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YESSSS x2! AVATAR trailer #2 is NOW LIVE!!!! (mark ALL spoilers)

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Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
GhaleonEB said:
Cameron does not do average. [/I]
Yeah, but apparently his designers do.
PhoenixDark said:
T1 has decent (hasn't aged well). True Romance is a joke
Uh... maybe you mean True Lies?
PhoenixDark said:
T1 has decent (hasn't aged well). True Romance is a joke


Those who say these could be done with costumes > you guys need to see footage of these aliens I guess. They're described in the treatment as 9ft tall aliens whose bioluminescent dotted skin glows in accordance with their demeanour.
TAJ said:
WTF?! They look human. Why do they need to be CG? Lord Voldemort looks more alien, FFS.

Ugh... you probably don't even know where your user name came from...
(Hint: It's 65 years old.)

I don't know, aren't the Avatars really really tall and slender? I mean, Gollum was entirely CG and Davey Jones in Pirates had no prosthetics whatsoever just all CGI so I would like to know what the texture, lighting, efffects ect. looks like it in motion than just some concept art to get a feel for it.


The concept art underwhelmed me but I think that's simply because I had way too high expectations. I thought I'd see something truly original and magical looking, but it just looks like every other blue skinned alien I've ever seen (in Star Wars, Mass Effect, also it kind of looks like that blue thing in Hellboy :lol)
Anyway I'm hoping it will all look a hell of a lot more mind blowing in 3D.

Edit: Actually they look like this

mixed with this

and a squirt of this
Oh well! Came from an official person working on the project, but turns out once again is not actually concept art from the film. Sigh.


In order to prevent further rumours, the personal artwork that have appeared in some blogs and websites has been removed.

These drawing have nothing to do with the actual concept art developed for the movie, but because of the impact on the internet, and all the speculation, I want to state that ALL THE ARTWORK those webs and blogs claim to be original, are just part of my personal portfolio, NOT “AVATAR” DESIGNS.

Hope this will end all the unsense and absurd comments I’ve seen on the net.

Remember that none of the artwork shown in this website can be used without my consent.


well...I've held this in for a long long time but yeah I too am sick of a avatar thread everyday. But hey it's Sculli's too human. So let him have his fun.

I don't care for Cameron now or his idea/concept of this movie. I hated dark angel too.


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
PhoenixDark said:
T1 has decent (hasn't aged well). True Lies is a joke

edit: my bad

Wrong. Both movies kick ass.

And keep making these threads Sculllibundo, I like new AVATAR info. And an official thread becomes cluttered. Who wants to sift through multiple pages to find out if there's been any new info.
G-Fex said:
well...I've held this in for a long long time but yeah I too am sick of a avatar thread everyday. But hey it's Sculli's too human. So let him have his fun.

I don't care for Cameron now or his idea/concept of this movie. I hated dark angel too.

Does this look like a new thread to you?


James Cameron is far from a perfect director. He like all big budget blockbuster hollywood directors has hits and misses.

T1 was good, but aged badly.
Aliens is fantastic.
The Abyss is good.
Terminator 2 is fantastic.
True Lies is a rather run of the mill Ahnuld comedy-action movie. Pretty forgettable, Jamie Lee Curtis looked good in it though.
Titanic was well made but is incredibly boring to watch now.

I look forward to Avatar, but Cameron has A LOT to prove. Director's who take time off as long as Cameron did almost never come back half as successful as they once were. Cameron has been out of the game far too long and after Titanic seemed to grow rather cocky.

I'll be the first to jump aboard the hype train if the trailer is good. But James Cameron's track record isn't up to snuff to be excited about a movie with no footage yet. He isn't a Scorsese or what have you where this would be the case for me.

It's been far too long since Titanic, Cameron has nearly as much to prove to me to get excited as a George Lucas or Peter Jackson. Success and too much of a budget goes to these guys heads far too often.
Cheebs said:
James Cameron is far from a perfect director. He like all big budget blockbuster hollywood directors has hits and misses.

T1 was good, but aged badly.
Aliens is fantastic.
The Abyss is good.
Terminator 2 is fantastic.
True Lies is a rather run of the mill Ahnuld comedy-action movie. Pretty forgettable, Jamie Lee Curtis looked good in it though.
Titanic was well made but is incredibly boring to watch now.

