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Your favorite lead character in a mainline Final Fantasy game? Give reasons.

The Leading Man








- he has the best lines
- he sleeps with Fran
- true Sky Pirate
- never surrenders, never backs up
- best art and clothing in FF game




Does the Warrior of Light in FFXIV count? I know it's kind of a copout because it's "you", but I find the FFXIV story just as good as any mainline FF game's story these days, especially since Heavensward came out. You seriously go through some shit and the supporting characters do come out of their own.

FFXIV ARR was mostly generic anime bullshit. Heavensward was a genuinely cool and well-told story.

I would argue that Alphinaud is actually the lead, with you just being the guy/girl that destroys shit he points at. Regardless, both you and Alphy develop a pretty good amount throughout the story, but because your character has to communicate entirely though gestures a huge amount of characterization is lost. That being said, it got a LOT better in heavensward. Your characters expressions in the
death scene were noticeably improved, but even then looked a bit silly.



Starts out a badass evil Dark Knight, changes into a badass Paladin, wins the love triangle, marries the girl, and has Rydia as an honorary adopted daughter. And he also comes from the moon. There's no contest here.

Quoted for truth.


My favourite is Cloud because he went through so much shit and was still able to pick himself up from all the bits and pieces and overcame it and became stronger by the end of it all.
Second favourite is Noel for pretty much the same reasons, tragic backstory, but still managed to be positive and strong somehow.

Noctis has quickly become one of my most liked protagonists too.


Cloud too and i would love to say why but OP summarized nicely, i will just add that the twist of
using a random soldier to answer the question "But where Cloud was at the time ?"
was just brillant.
I never really like a character for its "basic" personality but more for its development and about that, the only other one i can see being good in Final Fantasy would be Terra.

I would i loved to say Lightning because i really like the interaction she has with Snow and a lot of other character but the state she are in at the end of FFXIII isn't really interesting unfortunatly... (and she was written poorly most of the time too)
Cecil was good at the time but a little too classic now, Butz was just fun but not very deep, Squall was kinda annoying, i hated Tidus and found no evolution whatsoever in him and Djidanne mirrored too much Bibi development imo.

Dee Dee

I love all the people here that say Cecil.
Because it's clearly Cecil.

In one of my favourite moments in gaming ever:
after climbing a cruel, random encounter filled mountain, running out of potions and health, Cecil, whose Dark Knight super abilities friggin consume health points, worst class ever, why am I stuck with this broody guilt ridden useless character as the main in my already horribly underpowered party, why god why, Dark Knight wtf - he has an epiphany on the mountain, decides to stand up against evil and turns into a paladin, yayyyyyyyy, I love paladin classes ever since, thank you for actually physically changing for the better Cecil, also, you are actually nice to Rosa, thank you.

My Amano drawn avatar is not Cecil by the way, but I feel some kind of kindred spirit here.


I never finished FFIV but Cecil for me.

I love his story. The fall from great Knight to seeing the horrors his kingdom committed and become a paladin to fight against them.

It was the first FF with a mature story that wasn't just "collect Crystal's and grind" .



Ramza was a great protaganist, sane dude in a room full of crazy ppl who was still incredibly naive from priveleged birth but also looked down on cuz he was half noble. Thought about him a couple times when reading dubois's "the souls of black folk"
Noctis, as he honestly feels like he has great rapport with his boys. There are some other main protagonists with winning personalities, like Cecil, Zidane, and Butz, but none of them feel like they're actually friends with their compatriots (because in most cases, they aren't, to be fair). I'm not into the broody types, like Cloud, Squall, and Lightning, and I don't hate but don't like the passive observers, like Tidus and Vaan.


Tidus, because of his beautiful laugh! But seriously, I like his story in FFX, and (heavy ending spoilers!)
I like his story arc where it turns out he isn't real, a very interesting story bit imo.
Ramza Beoulve - Final Fantasy Tactics


"I had lived my life the only way that I had known. But when the pillars of that life came crashing down, I did not stand and watch them fall. I turned, and walked away."

Agrias Oaks and Thunder God Cid (AKA Cidolfus Orlandaeu) too. Talk about bad asses, they wipe the entire map between the three of them. The story that both Ramza and Agrias go on is epic, who they encounter and how they go about things (their morals, the recruitment of pretty much an army, their dialogue, characterisation etc) is pretty much spot on. Ramza clubs together such an impressive party. And the fact that he faces off against [SPOILERS]his own family to stad up for what he believes is right make me respect his character a lot.[/SPOILER] Plus he's just a complete all around wrecking ball and beats everything and everybody who dares to fight against him.

This is my response as well. I don't care that Tactics is not "mainline".

