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The argument that sex, (in most cases sexism) sells games is inherently flawed


Receipts.gif Gaming isn't a boys club despite how badly some men want it to be.

Why do you need "receipts" for something so painfully obvious? The majority of buyers/players for mid-tier/A to AAA, action-oriented games are men. All the research bares out these obvious observations, hence why the type of sexualization present in games is targeted towards men. Publishers are marketing towards the people who actually keep them in business. I know, shocking.

Okay but why are you comparing video games to porno?

because both are driven by demand. Case close.

You cannot tell the supplier to stop supplying for something that the consumer demand.

you also cannot tell the consumer to stop demanding for something that is a primal as our sexual desire.
Why do you need "receipts" for something so painfully obvious? The majority of buyers/players for mid-tier/A to AAA, action-oriented games are men. All the research bares out these obvious observations, hence why the type of sexualization present in games is targeted towards men. Publishers are marketing towards the people who actually keep them in business. I know, shocking.

Funnily enough if you market to a singular audience it becomes a self-fullfiling prophecy where women feel as though they can't partake in gaming because they're not pandered to as much as men are.

because both are driven by demand. Case close.

You cannot tell the supplier to stop supplying for something that the consumer demand.

you also cannot tell the consumer to stop demanding for something that is a primal as our sexual desire.
The porn industry is literally built on SEX.

Video games are not primarily built on sex.

And actually yes, yes you can. That's how businesses adapt and change their marketing standards. If you have a subset of gamers bitching about overt sexualization then you have a reason to change your approach
Funnily enough if you market to a singular audience it becomes a self-fullfiling prophecy where women feel as though they can't partake in gaming because they're not pandered to as much as men are.


don't you think that if there's big money to be made from the ladies' market, the publishers will not create games for them? Like there are stupid or something for not wanting even MORE money?

Again, all these arguments against sexual objectification is from a moral point of view without any considerations of basic economics...demand and supply.
Funnily enough if you market to a singular audience it becomes a self-fullfiling prophecy where women feel as though they can't partake in gaming because they're not pandered to as much as men are.


The porn industry is literally built on SEX.

Video games are not primarily built on sex.

And actually yes, yes you can. That's how businesses adapt and change their marketing standards. If you have a subset of gamers bitching about overt sexualization then you have a reason to change your approach

unless that subset of gamers suddenly becomes the majority and provides the publishers better (monetary) incentive, that's not going to work.

Tyranny of the majority?


But that's how market conditions work.

You should go back to college to read up some basic economics.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Why do you need "receipts" for something so painfully obvious?
Because if you're gonna make a statement, it's good to have receipts, especially when there are many studies that state otherwise.

The majority of buyers/players for mid-tier/A to AAA, action-oriented games are men. All the research bares out these obvious observations, hence why the type of sexualization present in games is targeted towards men. Publishers are marketing towards the people who actually keep them in business. I know, shocking.
Again, what research?? And what publishers specifically and how are their games doing, because by my knowledge, the over sexism in gaming in the west seen during the time such as Dragon Age Origins at least in the triple A scene is on a slow but steady decline, with way more games being made by devs unafraid to pursue humanized designs that fit in the context for the whole cast and not just the men. And with how poorly gamers react to the suggestion that gaming is no longer a boy's club. It's not surprising that they're being ignored in the pursuit of equality and bigger sales.


Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Why do you need "receipts" for something so painfully obvious?
Because if you're gonna make a statement, it's good to have receipts, especially when there are many studies that state otherwise.

The majority of buyers/players for mid-tier/A to AAA, action-oriented games are men. All the research bares out these obvious observations, hence why the type of sexualization present in games is targeted towards men. Publishers are marketing towards the people who actually keep them in business. I know, shocking.
Again, what research?? And what publishers specifically and how are their games doing, because by my knowledge, the over sexism in gaming in the west seen during the time such as Dragon Age Origins at least in the triple A scene is on a slow but steady decline, with way more games being made by devs unafraid to pursue humanized designs that fit in the context for the whole cast and not just the men. And with how poorly gamers react to the suggestion that gaming is no longer a boy's club. It's not surprising that they're being ignored in the pursuit of equality and bigger sales. There are a bunch of examples i named on the second page that showcase this shift.



