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Transphobic NC Former Governor Pat McCrory can't find a job because he's a bigot

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Ok, then why not defer to state's rights on the bathroom issue? Why should the federal government point a gun to everyone else's head and force them to push bathroom laws instead of leaving it to the state?

Rebel Leader

Ok, then why not defer to state's rights on the bathroom issue? Why should the federal government point a gun to everyone else's head and force them to push bathroom laws instead of leaving it to the state?

Civil rights is a federal law


Ok, then why not defer to state's rights on the bathroom issue? Why should the federal government point a gun to everyone else's head and force them to push bathroom laws instead of leaving it to the state?

Because trans ppl are just as deserving of rights as you are, fuck's sake it's not hard.
Nah, bigot is pretty much the first thing you are. Hope you never find another job and become the welfare queen you and your party so vigorously hate.

Ok, then why not defer to state's rights on the bathroom issue? Why should the federal government point a gun to everyone else's head and force them to push bathroom laws instead of leaving it to the state?

Because civil rights shouldn't be left up to the states to decide? Is this really a question?


Ok, then why not defer to state's rights on the bathroom issue? Why should the federal government point a gun to everyone else's head and force them to push bathroom laws instead of leaving it to the state?
Civil rights. Do you think it would be fair for someone to be able to go to the bathroom they identify with happily in one state and it to be illegal in another?


Ok, then why not defer to state's rights on the bathroom issue? Why should the federal government point a gun to everyone else's head and force them to push bathroom laws instead of leaving it to the state?

The Constitution. Look what happens when states get to choose.


Ok, then why not defer to state's rights on the bathroom issue? Why should the federal government point a gun to everyone else's head and force them to push bathroom laws instead of leaving it to the state?

Because I was born in Georgia does not somehow mean I don't deserve the same rights as the rest of the country


Ok, then why not defer to state's rights on the bathroom issue? Why should the federal government point a gun to everyone else's head and force them to push bathroom laws instead of leaving it to the state?

Generally, when people advocate for something being a state's right, they're advocating for the right of states to lower standards for no good reason. There's nothing special about NC that means they should have different laws around gender identity than NY or TX. Furthermore, by empowering states to shit on their more vulnerable residents we we betray those who can't easily up and leave the state on a whim.
Ok, then why not defer to state's rights on the bathroom issue? Why should the federal government point a gun to everyone else's head and force them to push bathroom laws instead of leaving it to the state?

This is the same argument that allowed slavery and then Jim Crow to endure for as long as it did. Some states need to be FORCED to do the right thing. I'd rather that not be necessary, but unfortunately that's not always possible.




This is the same argument that allowed slavery and then Jim Crow to endure for as long as it did. Some states need to be FORCED to do the right thing and that is the way it should be.

Slavery was a much bigger deal though. SOME issues do need to be settled by the federal government, not all.

Sorry for the double post. Thread is moving so fast that I thought someone else would've posted by now.
By protecting the rights of the minority, you protect everyone's rights. This does not work in the opposite direction.

Even from a selfish perspective in makes sense to protect minority rights. Sooner or later you may find yourself in the minority. You protect those rights now and there will be nothing to worry about later.

Yep. This. Here is some reading, ebev91: http://democracyweb.org/majority-rule-principles


You guys post sources from these links all the time so surely you wouldn't mind if I posted these, since you wanted statistics:





Remember, I said around half, not over half, or less than half, agreed with me on the bathroom law.


Percentages change over time, and people begin to understand they're wrong.


You guys post sources from these links all the time so surely you wouldn't mind if I posted these, since you wanted statistics:





Remember, I said around half, not over half, or less than half, agreed with me on the bathroom law.

Yeah, now go back to the 1960s and see how many people opposed black people using white bathrooms.


Ok, then why not defer to state's rights on the bathroom issue? Why should the federal government point a gun to everyone else's head and force them to push bathroom laws instead of leaving it to the state?

You might have a point except this bill originated to exert force over a city legislature by the very same people who always say local government is better. Conservatives love moving the goal post to fit their agenda. And when they don't like a state's view on something they use the federal government to override it, like they want to do with marijuana laws.

Edit: just wanna add I shared a locker room with someone for 3 months and there were zero issues. If it makes you feel uncomfortable it's no ones fault but your own. Unless it's a shitty person trying to make you feel uncomfortable, but that's not a trans issue
Slavery was a much bigger deal though. SOME issues do need to be settled by the federal government, not all.

Sorry for the double post. Thread is moving so fast that I thought someone else would've posted by now.

Do you think it's a coincidence that largely the exact same states that wanted to keep slavery are pushing these bathroom and religious freedom laws? They want the legal ability to discriminate against people that aren't like them, they always have.


This is great news, fuck that piece of shit. Being a bigoted scumbag should carry real life consequences, I'm glad his life is in tatters.


Man, poor guy.... All he wants is a job and he can't find one due to expressing his deeply held Christian beliefs.

So much discrimination!!


Detective GAF scares me.

Maybe if you can't explain your argument or point coherently beyond appealing to "Lots of people feel this way" you don't actually have a point to make?


Fucker asked for this. Did he seriously think people would hire him after he damaged his state's economy that badly?


Actually consulting the white supremacists on the_donald for input on his gaf post game. Fucking incredible. Get the fuck outta here.


Yeah, now go back to the 1960s and see how many people opposed black people using white bathrooms.

And that's the thing people like ebev91 don't get; traditionally the majority has to get pulled kicking and screaming when it comes to civil rights. You see this in the US in particular, you had states STILL fighting desegregation decades later...along with that little argument called the Civil War.

The majority doesn't want fair, they want the status quo because they feel its how they maintain power.

EDIT: Goddamn, thanks SexyFish. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother typing shit. Apparently ebev91's one of the ones that wants to maintain power *does one armed salute*
"And I have nothing to fire back with!" kills me for some reason.

"These people are actually smart and dismantling my poorly thought out arguments, send help!"


Why you posting on The_Donald tho


Caught me red-handed. Try discussing politics from a conservative view on r/politics and see what happens. I was banned from r/politics because I supported Marco Rubio.

I'm telling the truth when I said I didn't have a candidate for me and didn't vote. You're already witch-hunting so go ahead and look for the proof on my post history there.


"Maybe they should just go to the bathroom and quit worrying about which door to use."

Yeah, I'd love to see how this shitheel would react if the government told them they needed to use the "wrong" bathroom.

Get fucked, bigots.
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