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Xenoblade 3D |OT| Is that a Monado in your pocket or are you just really feeling it?

How is the 3d effect on this, I read in an earlier thread that it was "weak". Is there anywhere I can check the effect out for myself?


I only played it for about 7 hours before realizing it just wasn't my thing though. The cliche anime characters really grated on me after a while (dude deathly afraid of being around women, little girl creepily attracted to main character, annoying+cute talking animal, etc.)

Good to hear that this game avoids that stuff, and the videos I've seen of Xenoblade make the combat system look pretty interesting too.

Shame. Abyss is probably the ONLY Tales game they really tried (and succeeded) at a story --- it was all but cliché (and the characters, while 'embracing' their tropes tend to 'grow up' and get developed well).

Xenoblade I feel is another that does well at avoiding the troperrific anime cast. For one, I like that the entire cast is actually older than average (so no squealing loli or "FOR JUSTICE" fighting child). Shulk, iirc, is the youngest but also ...he's a nerd, and a good one.

I think Xenoblade really clicked with me when they didn't pull that anime garbage of "taking the burden" all on one character, as everyone is really game to help Shulk and they're all quite open with each other. I think what I'm saying is the entire cast is more or less quite mature (which is a real boon sicne I've grown so damn tired of anime stereotypes).


How is the 3d effect on this, I read in an earlier thread that it was "weak". Is there anywhere I can check the effect out for myself?

I'm only a couple of hours in but it doesn't seem particularly striking in the environments, even when viewing long distances from a cliff-top the effect is quite subtle. The HUD elements pop out nicely though

You can see three static shots in 3D on the eShop page for the game.


Thanks for the continued OT love, guys :)

Cheers m8, side quests don't seem to be to much of an effort so far, i just need to pay more attention to things.

Most of them auto-complete anyway. quests that require backtracking to the quest giver are rare but sometimes you have quests where you have to talk to various NPCs and they can be a pain to track down in spite of the exclamation point above their head (dat Nopon Village...). Take not of the Affinity Chart that lists all the characters you talked to with their schedules, locations and the time of day they appear. It's not perfect since their exact location isn't mentioned and many of them move around, too but it helps. This is basically Majora's Mask's Clock Town on a huge scale.

How is the 3d effect on this, I read in an earlier thread that it was "weak". Is there anywhere I can check the effect out for myself?

Go to the eShop page and look at the 3D screenshots. The 3D effect is indeed very unspectacular. You won't miss it if you turn it off.


Go to the eShop page and look at the 3D screenshots. The 3D effect is indeed very unspectacular. You won't miss it if you turn it off.

I was watching the live stream the other day, and I saw an icon to the right, with an arrow pointing up, and an arrw pointing down.

I figure thats most likely the save/load game prompt, but it also looked kind of similar to the icon games like super mario 3d land had, which allowed you to swap how the 3d effect was displayed, from prioritizing pop out, or depth, any word on this?

Because if the eshop pictures are representative of the screenshots (Unless its only in 3d on new 3ds systems?), then thats not an underwhelming 3d effect, there is no 3d effect.

Actually, none of the screenshots on the eshop right now are showing up in 3d, even ones with games I know have strong 3d effects. Huh, did I do something in eshop settings?


Preordered this when I got a n3DS 2 weeks ago. Will replace Kingdom Hearts on it, since I have a 2DS with digital games.

I did owned it in Wii, but never played it fully. Hopefully will now. Though even if I barely play it, just having it on a portable, the huge landscapes and enemies is enough.


I was watching the live stream the other day, and I saw an icon to the right, with an arrow pointing up, and an arrw pointing down.

I figure thats most likely the save/load game prompt, but it also looked kind of similar to the icon games like super mario 3d land had, which allowed you to swap how the 3d effect was displayed, from prioritizing pop out, or depth, any word on this?

Because if the eshop pictures are representative of the screenshots (Unless its only in 3d on new 3ds systems?), then thats not an underwhelming 3d effect, there is no 3d effect.

You had it right, those are the SAVE and LOAD icons. I haven't looked at the eShop page myself, just going off of what someone else said to me who did check them out. You cannot change anything about how the 3D is displayed, though. That much is certain.


I was watching the live stream the other day, and I saw an icon to the right, with an arrow pointing up, and an arrw pointing down.

I figure thats most likely the save/load game prompt, but it also looked kind of similar to the icon games like super mario 3d land had, which allowed you to swap how the 3d effect was displayed, from prioritizing pop out, or depth, any word on this?

Because if the eshop pictures are representative of the screenshots (Unless its only in 3d on new 3ds systems?), then thats not an underwhelming 3d effect, there is no 3d effect.

Actually, none of the screenshots on the eshop right now are showing up in 3d, even ones with games I know have strong 3d effects. Huh, did I do something in eshop settings?

The 3D on the eshop screenshots is a basic sort, either on or off and no effect of moving the slider - possibly the best representative of the game is the 3rd one.