Funnily enough if you market to a singular audience it becomes a self-fullfiling prophecy where women feel as though they can't partake in gaming because they're not pandered to as much as men are.


And why do you think the male-focused marketing persists? You think publishers and shareholders are deliberately leaving millions on the table because of some vague notion that sexism rules their brains?

What you're suggesting is backwards and doesn't work. The answer is to makes games that women want to play, not change the games that men like to play in order draw in women when it's clear they don't want to play those games.

A larger proportion of women were into gaming when the games were more puzzle-based and arcade-oriented: Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, Centipede, etc. The advertising backed this up. The demographics of mobile gaming support this. This was all in an article... by Polygon or Kotaku, I forget which, which detailed when and why the shift happened. Anyway, video games changed into being action heavy sidescrollers (later 3D action games, shooters, etc) which made the gender distribution become more lopsided towards boys and the ads in turn changed with the buyer-player demographics.
unless that subset of gamers suddenly becomes the majority and provides the publishers better (monetary) incentive, that's not going to work.

Tyranny of the majority?


But that's how market conditions work.

You should go back to college to read up some basic economics.
No. I don't need to go back to university to "read up on basic economics" because the gaming industry is slowly starting to shift and become more and more palatable to women. Why? Because there is more representation amongst nonsexualized female protagonists in gaming.

Moreover, diveristy sells within the film industry as well:
http://www.npr.org/sections/codeswi...t-hollywood-remains-overwhelmingly-white-male This is a direct comparison because, shockingly gasps, it's shown that diversity sells in various entertainment medias.


I'd argue that Fire Emblem was basically resurrected because of waifus though.

It's not an end all solution, but it happens in instances.

I am not sure if it's because of Waifus or because of the refined gameplay (permadeath optional, grinding possible, easier missions objectives).

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
"Sex" is not always equal to characters wearing thin clothes or accentuating their boobs.

Why do you think many, if not all, fictional worlds' main characters, video games included, always feature characters with attractive physical features? For me, that can also be categorized as "sex sells."


Celebrating and advocating for equality is fine.

But please don't pretend that the underlying bias after decades of conditioning can be changed for every under-represented groups. It does absolutely zero good to con people thinking the West landscape is a utopia or will be one. Nope, not even close. Even more so when you choose Japan of all country as a comparison metric, the bar is that low because of it.

Did you miss the recent US election results or do you think there is an equivalent reception in sales for said AAA games set in Middle East with a leading brown protagonist, ceteris paribus?

Will the people in the Western countries embrace such a game as everyone else around the world has embrace theirs homogenous leads? It's the reason why MGS, Resident Evil, Final Fantasy choose white lead for the worldwide market.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
"Sex" is not always equal to characters wearing thin clothes or accentuating their boobs.

Why do you think many, if not all, fictional worlds' main characters, video games included, always feature characters with attractive physical features? For me, that can also be categorized as "sex sells."
Read my post on the second page about heroic idealism.
I thought this thread would have sales data to back up the points.
It appears that Crossing Eden is taking the fact that Horizon sold well as CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE that SEX NEVER EVER SELLS. Which, frankly, is taking one data point and stretching it so far that it snaps, and then proclaiming it a trend. Hence why this thread is going very badly: OP does not have the receipts to back up the claims made.


Sölf;232836795 said:
I am not sure if it's because of Waifus or because of the refined gameplay (permadeath optional, grinding possible, easier missions objectives).
Pretty sure it's both of these things.
And why do you think the male-focused marketing persists? You think publishers and shareholders are deliberately leaving millions on the table because of some vague notion that sexism rules their brains?

What you're suggesting is backwards and doesn't work. The answer is to makes games that women want to play, not change the games that men like to play in order draw in women when it's clear they don't want to play those games.

