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Your favorite lead character in a mainline Final Fantasy game? Give reasons.


ZIdane for me.

He's upbeat, fun to be around, and sticks up for anyone who needs it. A heroic adventurer that wears his heart on his sleeve. When he takes the piss out of others, he's never cruel, and never talks down to conflicted, relatively naive characters like Vivi either.

What I love about the whole party is that while ZIdane and Steiner clash personalities over both wanting to do the right thing, they don't go the easy route and make Steiner look like an idiot in comparison- the way Steiner is perfectly respectful towards Vivi ('Master Mage') always makes me warm to him too despite the clashes with Zidane. Both of them want to look out for the more naive Dagger and Vivi in the beginning, (despite the magic users growing to become far more powerful), they just disagree on how to do it.

So, yeah, I can see an adventuring party forming up around Zidane's charm, something I never really felt with Lightning and several of the others.

Perfectly said. Zidane is the best lead by a mile.

With that said, I feel that Cloud did quite okay too. Even if he's more of a smug with his soldier boasting, it also make sense that people would follow him.
Tho, unlike Steiner, Barret deserved better than what he got. Hopefully the remake will better flesh him out.
Squall for me. I love his over drives and his gun blade. Plus his game came out the same day as my beloved Dreamcast!

I will never forget the date 9,9,99.
It was Tidus until I learned it was pronounced Teedus, not Tydus.
I already was not the biggest fan of FFX(it's pretty good, but not BEST GAME EVER), but learning this makes me furious! What the Hell were Square Enix in thinking of making his name pronounced so dumb in that way?! Damn, I wish I never read this :(
She came from a game where the only good characterization was the token black comic relief. She never had a chance, even before Square started getting all creepy with her.
I keep hearing that the Sazh is really good with good character development. Is......that worth trying out FXIII?


Tidus because he was clueless as fuck.

He was an outsider brought into a strange world of beasts and magic. In many ways he is the perfect representation of the reluctant hero. His journey was my journey.


And frankly, a lot of what you just said really resonates with me on a deeply personal level, as I reckon it could resonate with anyone who has endured hardship (ie many of us). I was first introduced to the guy when I was 11 years old, but now, all these considerable years later, I find more and more in him that echoes my own struggles and triumphs each time I replay the game.

I don't know if that's art imitating life imitating art imitating life or what. But damn. It's something.

Yeah, that's the thing with Cloud; at the start of it all, he's just a normal guy with (mostly) normal guy issues. He's not a prince, not a knight, just a guy who couldn't quite cut it and ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time. That sets him on this huge course of development and self discovery. Along the way he turns into someone with power beyond his initial means, due to the mako but also to his own development, yet he struggles so much in believing in his own strength. It takes a lot for him to realize how strong he's become, and that resonated with me too. We're all stronger than we think we are.


Balthier. He's just a cool character overall, his voice acting is awesome and he's stylish.

I also like Terra a lot. Nice design, nice backstory and is also a powerful character.


Wait you are supposed to pronounce the s in Tidus?? I played Japanese version for FFX as well as Dissidia so it's always been Tee-Da for me. Mind.blown.

For the topc I'm just going echo everyone's opinion on Cloud (before compilation) and Noctis here. Maybe I just have a soft spot for flawed dorky protagonists who mature throughout the game.

Edit: v The spelling was same in Tidus's case though, unlike Terra/Tina and Firion/Frioniel.



Big of a mental decision between him and Cloud, before deciding that I was more a fan of the central plot twist around Cloud rather than Cloud himself.

Squall, I found a fascinating protagonist. A constant internal monologue where lots of dialogue happens for the player only. Also the way he is someone striving to do his best at Garden, but do so in an isolated fashion. Most of the time he is at odds with the rest of the team, who either irk when they look to him in some sort of a leadership capacity, or in dismay when he actually lets his feelings burst through to the surface in an erratic manner.

Eventually, he relents into this role, far removed from his position at the nursery, and assumes a fantastically level personal once the nursery reveal takes place.

His character development is possibly only bettered by the journey Zell goes through.


Queen Ashe. Look I love Balthier but he is very much not the protagonist of that game no matter what he thinks. Ashe is awesome. She goes through similar character development to Lightning except she's cooler, more interesting, more badass and way more likeable. Her tragic love with Rasler was so well done (pro tip, look up the lyrics of Kiss Me Goodbye and listen to it with them in mind, it's completely about them).


