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Your favorite Final Fantasy game?

Mugen said:
edit. Like I said that's the artwork and would not translate effectively in the game.

It would have if they had the technology. All three- Sakaguchi, Kitase, and Amano said as much in interviews.

Hell FF9 is Amano's work also and yet, FF9's Zidane ain't metrosexual either.

Incorrect, but it's a common misconception. Amano was hyped as 'creating character designs for FFIX' as part of it's marketing schtick of "OLD SCHOOL RETURNS", but he was, in fact, only responsible for an art campaign to promote the game. This was not like FF1-6, where he was responsible for the design of the characters (Nomura helped on FFVI).
The true character designers behind FFIX where Toshiuyki Itahana, Shin Nagasawa, and Shukou Murase.

And the metrosexual look started in FF10 not in FF8.

Look, either make an argument and stand by it or just leave it alone. Now you are just being ridiculous. As much as I love both FFX and FFVIII, they are artistically cut from the same cloth. How you can claim Tidus is more metrosexual than pretty-boys like Squall, Seifer, Laguna, Irvine, etc. is just beyond me.
Regardless, whatever statement you were trying to make with your little picture comparison is a mute point.

FF has always been about strange, extravagant character designs: that's almost 20 years. It didn't automatically shift with FFX... or even the PSX Nomura FF's, no matter what the 'old schoolers' want to believe.


Ceb said:
- Locke would be just as "metrosexual" if FFVI was to be remade for, say, the PS3. It's an issue related to the graphic output - get over it.

This is FF9.




TheJollyCorner said:
FF has always been about strange, extravagant character designs: that's almost 20 years. It didn't automatically shift with FFX... or even the Nomura FF's, no matter what the 'old schoolers' want to believe.

Did you even see my post? FF Male lead metrosexuality started with Tidus. Cloud is not
metrosexual so is Squall and Zidane.
Mugen said:
This is FF9.



^this would make sense if it was a CG designers version of Amano's original character design, but it's not. It's Amano's version of an already designed character by Murase. Want to see 3D versions of Amano's originally designed characters? Look at the PS1 CG for FFVI and V.
Mugen said:
Did you even see my post? FF Male lead metrosexuality started with Tidus. Cloud is not
metrosexual so is Squall and Zidane.

I did see your post... and I still don't understand whatever inane point you are trying to make.


For me it was tactics. While all my friends had gotten into the other ones, I never understood the fun behind fighting without moving a character around, however when my friend showed me Tactics and that you could move the characters I gave it a shot. In that first sitting I probably played it about 5 hours straight just fighting battles. Plus it finally got me into the other ones (and Ogre Battle too). Favorite game ever.


TheJollyCorner said:
I did see your post... and I still don't understand whatever inane point you are trying to make.

I'm saying FF male lead characters really started becoming "metrosexual" starting from FFX.

Then people posted Amano artwork for FF6 and "metrosexual" was already prevalent since before that.

I say no, cause those are artwork and if they do translate to the game, it would not look as such cause Amano's artwork has just that "distinct" look to them.

I am suprised about the FF9 not being Amano's design tho. But still, I'm saying if Amano start designing characters for FF again in the future, it wouldn't be as "metrosexual" as say Vaan.

Just to add... Kefka looks preety damn evil in the CG. (ie. Clockwork Orange evil)

And yes, I never played FF Anthology/Chronicles, I can't stand load times that's why.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
keeblerdrow said:

:p Yeah, I have the cajones to bring this shit in here.
that's an incredible boxart!

btw translating Amano stuff in 3d gotta be the hardest thing to do, his work is so unique that I don't really think 3d can do it justice, still I want my FFVI remake :p


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Error2k4 said:
that's an incredible boxart!

btw translating Amano stuff in 3d gotta be the hardest thing to do, his work is so unique that I don't really think 3d can do it justice, still I want my FFVI remake :p

I really don't.

