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YESSSS x2! AVATAR trailer #2 is NOW LIVE!!!! (mark ALL spoilers)

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Templar Wizard said:
Listen, I'm a huge Cameron fan, but the guy isnt 100% on the hit scale.
Look at Dark Angel, and yes he chaired some of the eps.

He only directed the final episode.


Scullibundo said:

Bam! Cameron talks about 3D process and shooting AVATAR. You can't save the link for some reason.

Are you sure that doesn't deserve a new thread?


joey_z said:
The URL isn't working for me. Does he say anything interesting?

I'm only 5 minutes into it so far, but it's extremely boring at this point.

edit: Yeah, I've skipped ahead to several points and there's nothing particularly interesting to me. They're being really vague and talking about general technology stuff that we already know about Avatar. I'm not even going to watch the rest.
Okay, so it seems we won't be getting an AVATAR teaser till around May/June. :(

Here's an article about the 3D Summit that Cameron just attended and has some interesting tidbits which also explains why there isn't a trailer yet.

Earlier today I caught James Cameron's keynote presentation at the 3D Entertainment Summit in hopes of potentially catching a first look at some actual footage from Avatar. Unfortunately we weren't treated to any footage, but as always, Cameron dished up some fascinating discussion, including panning some major industry decisions. Anyone who reads this site already knows my opinion on 3D, but I'll continue to say that it is Cameron who I believe will finally show us what 3D is truly capable of. Unlike Jeffrey Katzenberg's more broad beliefs in the future financial benefits of 3D, Cameron believes that we will eventually get to the point where 3D is used like sound or color - just another standard filmmaking technique.

The reason I believe that Cameron is such a brilliant mind and the true leader of the 3D revolution is because of his approach to it. He explained that he went into Avatar with the goal of making a big blockbuster movie in 3D and hoped that there would be enough theaters to show it in. Since it took so long to make, that isn't a concern anymore, Cameron joked. But it was more important for him to "think like a filmmaker" and not like an executive. "3D has to be content driven" was his most valuable message. While most of the industry is still experimenting in 3D, Cameron says that his "proof of concept" was the two documentaries that he and Vince Pace have made - Ghosts of the Abyss and Aliens of the Deep.

Cameron believes that ultimately a good movie should come first, not 3D. He adds that 3D shouldn't occupy the minds of filmmakers while they're shooting, but should just be another item on the agenda, in theory. And that is exactly what everyone else is doing wrong. To the rest of the industry, 3D is a way to make money, a gimmick designed to attract audiences and sell tickets, not as a filmmaking technique. Cameron believes so firmly in this idea, that he goes as far as to say that Avatar would still be a groundbreaking movie even if you took out the 3D. And that's because from the very ground up, he focused on telling a good story and making a good movie before worrying about the 3D aspect.

When asked about his opinions on other filmmakers, specifically Tim Burton and his work on the upcoming Alice in Wonderland, Cameron openly criticized Burton's decision to convert to 3D after the fact. It "doesn't make any sense to shoot in 2D and convert to 3D," Cameron said. And that's not the only industry decision that he panned, the other being meager attempts to provide a 3D experience at home by releasing DVDs with anaglyphic glasses (meaning the red and blue cardboard ones) in the packing. It is "stunting 3D growth," he said, and hurting the progression of the format. Cameron's agenda wasn't to attack these decisions, instead he felt they weren't helping progress the 3D when that's what we need the most.

So when will we ever see a trailer for Avatar? Our friend at MarketSaw caught Cameron in the hall after his keynote and got an explanation as to why we haven't seen anything yet. Apparently there are a few lengthy scenes from various parts of the film that are complete, but they do not have enough finished material from the film to cut a representative teaser. He hasn't yet spoken to Fox regarding trailer placement, but he mentioned there are a few good 3D releases next year that would be perfect to debut a trailer on, including Monsters vs Aliens next March. Will we finally see a trailer then? All I know is that Cameron still has 12 months of work left on Avatar, so maybe we should stop pestering him and let him finish!


He's absolutely right about the shit Burton and other filmmakers are doing. They're only prolonging the view of 3D as a gimmick by converting 2D-shot sequences into 3D.


Scullibundo said:
Okay, so it seems we won't be getting an AVATAR teaser till around May/June. :(

Here's an article about the 3D Summit that Cameron just attended and has some interesting tidbits which also explains why there isn't a trailer yet.


He's absolutely right about the shit Burton and other filmmakers are doing. They're only prolonging the view of 3D as a gimmick by converting 2D-shot sequences into 3D.

