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Your favorite lead character in a mainline Final Fantasy game? Give reasons.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Lead character as in main character. Not party members.

No lists. Mine is Cloud. Cliche answer, I know.


I love how he comes off as a hardass tough guy at first (and not the cool kind - just aloof and unlikable). His history as a former Shinra soldier turned eco-terrorist is unique and compelling. As his story unravels, he gradually opens up to the party. He has an interesting love triangle dynamic. And, of course, when we learn of his
real past, he becomes an infinitely more layered and nuanced character. The hardass from the beginning of the game was an idealized version of himself, with the real Cloud being an introverted nice guy. The notion that he took on his mentor Zack's personality and memories is also really cool.
I feel like his development was the most compelling to watch unfold.

Runner-up is Tidus for the same reason. I know a lot of people hate him, but he worked for the narrative he was a part of. He transforms over the course of his game, and I loved how he was so atypical for a fantasy lead. Professional athlete isn't usually the first thing you'd call to mind. He acted like you'd expect someone to act when put in his situation, and his status as an outsider to Spira sold the story to me.


Tidus from the one's I've played, feels he had decent development as the game went on. It helps that FFX has nostalgic value for me too!
Cecil or get out!

Lightning actually, for the same reason folks like Cloud. She acts like a hardass when she's really just everyone's loving mom character. She was just short of baking Snow and Hope some cookies. Her backstory, however, wasn't a lie, like Clouds, nor was there some Sephiroth making her look lame in comparison.


I have a nostalgic attachment to the main party in FFIII which might be hard to justify, lol. Honestly don't even remember everything in that game, but I just liked the idea of four kids saving the day. Also kind of why I liked Earthbound.


I like Sabin because he has fighting game inputs

Oh didn't see lead character. Terra then probably. Really liked the Esper storyline in that game.


Locke or Edgar from FF6...not sure if they are considered leads, but they are my favorites...Edgar because machine weapons are badass in the early game and Locke because he'll steal your clothes and leave you in your B-day suit
Cloud for a lot of the reasons you name. The hardass from the beginning of the game falling apart was great. A complete collapse at one point as he plays the dude in distress for Tifa to save and reconnect his mind.Tifa and Cloud's relationship and nuance is my favorite thing in the series and goes a long way towards making cloud my favorite protagonist.

My favorite is Zidane because he seems like a swell fellow to spend an adventure with, very inclusive, positive and courageous.
Zidane is my second favorite. Watching him face the same odds as the villain and come out with the opposite response. So well done


Is Locke a lead?

He'll always be the first character I think of when I think Final Fantasy.

He's not even that interesting.
The Leading Man








- he has the best lines
- he sleeps with Fran
- true Sky Pirate
- never surrenders, never backs up
- best art and clothing in FF game


Terra's definitely one of my most favourite. Other than her Trance skills, she holds herself very well even when coming across Kelfa and others.


not me
Noctis, followed by Zidane and Cloud. Big fan of Squall's "Whatevers" too, I love people being an ass.

Noctis is my fav because he's a genuinely good guy who's conflicted without being whiny and really steps up to the plate and delivers on his character arc when it matters.


Before FFXV, it was a match between Cloud and Cecil, but XV's ending solidified Noctis as one of my favorite lead characters in the franchise. I loved his interactions with his friends and how he accepted who he was, whatever the consequences were. But Noctis is not the same with Gladio, Prompto and Ignis, all 4 of them are the lead character in FFXV.
I don't think I have one.
I love the series and I've somehow never thought about this before.
My favorite FF main character design is Squall, but as a character he's not someone I got attached to very well.

I'm more of a side character sort of dude. Auron in X, Setzer in 6, Zack in 7(or maybe just in Crisis Core), and Rydia in 4.


This might be cheating, but I consider FF12 to have a "lead ensemble" as opposed to a lead character, and I think it really benefits from it. I love the cast so much, though Vaan and Penelo are kinda boring.
Peeps keep talking about Balthier but all he really has is class and a really good voice actor. Fran is much more interesting than he is, and even the real proto main character Basch is a much stronger character.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?

- he has the best lines
- he sleeps with Fran
- true Sky Pirate
- never surrenders, never backs up
- best art and clothing in FF game

Ding ding ding.

Squall a close second, dude doesn't give a fuck about anything. Just wants to get laid with Rionna.



He had a real weight to him due to his internal conflict and desire to try and make amends for what he did to Rydia and everyone else he hurt. It doesn't hurt that he ends up as this 80's glam paladin from the moon.
The Leading Man





- he has the best lines
- he sleeps with Fran
- true Sky Pirate
- never surrenders, never backs up
- best art and clothing in FF game

I was going to say Noctis or Cecil but this is seriously making me question my choices...

I also have a soft spot for Warrior of Light, even though he's objectively the most boring of them all.
Runner-up is Tidus for the same reason. I know a lot of people hate him, but he worked for the narrative he was a part of. He transforms over the course of his game, and I loved how he was so atypical for a fantasy lead. Professional athlete isn't usually the first thing you'd call to mind. He acted like you'd expect someone to act when put in his situation, and his status as an outsider to Spira sold the story to me.

