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Why FF7 remake would probably not work.

I just wish a competent remake comes sooner rather than later so that all the people who arbitrarily can't fathom how random things in the game "can't" work or look good in a modern game can be shown that it can all work just fine.

People seem to have the most random and oddest hang-ups with FFVII.


I'd also like for FFXV to get started already. I'm always up for more spinoffs or offshoots, but we don't need any more remakes.
I wish they wouldn't.

Can we just move on to FF XV now please, leave old FFs alone.

I'm sure we'll get some FFXV info this E3. As for VIIremake, I really think it's something they'll resort to when they're in real trouble since fans will gobble it up. At the rate they're going, it'll be the only one left since SE's going outta their way to remake every old FF except for that one apparently.

I'd also like for FFXV to get started already. I'm always up for more spinoffs or offshoots, but we don't need any more remakes.

While I agree with this, that's the absolute last thing that VII needs at this point.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
BTW: how is the time travel dude in FF13-2? He looks like a KH character... but how's his character?

Noel was actually decent in the early hours. An air of confidence with a somewhat grounded personality(unlike everyone else that over-dramatizes how they tie their shoelaces), he wasn't afraid to speak his mind and use a bit of common sense without wasting the player's time monologuing thoughts for twenty minutes until they reach some arbitrary dumb answer.

That is until Noel met that shit-stain Snow with his nu-chocobo hair. Suddenly every word out of his mouth sounded like a whiny little pissant with the flimsiest of reasoning. Or rather he fit right in with the rest of the idiot entourage. You can replace most of the dialogue in that scene with mumbled incoherent whines and still reach the same conclusion.

I did at least enjoy making Serah say the dumbest answers in the dialogue trees though. Added a bit of breezy fun to the proceedings and I got awarded with the dumbest monster adornments to boot. Almost ended up actually appreciating her more this way. Had I went with the expected responses though...ugh.


He never really flirted with the flower girl at all. She was more like a sister to him.

I don't understand the Aeris shippers.
The problem is... a remake is just not going to have the same experience IMO. The whole shock of the game was seeing something you had never seen before in 1997.. something that was really "post-modern" for the time, with elements of a modern world of megacorporations+biotech juxtaposed with fantasy, compared to the more straightforward swords n sorcery jRPGs that had come before. Something that seemed to ride the wave of when anime and Japanese storytelling was ultra-cool. Something that showed you a totally cinematic language in video games, when before it was just simple sprites.

A remake might have its own fun. If they could re-create that bizarre, melancholy atmosphere, that would be worth something. But it's just NOT going to have the right impact that it once did.....

Bingo. You can't recreate the experience of FFVII.


Isn't the real retcon that mopey Cloud originated with Square's depiction of him in the Compilation stuff? Even in 1997 Cloud was called mopey and depressive. The modern image of him comes from the vocal fandom, not some weird retcon on Square's part. Also, compared to most other JRPG protagonists at the time, he absolutely was sad, quiet and depressed. This would have been refreshing if Cloud was in any way an interesting or compelling character. Instead it just set off years of imitators (including Square itself) who thought JRPG protagonists needed to be tormented and have painful pasts.

I'd say the remake would succeed for exactly the reasons the article says it wouldn't. Completely reshape the general perception of Cloud by depicting him as an actual changing personality with a character arc over the course of the game, and you'll have a product far superior to the original with its tepid storytelling and awful translation job. For all the claims of how much it would cost to do, I can't imagine it would cost more than puttering around on Versus XIII for however many years.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Yeah, sure, I like games that play themselves.
It's not like you have to farm for hours just to unlock some motherfucking end game spell, the silly golden pigeon, the best limits and stuff like that... No, the issue it's exactly about me liking games that play themselves.

Holy Christ, fans in denial...

Nothing was forcing you to do all that optional lategame content, though. Hell I'm a huge fan of FF7 and my first time through I barely did any of the optional content, just wanted to get through and see how the story played out... Lots of games have stuff like this (now more so than ever) for OCD fans who have to do everything (especially now with things like achievements/trophies), FF7 shouldn't be the one game singled out by any means.

You are a PC/american RPG fan iirc... what do you think of those games and the "collect 10 wolf pelts" style quests common in those games? Do you do all of those?

Yeah, FFX should be singled out.

Dodge lightning 300 time?

Ha ha, no.

