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Destiny 1 losing Trials of Osiris and Iron Banner after August


Uh why would you? The game won't get updates and it won't get be supported going forward.

I honestly believe that they'll be some people jumping back into it every now and then with their maxed out character to engage in some 6v6 pvp which was disappointingly lowered to 4v4 because it's fun.

At least until their Destiny 2 equivalent character gets to max/or at least as powerful (either at lvl 40/400 light or further if they take Destiny 2 further in levels than they did 1).
People acting like a scheduled event isn't just a simple scheduled command line on a server.
There's nothing stopping them from letting a legacy last-version of IB and ToO running as it runs now.
I don't know what Bungie has in place to run these events successfully.

At first I imagined that these would be simple processes to launch and run to make these events happen. They've been doing it for so long, it's got to be routine.

The more I think about it though, I wonder if the issues have more to do with having to babysit and monitor these events more closely than things like strikes and raids. My thinking here is that you need people to watch for cheaters in these events, and you probably need to do some shifting of server resources while these events run.

Admittedly I don't know a lot about how the back end of this stuff works, I'm just guessing. But I'm pretty confident Bungie must have some decent reason for it.

I can certainly understand how the optics of it don't look very good.

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
Only on GAF can you find people who are ok with a developer taking away features from a game that players already paid money for.

I'm not sure events could be classed as core features, if they stopped the PvP altogether or a strike or something similar...then that would be taking away from the feature set.

Iron Banner and Trials are moving to D2, seems OK to me really.


Neo Member
Is weird because in a way things like the Iron Banner seems automated. They even released a iron banner event out of schedule by accident once.

But at the same time they have to "patch" the game with the season data in advance.

Sony and Microsoft being stingy evil landlords they are probably ask money to distribute patches. So it would cost money for Bungie to continue releasing versions of Osiris in D1, while not making many money. Making versions of Osiris in D2 will make them money.

my theory, anyway. How it really works is confusing, even for them.


makes sense, both trials and iron banana are live events. also the whole community will be moving to D2, so no point keep it live in D1.

Time to make D2 Neogaf clans guys!!
so whats your excuse for them not having either of those things at Destiny 2 launch?


But it's not, it's one of the most popular game modes in the fucking game
Did people make threads when Bungie got rid of Infection playlists in Halo 3 and Reach after a while? It was always one of the most popular playlists. Why did they cut our content 😢 😢 😢


Bungie is dead, Valve doesn't make games anymore, 343i is garbage, Rare is on life support, Irrational is dead, Infinity Ward isn't IW anymore, Bioware is on life support, all of the best studios are either gone or a shadow of their former selves.

you either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain.


Read it before you edited it and I got to say...bruh, you were going to open up a whole new can of worms lol

lol I know, that was headed nowhere good, but it's really annoying to see that GAF continually decides to ignore that their hobby has a business component to it and often that business component won't align with the 1% that are somehow hardcore enough to care about Iron Banner and Trials but unfortunately can't afford $60 every three years for a new revision of a game.

The rest of the people are just here to trash on Destiny because it is Destiny. This is standard business across the entire consumer world ('encouraging' people to ugrade).


lol I know, that was headed nowhere good, but it's really annoying to see that GAF continually decides to ignore that their hobby has a business component to it and often that business component won't align with the 1% that are somehow hardcore enough to care about Iron Banner and Trials but unfortunately can't afford $60 every three years for a new revision of a game.

The rest of the people are just here to trash on Destiny because it is Destiny. This is standard business across the entire consumer world ('encouraging' people to ugrade).
Aint nobody ignoring that. Name one other developer that's removed content before a sequel release and also stripped that content from the launch of said sequel's launch?

After August, we're once again at the mercy of Bungie to play old ass game modes.

edit: Destiny 2 is basically a service at this point. But Dennys level service where you aren't really sure why the waiters keep disappearing randomly and rubbing their noses after they come out of the bathroom.


so whats your excuse for them not having either of those things at Destiny 2 launch?

Have you ever treid playing new destiny content on day 1? Good luck adding a live event on top of it.
Also, many players will focus in the first few weeks to do the story, explore the worlds and secrets and of course grind to max their characters.

Trials, iron banana etc are end game content so im fine having it start post launch.
Isn't this like the equivalent of the loss of Splatfests in Splatoon? It doesn't seem like too big of a deal to me, but it also seems like something that doesn't take too much effort to run which makes it weird to end it. (And I know Splatoon 2 has a story reason for ending it but you get my point)
Only on GAF can you find people who are ok with a developer taking away features from a game that players already paid money for.

