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March Wrasslin' |OT| Forecast for Wrestlemania...cloudy with a heavy chance of Reigns


The perks of being with a legit company like ESPN.

Bill Simmons has Hulk Hogan on the BS Report this week, just updated today. 45 minutes.

Rosenberg and Shoemaker should be having a whole slew of wrestlers on Cheap Heat later in the week. Mark Henry should be guaranteed as usual.

I think Heyman's getting moved over to Reigns and Reigns turns heel on Lesnar; regardless of whether Lesnar comes back or not.

I sort of wish that
Reigns, Ambrose, and Rollins reunite with Heyman at the end of WM; with Rollins cashing in on Lesnar with the help of Ambrose and Reigns triple powerbombing Lesnar. It actually takes care of a ton of plot holes (why Ambrose & Reigns sort of suddenly stopped going after Rollins for instance, and Rollins can state that the Authority saw him as the future of WWE, but he knew he was part of the present), and they can use the defeat of the Authority as when Rollins lost confidence in the Authority and called for his family to return together. Ambrose goes after the IC Title (and Bryan), Reigns goes after the US Title (and Cena), while Rollins lords over the WWE with the World Title. Reigns and Ambrose can cut a promo about how family may fight and family may go their separate ways, but family can always be counted on. Hence, when Seth realized he made a mistake, Ambrose and Reigns were slow to trust, but eventually decided family > all, and reunite the Shield. On top of it, the Shield was initially brought in by Heyman (to protect Punk), so it makes sense that Heyman saw the writing on the wall and went back to helping the Shield.

Everything about this is awesome.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
That's harsh, the Heat gimmick did him no favours and was largely a waste of time - perhaps if he'd stuck around he would have found more success, especially once Kanemoto left, but New Japan seemed more focused on Tiger Mask at the time. With Heat I think they saw him as a potential successor to Liger, but after the gimmick never took off they didn't look at Tanaka in the same light and decided on pushing Taguchi as the future of the division instead.

Kanemoto actually helped get over Fujita and other juniors in MPro through a series of matches. I have yet to see what Jason Lee is gaining from having his titles snatched away by Tanaka and then easily pinned repeatedly by Tanaka.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Great post over at Femmezuigiri on how dope Sherri Martel was:



Sherri’s mad mat grappling chops are undeniable, but her ring psychology outshines some of her male contemporaries. Triple H once intimidated a referee into reversing a title change. That sort of heelery seems half hearted hackery when compared to Sherri berating the referee, without ever acknowledging the opponent she is wearing down with illegal holds. “Are you happy now!?” she screams, breaking the hold and giving her opponent a chance for a comeback. Sherri knew, for better or worse (usually worse) how to manipulate what men found aggravating or even offensive about her.

Laying a foundation for women to be fierce in and out of the ring, a formula followed for decades by other valets/grapplers, may have also cost Martel her staying power. She wasn’t tied to a single wrestler (like Miss Elizabeth) and didn’t dramatically change her name or persona when coming into a new promotion (like almost anybody who isn’t a main event star who can leverage their star power against a booking committee’s whim). She was often jobbed out or paired with wrestlers doomed to dodder into obscurity (Tatanka, Marty Jannetty). No one could own her identity. This was before WWE Creative would give you a list of acceptable names, including your real name switched around, that didn’t have the name you’ve used your whole career. This was before WWE set up a whole “starter league” to put established wrestlers through curtain-jerking purgatory to remind them of their new place. Thus Sherri was not always treated sensationally by the business she devoted herself to.

Great article worth reading, click the link for more.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Sherri always was incredibly bad ass, and rarely got reduced to your typical female damsel trope. She was always in the middle of the shit, and anyone who DID treat her like most other women got treated then (and now, sadly...) got the shit beat out of them. It was really great she got her moment at the WWE HoF as well, you could tell how enthused she was. She's definitely one of the greatest ever.

Looking forward to Femmezuigiri doing an article on Woman. She was also dope as fuck.


Jumping Bomb Angels are still the best Woman's tag team to ever grace WWE?

Watching Survivor Series 87 and it's a wonderful card with so many outstanding and long matches but I got a real kick out of the woman's match. It was if they were respected and allowed to do their thing without just being eye candy.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Jumping Bomb Angels are still the best Woman's tag team to ever grace WWE?