Refresh my memory, why did people dislike Lightning?
For me it was because the game attempts to excuse her selfishness, aggressive and rude nature because she's 'cool', strong and pretty and that makes it ok. Shes supposed to have had a military career before the game starts but when the shit hits the fan, she's blaming and attacking everyone else before storming off in a huff, as the director thinks her behaviour makes her look badass. It just comes across as extremely irritating.

If I'd had the opportunity to leave her on the subs bench the whole game, which is what I usually do for the more tedious party members in various RPGs, I would have done so. Maybe she gets rounded out later on, but I wouldn't know- I bailed on the game about 15 hours in, partially because I couldn't stand Lightning. Even when other jrpgs start off with a point of having an irritating protagonist (Tales of the Abyss), they then don't have that character pushing around the rest of the cast without being reprimanded for it, it just comes across as bullying.


All the posters in here saying Cloud or Squall make my shake my head. Cloud was almost a non-character in FF7.

Ramza is probably the best protagonist the series has ever had. Dude was born into nobility and had to clean up the mess his half-brothers had helped to make with all the Zodiac stone mess, then let his best friend from childhood take the credit to become king. He never wavered or went emo and just wanted to do the right thing.

I always wished we got a proper sequel to FFT where Ramza became a Heavenly Knight class like his father.
I never got the love for Ramza. His personality is pretty bland and he barely has any character development in the game. He was pretty much static throughout the whole game.

He goes from "Oh, I should save Teta" to "Oh, I should save Ovelia" to "Oh, I should save Alma", I guess... He could have been a silent protagonist and nothing would have changed!

The worst thing about Ramza is he finds out all that's wrong in his society in general and in the Church in particular (not just indirectly... Miluda, Wiegraf and Delita literally lecture him at several points in the game), yet at the end of the game he just decides to go away live in carefree obscurity with his sister. You'd think such an unwavering idealistic like him would try to reform society or something.

PK Gaming

All the posters in here saying Cloud or Squall make my shake my head. Cloud was almost a non-character in FF7.

Ramza is probably the best protagonist the series has ever had. Dude was born into nobility and had to clean up the mess his half-brothers had helped to make with all the Zodiac stone mess, then let his best friend from childhood take the credit to become king. He never wavered or went emo and just wanted to do the right thing.

I always wished we got a proper sequel to FFT where Ramza became a Heavenly Knight class like his father.

Considering the back half of the 2nd disc is pretty much entirely about Cloud's character, I don't think that's true.

Also, Ramza getting a class like the Heavenly Knight would go entirely against his character. The fact that he doesn't get a "cool" class is exactly what makes his "Uber Squire" class so special. It's seemingly basic and unremarkable, but extremely powerful and influential, much like the character himself.
ZIdane for me.

He's upbeat, fun to be around, and sticks up for anyone who needs it. A heroic adventurer that wears his heart on his sleeve. When he takes the piss out of others, he's never cruel, and never talks down to conflicted, relatively naive characters like Vivi either.

What I love about the whole party is that while ZIdane and Steiner clash personalities over both wanting to do the right thing, they don't go the easy route and make Steiner look like an idiot in comparison- the way Steiner is perfectly respectful towards Vivi ('Master Mage') always makes me warm to him too despite the clashes with Zidane. Both of them want to look out for the more naive Dagger and Vivi in the beginning, (despite the magic users growing to become far more powerful), they just disagree on how to do it.

So, yeah, I can see an adventuring party forming up around Zidane's charm, something I never really felt with Lightning and several of the others.

I was just coming in to mention Zidane, but this is a really good summation of his character which I could not improve on. Most of all I like how upbeat and friendly he is, and like you say he's even kind to Vivi and has a lot of patience with the likes of Garnet and Steiner.

I also really liked his dynamic with the rest of Tantalus, and the group as a whole were really proactive and friendly and I thought they made a great support cast.


I never got the love for Ramza. His personality is pretty bland and he barely has any character development in the game. He was pretty much static throughout the whole game.

He goes from "Oh, I should save Teta" to "Oh, I should save Ovelia" to "Oh, I should save Alma", I guess... He could have been a silent protagonist and nothing would have changed!