Agreed, that shit was terrible. Hopefully in the Vita remake they get rid of some of the more obnoxious lategame sidequests.

Beth Cyra

Advent Children Cloud fits the description quite nicely.

And from what I saw from Dissidia too. Cloud became a second rate Squall, at some point although Cloud was never like that in VII (specially after recovering his real personality)

For fuck sake.

Cloud in dissidia is neither like Perish said given he goes in on both a wanna be god and a a real god.

Beyond that he is nothing like Squall unless you want to count quite.

Squall for as much as I love him comes up with some retarded bullshit about being alone and everyone still fighting together. The only reason while Cloud ends up going on alone is because Cecil, Tidus and Firion believe that is where he will best find his answers and suggest that he do so.

He never really flirted with the flower girl at all. She was more like a sister to him.

I don't understand the Aeris shippers.

Got to remember near end Aerith tells Cloud that she des indeed like him and activily tries to find out what makes him different from Zack.

As for Cloud, he never really shows any overt signs of love towards any of the females after he leaves the reactor and Sephiroth shit happens.


Is this 1up article plagiarizing a 4chan image from like 2008?


It's just a damn blog post, relax.

I basically agree with Parish. Ever since I saw AC and played DoC, I thought it was obvious SE would fuck up an FFVII remake. If I had my druthers, they'd just have Alexander O Smith et al re-do the localization from top to bottom.


It's an interesting point, and it isn't just the designs either, the personality of Cloud drastically changed between the original game, and Advent Children (and dissidia slightly, though not as extreme). Going from an arrogant jerk, to a emotional wreck.

That change was in the original game. He wasn't really an arrogant jerk. That was never his true personality. He was acting that way to hide his insecurities.
By far the worst thing about that image is the sword is the wrong way up. If he actually had to use that he'd be wasting time changing his grip.

I always thought that the huge swords thing was moronic actually, especially Cloud's.

It was supposed to be an indicator of how freakishly strong he is because he one hands that buster sword as if it is a toothpick. I prefer the AC version though because the large fusion sword is actually 7 swords interlocked together.

Isn't the real retcon that mopey Cloud originated with Square's depiction of him in the Compilation stuff? Even in 1997 Cloud was called mopey and depressive. The modern image of him comes from the vocal fandom, not some weird retcon on Square's part. Also, compared to most other JRPG protagonists at the time, he absolutely was sad, quiet and depressed. This would have been refreshing if Cloud was in any way an interesting or compelling character. Instead it just set off years of imitators (including Square itself) who thought JRPG protagonists needed to be tormented and have painful pasts.

I'd say the remake would succeed for exactly the reasons the article says it wouldn't. Completely reshape the general perception of Cloud by depicting him as an actual changing personality with a character arc over the course of the game, and you'll have a product far superior to the original with its tepid storytelling and awful translation job. For all the claims of how much it would cost to do, I can't imagine it would cost more than puttering around on Versus XIII for however many years.

Your entire post makes no sense. There is no "retcon" to the stories. Cloud was mentally unstable. He thought he was someone else. His mind shatters. A gradual change wouldn't make any sense at all and is uite possibly the worsd idea I have heard about FFVII ever.


It was supposed to be an indicator of how freakishly strong he is because he one hands that buster sword as if it is a toothpick. I prefer the AC version though because the large fusion sword is actually 7 swords interlocked together.
That's actually a pretty cool reason. However I think you could have the same effect by saying it's made of some ultra dense material that made it super heavy. You'd lose the visual impact of it's weight, but it'd cool, to me at least.
That's actually a pretty cool reason. However I think you could have the same effect by saying it's made of some ultra dense material that made it super heavy. You'd lose the visual impact of it's weight, but it'd cool, to me at least.

I see where you are going but remember when the game came out. The idea was to convey attributes as cleanly as possible with little to work with.


So when working with such limited polygons (and I don't think they had any detailed shaders then) In addition to whatever response other characters would have to him, the player can get it right away that the dude carrying around a large sword with one hand and the angry dude with the machine gun for an arm, really are something menacing to behold.

I don't think many series try it now. I think Auron from FFX had a large one and ichigo in bleach started out with a large sword.

I think the design those was the same for several game generations, because the devs wanted the main characters to stand out as much as possible. Because of lack of detail, they went for weird or easily recognizable shapes and colors.
Toriyama would also be involved in a remake. Shit would be beyond awful.