It's not a feature, they are events that took place in a live game. Multiplayer will still be available and all the modes will still be available to play in the near future unless Bungie has stated otherwise. I paid for Destiny and had no guarantee the Iron Banner or Trials were features I was buying. They were added later as part of the evolving metagame, yeah it sucks the game is winding down but the dramatics are a little much.


I'm not sure what is new here. I remember stopping playing Destiny because Bungie was removing content from the base game when they release new extension.
They just continue to apply the same marketing technic. If you want to continue to play, you must buy the latest expansion.
Honest question, Is there anything different with Destiny 2 compare to what they were doing before?


...Iron Banner and Trials are moving to D2, seems OK to me really.
They're not "moving" anywhere. The competitive (read: Popular to stream) modes are being gutted from the game. That Bungie advises they're being "added" to another game is fucking bananas. If Blizzard removed ladders from Broodwar because it added them to Starcraft 2, would this be ok?

Destiny isn't a magical game with unfathomable networking witchcraft that requires these types of moves. Bungie have clearly stated that the move to 4v4 was based on the "competitive" scene's input. It was done to get Destiny eSports happening. It won't, because no one's playing a P2P FPS competitively in 2017, but they're clearly going to force anyone who tries onto their new game. Doesn't come across as confident, and gutting modes from a game I paid for is plain and simply shit.
The people who are hardcore enough to play iron banner and trials 3 years after launch are largely the same group of people who would be buying destiny two in the first place.

Not to mention the cue times would suck once the hardcore left.

But whatever.. bungie.. rabble rabble.. I'm not buying this.. etc etc


The people who are hardcore enough to play iron banner and trials 3 years after launch are largely the same group of people who would be buying destiny two in the first place.

Not to mention the cue times would suck once the hardcore left.

But whatever.. bungie.. rabble rabble.. I'm not buying this.. etc etc


Who the heck is still actively playing destiny that isn't moving to destiny 2?

This isn't about blindly defending a company removing features. It's about a very pragmatic question about how many people this will actually affect and is it worth being upset about?

They're not shutting down the whole game.


They're not "moving" anywhere. The competitive (read: Popular to stream) modes are being gutted from the game. That Bungie advises they're being "added" to another game is fucking bananas. If Blizzard removed ladders from Broodwar because it added them to Starcraft 2, would this be ok?

Destiny isn't a magical game with unfathomable networking witchcraft that requires these types of moves. Bungie have clearly stated that the move to 4v4 was based on the "competitive" scene's input. It was done to get Destiny eSports happening. It won't, because no one's playing a P2P FPS competitively in 2017, but they're clearly going to force anyone who tries onto their new game. Doesn't come across as confident, and gutting modes from a game I paid for is plain and simply shit.

Expecting them to keep manpower on an obsolete game when they should be using that time on the sequel is also shit. I want 100% effort put into D2, not less and especially not because there are a fraction of a fraction of a player base who want to play the old game.


Have you ever treid playing new destiny content on day 1? Good luck adding a live event on top of it.
Also, many players will focus in the first few weeks to do the story, explore the worlds and secrets and of course grind to max their characters.

Trials, iron banana etc are end game content so im fine having it start post launch.
Who's fault is it that their servers need an upgrade though? Why is it that Call of Duty and Overwatch, two ActiBlizzard properties, can have at-launch live events like double xp but somehow Destiny struggles?

Iron Banner being end game content is.. well I'm just going to let that sit. And when Crucible is met with disappointment because all it has is casual 4v4 lagfests at launch I will be right here sipping tea.


Anti consumer actions being defended by rabid fanboys? Oh right, NeoGAF.

Yes, right.

It's not as much as defending as explaining to non-Destiny players raging over this. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I haven't seen active Destiny players being furios about this. It's stupid and could easily still be there, but who can be bothered to be angry over it?

Two Words

Why not just blow up the Tower in Destiny 1 at the release of Destiny 2 and make it completely unplayable while you're at it...
I'm not gonna say Destiny 2 is gonna bomb but everytime I hear news about this game, I get closer to cancelling my pre-order. 3/4 of the people I raided with aren't coming back.

I hope I'm wrong and Bungie can turn it around.
This is probably the dumbest thread about Destiny on GAF, and that's saying a lot.

First of all, let's assume everyone complaining about this actually still plays Destiny (lol) and plays it to the endgame (lol)

1) If you play Iron Banner and Trials of Osiris for the competition, there will be none when all of those players move over to the sequel. Unless you like waiting 10 days to find a game, it's a waste of resources to maintain an end game playlist because end game players aren't going to stay on Destiny 1.

2) If you play for the loot, they've made it so you don't have to play those modes to get their loot.

