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Your favorite Final Fantasy game?


Final Fantasy 8! Triple Triad, the best storyline, the best art, the best music, the best combat system AND did I mention Triple Triad? I think I did, but it was that awesome.

Plus, you know, Final Fantasy 8 was relatively low on the cosplay scale. I mean, you see people dressing up as characters from 7, 9, 10...but not 8 as much.


See? Final Fantasy X is now ruined.

But seriously, Final Fantasy 8 had a great storyline that you CARED ABOUT. It wasn't just some retarded "oh hey I gotta save the world from my rival" storyline like most of them degraded into, you pretty much guarded all of reality, past and present. Plot twists like
your love interest being the last boss at an earlier point in time
complicated things...and man, the love story aspect just hit you. It's hard not to look at the romance plot in FF8 and not feel for it.

How can anyone disagree?


Without hesitation, I say VI. Hands down.

That said, IV, VII, VIII, and X are very, very close to it. And IX is right after that (never really dug it, I dont' know why...great story and characters...*shrugs*)


Yeah, the scene where
everyone realized they used to know each other, on the basketball court,
WAS FUCKING AWESOME. Definitely complicated things. :lol



I know, I know.

And I know. It hasn't aged well too.


For its time I really loved it. Sure it had its flaws but it's an RPG.

FF7 made me buy a PSX, and prior to that I had not played videogames for at least a good two years. It was a great way to get back into gaming, kept my interest in the 32-bit gen sparked for quite some time, enough to still make me appreciate games today. If it wasn't for FF7 I might have never bought another console again -- which in some ways wouldn't have been the worst thing for me :lol -- but you know what I mean.

I honestly do not think it is as flawed as everyone says. LOOKING BACK (meaning, not playing it today), FF7 is to date the best gaming experience I have ever had. I never played an epic game really, so if you couple that with what I thought was the game's unique presentation that conveyed an awesome atmosphere and good story, I was in awe the entire time. And the gameplay rocked. I played it as a complete, and I mean complete RPG n00b, it took me 3 months to complete it. So it was very challenging for me, and not to mention, the materia system rocks. Beat it on Christmas Eve.

So, yeah. Great game. Especially for its time.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp

awesome story, great characters, the best soundtrack in videogame history.


I've only played FF VIII and IX. I didn't complete either one (got to the final...place in both), but IX felt like the better game. Both were great though, IMO. I don't understand all the hate for them, especially VIII.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Diablos said:
FFT and Chrono Cross beg to differ :D
while both have great soundtrack... does any of them has something as cool as 'Kefka's Theme' or 'Dancing Mad'? I don't think so :p


Error: Yes!

btw: Since you are such a FF6 fanboy, google Devil's Lab OC remix. If Square remakes this game they should pay this dude and include it. It's superb.


Honorary Canadian.
you're not even saying the coolest character in 6... Ultros! that's the only game where some of the jokes actually made me laugh out loud. I couldn't believe it. But like when Relm jumped into the bossfight, then drew his picture and Ultros went all depressed on everyone? "Oh what's the point. I'm just a stupid octopus. I'm going home." then the fight is over.

Six is pretty damn hard to top.

But I fucking love 8. It's the only one where I actually gave a shit about the characters, besides 6. I guess I cared about Cloud, but not as much as I did for Squall or Celes/Terra/Locke/Leo/Cid. I'm pretty certain that if they updated FF6 and put just a little bit of marketing behind it, it'd outsell every final fantasy game to date.
Not that FF:X is that bad of a game, I am curious about the people who picked it, have you played any FF games before FF:X?


What's the deal with FFV? Everyone went bananas over the job system... screw that. Play FFT, there's your job system. FFV had the worst story, a mostly stupid soundtrack, terrible characters and the graphics are crap.

All IMHO...


I always tend to go with VI first, maybe because VII is the obvious, cliche answer. But if I really think about them, I would probably have to go with VII.

VII, VI, and X are definitely the top three, though.


Benadryl Hitman said:
Not that FF:X is that bad of a game, I am curious about the people who picked it, have you played any FF games before FF:X?

Hehe, you got me. I didn't have a psx back in the day, saturn owner. So I didn't get to play the psx greats including 7. Before that I had a genesis, so no ff6. I watched my friend play a lot of 7 though and started playing it myself like 2 years ago, but I was borrowing it from someone and I was moved, so I returned it and never got back to it.


Benadryl Hitman said:
Not that FF:X is that bad of a game, I am curious about the people who picked it, have you played any FF games before FF:X?

ronito said:
I'll be the brave one I really think it's X (although VI is close) and I've been with the series from FFI.


3j and 5 are the only ones I still like a lot in the main series. the others are playable and decent but I just don't really feel them much anymore (and I don't really like the stories much in any of them).
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