I lol'd.
So when will we ever see a trailer for Avatar? Our friend at MarketSaw caught Cameron in the hall after his keynote and got an explanation as to why we haven't seen anything yet. Apparently there are a few lengthy scenes from various parts of the film that are complete, but they do not have enough finished material from the film to cut a representative teaser. He hasn't yet spoken to Fox regarding trailer placement, but he mentioned there are a few good 3D releases next year that would be perfect to debut a trailer on, including Monsters vs Aliens next March. Will we finally see a trailer then? All I know is that Cameron still has 12 months of work left on Avatar, so maybe we should stop pestering him and let him finish!

I think that means stop making threads


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Cameron believes that we will eventually get to the point where 3D is used like sound or color - just another standard filmmaking technique.
Maybe, but after seeing Bolt in 3D I'm convinced that 3D is a fundamental change that may actually detract more than it adds. It's not just an additive. 3D works to diminish the power of composition and pushes the viewer's awareness away from framing. Your eyes go into and through the screen toward the point of focus rather than absorbing the how the full image is composed. It's spiffy technology and it excites the eyes and brain, but otherwise...

I remain convinced virtual reality type apps are where 3D belongs and will prosper. Basically, arenas where borders and frames are irrelevant. In film it's just misguided.
No trailer? ...movie sucking am confirmed!

He seems awfully confident about his work. This movie better be good, or nobody will ever take him serously.


Scullibundo said:
Bam! Cameron talks about 3D process and shooting AVATAR. You can't save the link for some reason.
Hey, I missed this so I'm glad the for (final?) bump. Good stuff.
Death_Born said:
No trailer? ...movie sucking am confirmed!

He seems awfully confident about his work. This movie better be good, or nobody will ever take him serously.
It's Cameron. "Confident" is an understatement. :lol


Junior Member


Michael here. This is awesome - Fox has begun their AVATAR publicity campaign with a first look at James Cameron and Sam Worthington (as Jake Sully) on the Avatar set in New Zealand!
The set looks to be an air/space craft, maybe a personnel transport or drop ship. Whatever it is, the detail and utilitarian design is great. It's also not entirely clear whether Worthington is in full costume, but from what I can see in this pic and from what I've seen of him in Terminator: Salvation, he's gonna nail this role.

And check out Cameron's Battle Angel t-shirt! Maybe we will be seeing Battle Angel sooner than we may think? As we know from speaking to concept artist Mark Goerner, a ton of design work has already been completed. I'm a rabid fan of the original 9 graphic novels, so of course I'm dying to see insane cyborg action in 48 frames-per-second 3D.

Here is the LA Times' very aptly-stated comment accompanying this photo:

"The buzz surrounding James Cameron's big-budget return to science fiction has been nothing short of awe-inspiring. The film, a mix of CGI and live action using new techniques Cameron himself helped to develop, was shot with a special 3-D camera (also developed by Cameron). Mix that with the promise of large-scale, hard science fiction that hasn't been attempted much in the past few years, and you have a project that seems guaranteed to live up to the hype and expectations that are riding on it. The only question (and fear) is what is to become of the cinema geeks overwhelmed by the images that Cameron and his effects crew are putting in front of them. For those with weaker constitutions, we fear the worst."

I couldn't agree more. This photo is an awesome holiday present for the fans. I can't wait to see what Cameron and Fox show us next!

I'm appalled this was not posted earlier. :mad:


Scullibundo said:
Very rough render of one of the Na'vi from AVATAR.


As I've said in the past, the hype for this film is going to live and die on the trailer and how people recieve it.

The expectations for Avatar are so ridiculously high I wonder if even the Cinematic Superhuman that is James Cameron can meet them.

Personally I'm trying to manage my expectations.....but it's not easy.
Busty said:
As I've said in the past, the hype for this film is going to live and die on the trailer and how people recieve it.

The expectations for Avatar are so ridiculously high I wonder if even the Cinematic Superhuman that is James Cameron can meet them.

Personally I'm trying to manage my expectations.....but it's not easy.

I don't know anyone who even knows about this film outside GAF. I don't know that you can say "expectations are ridiculously high" when some people who hear about it still think it's associated with the Nickelodeon cartoon.


Yeah, Im more worried about the moving bombing because the general public doesnt know/give a shit about it, rather than the quality of the inevitable trailer.


Scullibundo said:
Very rough render of one of the Na'vi from AVATAR.



Congratulations for not making a new thread.

I can't wait to see real art work from this movie. Separately, I can not understand why we continually get leaks (real and fake) only of the Na'vi. At this point we have a general idea of what they are going to look like. I am dying to see more art work from other elements of the film.