A larger proportion of women were into gaming when the games were more puzzle-based and arcade-oriented: Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, Centipede, etc. The advertising backed this up. The demographics of mobile gaming support this. This was all in an article... by Polygon or Kotaku, I forget which, which detailed when and why the shift happened. Anyway, video games changed into being action heavy sidescrollers (later 3D action games, shooters, etc) which made the gender distribution become more lopsided towards boys and the ads in turn changed with the buyer-player demographics.
First of all, your argument lies on the presumption that the developers have to change every segment of their game to sell it to women when, going by numerous testimonies from women involved in the industry themselves, that nonsexed up representations of women in otherwise male-dominant represented games is all that a game needs to directly appeal to a female fanbase:
It may be the case that many more women would enjoy first-person shooters or sports games if they were designed with women in mind. Just think about how many women love Overwatch, which boasts a high female/male playable character ratio, or Splatoon, a third-person shooter with customizable characters and unique gameplay.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
It appears that Crossing Eden is taking the fact that Horizon sold well as CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE that SEX NEVER EVER SELLS. Which, frankly, is taking one data point and stretching it so far that it snaps, and then proclaiming it a trend. Hence why this thread is going very badly: OP does not have the receipts to back up the claims made.
It actually appears that many people are scrambling to find examples of a game with sexualization that didn't sell like shit and use that as a metric for sex selling while also using the tried and true butmentoo™ as well as statusquo™ tactics. While simultaneously ignoring the fact that we've seen a major shift in the past five years in how women are presented in gaming thanks in part to women like Anita Sarkeesian speaking up about the industry and becoming an influential figure. We've ALREADY SEEN THE SHIFT. It's happened, it's gonna keep happening. And that's a good thing.

Heroic Idealism is tied with Sexual Idealism.

One does not deny the involvement of the other. Come on now.
Why do you keep trying to deny the dissonance between representation of men and women by citing that men are attractive to despite the clear attempts to desexualize them both subtly and overtly by developers in the industry? This isn't a mentoo™ situation man.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Hmm, I'm curious as to how NieR: Automata is doing compared to the original. I don't really look into sales or pay them much mind, but in the first game you play as Gary Busey in BDSM barbarian garb. In Automata you play as an android woman whose skirt does not even attempt to try to hiding the wedgie she's sporting between her huge ass. I would not be surprised if the latter has picked up more of a following than the former.

That said, I like sexualized character designs. However, I like sexualized characters of all types so I do agree that the targeting for those characters are way disproportionate to one demographic.

Like, in Japan, the original Nier use a pretty boy as the main protagonist, though, lol.

In fact, you can argue that the original Nier also uses the "sex sells" mantra, because they actually change the main guy depending on their view of what Japan/West markets find relatable: "handsome/pretty boy" guy for Japan and "rough/tough-looking" guy for the west.


Like, in Japan, the original Nier use a pretty boy as the main protagonist, though, lol.

In fact, you can argue that the original Nier also uses the "sex sells" mantra, because they actually change the main guy depending on their view of what Japan/West markets find relatable: "handsome/pretty boy" guy for Japan and "rough/tough-looking" guy for the west.

Not on Xbox it didn't.

Your point still stands. Outside of the obvious notion that the ps3 was just the better selling console, Replicent would have probably sold more than Gestalt b/c of the protagonist's look in japan.
It appears that Crossing Eden is taking the fact that Horizon sold well as CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE that SEX NEVER EVER SELLS. Which, frankly, is taking one data point and stretching it so far that it snaps, and then proclaiming it a trend. Hence why this thread is going very badly: OP does not have the receipts to back up the claims made.

Horizon sold well because it's a good game with unique and interesting settings (i mean robot dinos, c'mon).

Dead or Alive Extreme volleyball is so its 3rd entry because it sold well (enough) to justify its existence.

So yes, sex sells. As do quality games.


Heroic Idealism is tied with Sexual Idealism.

One does not deny the involvement of the other. Come on now.

Pretty much, you absolutely can't have one without the other. They are interwoven concepts. A heroically ideal character is by definition sexually ideal since by being ideal they are automatically sexually attractive in some sense.


Horizon sold well because it's a good game with unique and interesting settings (i mean robot dinos, c'mon).

Dead or Alive Extreme volleyball is so its 3rd entry because it sold well (enough) to justify its existence.