The worst thing about Ramza is he finds out all that's wrong in his society in general and in the Church in particular (not just indirectly... Miluda, Wiegraf and Delita literally lecture him at several points in the game), yet at the end of the game he just decides to go away live in carefree obscurity with his sister. You'd think such an unwavering idealistic like him would try to reform society or something.


While I'm trying my best to accept the fact everyone has different taste, I'm genuinely confused how Ramza has more personality than Cloud.

I mean, I don't hate him and I loved that game to death, but nothing came out from his mouth was ever memorable to me. In fact I'd have remembered wrongly that he's a silent protagonist have you not mentioned otherwise.

Would have been happier if Delita was the one joining Dissidia Arcade.


Considering the back half of the 2nd disc is pretty much entirely about Cloud's character, I don't think that's true.

Also, Ramza getting a class like the Heavenly Knight would go entirely against his character. The fact that he doesn't get a "cool" class is exactly what makes his "Uber Squire" class so special. It's seemingly basic and unremarkable, but extremely powerful and influential, much like the character himself.

What makes Cloud special? What drives him? He's a nobody that's just a poor man's Zack.

I understand the sentiments you're making but his Squire class is better than everyone else's Squire class. So he's not special because of his special properties of his base class?

PK Gaming

What makes Cloud special? What drives him? He's a nobody that's just a poor man's Zack.

I understand the sentiments you're making but his Squire class is better than everyone else's Squire class. So he's not special because of his special properties of his base class?

How can Cloud be a poor man's Zack when Zack was literally created to be in service of Cloud's character arc?

If only I were SOLDIER...
—Cloud talking to Zack in Nibelheim

Cloud's a dreamer. He aspires to be this super cool awesome SOLDIER. For recognition from his peers (who he didn't get along with due to his arrogance), personal satisfaction and Tifa (crush). And then things go waaaay south and he pretty much loses sight of the person he once was. Seeing him gain understanding and self respect near the end of disc 2 is one of the most emotionally satisfying moments in FF history.

I wouldn't really call those properties "special" but I'll concede it was a poor choice of words on my part. I think "flashy" is a better fit here. Ramza and his Uber Squire class isn't flashy, but damn does it get the job done.


Squall without a doubt. At the time I played VIII he was easily one the most relatable characters I'd ever played. Sure he was a little angsty at the beginning, but so was I at the time. His evolution as a character and in his relationship with Rinoa felt really natural and the explanation for his attitude worked for me.

He also wasn't a super solider or created in a lab or a prince or whatever (hehe). He was just a loner who had felt abandoned by people in his life. My childhood wasn't anything like his, but I understood him and his attitudes.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
When did Ramza and Cloud fans become rivals? They're both top tier leads.

Cloud is certainly not a non-character in FFVII. The villain is out to mess with him specifically at multiple points, his past is a focal point of the narrative, and several party members (Tifa, Aerith, Barrett to a lesser extent) develop mostly through him.


All the posters in here saying Cloud or Squall make my shake my head. Cloud was almost a non-character in FF7.

This is an....odd statement. Like it's been mentioned, Cloud's character arc is absolutely central to the story of VII. And that arc sets up some of the most interesting relationships and one of the greatest rivalries in gaming. I mean, VII is largely his story.

As for Squall, admittedly he'll get no love from me because I disliked how he treated people, reasons or not. But I can understand why someone might choose him.

I think a lot of our FF favorites are tied into how we relate to them and how we might see ourselves in them. Or maybe someone just thinks those characters are 'cool'. Nothing wrong with that.


Im probably gonna get fucked up in here, but Im gonna say Noctis. His dialog is so "human". He isnt the shy, quiet protagonist trope. He isnt the firey "gotta do this because Im the one herooozzz!" anime trope either. He is ... "Human".

He has his ups and downs. Good moods, and bad moods. I can relate to him whenever he makes an offhand comment about something happening on screen because he doesnt have a static personality. He changes. It actually throws me off a bit because I expected him to act like a 3D sasuke (naruto), but he doesnt. I dont know any other word to describe this other than "human".

I love tidus and cloud, but there is no denying they arent actually reacting to anything happening, they instead act how they have to based on their characters direction. Zack (crisis core) is another one who even in death died with a smile on his face. Talk about static. Same with tidus. It is like they are a part of a play. While this is probably the intention by the creators, I just dont find that compelling at all.