I look forward to Avatar, but Cameron has A LOT to prove. Director's who take time off as long as Cameron did almost never come back half as successful as they once were. Cameron has been out of the game far too long and after Titanic seemed to grow rather cocky.

Cameron had his ego way before Titanic. It's part of his charm. The story of T1 hasn't aged badly, only the prosthetic effects. The tension is still there, the characters are still there as good as always. True Lies is hardly a run of the mill Arnold comedy-action and is definitely not forgettable. Sounds like you're describing Twins.


Scullibundo said:
Cameron had his ego way before Titanic. It's part of his charm. The story of T1 hasn't aged badly, only the prosthetic effects. The tension is still there, the characters are still there as good as always. True Lies is hardly a run of the mill Arnold comedy-action and is definitely not forgettable. Sounds like you're describing Twins.
I enjoyed True Lies, I own it and would get it on blu-ray. But it is just a fun little action romp with Arnold. It isn't a be all end all movie by any means.

But most of all it isnt his past films that worry me. I own every Cameron movie there is other than Titanic.

It is just that:

huge ego + a decade of no films + huge budget and endless cgi is not a combination I can get excited about. That combination tends to lead to disaster. Which like I said I want the trailer first, but I'll be the first to get hyped if it looks good. But I fear the worst because of that combination. For now.
Cheebs said:
I enjoyed True Lies, I own it and would get it on blu-ray. But it is just a fun little action romp with Arnold. It isn't a be all end all movie by any means.

Not at all, but to say it's forgettable is ridiculous. It's an Arnold favourite for many. It's a great movie.

As for your concerns - don't forget Cameron is a notorious perfectionist. That's the reason I've never had any doubt about this film. Don't forget this is the man who spearheaded CGI with The Abyss. We know he can do sci-fi, Titanic showed he can do epic - so a sci-fi epic (his first sci-fi since T2 mind you) is something that gets me very excited.
NutJobJim said:
The concept art underwhelmed me but I think that's simply because I had way too high expectations. I thought I'd see something truly original and magical looking, but it just looks like every other blue skinned alien I've ever seen (in Star Wars, Mass Effect, also it kind of looks like that blue thing in Hellboy :lol)
Anyway I'm hoping it will all look a hell of a lot more mind blowing in 3D.

Edit: Actually they look like this

mixed with this

and a squirt of this

Of course that concept art isn't the real one. We all know they will look like this:



But like I said. Big Budget, Huge Ego, Tons of CGI, and 10 Year Break is the exact same background Lucas had going into Episode I....and many expected that movie to be the greatest thing ever. Which is why Cameron has to prove me it will be good first. Same thing happened with Peter Jackson with King Kong (other than the 10 year break).

director with a huge ego + lots of money and special effects tends to lead to very expensive, but very soulless movies. And the CGI in this movie already seems like far too much. Real sets, and real people please.
Cheebs said:
But like I said. Big Budget, Huge Ego, Tons of CGI, and 10 Year Break is the exact same background Lucas had going into Episode I....and many expected that movie to be the greatest thing ever. Which is why Cameron has to prove me it will be good first.

Please don't compare Cameron and Lucas.


Scullibundo said:
Please don't compare Cameron and Lucas.
They have the EXACT same sort of background going into avatar that lucas did going into episode 1. It is almost eerie how similar it is.

TONS of CGI characters, huge budget, director with giant ego, and a huge break since he last film. That describes both directors going into these two movies.

And like I said Peter Jackson had the same thing going into King Kong other than the 10 year break and look what a disastrously boring film that was. I want Cameron to break this trend, but for now it is what is the case in all directors of these type. And the trend is almost never broken. I really like him, but I really liked Lucas at one point too.
Cheebs said:
But like I said. Big Budget, Huge Ego, Tons of CGI, and 10 Year Break is the exact same background Lucas had going into Episode I....and many expected that movie to be the greatest thing ever.
Don't compare George Lucas (a crappy director) to James Cameron (an extremely good director). Aliens, T1, and T2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Star Wars IV, V, VI.

Unlike Lucas, Cameron actually knows how to write.


Dax01 said:
Don't compare George Lucas (a crappy director) to James Cameron (an extremely good director). Aliens, T1, and T2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Star Wars IV, V, VI.