Watching Survivor Series 87 and it's a wonderful card with so many outstanding and long matches but I got a real kick out of the woman's match. It was if they were respected and allowed to do their thing without just being eye candy.

Absolutely a great match. WWE always has had a strange relationship with how they want to portray women. It's a shame that most of the Attitude Era revolved around the lowest common denominator and really cheapened the women compared to how they were treated before.

It's like Vince never really knew the best way to present women to draw money, and the quick and simply "Let them pose for Playboy, goddammit" got the biggest return, so it was hard to fight the money.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
A reminder and an offering - I have a jiff I want to share that is an Ass Biz related jiff.

I am tagging it NSFW and making it a link.

I call it "good credit" - this is the crux of what the PG Era is going to be like for us. Our TV-MA material still exists, but it is safe to browse WrassleGAF at work, provided you show restraint and not click that link.
Fixed for the PG Era, friend.
sorry friend Sunny. Here, a Layla gif posted with respect to the new rules


Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Jumping Bomb Angels are still the best Woman's tag team to ever grace WWE?

Watching Survivor Series 87 and it's a wonderful card with so many outstanding and long matches but I got a real kick out of the woman's match. It was if they were respected and allowed to do their thing without just being eye candy.

WWFs Womens Division became appearance based once Trish and Lita became a thing, and that's never gone away since. They didn't book them as often but when WWF booked womens wrestlers before that, they treated them like any other match.


Vince really needs to just foot the bill and get Sting some new Stang Hair. Other than his hair, he looks really good as Sting at age 56.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Vince really needs to just foot the bill and get Sting some new Stang Hair. Other than his hair, he looks really good as Sting at age 56.

He really does. He's full of energy in his (limited) time in the ring but he doesn't appear nearly as old as he is.

Maybe Stang hung out with Negro Casas for a few years.


Jumping Bomb Angels are still the best Woman's tag team to ever grace WWE?

Watching Survivor Series 87 and it's a wonderful card with so many outstanding and long matches but I got a real kick out of the woman's match. It was if they were respected and allowed to do their thing without just being eye candy.

Dump and Bull in 1986.

Flipping off fans and shit ten years before Austin made it hip.


Thank you for embedding that blingee gif of Layla earlier, much appreciated. I would never have clicked a blingee link otherwise.

Also, I was just watching Community when this happened:


I was very confused when they didn't end the show there.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Anyone up for a wrestling project mixed with Blingee?


Damn, Mick Foley telling stories about Nash could be fantastic. I was going to guess Hall, but that will do.

Maybe Mick will tell the story of how he made Nash look like shit by taking 30 seconds to count a pin during the HiaC vs. Triple H.

Nash didn't need any help looking like shit during that run.
I think Heyman's getting moved over to Reigns and Reigns turns heel on Lesnar; regardless of whether Lesnar comes back or not.

I sort of wish that
Reigns, Ambrose, and Rollins reunite with Heyman at the end of WM; with Rollins cashing in on Lesnar with the help of Ambrose and Reigns triple powerbombing Lesnar. It actually takes care of a ton of plot holes (why Ambrose & Reigns sort of suddenly stopped going after Rollins for instance, and Rollins can state that the Authority saw him as the future of WWE, but he knew he was part of the present), and they can use the defeat of the Authority as when Rollins lost confidence in the Authority and called for his family to return together. Ambrose goes after the IC Title (and Bryan), Reigns goes after the US Title (and Cena), while Rollins lords over the WWE with the World Title. Reigns and Ambrose can cut a promo about how family may fight and family may go their separate ways, but family can always be counted on. Hence, when Seth realized he made a mistake, Ambrose and Reigns were slow to trust, but eventually decided family > all, and reunite the Shield. On top of it, the Shield was initially brought in by Heyman (to protect Punk), so it makes sense that Heyman saw the writing on the wall and went back to helping the Shield.

Makes too much sense and would be too entertaining, friend.


FGC Waterboy
Only problem with that, is why would Reigns go with that to give Rollins the belt at the cost of him having the belt?

Rollins is the "leader" of the Shield, and the architect. He's the big brother basically. Tell me that having the three of them, fists together, standing over Lesnar, with the Shield music playing (with the distinctive "Sierra..." aspect) at the end of WM wouldn't be an awesome way to kick off the post WM 2015?
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