Ramza is brave, determined, selfless and most important of all, a good man.
He stood for his beliefs at the cost of pretty much everything on his life, and actually becomes a beacon of hope and goodness to his people on a very decadent world.

Ramza is quite possible, the most noble hero of all Final Fantasy games, and I'm not speaking about his blood.


Ramza would be my choice, but really, I like most of the protagonists a lot. Everyone except Lightning and Squall, they belong in the toiler to be flushed.


Cloud and Tidus as the first two posts in this topic...

I'm done, videogames are dead

EDIT: It's Terra, by the way.

Cause he had a lot of character development from whiny brat to more mature.
And very memorable for his laugh and wierd clothing

Starts out as an angsty teenager but develops into a decent leader followed by opening up more personally and finally opening up enough to show love towards others.
That slow build romance with Rinoa is one of my favorite romance stories ever.

Doesn't hurt that his design was also cool as hell(didn't seem generic Jpop boy at that time)
One of the coolest weapons in gaming,
Finally probably had the best showing of all the Square Enix characters in Kingdom Hearts.

Cecil Harvey is my absolute favorite.

He becomes a Paladin.
Gets the girl
ACTUALLY marries the girl.
Has babies ever after with her.
Becomes King.
Gets a sequel and an interlude (whether you liked it or not depends on you).
Has a son that actually does something.
Super nice guy.
Forgives his brother and his best friend.

I could go into more context but that would take a while and make the post a lot bigger.

The other heroes of the other games are cool as well. I just really like Cecil haha.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.

Starts out as an angsty teenager but develops into a decent leader followed by opening up more personally and finally opening up enough to show love towards others.
That slow build romance with Rinoa is one of my favorite romance stories ever.

Doesn't hurt that his design was also cool as hell(didn't seem generic Jpop boy at that time)
One of the coolest weapons in gaming,
Finally probably had the best showing of all the Square Enix characters in Kingdom Hearts.
KH Squall is all I ever expected and wanted out an older Squall. Probably my favorite version of him.
I consider Ashe the true lead of XII (fuck Vaan), so she gets my vote. She goes up against all odds to reclaim her throne so that she can be a benevolent ruler for her people, gathering unlikely allies such as the son of the evil emperor on the way. All while still greaving the untimely death of her true love.

And I also liked her Quickening animations - they just seemed decisively powerful.

Edit: Seen Noctis mentioned a lot. Still early in XV, so I can't say anything about him just yet
Yuna. In X she was already great for being selfless in her sacrifice to rid the world of Sin, but in X-2 she completely takes control of everything with aplomb, with her character still being faithful to the first X title. Also X-2 is better than X. I went there.


I consider Ashe the true lead of XII (fuck Vaan), so she gets my vote. She goes up against all odds to reclaim her throne so that she can be a benevolent ruler for her people, gathering unlikely allies such as the son of the evil emperor on the way. All while still greaving the untimely death of her true love.

And I also liked her Quickening animations - they just seemed decisively powerful.

Edit: Seen Noctis mentioned a lot. Still early in XV, so I can't say anything about him just yet

I think every post should include this phrase, fuck Vaan indeed.

I liked that Ashe actually acted like a Queen, I could listen to her snapping at Vaan 'don't interrupt!' all day.

What's sad is how people remember the geostigmatized version of Cloud from Advent Children better than they do the one from the actual game.

Or that trash in Kingdom hearts.


Yuna. In X she was already great for being selfless in her sacrifice to rid the world of Sin, but in X-2 she completely takes control of everything with aplomb, with her character still being faithful to the first X title. Also X-2 is better than X. I went there.

Yuna is amazing in X-2. I always get choked up during her big monologue at the end.


I really enjoyed Tidus.

Friendly, upbeat, cheerful, likable. He had his moody moments but they were few and far between.

He also got Yuna, the prettiest FF heroine.


Gotta go with Vaan from 12, just because of how IMPORTANT he is to the story. Hard to exaggerate just how important he is.
Cecil in FFIV

A hero who starts out as not actually a hero, but succeeds in redeeming himself and making up for his mistakes. I love a good redemption story.

PK Gaming

1) Zidane

Kind, affable, fun, worldly and basically the group's "dad". Zidane is a huge contrast from your typical lead who stumbles in a world they don't really understand. Zidane has clearly been around and knows all of the ins and outs of the FFIX world despite only being 16. He constantly puts on an act of confidence but has some deep-seated insecurities. Insecurities that are actually addressed in the main narrative in the best way; You're Not Alone is still a top 5 FF moment especially since his friends pay back Zidane's kindness in the best way.