Unlike Lucas as well, Cameron actually knows how to write.

Then explain how the same thing happened to Peter Jackson? King Kong, like all other film directors of this sort of mess made a bloated soulless cgi fest.

It isn't just Lucas. I want this movie to be good. And will be the first to jump on if the trailer looks great. But history is NOT on Camerons side with this which is why I am tempering expectations.

And I wouldn't say T1/T2/Aliens being considered better than Star Wars 4 and 5 is really a commonly held belief. Very few people hold that view I would imagine. But that isn't the point I was making at all. This isn't about their past work.


And bloated cgi films have yet to work IMO. I can't think of a single movie with tons of cgi characters and cgi sets that turned out decently off the top of my head.
Cheebs said:
Then explain how the same thing happened to Peter Jackson? King Kong, like all other film directors of this sort of mess made a bloated soulless cgi fest.

It isn't just Lucas. I want this movie to be good. And will be the first to jump on if the trailer looks great. But history is NOT on Camerons side with this which is why I am tempering expectations.

And I wouldn't say T1/T2/Aliens being considered better than Star Wars 4 and 5 is really a commonly held belief. But that isn't the point I was making at all.

That is the history of other directors. Not Cameron. Cameron won't stop working on something till it's perfected. Jackson released Kong 2 year after RotK. Cameron has been working on AVATAR for 4 years now after constant delays. Cameron is like Kubrick in how meticulous he is with his films. Lucas does not know how to direct and Jackson is hard pressed at shaping good stories that haven't already been laid out before him. Cameron has both of those bases covered.


Scullibundo said:
That is the history of other directors. Not Cameron. Cameron won't stop working on something till it's perfected. Jackson released Kong 2 year after RotK. Cameron has been working on AVATAR for 4 years now after constant delays. Cameron is like Kubrick in how meticulous he is with his films. Lucas does not know how to direct and Jackson is hard pressed at shaping good stories that haven't already been laid out before him. Cameron has both of those bases covered.

I hope he breaks this trend and proves he wont fall for the same trappings of other directors in his situation. I really do. I like Cameron, a lot. I just want to see for myself first.

Like I said I also fear the endless amount of cgi characters. I really really hate when directors make things cgi that they can do otherwise. Chris Nolan, pre-King Kong Peter Jackson, and David Fincher seem to be the only directors who can use CGI effectively now. Which is only use it very very little. If you have a lot of cgi characters and lots of cgi sets then you aren't doing it right. It just makes the film feel like a video game. The more you use it the more obvious it is. Weta got too cocky after LOTR.
Cheebs said:
I hope he breaks this trend and proves he wont fall for the same trappings of other directors in his situation. I really do. I like Cameron, a lot. I just want to see for myself first.

Like I said I also fear the endless amount of cgi characters. I really really hate when directors make things cgi that they can do otherwise. Chris Nolan, pre-King Kong Peter Jackson, and David Fincher seem to be the only directors who can use CGI effectively now. Which is only use it very very little. If you have a lot of cgi characters and lots of cgi sets then you aren't doing it right. It just makes the film feel like a video game. The more you use it the more obvious it is. Weta got too cocky after LOTR.

Cameron wants to have a future in which movies can be entirely CGI and look real. But obviously, he's not there yet since half of the movie is still live-action. If it was up to me, I would make the movie with as little CGI as possible, since we're obviously not to the point where a movie like Beowulf would be impossible to tell from real life. Isn't it just a little bit risky to make the grand return of sci-fi epics a risky venture into a never-before-tested moviemaking technique?

So yeah, this could either be groundbreaking if good, or Jar Jar Binks version 2.0 if it is bad.
Cameron knows when to use CGI sparingly. Look at Titanic just 2 years before Phantom Menace. He had them re-build 3/4 of the entire fucking ship. He's had WETA build many sets for AVATAR - one of them reportedly being a futuristic space ship that was built TO SCALE. If you've read the treatment for AVATAR you would know why he's using so much CG. The stuff described would be impossible to recreate in live action -that's why he's doing it as a hybrid.


GameFan Alumnus
sky said:
Teaser Breakdown
3:45 - logos and text
0:03 - actual footage


This is fully what I expect the first teaser trailer to be.

