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Your favorite Final Fantasy game?

hahahax said:

I guess people who say VI either played the japanese, european or anthology version.

It's no longer III in the US. Why can't people make the transition? It's not like they're going to release the GBA version as Final Fantasy III Advance.



Reilly said:
It's cool to hate 7
Not to me, I hate VII because I spent all that damn time leveling up to kill the weapons to only get crap in return, that is when my hate started.

My fav FF games are:

But out of those, if I had to choose 1, I would choose FFX.


Has problems recognising girls
I always promised myself to accept the Final Fantasy titles as their own and not to judge them based on prior or future games in the series.


I always enjoy FFVI and FFVIII just that much more. FFVI mainly due to the characters and being the last 2D sprite FF RPG, FFVIII because of personal issues.

FFVII was huge in my eyes, I looked forward to it - even buying US magazines (which were a crazy AUS $10-15) just to see the new latest pics and descriptions about it. But somehow I just let the whole hype train get to me and I started disliking it for that silly reason of fandom escalating it and the morons jumping on the band wagon. Took me till just a few years ago to get over it and love it for what it was. FFVII Midgar > *


Final Fantasy 8 easily.


Zell > you

350K+ damage if you do it right

playing ff4 as of now, and I like it.

evil ways

Final Fantasy VII no doubt. But I also like VI/III quite a lot, especially the part where you have to follow clues and search for all your friends in the World of Ruin. Also Gogo owns every single FF character ever created.


It's a toss up between FFIII and FFV. The latter's really the better game overall but the DS remake of the former may push it over the top.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Final Fantasy tactics is my fav.

I liked pretty much every istallment, it has it's shortcommings but they are all quite good. Except off course FFX-2 that one sucked ass!!!
Diablos said:

I know, I know.

And I know. It hasn't aged well too.

For its time I really loved it. Sure it had its flaws but it's an RPG.

I honestly do not think it is as flawed as everyone says. LOOKING BACK (meaning, not playing it today), FF7 is to date the best gaming experience I have ever had. I never played an epic game really, so if you couple that with what I thought was the game's unique presentation that conveyed an awesome atmosphere and good story, I was in awe the entire time. And the gameplay rocked. I played it as a complete, and I mean complete RPG n00b, it took me 3 months to complete it. So it was very challenging for me, and not to mention, the materia system rocks. Beat it on Christmas Eve.

So, yeah. Great game. Especially for its time.

What do people claim makes FF7 age so poorly? I always thought that people hated it because it changed what RPGs were all about (cinematics, flash, etc). Could you clarify for me?


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
VIII is the worst of the batch by far! hated teh characters and anything to do with the whole lot of them.. IV and I are my favorites.. followed by X and VI
Himuro said:
Are you serious? The cg has gone to shit, the graphics are shit, the translation is shit, the music synth is shit. It's hard for me to stand playing the game these days aside from the nostalgia.

Oh, so it's just whining about graphics? That applies to almost any game. I thought there was some aspect of the gameplay/plot/characters that didn't hold up. I don't look down on a book when its pages get yellow.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
AdmiralViscen said:
Oh, so it's just whining about graphics? That applies to almost any game. I thought there was some aspect of the gameplay/plot/characters that didn't hold up. I don't look down on a book when its pages get yellow.

he listed more than just graphics..
Blackace said:
he listed more than just graphics..

CG - graphics
Graphics - graphics
Translation - only valid point, welcome to video gaming pre-2000. Was just as much a problem then as it is now.
Music - Falls into the same category as graphics

Like I said, I was more concerned with plot/character/gameplay than I was with technical stuff like sound and graphics.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
AdmiralViscen said:
CG - graphics
Graphics - graphics
Translation - only valid point, welcome to video gaming pre-2000. Was just as much a problem then as it is now.
Music - Falls into the same category as graphics

Like I said, I was more concerned with plot/character/gameplay than I was with technical stuff like sound and graphics.

well if it makes you feel better the plot wasn't that great to begin with..


Has problems recognising girls
Himuro said:
lol FFVII fanboys are so fucking defensive.
This is essentially what made me turn to hate it. That any distaste towards it, I'd be zerged like a Horde newbie by Alliance lvl 60's on World of Warcraft. It made me hate the game and truth be told, I felt sorry for not only the game, but also myself.

