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Your favorite Final Fantasy game?


Since were playing the "greater than" game, personally its:

(only the FF games Ive played and beat)


Never have bothered to beat the older titles, could care less about X-2, and dont give 2 shits about the upcoming* FFXII.

* Coming to your PS3 December 2009!


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Himuro said:

yup Squall is still a bitch..

It is bad when you are wishing death upon the main character...


Himuro said:
Ya, pretty much. But just because I'm no longer satisfied iwth the game currently (REMAKE it dammit) doesn't mean I hate it.
I find it hard to play FF7 too, extremely simplistic character models + lo-res dithered pre-renedered backgrounds are pretty painful to see at times, but I don't hold that AGAINST the game becuase, as I said, you have to look back on playing the game and compare it to everything else. No one knew exactly what games (specifically RPG's) would look like in 1997, what they had was what they had. For its time, FF7 was great and I enjoyed it more than anything else on a console to date.

Solo said:
* Coming to your PS3 December 2009!
Nah. FFXII will come out this year.
It's FFXIII that won't come out until mid 2011/early 2012.
You heard it here first :D


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Himuro said:
I love Squall! <3 Most realistic main character of all time.

not for me.. when I was 16 I was nothing like him at all..first thing I remember him doing is turning hot teacher pootang... realistic my ass..


I found ff7 to be on the short side compared to ff8. Plus I thought the minigames, (TT!) music and ultimate bosses were better in 8.


Himuro said:

Nothing can beat the anticipation one feels from a new FF game. Nothing.[/QUOTE]

As MGS is to me as FF obviously is to you, I wholeheartedly disagree. Replace FF with MGS and were in the same boat.


Himuro said:
Huh? I don't hate the game at all. See? Every fucking FFVII fanboy comes out and jumps you, and just because you aren't totally BATSHIT for it they say you hate it.
.... what?! Okay, let's back track a little ... first off, this is my first ever seeing any FFVII hate. I generally stay away from threads like this. And after being called an FFVII fanboy for merely stating that I remember being fond of a game? I doubt I'll ever make the same mistake again.

Here's what I said:

I'm beginning to think that this is where most of the hate of the game comes from. All I remember is playing it a number of years ago and being very fond of it. Not my favourite and I think I can understand why people dislike it, but man, I never realized just how much people hate the game.

Where did I say that you hate it? I was just getting at the point that people hate the fanboys more than they do the game sometimes. It was a hypothesis. Also, where exactly do I go touting the riches of FFVII like a fanboy? Are you not allowed to have an opinion in these threads?

Actually, just to add onto that, where is it evident that I"m "totally BATSHIT" for the game?


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Solo said:
Coming to your PS3 December 2009!

It will be out here in Japan in about a month and a half.. unlike in the states Japan does not pre-order "ghost" releases... a game might get a bump for a couple of weeks... but no more than that..


Mugen said:

8 is gay. 7 is emo. 6 is overrated shit. 10 is pre-METROSEXUAL FF.

I love your rating system! VIII is gay, and even though its my favorite, VII is emo!


Blackace said:
It will be out here in Japan in about a month and a half.. unlike in the states Japan does not pre-order "ghost" releases... a game might get a bump for a couple of weeks... but no more than that..
Do you know a lot of Japanese?
If so you are a lucky bastard :mad:

I want FFXII now dammit.

Himu: Eh, it's bad but not THAT bad. I could still play it if I really wanted to.

trmas: You and me both. Let's hope for a new FFT and Chrono on PS3...


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Diablos said:
Do you know a lot of Japanese?
If so you are a lucky bastard :mad:

I want FFXII now dammit.

Himu: Eh, it's bad but not THAT bad. I could still play it if I really wanted to.

trmas: You and me both. Let's hope for a new FFT and Chrono on PS3...

I know enough to know that I will be buying the game twice... (T_T)


Himuro said:
A...Are you serious?
Aside from the occasional thread at some random bitter Nintendo forum ... yes, I am serious. Like I said, I tend to avoid these threads and it's very rare that I care about it. I haven't played an FF game in years, actually. I just thought it was interesting to see so much loathing directed to the fanboys, which is understandable. However, in my experience, it tends to cloud people's judgement a little when it comes to the actual game.

Now, I'd just like to know where you get off calling me an FFVII fanboy.



FFVIII wins because it strikes the perfect balance between amazing art direction and enjoyable gameplay. FFVI has the unfocused WoR, FFVII felt rushed in a lot of places, FFX has pacing issues and mediocre cutscene direction and FFIV feels to "basic" compared to the others. They're all amazing though, and would've been perfect if those faults had been fixed. FFIX and FFV are pretty bland overall.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Diablos said:

FFXII will be out in the US by Summer, correct?

Watch them time it with PS3's release...

the worst thing is it is like 7900 yen... almost 80 dollars!! it is expensive even by Japanese game standards...


My goodness sake, I didn't mean it gay = gay. I meant it sucks donkey cock.

FF8 is boring.

FFX is metrosexual because of the sole reason of Tidus. Nuff said.

But then Tidus is no match for full blown metrosexual drek that is (whoever is FF12 lead).


Couldn't get into Tactics Ogre despite many good recommendations. I still play FFT on my PC PSX emulator once in a while (my favorite game I've ever played)


Himuro said:
lol Don't like being called fanboy, huh? Don't take it too personal.
Did you even read my post? You calling me an FFVII is the equivalent of myself calling you an FFVII fanboy.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
trmas said:
Couldn't get into Tactics Ogre despite many good recommendations. I still play FFT on my PC PSX emulator once in a while (my favorite game I've ever played)

Tactics is the best of the series if it is counted in the series... IMO.. then VI, I, X, VI... and the rest.. with VIII on the very bottom being lame and Squall being a whiny little tramp..