"From the most badass director in the history of badass...
comes the most awesome movie since awesome came to Awesometown...
His last movie was the most successful film in box office history...
From the director of Titantic...
(montage of memorable clips from the movie)
Before there was Dancing with the Stars...
(montage of memorable clips from the movie, starting with the tango)
There was True Lies...
The director who took computer graphics to another level...
(montage of memorable clips from the movie)
From the director of Terminator 2...
comes James Cameron's next epic...
over 12 years in the making...
Prepare for a cinematic experience unlike anything you've ever seen...
(AVATAR logo)
Suck it, bitches..."


Dax01 said:
Don't compare George Lucas (a crappy director) to James Cameron (an extremely good director). Aliens, T1, and T2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Star Wars IV, V, VI.

Unlike Lucas, Cameron actually knows how to write.

Didn't Lucas only direct IV of the original trilogy? Lucas was away from directing from 77 to 99 according to imdb. Thats a long time...
True Lies still holds up today, very fun flick, I was impressed at the special effects at the Harrie squence.

Scullibundo said:
Cameron had his ego way before Titanic. It's part of his charm. The story of T1 hasn't aged badly, only the prosthetic effects. The tension is still there, the characters are still there as good as always. True Lies is hardly a run of the mill Arnold comedy-action and is definitely not forgettable. Sounds like you're describing Twins.
Hey Twins was awesome!
Jim here. A lot of excitement has been generated over the past few days about AVATAR and what is happening with this project. Security has been extremely tight, but that has never stopped us before right?

And so, I have been in contact with another source of mine (in a position to know) and he/she assures me of the following items:

1. The recent concept art from Jonay is not representative of what the Na'vi look like today and was his own work. Ok, fair enough - Jonay was clear about them being a way of getting a position with them and not the real deal. This also backs up this claim.
2. The silhouette version of the female Na'vi and the zoomed in close up of the male Na'vi in this exclusive high resolution shot ARE real. We should expect the female Na'vi to be extremely attractive to most, but the males will be very sinister and dark.
3. Ney'tiri herself will be exceptionally attractive and sexy.
4. James Cameron WILL HAVE a a video teaser ready for early December and it will have visual effects and CGI! We are not certain if it will be shown before Day The Earth Stood Still (DTESS), but the actual footage portion will be 2 minutes and 15 seconds long. I am guessing that the additional time will be filled with perhaps Cameron talking about the project and how awesome it will be, or even past box office successes from Cameron - we all know that the teaser containers said 3 minutes and 57 seconds. Or we could actually see the full 3:57 - the big message here is that we should expect to see this teaser. I still am hazarding a guess for the 3D Summit in LA or a teaser trailer for DTESS.5. Weta is having a hard time pleasing Cameron on pieces of AVATAR. JC sometimes doesn't like what he sees (we know this already about him - he is a perfectionist) so Weta struggles at times with it. Not overly surprising, but still - Weta knows what they are doing!
6. Cameron has a great marketing plan in mind - no one knows what it is yet though!
7. The AVATAR footage that Jon Favreau saw was 90% pre visuals.

DOUBTERS LEAVE! I told you the man hasn't changed. Just as picky as ever.

Fuck I hope that footage is for the 3D Summit on December 1st/2nd


Is it possible to replicate this sort of stereo 3D at home? Just with a special cut of the film and those special glasses?
xabre said:
Is it possible to replicate this sort of stereo 3D at home? Just with a special cut of the film and those special glasses?
Nope, we need new polarized stereoscopic TVs and special dual-HDMI output blu-ray players for it to work.


polyh3dron said:
Nope, we need new polarized stereoscopic TVs and special dual-HDMI output blu-ray players for it to work.

How long before this all becomes available? And is it possible to view older content in stereoscopic 3D without the original footage having to be built specifically for 3D stereo? I heard Lucus is doing Star Wars in 3D, how do they create a 3D image from the original 2D vision? Doesn't it need to be shot using a special stereoscopic camera in the first place in order to capture a shot from two different angles?
Cheebs, you cannot compare James Cameron to George Lucas. Before the prequel trilogy, George Lucas hadn't directed or scripted anything since A New Hope and American Graffiti. Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, and the Indiana Jones trilogy; he only produced and wrote the "story"/created the concept for these. George Lucas has always been an ideas person who was also particularly talented as a visual, experimental director as a young man. However, being absent from the director's chair and scripting process for over 20 years, rushing the production of the prequel trilogy and being surrounded by Yes Men, George Lucas screwed up before some of the faded talent partially shined through once more with Revenge of the Sith.