So yes, sex sells. As do quality games.

So in a way its more appropriate to say "sex sells, but sex isn't the only thing that sells."
Not on Xbox it didn't.

Your point still stands. Outside of the obvious notion that the ps3 was just the better selling console, Replicent would have probably sold more than Gestalt b/c of the protagonist's look in japan.

The US version of Nier came with a beefcakes on the front cover while the JP version came with a typical anime emo kid.


The US version of Nier came with a beefcakes on the front cover while the JP version came with a typical anime emo kid.

Papa Nier is on the Xbox version of Nier in Japan. We got that version for both ps3 and xbox here in the west.

Also, Papa Nier is ugly af (but I love that
Pretty much, you absolutely can't have one without the other. They are interwoven concepts. A heroically ideal character is by definition sexually ideal since by being ideal they are automatically sexually attractive in some sense.
Okay but here's the thing:
Heroic idealism is not only contingent on a character's looks. Heroic idealism factors in so many other characteristics that a character has. The OP brought up several poignant instances where the character is literally defined by their sexual appeal only. Couple that with developers pandering predominantly to only the male gaze and you have a mess.


Horizon sold well because it's a good game with unique and interesting settings (i mean robot dinos, c'mon).

Dead or Alive Extreme volleyball is so its 3rd entry because it sold well (enough) to justify its existence.

So yes, sex sells. As do quality games.
The point being that gratuitous sexual pandering is not needed in games that aren't sexual in nature.


The US version of Nier came with a beefcakes on the front cover while the JP version came with a typical anime emo kid.
The Western version of Nier for both PS3 and 360 was based on the JP 360 version of Nier (Gestalt). Young Nier was still playable via DLC chapters, though. Also, young Nier in Replicant was written as Yonah's older brother, as opposed to old Nier of Gestalt being written as her father.
Pretty much, you absolutely can't have one without the other. They are interwoven concepts. A heroically ideal character is by definition sexually ideal since by being ideal they are automatically sexually attractive in some sense.

Right. There are exceptions-Like Harry Potter-but that's what they are, exceptions and not the rule.

Okay but here's the thing:
Heroic idealism is not only contingent on a character's looks. Heroic idealism factors in so many other characteristics that a character has. The OP brought up several poignant instances where the character is literally defined by their sexual appeal only. Couple that with developers pandering predominantly to only the male gaze and you have a mess.

The thing about heroic idealism is that alot of times, the characters attractiveness is contingent to to them. It's why it's easy to tell who a main character is when they're good looking compared to NPCs or even minor characters in stories.

And this thread is about 'sex selling' as a concept. Not just about the male gaze, despite trying to frame 'sex sells' as just involving the male gaze with the first post.

Like..yeah, heroic idealism involves many things. But one of the main things is whether the readers find them attractive. Like another poster said, nobody would want to see an ugly han solo and obese leia kiss. Even if star wars had an ugly han solo who did the same exact thing, nobody would see han solo as heroic.


And why do you think the male-focused marketing persists? You think publishers and shareholders are deliberately leaving millions on the table because of some vague notion that sexism rules their brains?


Actually yes.

CN canceled a a successful cartoon, because young boys weren't the primary audience and the audience it was appealing to, frankly a lot of women wouldn't be the ones buying action figues.

So yes, publishers in all mediums have self fulfilling prophecies based on limited logic they just believe. Based on sexism, racism and general stupidity.

One of the stupidest phrases I have ever heard is " well if you thought of that a board room of people must have " sometimes they don't and sometimes they dismiss good ideas. People in board rooms have literally gone " well this is different money so we don't want that money "

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Okay but here's the thing:
Heroic idealism is not only contingent on a character's looks. Heroic idealism factors in so many other characteristics that a character has. The OP brought up several poignant instances where the character is literally defined by their sexual appeal only. Couple that with developers pandering predominantly to only the male gaze and you have a mess.
The point being that gratuitous sexual pandering is not needed in games that aren't sexual in nature.
Thank you.

The thing about heroic idealism is that alot of times, the characters attractiveness is contingent to to them. It's why it's easy to tell who a main character is when they're good looking compared to NPCs or even minor characters in stories.