Actually I'd prefer the FFXII team to remake the game. Don't think the FFVII guys really understand the original game anymore judging by AC.


I always believed that FFVII remake wouldn't work because of the environments... while much of it seemed to indeed be rendered in 3D first, I for some reason can't imagine them re-rendering all that again. I don't know, it just seems like it would be a MASSIVE undertaking... beyond any game that exists today... I don't know why.
There's only one reason why a FF7 remake wouldn't work:


Sakaguchi kept this madman in check

Is...is that...Toriyama? Finally I can put a face to all the insanity? Man, I don't want him banished from the remake cause he can do good work under the right circumstances. If there is someone else to filter-out all his terribad ideas, I think it can be great.

Beth Cyra

Why would anyone want a ridiculous shitty animu remake of ff7?

Just play the first game, it's perfection.

This is possibly the most idiotic post in this thread given FF VII as it originally was is full on Anime and the updated look wouldn't do anything to change it.

If anything it would cut back on some of the anime insanity.
This is possibly the most idiotic post in this thread given FF VII as it originally was is full on Anime and the updated look wouldn't do anything to change it.

If anything it would cut back on some of the anime insanity.

Yeah, but it was badass 90's anime, not the crap today's FF games are inspired off of.


He never really flirted with the flower girl at all. She was more like a sister to him.

I don't understand the Aeris shippers.

I dunno, man. Whether or not Cloud liked her, Aerith definitely liked him. And if we want to talk about FF7 characters the fandom misrepresents, its definitely Aerith. They always portray her as super pure, despite Cloud's crossdressing having been her idea all along.

For fuck sake.

Cloud in dissidia is neither like Perish said given he goes in on both a wanna be god and a a real god.

Beyond that he is nothing like Squall unless you want to count quite.

Squall for as much as I love him comes up with some retarded bullshit about being alone and everyone still fighting together. The only reason while Cloud ends up going on alone is because Cecil, Tidus and Firion believe that is where he will best find his answers and suggest that he do so.

This needs to be emphasized more. Overall, Cloud was a pretty positive guy in Dissidia. He took it on himself to challenge Chaos alone (which puts him on the same level as Gabraanth, who actually outwhines Cloud, come to think of it.), and Cloud's attitude was what enabled Terra to sort out her own problems. His interactions with her also lead to the finalization of the team's "World Full of Flowers" concept, too.

Squall, on the other hand, managed to get his crystal despite being fooled by Ultimecia. Squall's entire storyline in Dissidia is lame until he stabs her midsentence.

Toriyama would also be involved in a remake. Shit would be beyond awful.

Actually I'd prefer the FFXII team to remake the game. Don't think the FFVII guys really understand the original game anymore judging by AC.

Well that settles the issue for me. I'd rather Square Enix go bankrupt and never make another game ever again than see Toriyama involved in any video game's plot ever again.


He never really flirted with the flower girl at all. She was more like a sister to him.

I don't understand the Aeris shippers.

I dunno, man. Whether or not Cloud liked her, Aerith definitely liked him. And if we want to talk about FF7 characters the fandom misrepresents, its definitely Aerith. They always portray her as super pure, despite Cloud's crossdressing having been her idea all along.

Has it been a long time since you guys played FFVII or something? The player chose whether or not Cloud flirted with her and a few other characters via response dialogue options.


Has it been a long time since you guys played FFVII or something? The player chose whether or not Cloud flirted with her and a few other characters via response dialogue options.

I will go on the record as saying that yes, yes it has been a long time since I played FF7.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I dunno, man. Whether or not Cloud liked her, Aerith definitely liked him. And if we want to talk about FF7 characters the fandom misrepresents, its definitely Aerith. They always portray her as super pure, despite Cloud's crossdressing having been her idea all along.
That's a good point. She was girlish, but had a bit of a mischevious side.


Have you forgotten the whole 'dating' mechanism or something?

No, but I consider it irrelevant to my point. Regardless of how the player makes Cloud feel, the game and subsequent materials have made it obvious that Aerith had feelings for Cloud.

That's a good point. She was girlish, but had a bit of a mischevious side.

I seriously think Aerith is the one who is viewed incorrectly by most of the fandom nowadays. I remember someone comparing her to Jesus on GameFAQs one time. I should've asked if Jesus ever disguised Peter as a woman for kicks.