Took a good 4-5 years to really get over this silly thing.



Its funny though, as its:

- "cool" to hate VII
- "cool" to go against the grain and say "fuck the VII haters"

So really, it evens out, youve got equal bitching in opposite directions. The sum of the forces equals zero.

Anyways, its VII for me for the combination of my favorite FF story and characters, great (at the time) graphics, art and CG, my favorite FF OST ever.


DarknessTear said:
Yeah the whole "We all lived together in the past and the GFs made us forget" kinda ruined it for me.
Yeah, WTF was that :lol
It was my third FF... at that point I was like "seriously, why the hell am I playing this game..."

Himuro said:
I don't "hate" on FFVII because it's cool, I just don't think it's good as the collective masses think it is. FFVII was my first FF and first rpg, but that's where the love stops. Especially compared to other games. Get over it, Aeris is dead you idiots, FFVII is almost 10 years old. Just get the fuck over it.

I'm not one of THOSE fans. I still like FF7 best for the reasons I stated before. So what if it's almost 10 years old, FFVI came out in like 1993, so that makes it 13 years old, and people still love it. FFIV came out in I believe 1991 so that makes it 15 years old... and people still love it.

FFVII might be hard to play because it's so old, but I can't stand playing FFIV-VI for more than 10 minutes because they're even older than that.


Himuro said:
I don't "hate" on FFVII because it's cool, I just don't think it's good as the collective masses think it is. FFVII was my first FF and first rpg, but that's where the love stops. Especially compared to other games. Get over it, Aeris is dead you idiots, FFVII is almost 10 years old. Just get the fuck over it.

If anything, arent you the one in need of "getting over it"? You obviously are quite hung up on the fact that there is a sector out there that enjoys FFVII more than the other FF games. Or is this like your "RE4 isnt GOTY because I didnt personally love it!" argument?


I like FFVI and FFVII for there settings . I like FFIV and FFIX for there gameplay. I didn't really enjoy FFVIII and FFX. I have yet to play FFIII and FFV. FFI and FF2 are old but still fun. FFTactics is a great SRPG and FFXI sucks as a MMORPG. FFXII better be good.


Yann said:
I like FFVI and FFVII for there settings . I like FFIV and FFIX for there gameplay. I didn't really enjoy FFVIII and FFX. I have yet to play FFIII and FFV. FFI and FF2 are old but still fun. FFTactics is a great SRPG and FFXI sucks as a MMORPG. FFXII better be good.


Himuro said:
Opinion is opinion. I don't need to check with you everytime I want to voice it.

Of course not. I just get a laugh out of how you continue to state that youre all for differing opinions, yet instantly shun any that dont mimick your own.


Himu: Opinion is opinion, but you phrased your disgust for FF7 as if everyone who favors it has some sick, strange obsession with the character of Aeris.


Gold Member
I am surprised no one has said FFXI yet. I liked the story, the build-up and suspence and such. The bosses.

I loved FF8, it what got me into Final Fantasy in the first place.
FFX and IX are tied.
I like to say X and X-2 are one since they are of the same realm and just a sequel.
7 is last.


Himuro said:
lol FFVII fanboys are so fucking defensive.
I'm beginning to think that this is where most of the hate of the game comes from. All I remember is playing it a number of years ago and being very fond of it. Not my favourite and I think I can understand why people dislike it, but man, I never realized just how much people hate the game.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
VII I don't hate... VIII I can't fucking stand and I hope it burns in hell!


Himuro said:
Not really, I was generalising. I can't summarize every major FFVII fanboy in one sentence. I never even said I hate the game, I like it a lot actually.
With anything insanely popular you will have stupid fans. It just goes with the territory.
You can say this about bands you like, teams you like, shows you like, movies you like (*cough*Star Wars*cough*), various other games... anything.

I like MGS, but god do I hate those stupid fanboys who make threads at places like GameFAQs saying "OMG SNAKE COULD KILL ANY ENEMIE FROM ANY VIDEOGAME I NOE THIS AS FACT DONT ARUGE W/ME LOLOL." Do I hold it against the game? No.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Himuro said:
It's burning and wishing you the same fate!

well it won't get me because I grew on the goodness of I, IV and VI
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