And this thread is about 'sex selling' as a concept. Not just about the male gaze, despite trying to frame 'sex sells' as just involving the male gaze with the first post.
Literally the whole point of this thread is that sex sells is used as an argument near constantly to defend sexualized depictions of women specifically and nothing else. Like an example I gave before, no one even BRINGS UP the fact that Nathan Drake is attractive unless it's to desperately attempt to name male characters who're attractive to go like "see see, men are sexualized too!1!" ignoring the idea of heroic idealism, the fact that there's still a huge dissonance between the representation of the genders, and the intent of the developers themselves.
So in a way its more appropriate to say "sex sells, but sex isn't the only thing that sells."

Yes....i don't think we need to be market genius to know that.

when i said, sex sells....i don't mean ONLY sex (and male power fantasy) sells.....i.e. games with muscular men on the front cover as protagonists.

Both men and women are NOT stupid enough to know a bad game even if the game is lead by the sexualize object of their own kink.

Thus, Horizon sold well....not because it's having lady as a protagonist..but it's because it's a good game with good critical acclaim, unique settings and released at the right time.

In someway...you can say 'sex' is like adding flavour to a game (or any medium). Sort of like pepper. If the steak is bad, no amount of pepper is gonna salvage it. However, if the steak is good, it is good...pepper or not. However, if the buyer want a good steak with this particular type of pepper, it will be wise of the supplier to provide it.

All these 'removing all sexualized content from games' talk is never going to work as there's still demand for this type of 'pepper' ........if you will.


Okay but here's the thing:
Heroic idealism is not only contingent on a character's looks. Heroic idealism factors in so many other characteristics that a character has. The OP brought up several poignant instances where the character is literally defined by their sexual appeal only. Couple that with developers pandering predominantly to only the male gaze and you have a mess.

Sexual Idealism is literally the same. People that look less than ideal can be sexually attractive in other aspects in the same sense that beautiful people can be sexually unattractive for other aspects of their character. Visual appeal is one aspect of sex appeal.
Question. Do you guys think if we kept Nathan Drake the same in U1 but he was an ugly asian man the game would still have the same clout as it does today? If this is too compicated, replace ugly asian man with ugly white man

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Read my post on the second page about heroic idealism.

We simply do not have enough idea to tell whether it is true in the absolute sense which one is the true statement: "sex sells" or "sex doesn't sell."

There are things that obviously adhere to the mantra so inherently that found great success despite their quality: see, Twilight novels or Fifty Shades of Grey--nobody in their right mind would argue that they are literary masterpieces but they sold absolutely gang-buster because yes, sex do sell.

Sometimes they don't, maybe sometimes they do. Sometimes they helped, perhaps other times they don't. We really can't argue with 100% certainty one is truer than the other.

Oh and Breezy's response, he said it much better that I could:

And Heroic idealism doesn't work without sexual idealism. If Nathan Drake was an ugly, overweight character, who despite that, did everything Nathan did, Uncharted probably wouldn't have sold enough to warrant a sequel.

They go hand and hand. Heroic Idealism=sexual idealism in the industry. That's why all male protagonists tend to be handsome if not 'sexy'.


First of all, your argument lies on the presumption that the developers have to change every segment of their game to sell it to women when, going by numerous testimonies from women involved in the industry themselves, that nonsexed up representations of women in otherwise male-dominant represented games is all that a game needs to directly appeal to a female fanbase:


I didn't say they need to change all aspects of a game to cater to women. I said that doesn't work and should not be done, and that instead they need to come up with games women like or that appeal to both men and women. It's not meant to stereotype but women generally don't want to play Dark Souls and never will unless it becomes essentially a brand new type of game. I'm not even sure women bought the new Tomb Raiders in sizable numbers and that actually stars a woman and AFAIK from the first game there was nothing sexist or off putting to keep women away, other than a lack of interest in AAA action games.