I dunno, just my opinion and all.

*Equips parachute and jumps off the neogaf thread*




He's moody and largely unlikeable for most of the game. He in turn doesn't really like anybody, or anything. Except for Rinoa. Who he falls in love with. This was pretty much me as a teen. Unlikeable. Likes no one. Intensely in love with some random girl for no reason. Squall, for me, is incredibly human as a protagonist.

My first runner up would be Cecil. The execution isn't actually there in-game, but as a theme, and a concept, the tale of the Dark Knight's Redemption is beautiful.

Next runner up is Vivi. You said lead character right? :D

Noctis is shaping up nicely too!

PK Gaming

The fact that so many users are praising Noctis is a good sign

He seemed shallow based on design alone, but he's turning out to be one of the better FF protagonists (from what I've seen)

Legit can't wait to play FFXV
The fact that so many users are praising Noctis is a good sign

He seemed shallow based on design alone, but he's turning out to be one of the better FF protagonists (from what I've seen)

Legit can't wait to play FFXV

Well look at Ramza's design (super-feminine boy wearing a metal thong), yet he is one of the best FF protagonists for many people.


xiii should only be played for its excellent combat

you should have no expectations for its story and characters

Excellent combat and visuals. The lore of the monsters and what not is interesting.

But yeah the story and characters are dog shit.

That said, I dig lightning's design.


Im probably gonna get fucked up in here, but Im gonna say Noctis. His dialog is so "human". He isnt the shy, quiet protagonist trope. He isnt the firey "gotta do this because Im the one herooozzz!" anime trope either. He is ... "Human".

He has his ups and downs. Good moods, and bad moods. I can relate to him whenever he makes an offhand comment about something happening on screen because he doesnt have a static personality. He changes. It actually throws me off a bit because I expected him to act like a 3D sasuke (naruto), but he doesnt. I dont know any other word to describe this other than "human"..

Not really. Plenty of people have voted for Noctis. He's such a great character.


Excellent combat and visuals. The lore of the monsters and what not is interesting.

But yeah the story and characters are dog shit.

That said, I dig lightning's design.

I think the basic plot has promise, but it's badly told and makes little sense unless you read a mountain of data logs. The main villain barely appears and we go into the final battle with no plan or idea of what is going to happen... Yeah I guess it is shit isn't it? lol


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
On Noctis:

What I expected


What I got

What I left with (SPOILERS)

Im really surprised and happy with all the Squall replies, seems like Gaf is always shitting on Squall and VIII.
(specially the people that hate him completely ignoring the point and his development.)
I never got the love for Ramza. His personality is pretty bland and he barely has any character development in the game. He was pretty much static throughout the whole game.

He goes from "Oh, I should save Teta" to "Oh, I should save Ovelia" to "Oh, I should save Alma", I guess... He could have been a silent protagonist and nothing would have changed!

The worst thing about Ramza is he finds out all that's wrong in his society in general and in the Church in particular (not just indirectly... Miluda, Wiegraf and Delita literally lecture him at several points in the game), yet at the end of the game he just decides to go away live in carefree obscurity with his sister. You'd think such an unwavering idealistic like him would try to reform society or something.

He's only "boring" because he doesn't deal with stuff like a cry baby/emo like certain other FF characters. And I don't get your last paragraph at all, he does change things and kills/defeats those who would plague/ruin the entire land of Ivalice but there was only so much he could do due to how corrupt Ivalice was, the Church was an extremely powerful organisation, i mean, he effectively killed the Cardinal and Jesus, ffs, what else do you expect?
I never got the love for Ramza. His personality is pretty bland and he barely has any character development in the game. He was pretty much static throughout the whole game.

He goes from "Oh, I should save Teta" to "Oh, I should save Ovelia" to "Oh, I should save Alma", I guess... He could have been a silent protagonist and nothing would have changed!

The worst thing about Ramza is he finds out all that's wrong in his society in general and in the Church in particular (not just indirectly... Miluda, Wiegraf and Delita literally lecture him at several points in the game), yet at the end of the game he just decides to go away live in carefree obscurity with his sister. You'd think such an unwavering idealistic like him would try to reform society or something.

He gets (slightly) more in War of the Lions so maybe that's the version his fans imagine. I'm quite neutral on him.

Loving the Noctis love here btw.
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