I'm not a proponent of VA in RPGs to begin with, but to then go and very likely slander some of my most adored characters ever, in many ways (the general voice4s being not what I have in my head, muccked up delivery on t ons of memorable lines), I'd be crushed.

Plus, the FF6 world and characters would be really tough to pull of well in 3D. The FF6 CG is proof...

Red Scarlet

SantaCruZer said:
yeha ok, so I like the game, but where is the fucking world map when flying the airship? That's right there are none! You gotta be kidding me.

I think some earlier releases came with a world map. The map itself is pretty small and not too hard to go around to figure out land formations/towns (just the super slow flying speed in advance makes it annoying).

4 is the only one without a world map in-game (Sight spell isn't a full map).
I've only played 7,8, and 10, and a large part of 9, and my favourite is Final Fantasy VII. It's definitely silly at points, but I don't take my games completely seriously, so in my opinion, it was fantastic in almost every aspect.

I'm looking forward to playing VI (and possibly III) when it comes out on my DS. I was hoping that they'd be available on the Revolution's virtual console so I could play them on my TV, but the fact they're getting released on Nintendo's portables makes it unlikely.


Red Scarlet said:
I think some earlier releases came with a world map. The map itself is pretty small and not too hard to go around to figure out land formations/towns (just the super slow flying speed in advance makes it annoying).

4 is the only one without a world map in-game (Sight spell isn't a full map).

yeah thanks. I have pretty much learned the map now :)


Why do people like 4? the story is boring like shit, as well as the gameplay.
I also hate VII. the more I play, the more I feel Cloud is psychologicaly disordered. and Its got the worst charater modeling in FF series.

Red Scarlet

renvi said:
Why do people like 4? the story is boring like shit, as well as the gameplay.

Because they feel differently than you perhaps.

I have a grand time every time I replay 4, but you don't seem to. Not really hard to figure out.


I'll take anything from IV through VIII -- with those two specifically being my faves.

Before or after that is pretty much "fanboys only." :(


The correct answer here would be Chrono Trigger.

Actually, my list would be something like:
FF X-2

Haven't really played XI or III, so they don't count.


Himuro said:
FFIV is just plain simple fun.

Also, Cloud WAS psychologically disordered.



VI is by far my favorite. I loved the characters, the stories, the locales, the dungeons, and the esper system, although it certainly wasn't perfect. I put wwwwaaaaaayyyyyy too many hours into that game, and can still remember way too much of it.
Tactics is 2nd for me, although the story was a weeee bit loopy at points, overall I liked it and the game was crazy fun for me. I played through it a ton.
I haven't played X/X2 yet, and never finished VIII or IX, but I'm one of the VIII-haters. I didn't care about any of the characters, the love story seemed forced and lame, and the DRAW SYSTEM F************** SUCKS. God I hated that system. I also disliked not having the normal equipment system of an RPG, I always love the plethora of new items that make me go 'Shiny!!!' whenever I get to a new major town.
VII was fun, and it drew a lot of attention to the series, but I still prefer 6 and FFT.
I want to go back and finish IX, and I own X but have never even popped the disc in. :/


renvi said:
Why do people like 4? the story is boring like shit, as well as the gameplay.
I also hate VII. the more I play, the more I feel Cloud is psychologicaly disordered. and Its got the worst charater modeling in FF series.

Well, 4 is also, you know, over a decade old, so that might help explain the gameplay / story.

Play it with that in mind, and you may like it.


Not gonna read through this whole thread...

IV is my favorite. Plot twist after plot twist after plot twist.

Fewer people dressing up as the characters is a bonus.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
TehOh said:
The correct answer here would be Chrono Trigger.

" Your favorite Final Fantasy game?"

how can Chrono Trigger be the correct answer? :\

Future Trunks

lemme tell you something son, this guy is SO FARKING HUGE HE'LL FLEX AND DESTROY THE SUN no shit


>Why not?
> You crazy?!

So, as I have written it, so it shall be. All rise and bow to the best FF EVER!