2) Cloud

Surprised to see so many people are backing Cloud, but yeah, Cloud is the real deal. A seemingly basic stoic "try-hard" cool mercenary type, but the game flips the switch on him in the best way possible. The reveal that his current persona was fabricated hits hard, and his backstory makes him surprisingly compelling (I love the reveal where he's just this awkward, but arrogant kid who doesn't achieve his dream). The scene where he "defeats" Sephiroth is also a top 5 FF moment. Cloud's "true" personality is way more genuine and likeable, and it legitimately bothers me that Nomura and co tried to move away from that.

3) Terra

Ensemble cast my eye, Terra is the closest thing to FF6's main protagonist The World of Balance (aka the longest stretch of the game) completely revolves around her. Yes, she doesn't start off WoR, but her relevance is so important, she shows up in the ending anyway (also she's in Dissidia). Anyway, Terra represented many firsts in Final Fantasy. The first female protagonist (eat your fucking heart out Toriyama), the first protagonist who wasn't completely secure in herself, even for the majority of the game, and the first protagonist who didn't strictly have a love interest (but instead, came into loving people in general as a motivator for her strength). Terra is great, and it sucks that her voice acting and personality was so bad in Dissidia. At least they got her right in World of Final Fantasy.
Cloud is still one of my favorites because of the unreliable aspect narrator to FFVII, and we feel the same shock and surprise that he does as the story unfolds. He's also a bit of brave, likeable jackass, who's come a lot way since his cadet days. I think he's one of most grounded leads whilst also being a power fantasy. The abuse he received as a young child from the other residents in Nibelheim was heartbreaking to see. Through it all he's just a kid with big dreams that he kind of ironically succeeds in, which of course happens in the most horrifying and traumatic way possible. I don't think the game (and the spin-offs) do a perfect job with PTSD, but I appreciate the attempt. I know this is a localization thing, but the contrast of a character who is a bit of a jerkass badass who still goes around saying shit like 'let's mosey' is an hilarious contrast.

X's Yuna is brave, awkward, and endearing. I know X-2 is a YMMV situation, but I love that she has to find out for herself who she is and what she wants when her life no longer revolves around her being summoner. She - extremely awkwardly- tries to find her place in the world, whilst dealing with guilt and loss. I still think the default ending to X-2 is the best ending, because she finds peace and happiness within herself, whilst still dealing with loss. One of the reasons I really like X-2 is I think it gives genuinely interesting resolution to an established character and world.

XII is a odd one to quantify in terms of lead, but at the end of it all, the thrust of the game's narrative comes down to Ashe and her motivations, so I really can't see how the lead title goes to anyone but her. I love that Ashe is the most flawed female lead the series has had (maybe outside of Tifa, which is a compliment to both characters, not an insult). Ashe is no-bullshit, snarky, cruel, vengeful, and extremely determined, whilst still dealing with heartbreak and loss. She's not a charismatic leader like Vayne or Al Cid, or even someone like Balthier. I love that, in the end, Vaan's existence in the game is just for her development. I also love that her arc takes her down a very dark path in a way that very few FF leads go. I needs TZA already, I needs it.

Noctis is my newest favorite to the FF lead pile, as I think he's the best job Square has done in creating a genuinely believable protagonist with an solid arc. (Considering all the other characters in the game pretty much exist for his arc or development, it would have been frustrating if they dropped the ball in that regard!) He's a likeable guy that's also a bit spoilt, but cares very much for those around him. He's a young man with an incredible burden on his shoulders, and it's hard not to be sympathetic to his plight. He is also a bit of a dork, also does bad puns and jokes with the rest on the bros, bless him. I wish more of Brotherhood ended up in the game, because his fear and avoidance with his father in the Ignis episode made him even more compelling for me.

I've restarted FFT way too many times on account of me fucking up, but from what have played, I can't see how Ramza wouldn't also end up being another favorite. Like Noctis, the poor man's life is continually pushing a very large boulder up a very steep hill. Life is never easy for him.


Purple Drazi
Cloud Strife is my favorite character in gaming. <3

Edit: Holy shit, fidelio. Everything you just typed is like... me to a tee with this franchise.


My answer is Cloud too.

I don't usually care much for the stoic, asshole type. But what makes Cloud different is that his caring nature belies the tough exterior he puts up. The things this guy has endured through the full VII story would break anyone. But he always finds a way back, even in his weakest moments and fighting his own mental gymnastics, because he cares so much for the people in his life and he doesn't want to let them down or see them hurt.

It's been said before that whatever hurts you the most, only makes you stronger. It seems like one of those pointless platitudes you mutter when you don't know what else to say, but in Cloud, it shows how true and inspiring it can be.

Cloud is awesome, and I'm smiling like a dork seeing so many other people in this thread say the same.
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