James Cameron, on the other hand, has never made a bad film. True Lies, his weakest, is an enjoyable action-comedy flick. That should tell you something. He'd only been out of the game for seven or so years before starting up the production of Avatar, and in the time he had off he was making documentaries. Comparing this to the Star Wars prequels or King Kong is a huge stretch. The only real connection I can make is the risk of undermining the reality of the film with too much CGI or 3D. Anything else really is baseless speculation.

Seriously, Cheebs. What the hell.
Listen, I'm a huge Cameron fan, but the guy isnt 100% on the hit scale.
Look at Dark Angel, and yes he chaired some of the eps.

Some of the Doc's were a bit shitty too (and I am wreck diver)

I look forward to Avatar but once you are 50+ the fire is down.


(just to warn you... this post will be all over the place. Been drinking. No class tomorrow)

Since everyone is arguing I guess I'll join in. Cameron is awesome, but ever since Titanic he's had some kind of deep sea fetish. It's almost like he lost touch of reality.


Just to let you guys know. Terminator 2 is the best action film ever created. It is an example of perfect pacing IMO.


Sadly, I don't have faith in him for Avatar. I could very well be proven wrong (of course), but I doubt he still has it in him to create a great, great film. He will never give us a T2, Titanic, Aliens, or True Lies ever again as far as I'm concerned. He's just out of the loop.

If you stopped playing Halo 2 for 8 months do you think you'd be able to kick ass like you used too? I know it's a ridiculous way to compare, but in a way it's still the same. Once you stop practicing something you gain no more experience in what you were doing. You constantly have to learn to stay ahead of the game. That's the way it is. (for most people)

Like I said before, I could be wrong, but I highly doubt it. Cameron is out of the loop. His masterpieces have already been. Don't expect anymore.
SpacLock said:
(just to warn you... this post will be all over the place. Been drinking. No class tomorrow)

Since everyone is arguing I guess I'll join in. Cameron is awesome, but ever since Titanic he's had some kind of deep sea fetish. It's almost like he lost touch of reality.


Just to let you guys know. Terminator 2 is the best action film ever created. It is an example of perfect pacing IMO.


Sadly, I don't have faith in him for Avatar. I could very well be proven wrong (of course), but I doubt he still has it in him to create a great, great film. He will never give us a T2, Titanic, Aliens, or True Lies ever again as far as I'm concerned. He's just out of the loop.

If you stopped playing Halo 2 for 8 months do you think you'd be able to kick ass like you used too? I know it's a ridiculous way to compare, but in a way it's still the same. Once you stop practicing something you gain no more experience in what you were doing. You constantly have to learn to stay ahead of the game. That's the way it is. (for most people)

Like I said before, I could be wrong, but I highly doubt it. Cameron is out of the loop. His masterpieces have already been. Don't expect anymore.

What do you think Cameron was doing on his hiatus? He WAS learning. Learning and developing a method of filming that's never been done before. A method he had to show off to fucking Spielberg and Jackson who shortly after announced Tin Tin using the same method.

Doco's aren't the same as features - they were like a fun project he took a camera with him on. Comparing them to his features is foolish. Would you compare Shine a Light to Taxi Driver? Didn't think so.


Weta is having a hard time pleasing Cameron on pieces of AVATAR. JC sometimes doesn't like what he sees (we know this already about him - he is a perfectionist) so Weta struggles at times with it

That's what you get for choosing Weta over ILM!


SpacLock said:
Since everyone is arguing I guess I'll join in. Cameron is awesome, but ever since Titanic he's had some kind of deep sea fetish. It's almost like he lost touch of reality.

I think he's had an interest in the deep sea since, I don't know, before The Abyss. The fact he finally had enough money to really go down there and explore and film, must have been a childhood dream come true for him, and I can't really blame him for taking time off of movies to do it. Cameron's films are awesome and I can't wait to see Avatar but especially Battle Angel.
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