3) If you play for the "content spaces that are only open when these events are active" like the Lighthouse with absolutely nothing to do but open a chest, then.... lol. It's barely a social space, one that is only accessible to people who get to 9 wins. I guess all the bad players were locked out of that content too.

On that note, playlists aren't content. Trials is Elimination and Iron Banner is Control, Clash or Supremacy. None of those game modes are getting removed.

What are we mad about again? I'm a big Destiny critic and beyond complaints about the "games as a service" model, this thread shouldn't even be a thing.
3) If you play for the "content spaces that are only open when these events are active" like the Lighthouse with absolutely nothing to do but open a chest, then.... lol. It's barely a social space, one that is only accessible to people who get to 9 wins. I guess all the bad players were locked out of that content too.

On that note, playlists aren't content. Trials is Elimination and Iron Banner is Control, Clash or Supremacy. None of those game modes are getting removed.

Trials is all about winning the big tournament, getting those nine wins and having the rewards in this unique place.

Nothing in Destiny has given my team such joy and a rush as getting to the lighthouse. Best content in the game hands down. It's just sad to see it removed from the game so we can't try to get some games going out of, say nostalgia like next year or so.


Trials is all about winning the big tournament, getting those nine wins and having the rewards in this unique place.

Nothing in Destiny has given my team such joy and a rush as getting to the lighthouse. Best content in the game hands down. It's just sad to see it removed from the game so we can't try to get some games going out of, say nostalgia like next year or so.

And you won't be able to do it when it takes 40 minutes to find a match after everyone moves onto Destiny 2. But I guess having a pyrrhic playlist in the UI is more comforting than helping the population keep playing games by focusing them down into fewer playlists to some people.

I guess that's why some of us are 'oh' because this is regular business for Bungie games. Game launches, has a few playlists. Hits peak/stride, lots of playlist, spins down and consolidates to keep things working, next game comes out. We had people begging for Halo 3 and Reach to have even further consolidation after 4 came out, funnily enough, but they were unable to do it due to it being old servers and tech. It's annoying, it sucks, but that's what you do when a game is getting ready to be put into stasis, and before nobody remarked on it, really. Hell there's already been a massive playlist consolidation for this game earlier this year. Try playing any modes during the D2 beta of a preview of what it's going to be like for D1 in September.
Yes, right.

It's not as much as defending as explaining to non-Destiny players raging over this. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I haven't seen active Destiny players being furios about this. It's stupid and could easily still be there, but who can be bothered to be angry over it?

I was active up until 2 months ago...I think it's pretty stupid and sad.

Sure it won't affect many people (except Kraftys income and the 2k people that watch him every weekend) but it still didn't really need to be taken out.

The most plausible explanation I've seen is the requirement for patches and the overheads in constantly patching an old game....even then the costs *should* be minimal and if they're not then Bungie messed up a bit.

They could also have done this a few months *after* D2 launched rather than 3 to 4 weeks before.

It's a reasonably crappy decision...not one of their worst but also a long way from their best.


Anti consumer actions being defended by rabid fanboys? Oh right, NeoGAF.

A place where "anti-consumer" (i.e., "stuff I don't like") gets thrown around like candy, usually paired with a generic insult? GAF again! It shouldn't happen here, but hey.

People are acting like the whole damn game's going to get taken offline when Destiny 2 hits. It won't. Only the ultra-competitive stuff is being packed up and transferred to D2, because, first of all, of course it is - absolutely no one with so much as a competitive bone in their body is going to be playing D1 PvP once D2 is out. Second: these events need to be heavily monitored by Bungie for things like weapon/ability exploits. Many Trials weekends had to be completely cancelled because of things like that. Overseeing, e.g., D1 trials and D2 trials would be an unnecessary strain, especially within the first few weeks of the game where the most abuses are likely to happen. Ditto for Iron Banner, which is a curated event where wins and losses matter quite a bit. They need to have all hands on deck for this thing and countless others, like making sure the beta goes off with as few hitches as possible. Making sure the game is as good as it can be on day 1. Making sure everything stays on task for the days and weeks beyond.

You know, anti-consumer stuff.


They could also have done this a few months *after* D2 launched rather than 3 to 4 weeks before.

It's a reasonably crappy decision...not one of their worst but also a long way from their best.

Yes. No reason to not have Trials running up to Destiny 2 release, Iron Banner however is per month, right? I don't play Iron Banner because I don't see what's so special about it. But let's say that it's once per month, there's a final one in August.


Formerly Gizmowned
Not too bothered. If they decide to throw the gear and weapons into the Crucible loot table that's fine with me.
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