Sorry CorvoSol, I wasn't referring to you directly. :p And I agree with you on your points regarding her character.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I seriously think Aerith is the one who is viewed incorrectly by most of the fandom nowadays. I remember someone comparing her to Jesus on GameFAQs one time. I should've asked if Jesus ever disguised Peter as a woman for kicks.
She is like Jesus, in the sense that her getting killed made her into some sort of perfectly bland saint-like hero about whom no one can remember the original impact of the character. :p
He never really flirted with the flower girl at all. She was more like a sister to him.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that. XD

Got to remember near end Aerith tells Cloud that she des indeed like him and activily tries to find out what makes him different from Zack.

As for Cloud, he never really shows any overt signs of love towards any of the females after he leaves the reactor and Sephiroth shit happens.

The reason Cloud shows no overt signs of love toward Aerith or Tifa are twofold:

1. In-game the player could make choices which affected which girl got more screen-time.

2. Nomura specifically stated in an interview that that the "love triangle" would always be open-ended. This is why even though Aerith's now some Obi-Wan guardian spirit of the Lifestream thingy, Cloud still is not with Tifa. Because they were never gonna favor one side or the other. Basically, it's a giant troll.
I still think they should troll everyone and have Cloud end up with some random never before seen person. Or make Cloud/Terra canon in Dissidia and REALLY piss everyone off. XD

She is like Jesus, in the sense that her getting killed made her into some sort of perfectly bland saint-like hero about whom no one can remember the original impact of the character. :p

Yeah, basically. SE put her on a pedestal after she died, which is funny because even after she does die and becomes the Lifestream's guardian, she still retains her old personality (teasing Cloud when he asks to be forgiven in AC, for example) and isn't all saintly like SE wants people to think of her.


Sorry CorvoSol, I wasn't referring to you directly. :p And I agree with you on your points regarding her character.

's all good. Internet discussions and all.

She is like Jesus, in the sense that her getting killed made her into some sort of perfectly bland saint-like hero about whom no one can remember the original impact of the character. :p

What I don't get is why nobody in the fandom seems to want to make Ramza into Jesus. The guy's practically a perfect analogue. He's controversial, hated by the dominant religion of his day, gathers 12 close followers and other lesser ones, performs miracles (sorta. Bringing Marach back, restoring Reis, etc.), "dies" for the good of all Ivalice, is seen by his close followers after his "death" and a record of his life is made by men and women who knew him. People are even killed later on for defending his cause. Not to mention Ramza basically fulfills the entire Zodiac Brave Story.

And then there's Chaos and WoL, who are technically both the "Son" of "God" in FF.

As to Cloud/Terra, we all know that Terra would never go for it. She only likes beefy men. Terra/Jecht is the only true pairing.
I don't want a remake, I just want everything to be up-resed and maybe redrawn. Keep the same art, even the same models, but change some of the animations and magic effects, and bring the resolution up to an HD standard with some great IQ.

Beth Cyra

Yeah, keep telling yourself that. XD

The reason Cloud shows no overt signs of love toward Aerith or Tifa are twofold:

1. In-game the player could make choices which affected which girl got more screen-time.

2. Nomura specifically stated in an interview that that the "love triangle" would always be open-ended. This is why even though Aerith's now some Obi-Wan guardian spirit of the Lifestream thingy, Cloud still is not with Tifa. Because they were never gonna favor one side or the other. Basically, it's a giant troll.
I still think they should troll everyone and have Cloud end up with some random never before seen person. Or make Cloud/Terra canon in Dissidia and REALLY piss everyone off. XD

Yeah, basically. SE put her on a pedestal after she died, which is funny because even after she does die and becomes the Lifestream's guardian, she still retains her old personality (teasing Cloud when he asks to be forgiven in AC, for example) and isn't all saintly like SE wants people to think of her.

I think I remember something like that, I really mentioned that particular thing because of all the people who like to act like ZackXAerith overwrites what happend with Cloud and people always forget or ignore that Aerith does indeed at one time seperate her feelings for both Zack and Cloud and start to grow attached to Cloud despite her love for Zack.


They are prolly waiting for the next gen. The consoles this gen are too lame to hand out perfect gaming experiences. Take FF13-2 as an example - the character models were so great but the scenarios are PS2-level. This is too far from perfection.
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