The very article in your post cites the study I quoted earlier via Wikipedia and has a quote that summarizes what I was saying before that men and women generally don't want to play the same games:

Yee says there’s a lot of opportunity to attract more female players to Western RPGs and other traditionally male-centric genres. Developers just need to figure out the secret sauce. To explain his findings, Yee cites his previous research on where motivations between men and women: “Genres with more women emphasize Completion and Fantasy (the top 2 motivations for women). And genres for men emphasize Competition and Destruction (the top 2 motivations for men).”

And this:
It may be the case that many more women would enjoy first-person shooters or sports games if they were designed with women in mind. Just think about how many women love Overwatch, which boasts a high female/male playable character ratio, or Splatoon, a third-person shooter with customizable characters and unique gameplay.

It's right there: Overwatch and Splatoon. Make new kinds of games that women actually want to play. Don't make Call of Duty "women-friendly" and expect them to buy it in droves. Ditto to superficial changes like removing a sexy support character that offends some people and hoping that somehow makes any difference.
Question. Do you guys think if we kept Nathan Drake the same in U1 but he was an ugly asian man the game would still have the same clout as it does today? If this is too compicated, replace ugly asian man with ugly white man

Nathan Drake is not even the most beautiful or handsome men ever, he is neither muscular or NBA level height, he is like a regular white guy...he is popular because of his 'charm'.....think of him as Chow Yun Fatt as Tequila from Hardboiled. It doesnt matter the race. It's just charm that matters.

Like i don't think GTA San Andreas' sales suffered because it features a black man as a protagonist instead of the typical white guy.

I think if you want to quote an example, a probably example will be those JRPGs protagonists with their perfect hair, perfect bodies and perfect eyeliners...but that's more of a japanese thing.
Literally the whole point of this thread is that sex sells is used as an argument near constantly to defend sexualized depictions of women specifically and nothing else. Like an example I gave before, no one even BRINGS UP the fact that Nathan Drake is attractive unless it's to desperately attempt to name male characters who're attractive to go like "see see, men are sexualized too!1!" ignoring the idea of heroic idealism, the fact that there's still a huge dissonance between the representation of the genders, and the intent of the developers themselves.

Using 'sex sells' as an argument to defend sexualized representations of women is one thing, but the fact is that sex does sell in the grand scheme of things. It's why every hero is attractive, it's why every heroine is attractive. You'll never see a fat pig be a successful character in a successful series whether male or female. Even Mario, being a short hero, is relatively attractive with his facial features.

Making something attractive, is to appeal to someones sexuality however they are inclined. Sex does sell. Saying that games with sexist representations not selling gangbusters(Or being successful) completely rejects the notion of sex sells, is flawed in itself.

Sexual Idealism is literally the same. People that look less than ideal can be sexually attractive in other aspects in the same sense that beautiful people can be sexually unattractive for other aspects of their character. Visual appeal is one aspect of sex appeal.

Right, and the first thing someone literally looks at every time, is how a person looks. Therefore the visual is the main indicator of what would be 'sex appeal'. If that fails, then people look towards charm, towards a persons humor, or towards something else that isn't superficial to define what they find sexy. "I find him sexy because he makes me laugh alot."

Sex sells. It's not exclusive to just looks, but looks are the first impression to a person.
So in a way its more appropriate to sayl "sex sells, but sex isn't the only thing that sells."
I mean you don't say...

Otherwise there would only be porn games left on the market...

Gameplay, story, graphics and performance, character design (including sex appeal btw), release schedule, marketing, localization... All of them contribute to sales figure, and each games focus more on some of them than others.


Literally the whole point of this thread is that sex sells is used as an argument near constantly to defend sexualized depictions of women specifically and nothing else. Like an example I gave before, no one even BRINGS UP the fact that Nathan Drake is attractive unless it's to desperately attempt to name male characters who're attractive to go like "see see, men are sexualized too!1!" ignoring the idea of heroic idealism, the fact that there's still a huge dissonance between the representation of the genders, and the intent of the developers themselves.

I think everyone agrees with this. The thread seems to have developed this notion that sex doesn't sell or that sex sells isn't true when in fact it is and if you think about it enough sex underlies almost all forms of media. There are myriad ways to make a character sexually appealing that are subtle and far better than outright blatant sexualization. But sex does sell. It always has and likely always will.