JzeroT1437 said:
I don't know anyone who even knows about this film outside GAF. I don't know that you can say "expectations are ridiculously high" when some people who hear about it still think it's associated with the Nickelodeon cartoon.

Films like these need to appeal to the 'nerd' (for want of a better word) audience as well as the broad audience.

And it seems (anecdotally) that most places like Chud.com and AICN (to name a few) have people posting in articles and talk backs things like "Avatar is going to blow your mind" or the more concise "Avatar is going to fuck your eyes".

But I do agree. The general audience are unaware of this film at the moment. And given that it comes out at Xmas this year and we've still to see a single frame. Hmmmmm...


Busty said:
But I do agree. The general audience are unaware of this film at the moment. And given that it comes out at Xmas this year and we've still to see a single frame. Hmmmmm...

No trailer during the Superbowl, especially with the 3D glasses already being there for Monsters Vs Aliens was a missed opportunity IMO. I really don't care about this film yet and no word of mouth is going to make me start suddenly caring since I don't bother with hype. However, GI Joe went from being completely off my radar of films to a "I kind of want to see it now" because of one trailer. I'm still not expecting much but it gave me enough interest to likely see it in theaters versus a movie I'd normally just wait for a blu-ray release of.

Third page has him talking about AVATAR - I'd paste it but it's in PDF format.

Here's a little snippet though:
Q: "Obviously CGI has advanced a lot since you created the waterpod in The Abyss. How much have you been able to push the envelope on Avatar?

A: We’re doing effects up to a certain point, and then we throw it over the fence to the guys at Digital Domain to go to higher resolution. They’ve devised lighting software for Avatar that I think is going to revolutionize CG. It’s what they call global illumination. And it’s actually lighting the way things are really lit. If you’re doing a day exterior, you have one sun. Normally you might have 40 or 50 lights to create the effect of sunlight by breaking it up into different areas. They just showed us 11 finished shots for the movie in the last couple of weeks and I showed it to friends who had no direct day-to-day contact with the production, and they said, ‘That’s incredible. How are you doing that makeup?’ They’re not even asking the right questions. They’re not even understanding that every single thing they’re seeing is ones and zeros. It’s all pixels. There’s no tangible, physical reality to it whatsoever, but it looks real."

He talks about Spielberg, Kubrick, making Aliens, Abyss etc, how he shoots scenes and the like.


DD created global illumination? I thought that was just rendering technology ... ive seen 3D Studio max plugins which are years old which use it, thats not to say it isn't impressive and hasn't progressed from then, but i was under the impression the tech was being newly developed for the movie
Are the pics on the 2nd page the real concept art or are they fake?

And if fake where can I find the real art?

EDIT- Sorry, I was looking at a different thread. But yeah, where is the real c-art?


I'm sure it's not just 'global illumination'. Good to know that DD working on it though, their work on Benjamin Button and Zodiac was impressive. I thought it was only Weta on the project.


Timbuktu said:
I'm sure it's not just 'global illumination'. Good to know that DD working on it though, their work on Benjamin Button and Zodiac was impressive. I thought it was only Weta on the project.

What? There was CG in Zodiac?


shagg_187 said:
Here's a UPDATED quote from a thread you created 10 DAYS AGO!!:

No offense, but i can't believe you still have thread creating privilege...
holy shit...:lol :lol :lol

First pic we've seen of the 3D mounted cam he's using whilst attached to the rig. He also looks like he's telling somebody to shut the fuck up
with his eyes


Crystal Bearer
Scullibundo said:

Third page has him talking about AVATAR - I'd paste it but it's in PDF format.

Here's a little snippet though:

He talks about Spielberg, Kubrick, making Aliens, Abyss etc, how he shoots scenes and the like.

Dude, as much as I love James Cameron... I think you're way too excited for this film. D:

So if it sucks, I'll blame you!


Junior Member
Scullibundo said:

First pic we've seen of the 3D mounted cam he's using whilst attached to the rig. He also looks like he's telling somebody to shut the fuck up
with his eyes
I saw a pic of that when they were assembling one.


Scullibundo, please, keep updating us with every single little detail you find about the movie as you have been doing lately. I really appreciate it.
megateto said:
Scullibundo, please, keep updating us with every single little detail you find about the movie as you have been doing lately. I really appreciate it.

Lately? I've been doing it since the beginning of 06. :lol

I'll do it for myself and those who are interested (of which there are many despite the detractors). I do it because I really do think this movie will be a game-changer in a big big way and that this is absolutely the film to watch.
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