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The Phantom Pain, aka Metal Gear Solid V, Announced (360/PS3, "Moby Dick Studio")

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That's Gustava you fools!

No, I don't take ban bets.

It's actually Holly White, lolol

Still not taking ban bets.

Oh please, like Kojima remembers anything from MG1 & 2.

The whole point of Metal Gear 2 was to recover the OLIX formula which would enable fuels to be made extremely cheap. But in MGS4, "oil and fuel have become as rare as diamonds".

There's also the whole Madnar thing.


Oh please, like Kojima remembers anything from MG1 & 2.

The whole point of Metal Gear 2 was to recover the OLIX formula which would enable fuels to be made extremely cheap. But in MGS4, "oil and fuel have become as rare as diamonds".

There's also the whole Madnar thing.

Are you saying that the bald doctor in the trailer is not Kio Marv?! I refuse to believe your lies.

No, no... yeah, Kojima doesn't care about MG and MG II
if they're getting nearer to shadow moses in the timeline i hope they go with a more electro synth soundtrack like they did with the first mgs.

those pounding ominous synth baselines sounded like they were straight from The Thing, or Escape from New York. Set the scene so well for Shadow Moses and made the whole place seem 10 x spookier.

not a fan of the orchestral stuff in the later games.


if they're getting nearer to shadow moses in the timeline i hope they go with a more electro synth soundtrack like they did with the first mgs.

those pounding ominous synth baselines sounded like they were straight from The Thing, or Escape from New York. Set the scene so well for Shadow Moses and made the whole place seem 10 x spookier.

not a fan of the orchestral stuff in the later games.

I was just listening to this today.

Mantis' Hymn still sends chills down my spine.
I was just listening to this today.

Mantis' Hymn still sends chills down my spine.

it's just fantastic isn't it. the 1st game just oozes so much more atmosphere than it's sequels and a large part of it is down to it's soundtrack. faultless.

the part where you go up onto mantis' floor and there's just silence and then mantis' hymn kicks in.


escape is probably my favourite on the ost. discovery mixed with the hymn present in the intruder tracks.
Are you saying that the bald doctor in the trailer is not Kio Marv?! I refuse to believe your lies.

No, no... yeah, Kojima doesn't care about MG and MG II

The doctor being Kio Marv would be a pretty big retcon. But it does fall in line with Kojima forgetting about MG1 & 2.

Marv was a biologist, not a medical doctor. He was also an indie game designer.
I may also add that the doctor in the pp trailer might not be Dr.Kio. Kio had brown eyes, this doctor has blue eyes. Could be possible that he is Dr.Pettrovich, idk what his eye color is though.

Edit: lol Xun, my hair looks smoother than yours.


I may also add that the doctor in the pp trailer might not be Dr.Kio. Kio had brown eyes, this doctor has blue eyes. Could be possible that he is Dr.Pettrovich, idk what his eye color is though.

Edit: lol Xun, my hair looks smoother than yours.

He keeps retconning shit, it doesn't matter.

Ill see if i can make a video detailing everything we have found later this week. The chronological trailer someone made was awesome.

Do you have link to this, please?


if they're getting nearer to shadow moses in the timeline i hope they go with a more electro synth soundtrack like they did with the first mgs.

those pounding ominous synth baselines sounded like they were straight from The Thing, or Escape from New York. Set the scene so well for Shadow Moses and made the whole place seem 10 x spookier.

not a fan of the orchestral stuff in the later games.

The soundtrack in the Phantom Pain trailer has the same vibe as the music in the Ground Zeroes one. Just another connection between the two trailers. I loved Gregson-Williams' work in the series but I think this new sound from Ludvig Forssell is refreshing. The music in the Ground Zeroes trailer when we first see Snake climbing up the cliff side is awesome.

Thanks. That's great.

The soundtrack in the Phantom Pain trailer has the same vibe as the music in the Ground Zeroes one. Just another connection between the two trailers. I loved Gregson-Williams' work in the series but I think this new sound from Ludvig Forssell is refreshing. The music in the Ground Zeroes trailer when we first see Snake climbing up the cliff side is awesome.