God, that game was so bad-assed. Just how you started out in one place and how the characters got split up and wound up discovering the others (in the World of Ruin and the first half of the game -
journey!) and then you all came back together for a massive 13(?)-member Kefka stomping unit, I love that stuff. :*)

Oh, and come on, any game that has your character's ultimate technique named: "The Bum Rush" is the sh*t!

But seriously, someone else said it, the level of discovery and finding of friends and enemies, and the discoveries made and the secrets found, the other FFs don't compare (although, I haven't played them all, so I'm a tad ignorant). The great feelings of escape and capture, freedom and enslavement, and the World of Ruin, no game conveyed such a desolate and depressing world - and this was on SNES! (Note: I'm not including such games as Torment and BG in my statement, as that would be REALLY unfair to poor FF6 :() While Terra was central to the story, it wasn't all about her, in fact, that's what was so great, it's like eVERYONE was really apart of the game and the effort to "Save the world" (which is funny, cause despite the victory you achieve the world is still pretty destroyed....), unlike later FFs where the focus was pretty much on several characters and then you had your supporting guys. There were times where you'd get used to controlling a small group of folks and then BAM! You wind up controlling or running into another part of your party that you had been wondering what happened to them....it was just really well done how the mini adventures were told that linked you back together. I think FF6 conveys that sense of "togetherness" and a family unit developing between total strangers more than any FF I've played.

Sorry for being all over the place, I need to go to sleep.
The Fucking Awesome

Final Fantasy VI - Everything is just so amazingly done. Probably the perfect combination of plot and gameplay. Pretty much the breaking point. After FF6, the games emphasized more on plot. Before, it was more gameplay than plot. Perfect blend and an awesome soundtrack to go with it.

Final Fantasy VII - A little too cinematic but the game was fun and had a great epic feel to it. The storyline was well developed and there was lots of stuff to do that never made the game boring.

Final Fantasy Tactics - The best SRPG I've ever played. Everything was very well done in this game. I'm just glad it hit Greatest Hits because I was unwilling to pay the unreasonably high prices it went for before it hit that status.

The Decent

Final Fantasy V - Comprehensive job system but the game was a struggle to get through sometimes. Some very tough and cheap moments in the game but its pretty fun but not worthy to be called a classic.

Final Fantasy X - A couple steps forward but several steps back. The good stuff was that it wasn't chock full of shitty side games, the sphere was well implemented, and the gameplay was different than the past versions. The steps back was this was one of the worst plots ever, the characters sucked ass, Sin was a shitty boss, and the linear feel was a bad idea.

The Mediocre

Final Fantasy VIII - Too much plot with sparse and boring gameplay. You wanted to get to the plot because that meant the chance to watch pretty cinema instead of playing the stale as one month old bread gameplay. Junctioning magic was ok but when its all said and done, it was barely different than magic, except that drawing magic was a pain in the ass and too time consuming.

Final Fantasy IV - The game is pretty boring but the gameplay is just barely enjoyable enough to keep you playing. I feel sorry for the people who listed this as the best game but its not even close.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - A neutered FF plot for the sake of multiplayer. Multiplayer saves this game from becoming pure garbage. Everything just had that half assed feel to it. Like they rushed it out to get it out without thinking about how people would look at it years down the road.

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance - Unnecessarily complicated and one of those games that you love playing during a session, then you hate it during another. The Judge system was piss poor. If a FFT2 is made, I hope this system is scrapped.

The Bad

Final Fantasy IX - Everything is bland and generic. The plotline is very bad and its so full of unnecessary cinema. I'm curious as to why they put it out. They should have just scrapped FFIX in favor of FFX. FFIX just seemed like a shitty stopgap between 8 and 10.

Final Fantasy XI - See FFCC but add in online playing. Playing people online tends to suck compared to playing with friends in real life, hence its down here.

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest - Linear gameplay, a bad plot, and basically forgettable other than the bad impact it had when it came out. Its a black eye in the series and for good reason.

