why did the magnet decide to attract to ferrous metals? Mysterious.
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