We simply do not have enough idea to tell whether it is true in the absolute sense which one is the true statement: "sex sells" or "sex doesn't sell."
We do. Either something has sold because of the sex or it hasn't. Those are the absolutes. I have based a few purchases solely because of the "sex". This makes the thread title an inherently false statement whether it makes me a sexist misogynistic scumbag or not. Please choose better thread titles.


I have some Senran Kagura games and other games with highly sugestive themes but I like those games because of how ridiculously over the top they are, plus some of said games are quite good if you can look past the somewhat shallow presentation.


Golden Boy
"Sex" is not always equal to characters wearing thin clothes or accentuating their boobs.

Why do you think many, if not all, fictional worlds' main characters, video games included, always feature characters with attractive physical features? For me, that can also be categorized as "sex sells."
While i tend to agree with the general fact that "sex sells", i do not think this is a driving factor in most videogames.

I definitley didn't buy Phantom Pain because of half naked Stefanie Joosten, but because of the expected gameplay. And i think this counts for most players, especially MGS fans.

In the end we have to keep humanity facts straight though: We are sexual beings. Appart from survival, which turned into geathering of wealth in most western countries, we follow our insincts to find a mate and, in most cases, eventuelly reproduce. Sexuality is part of our life, so its no wonder its strongly featured in all kinds of adult oriented media. Pointing it out like it is somethingething unnatural is just prude.
We do. Either something has sold because of the sex or it hasn't. Those are the absolutes. I have based a few purchases solely because of the "sex". This makes the thread title an inherently false statement whether it makes me a sexist misogynistic scumbag or not. Please choose better thread titles.

you may need to put a /S at the end as many will misunderstood the 'intent' of your post.

GAF is getting weird by the day.


Most of the games I buy are sexy, big fan of Senran Kagura, Dead or Alive etc.

Also, I bought mgsv because of quiet. I hadn't played an mgs game since 2.

Sex absolutely does sell. Maybe not to you, but it does to many.


Consider that there are people that find Desmond attractive enough to draw sexy fanart. Again, fan art isn't the metric we should be using for "sex sells." I feel people are trying to distract from the issue while scrambling for exceptions to the notion presented in the OP.

There's gonna be sexy fanart of everything, that's inevitable. The point about fanart is that when you have games or characters that get a huge amount of sexy fanart, there's a reason that they have a lot of that fanart.

Yes there might be fanart of Desmond from AC. But the amount of him won't compare to characters that a lot of people find sexually attractive, such as Overwatch women or 2B from Nier.


I definitley didn't buy Phantom Pain because of half naked Stefanie Joosten, but because of the expected gameplay. And i think this counts for most players, especially MGS fans.

Also, I bought mgsv because of quiet. I hadn't played an mgs game since 2.

Sex absolutely does sell. Maybe not to you, but it does to many.

This is NeoGaf.

I think the point trying to be made is that women in video games are reduced to sex symbols as a 'marketing' ploy, and that this facet of 'sex sells' doesn't necessarily work. There are better ways to sexualize women in video games through traits such as humour, intelligence, etc. and equalize the representation of both men and women for 'sex sells'.

But as a whole, sex does sell. The attraction of the character itself, their personality, their lifestyle, etc. serve as seductive draws for the audience.


Actually yes.

CN canceled a a successful cartoon, because young boys weren't the primary audience and the audience it was appealing to, frankly a lot of women wouldn't be the ones buying action figues.

So yes, publishers in all mediums have self fulfilling prophecies based on limited logic they just believe. Based on sexism, racism and general stupidity.

One of the stupidest phrases I have ever heard is " well if you thought of that a board room of people must have " sometimes they don't and sometimes they dismiss good ideas. People in board rooms have literally gone " well this is different money so we don't want that money "

Are you referring to this?


Because that's unfortunate, but Dini outright says no one could figure out how to make the show financially viable because women wouldn't buy the toy merchandise... before remarking they should've sold shirts, umbrellas, etc. And that goes back to my earlier point you need to sell girls a different product if they're not buying what boys like. Take a completely different approach.
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