In game, it's very subtle. You know how in some games with a strong effect if you stand with a nearby object right in the foreground it kind of breaks your eyeballs as one eye gets the image and the other doesn't? There's none of that.


You had it right, those are the SAVE and LOAD icons. I haven't looked at the eShop page myself, just going off of what someone else said to me who did check them out. You cannot change anything about how the 3D is displayed, though. That much is certain.

Yeah, I dont know if its the same for anyone elses 3ds right now, but there is almost nothing on the 3ds eshop that is displaying in 3d right now.

Like, not even the 'best sellers' and 'new releases' title cards which usually had at least simple layered 3d.

The only thing I found with 3d on in the front page was ironfall invasion, and that was the first one I found with 3d screenshots, it was seriously to the point I thought something went wrong with my 3ds.

Gunman clive is still in 3d...

It actually seems like everything from nintendo is flat 2d on the eshop, the eshop display in general is completely flat, majoras mask, code name steam, pokemon ruby, neither the title cards, nor the screens, not the video is utilizing 3d, despite the slider having 3d activated.


So, unless my 3ds is the only one doing this... Looks like we will have to wait to see the 3d effect in person, unless I can view new 3ds miiverse posts from Xenoblade in 3d.


I've started playing the game now. I'm impressed that the game is running on a handheld and with no dramas with framerate. I was afraid the game was going to be a slideshow and chug when enemies were on screen, but it seems like it's the consistent 25fps of the original.

The 3D effect is disappointing though. I mean it's there. It's just that it seems to drop off after a certain distance from the character, or at least that's the impression. It's like you're playing it with the 3D slider set to a third. You could easily play this game with the 3D slider off and not miss much.

But if you haven't played the game before there's nothing really wrong with this version though. It's still great.


Yup, Eshop had 3d off even when it stated it was on. For a lot of stuff, not just xenoblade.

Miiverse did the trick, first post I found had a 3d screen. Of course it was the model viewer of Fiora in Bikini, centered on her butt. But it worked, and her glutes were definately in 3d.

It is one of the weaker 3d levels games use, but its not as bad as I was led to suspect.

Heres what Im gathering from the screens Ive seen. Things in the immediate foreground are givent he full 3d treatment, albeit on the shallow side. Past that, things are given more of a cardboard cut out layering style 3d, where you get depth perception, but not really roundness, and past that point everything is put on the same 'background' layer pushed as far back as it can go... estimate that cut off distance at about 1,000 in game distance units from a colony 9 screenshot.

So, not as bad as I was being lead to think, especially after checking out the eshop screens, which were not 3d at all.

I would definately keep the 3d on, simply because at that level, while the effect is noticable, its never eye straining, and most importantly to me, it increases the fov by like, 10 degrees.


Some pics I've taken.





Shame. Abyss is probably the ONLY Tales game they really tried (and succeeded) at a story --- it was all but cliché (and the characters, while 'embracing' their tropes tend to 'grow up' and get developed well).

Xenoblade I feel is another that does well at avoiding the troperrific anime cast. For one, I like that the entire cast is actually older than average (so no squealing loli or "FOR JUSTICE" fighting child). Shulk, iirc, is the youngest but also ...he's a nerd, and a good one.

I think Xenoblade really clicked with me when they didn't pull that anime garbage of "taking the burden" all on one character, as everyone is really game to help Shulk and they're all quite open with each other. I think what I'm saying is the entire cast is more or less quite mature (which is a real boon sicne I've grown so damn tired of anime stereotypes).

I don't really think Xenoblade avoided the regular tropes so much as it completely embraced them, going by Takahashi's stated desire to hew close to established narrative templates - but while not doing anything particularly new it did generally execute its cliches competently while downplaying a few undesirable conventions. I really wasn't that much a fan of
the love triangle and how Fiora was handled later in the story
; but overall it could have been so much worse, I agree.

The Boat

Great thread title. I hope people who didn't play the original don't skip out on this one because it's a downport. It's a great port and the game is still fantastic.


Bought the Wii version at launch, never played it, sold it in anticipation of this, and now have this preordered. Looking forward to it... finally!


I wish Nintendo would release on Thursday like this, much more convenient than Saturday (usual release date in au).

Booted it up this morning for 5mins and turned the 3d off very quickly. Didn't like the enemy heath bars floating in the very first layer while the actual enemy is in the distance. Also the 3d as a wholevwas very subtle.

So never having played xenoblade the characters auto attack and im focused on postioning and timing the special attacks?


My copy arrived, sans the pre-order theme code unfortunately. I was considering pulling a Byron Bluth and throwing a massive tantrum but I think I'll just live with shooting the retailer an email and just accepting that I probably won't get it. Oh well.

Working now but will play soon!
Oh man, the tag line for the thread gave me a good out loud chuckle, lol. I have had my copy preordered for a while now, just waiting on the 10th. :D


Picked this up this morning in Japan at my local GEO.