Final Fantasy III - FF5 but too basic. NES RPGs hold up really poorly over time and this one is no exception.

Final Fantasy I - RPGs for Dummies. To move around to progress the plot, its pretty much in a clockwise direction. Plus the game is ridiculously basic.

Final Fantasy II - Definitely the worst one in the series. Random excruciatingly tough enemies were thrown in at the beginning. Not to mention the absense of any true plot like in FFI and the game is pretty much FF1 but with shitty randomness sandwiched in.


The Experiment said:
Final Fantasy IX - Everything is bland and generic. The plotline is very bad and its so full of unnecessary cinema. I'm curious as to why they put it out. They should have just scrapped FFIX in favor of FFX. FFIX just seemed like a shitty stopgap between 8 and 10.


The Worst!

Final Fantasy II

The Bad!

Final Fantasy IX

The Decent!

Final Fantasy I
Final Fantasy V

The Good!

Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy VI

The Excellent!

Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy X

The Perfect!

Final Fantasy VII

The Addictive!

Final Fantasy XI

Not Included: Final Fantasy III due to not having it played it except on emulator like 7 years ago.
While the regular FF series is a favourite of any RPG fan, and was long a favourite of mine, the turn-based style has turned me off of late. For that reason, I much prefer the spin-off Tactics series. Both the PSX and GBA ones were good. As for the Judge system in Tactics Advance, I thought it gave the game a good twist each battle so you actually had to diversify your group.
AdmiralViscen said:
Why all the hate for FF9? And love for FF8? That's a big change of popular opinion over the last few years.

People went from being whole minded to being soppingly emo. The shift towards VIII was a result.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Tabris said:
The Worst!

Final Fantasy II

The Bad!

Final Fantasy IX

The Decent!

Final Fantasy I
Final Fantasy V

The Good!

Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy VI

The Excellent!

Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy X

The Perfect!

Final Fantasy VII

The Addictive!

Final Fantasy XI

Not Included: Final Fantasy III due to not having it played it except on emulator like 7 years ago.
wow so wrong on so many levels, first FFIX is the best FF of the PSX era, second FFVIII is horrible worst FF, and FFVII is not perfect that goes to FFVI.


FFV has the most bad-assed gameplay of any of em. Though FFVIII pretty-much has my favorite of everything else (design, story/cast, soundtrack). So I guess...V and VIII?
I don't know, probably FFVII most since it's presentation was revolutionary and new that it blew me away and experiencing the generational difference was more impactful back, then I enjoyed all of it characters, storyline, music, all of it; FFVIII, FFX, FFVI, I enjoy all thoses too. Haven't really put time into FFIX. I really don't play RPG's as much as I want to, just far too long to play for me nowadays.
Emo kids should not leave their opinions on these boards. They will be tainted...

XI...should have been called FFO.
X, second to worst.
IX, nostalgic.
VIII, worst.
VII, overrated.
VI, perfection.
V, good.
IV, great.
III, need to play.
II, decent.
I, really plain but the beginning of traditional RPGs.
Haha, look it's that over used over abused overrated again. Lost in all context. It doesn't really stand anywhere on it's own without more contextual adjectives.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
HomerSimpson-Man said:
I don't know, probably FFVII most since it's presentation was revolutionary and new that it blew me away and experiencing the generational difference was more impactful back, then I enjoyed all of it characters, storyline, music, all of it; FFVIII, FFX, FFVI, I enjoy all thoses too. Haven't really put time into FFIX. I really don't play RPG's as much as I want to, just far too long to play for me nowadays.
FFIX is great fuck the haters, likeable cast, awesome music (FFVIII soundtrack still is better) although the battle theme kinda sucks, a simple system to build up your characters, armors!, character have unique ability not every character is the same except for dagger and eiko but that's because of story purposes unlike FFVII and FFVIII which it really deosn't matter what party you have because you can build everyone almost the same way becuse of materia and junction system.
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