Blackace said:
the worst thing is it is like 7900 yen... almost 80 dollars!! it is expensive even by Japanese game standards...
That's insane.
I hope it doesn't cost that much here.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
I hope we see FF getting back to their roots where people had more control over the characters.. they can still tell a good story but just let me make any type party I want..


Blackace said:
I hope we see FF getting back to their roots where people had more control over the characters.. they can still tell a good story but just let me make any type party I want..

More control = good. But the demo confused me because I found it very difficult to actually command all three characters, what worked best for me was controlling one and having the game do the other two. For the demo that's ok, but really, that makes things a bit too easy. I hope that they make it easier to control your entire party by the time the game is finished. Otherwise that kind of sucks.


Himuro said:
Whatever do you mean, good sir? FFVI-X excluding IX allowed you to have total control over your characters. Also, in FFXII, every character cah use every single type of weapon, so it seems to me you'll be able to have a lot more control than usual compared to past FF's...thing is, we know next to NOTHING about the customization system and it's out in like 2 months in Japan. Worst pre release hype for an FF EVER.
Yeah Square has been silent about damn near everything this gen. Someone put a sock in their mouth. There's absolutely no hype beyond "I WANT IT" for this game.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Himuro said:
Whatever do you mean, good sir? FFVI-X excluding IX allowed you to have total control over your characters. Also, in FFXII, every character cah use every single type of weapon, so it seems to me you'll be able to have a lot more control than usual compared to past FF's...thing is, we know next to NOTHING about the customization system and it's out in like 2 months in Japan. Worst pre release hype for an FF EVER.

I would disagree with you about VI - X... X was a step in the right direction but it took forever to get some characters good in some areas because you had to unlock grids.. and all that.. it could be done but it wasn't the control I was looking for...VII and VIII? total control? hahahahah not even.. Tactics had it... in ONE you made your party if you didn't like it after you made it you were screwed but you made it.. the rest pretty much forced your hand.. you could customize.. but you could not make your party like tactics which is why I loved it so.. even FFTA to a lesser, much lesser degree.. good sir..


Evolution of FF Male lead chars. 6 ---> 12 (not including 11)



if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Himuro said:
Mugen, a metrosexual is a male who is always thinking about clothes, how they should dress, and are incredibly clingy to materialistic things like a woman. Vaan is a street rat, he couldn't care less about the way people think about his sense of clothing style. He's wearing a fucking metal vest for Christ's sake. Tidus isn't a metrosexual either, he's just a jock.

they just look like women... nothing more..


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Himuro said:
How do FFVII and VIII not let you have total control? You can customize whatever stats you want in FFVIII. Every GF's abilities, hell even what commands you want while in battle. FFVII allowed you to make a mage be a tank (hp plus materia), you could do anything you wanted because you were in control of what attacks you could bring in, not the game. FFVIII allowed more control than FFVII, but FFVII still allowed a decent amount of control.

I didn't feel it in both.. of course hating the characters in VIII might have blinded me a bit and I have only played it once and will never played it again... But the control I am looking for is the devolpment of a class or classes that I want.. not just collecting items to slap on my characters...but this is just what I like... VIII stills sucks for other reasons..:LOL but I am looking for other things from the game I guess


And then again...


It gets pretty tiresome when all the scrawny/blubbery, nancy comedy GENIUSES decide to share their wonderful material with us in each and every FF thread. "Is it a guy or a girl, hyuk!" Hold your brilliant thoughts to yourselves for a while and start judging the characters after you've played the game.
then there is the man/woman transvestite Faris from FFV


...and lets not forget Butz!


I love Amano to death, but claiming FF characters only started to get more 'metrosexual' or effeminate with FFVIII is complete and utter ignorance. Be ashamed at your lack of knowledge. :D


Ceb said:
And then again...


It gets pretty tiresome when all the scrawny/blubbery, nancy comedy GENIUSES decide to share their wonderful material with us in each and every FF thread. "Is it a guy or a girl, hyuk!" Hold your brilliant thoughts to yourselves for a while and start judging the characters after you've played the game.

That's the Amano art. So it doesn't count. Is he like that in the game? No.

Amano art has that distinct look to them. ie. check out Batman and Superman artwork from him also.

edit. Like I said that's the artwork and would not translate effectively in the game. Hell FF9 is Amano's work also and yet, FF9's Zidane ain't metrosexual either.

And the metrosexual look started in FF10 not in FF8.
FF6. best musics/gameplay/worlds/plot/heros/villians/items/secrets

new age FF emo plot confusing and gayboy hero. square failed in writing.

now ps2 square delete my world map! newageffsux.
Mugen said:
That's the Amano art. So it doesn't count. Is he like that in the game? No.

Amano art has that distinct look to them. ie. check out Batman and Superman artwork from him also.

your argument/critique is still shit.


Mugen said:
That's the Amano art. So it doesn't count. Is he like that in the game? No.

Amano art has that distinct look to them. ie. check out Batman and Superman artwork from him also.

edit. Like I said that's the artwork and would not translate effectively in the game. Hell FF9 is Amano's work also and yet, FF9's Zidane ain't metrosexual either.

And the metrosexual look started in FF10 not in FF8.

Couple of things:

- FFIX isn't "Amano's work"

- Locke would be just as "metrosexual" if FFVI was to be remade for, say, the PS3. It's an issue related to the graphic output - get over it.

- Judge the characters by their... character. If you go through FFX and feel Tidus is a bit too much of a dumb jock, that's better than prematurely (and immaturely) dismissing him as being "metrosexual lol".
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