It's my first time playing this game but it's the first time in a while I've felt like maybe I can enjoy this one. Wish me luck!


Just found out my cover plates pre order wasn't fulfilled either. Looking elsewhere now. Bad show for Xenoblade shipments, at least the game came fine.


Bought the Wii version at launch, never played it, sold it in anticipation of this, and now have this preordered. Looking forward to it... finally!

Oh wow, I could never do that. I have the reversable cover up and on my display of favourites from the ages.

But tell me, did you make a good profit off of it? Must have gotten at least double your money back! Especially if it was still sealed!

You didnt sell it to gamestop did you D:

I don't really think Xenoblade avoided the regular tropes so much as it completely embraced them, going by Takahashi's stated desire to hew close to established narrative templates - but while not doing anything particularly new it did generally execute its cliches competently while downplaying a few undesirable conventions. I really wasn't that much a fan of
the love triangle and how Fiora was handled later in the story
; but overall it could have been so much worse, I agree.

I was also a little irritated about the extent of how much
Fioras existence simply orbited around shulk in the later parts of the game, even down to some skills. But I agree, it could have been way, way, way worse.

Fortunately I felt that was pretty much lampshaded by the fact pretty much seventh or Melia was my super badass lord of destruction main throughout the entirety of the game. Generally without a shulk in sight. (Not that I disliked shulk, I actually liked him, and liked his play style and moveset, just holy crap balls was a fully powered seventh an awesome and powerful character to play as)


Was going to complain about the title, but no less than 17 instances of Reyn Time in the OP itself have placated me.

No, I have no idea why I'm sick and tired of "I'm really feeling it" but am not sick and tired of Reyn's various memes.

Can we be friends? "I'm really [verb]ing it" is very possibly my least favorite video game meme like... Ever.

I thought it was funny when it first started but when people who didn't even know how to spell "Monado" started posting it in every single Xenoblade video on YouTube and when the Shulk tag on Tumblr started being nothing but "I'm really [verb]ing it" images, it just got old really fast, especially when it was never really a meme before Smash even though he says it or variations on it all the time.

Reyn Time all day everyday though! And hopefully people will see the light after they actually play this haha.

Edit: Holy crap just saw the themes in action. I need those right now. We better get them NoA :(


Picked up my copy at EB Games today, only just noticed after coming home from uni it didn't have a download code for the theme. Shot EBNZ an email, hopefully they'll get it sorted out.

Anyway, perfect time sink for the easter break.


Really like this game and kind of want to bite the bullet and get a new 3ds xl. Yeah the visuals are not good but portability is a huge factor for me with a game this size.
Can we be friends? "I'm really [verb]ing it" is very possibly my least favorite video game meme like... Ever.

I thought it was funny when it first started but when people who didn't even know how to spell "Monado" started posting it in every single Xenoblade video on YouTube and when the Shulk tag on Tumblr started being nothing but "I'm really [verb]ing it" images, it just got old really fast, especially when it was never really a meme before Smash even though he says it or variations on it all the time.

Reyn Time all day everyday though! And hopefully people will see the light after they actually play this haha.

Edit: Holy crap just saw the themes in action. I need those right now. We better get them NoA :(
Yeah, that's pretty much me in a nutshell. Hell, as far as goofy phrases Shulk says goes, lines like "We can definitely do this!" and "PIECE OF CAKE!!! :D :D :D" tend to stick out in my mind more. His two "feeling it" lines were just kinda there; they weren't terribly memetic until his Smash trailer, so seeing him reduced to that one line was irritating at best.

meh, Reyn Time is overrated too


(Ha, now there's a classy choice.)


I'm sure you could preview what armor looks like before buying on the Wii version but can't seem to find out how to here. Am I just misremembering?
Looks like? No. Stats, I think you could check, although it takes equipped Gems into account, so you may want to remove those before doing the comparison to focus solely on what the equipment brings to the table, not the Gems you slapped into them. (Exception being Unique equipment, seeing as those have Gems permanently slotted in them.)
God damn, I know it's not for everyone, but I love the 3D effect on the 3DS. So I'm bitterly disappointed with this game regarding that.

The 3D is terrible in this game, so non existent that it might as well not be there at all. It's like the text and menus pop a bit, and that's it. Everything else, flat boring old 2D. Balls.

Game is wonderful, best RPG of the last gen along with Resonance of Fate, but damn - you can't call this game Xenoblade Chronicles "3D". Not with that piss weak 3D effect.

I'll play it - I've already bought it, but through the tears of the dreams that I hoped it would be.
Damn this game looks like shit graphically. Still looking forward to play it though! My amazon order should arrive today.

Gave up the Wii version because I got too annoyed by the fetch quests.

leng jai

The EB I normally go to was completely sold out of the game which is surprising considering it's a New 3DS only title. Target still had a few copies left though.


Despite being my second playthrough I'm still finding myself enjoying exploring around Colony 9 doing sidequests. Reminds me of the amazement I had when I first played the game.
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