Yeah, I think I'd have to put Tidus in as my favorite lead. Maybe not my favorite character, but my favorite lead, certainly, and for all the reasons you listed. He's instantly relateable and the narration does an excellent job of selling the setting as this truly foreign place, and gives this strong feeling of being a stranger in a strange land. The personality of him very clearly having powerful issues with Jecht and learning to work through that was great storytelling, and by the end of the game Tidus and Yuna earned every one of the tears I managed to barely choke back.


Balthier is like the fourth most important male party character to the story. If he's a leading man, fucking Zell is the protagonist of Final Fantasy VIII.
Ramza Beoulve - Final Fantasy Tactics


"I had lived my life the only way that I had known. But when the pillars of that life came crashing down, I did not stand and watch them fall. I turned, and walked away."

Agrias Oaks and Thunder God Cid (AKA Cidolfus Orlandaeu) too. Talk about bad asses, they wipe the entire map between the three of them. The story that both Ramza and Agrias go on is epic, who they encounter and how they go about things (their morals, the recruitment of pretty much an army, their dialogue, characterisation etc) is pretty much spot on. Ramza clubs together such an impressive party. And the fact that he faces off against [SPOILERS]his own family to stad up for what he believes is right make me respect his character a lot.[/SPOILER] Plus he's just a complete all around wrecking ball and beats everything and everybody who dares to fight against him.


No lists. Mine is Cloud. Cliche answer, I know.


I love how he comes off as a hardass tough guy at first (and not the cool kind - just aloof and unlikable). His history as a former Shinra soldier turned eco-terrorist is unique and compelling. As his story unravels, he gradually opens up to the party. He has an interesting love triangle dynamic. And, of course, when we learn of his
real past, he becomes an infinitely more layered and nuanced character. The hardass from the beginning of the game was an idealized version of himself, with the real Cloud being an introverted nice guy. The notion that he took on his mentor Zack's personality and memories is also really cool.
I feel like his development was the most compelling to watch unfold.

Runner-up is Tidus for the same reason. I know a lot of people hate him, but he worked for the narrative he was a part of. He transforms over the course of his game, and I loved how he was so atypical for a fantasy lead. Professional athlete isn't usually the first thing you'd call to mind. He acted like you'd expect someone to act when put in his situation, and his status as an outsider to Spira sold the story to me.
Mine is cloud as well, for generally the same reasons, but, an adendum there
Cloud didnt take Zacks personality or memories. Cloud, using his own memories, "superimposed" himself in Zacks place, fabricating a fake past,and his personality isnt zacks either, his fake personality is comprised of clouds original personality, clouds ideal SOLDIER badass self, and tifas own expectations for him, which was created when tifa found cloud at the train station, shortly before the beginning of the game
Butz from Final Fantasy V, I think the reason why is pretty obvious. Also the Blitzball from X has the most personality in that game so that's a close 2nd.


Neo Member
I'm gonna join the anti-originailty crew and say Cloud.

His personality was kind of generic, but his story had so many twists and turns, and ended up being really satisfying. The combined Nibelheim flashbacks are probably still my favourite story sections in any game.


Also looks more cool as fuck than any of the others. Loved that grungy comic book style ffvii had, over the anime action figuire look they all have now.



Starts out a badass evil Dark Knight, changes into a badass Paladin, wins the love triangle, marries the girl, and has Rydia as an honorary adopted daughter. And he also comes from the moon. There's no contest here.
Zidane. He is so jovial and always seems to be positive.

Second would be Squall, pretty much the opposite, but I really like his design.


Cloud, no question. I liked how his past was just a bunch of jumbled memories. His character progression was what I enjoyed the most about FF7. Also: the Buster sword.


Noctis or Cloud.

Noctis because getting to know him and seeing his growth into becoming king and the relationships with his bros is one of the most intimate and charming experiences I've had in gaming.

Cloud because he's a bad ass.


Haven't yet finished XV, but I'm liking Noctis quite a bit. But a lot of it is because of his bros, too. The banter is one of the highlights of the game.

As of now I'll go with Zidane. Dude is just super likable and encouraging.


Ramza Beoulve - Final Fantasy Tactics

"I had lived my life the only way that I had known. But when the pillars of that life came crashing down, I did not stand and watch them fall. I turned, and walked away."

Agrias Oaks and Thunder God Cid (AKA Cidolfus Orlandaeu) too. Talk about bad asses, they wipe the entire map between the three of them. The story that both Ramza and Agrias go on is epic, who they encounter and how they go about things (their morals, the recruitment of pretty much an army, their dialogue, characterisation etc) is pretty much spot on.

And yes, some of the FFXII cast like Ashe, Basch and of course, Balthier.

Man, I didn't even think of Ramza when I clicked on this thread, but that's a good one.

Ramza deals with a lot, from his brothers to his friends turning on him. Everybody wants him to compromise his values, everyone wants to fight their wars and he's the only one trying to fight the real villain.

I love that his whole story is this bigger, unknown story behind the War of the Lions that people in Ivalice were taught about. A sort of real history behind the legends.


Neo Member
I'm confused. Isn't Vaan the main character in FF XII??

Balthier is pretty much the central character.

AFAIK Balthier was supposed to the lead, but Square added Vaan + Panelo quite late in development because they would be more 'familiar' to FF fans. Probably why Vaan has so little personality or role in the story.
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