Who's Ludvig Forssell ? I didn't know Kojima had already announced who was composing the game. Where did you get this info ?
  • Big Boss creates Outer Heaven after Peace Walker.
  • Paz and Chico (from Peace Walker) are captured and held in a 'Les Enfants Terribles' camp.
  • Big Boss goes alone to rescue them, leaving behind his "men."
  • Big Boss is captured while making an escape in a stolen Ambulance. Then escapes hospital.
  • It's revealed at this point Big Boss was drawn in by future FOXHOUND mebers headed by Revolver Ocelot .
  • Boss fights happen and further consipracy plot end with the government (and secretly Ocelot) betraying FOXHOUND.
  • Big Boss convinces Ocelot and FOXHOUND to join Outer Heaven.
I don't remember if I said this already, but oh how I wish this was a new IP. I could tell really early on in the trailer (car crash, Snake's famous mullet) that it was a MGS game, but the gameplay looked really interesting. But once he got up and started running down the hallway in classic crouch-run fashion, I can't help but wonder if it will be like the opening to MGS4 -- the first level was pretty interesting and felt like it could be truly different, and then the rest threw that all away.


Are there really any bad guys or good guys in this series? It sure seems like all the bad guys are doing bad things for the guy side and all the good guys are doing good things for the bad side, so no one is really good and no one is really bad. I'm sure it is an intentional statement on war and all, but I find it really interesting.
I don't remember if I said this already, but oh how I wish this was a new IP. I could tell really early on in the trailer (car crash, Snake's famous mullet) that it was a MGS game, but the gameplay looked really interesting. But once he got up and started running down the hallway in classic crouch-run fashion, I can't help but wonder if it will be like the opening to MGS4 -- the first level was pretty interesting and felt like it could be truly different, and then the rest threw that all away.

There was gameplay in that video?
  • Big Boss creates Outer Heaven after Peace Walker.
  • Paz and Chico (from Peace Walker) are captured and held in a 'Les Enfants Terribles' camp.
  • Big Boss goes alone to rescue them, leaving behind his "men."
  • Big Boss is captured while making an escape in a stolen Ambulance. Then escapes hospital.
  • It's revealed at this point Big Boss was drawn in by future FOXHOUND mebers headed by Revolver Ocelot .
  • Boss fights happen and further consipracy plot end with the government (and secretly Ocelot) betraying FOXHOUND.
  • Big Boss convinces Ocelot and FOXHOUND to join Outer Heaven.

1. Kind of created it before or during Peace Walker in name at least.
2. if you want.
3. Big Boss is given the mission by Master Kazuhira McDonell Benedict Miller or whatever his name is this time.
4. The mission was in Cuba, the hospital is in Cyprus.
5. probably.
6. Probably.

I think:
  • Big Boss goes to rescue Paz and Chico,
  • Brings back Chico, leaves Paz behind,
  • Mother Base attacked by a nuclear submarine
  • Big Boss hides in a fridge but can't fit his left arm inside.
  • Nuclear blast sends the fridge flying to Cyprus.
  • Big Boss wakes up in hospital 8 years later.
  • After escaping from an attack on the hospital, Jack Bauer dies.
  • Undergoes an operation to have Jack Bauer's forearm attached to his missing one.
  • Sets up base in the eastern Mediterranean sea.
This got me so pumped that I went on Kijiji and got a copy of Essentials Collection. My friend took mine a few years ago and left the damn country. $30 is not bad for MGS1, 2 and 3, even though I already own HD Collection... :p

Worth it for MGS1!
Wow! Mind fuck!!


Got linked to this via Twitter (Thank you!). It's an amazing theory! You earn the detective badge of honor!

i don't think anyone's mentioned this on GAF, either, but the 'taboo' subject of Project Ogre (Joakim mOGREn) could well be child soldiers, of whom we see a lot of in the GZ trailer. the Japanese fairy tale (The Ogre of Rashomon) is about five warriors, where one is goaded into going out at night during a storm (GZ trailer) and seeing if the terrible ogre truly exists. this guy ends up meeting this ogre, and in trying to get away/kill it, chops off the ogre's arm. he keeps it in a locked box. the ogre comes back one day, disguised as his old nursemaid ('trojan horse' mentioned in the GZ trailer by scarred face), to take it back. ogre succeeds in taking the arm back, runs away, and is never seen again.

to me, the GZ trailer and PP trailer has the same graphic assets. so much so that GZ and PP could almost be happening nearly at the same time. just from different vantage points.


(from wikipedia, keeping in mind the, "am i in a dream?" "am i in hell?" "open your eyes" monologue of the PP trailer and Kojima's love of movies)

"The Rashomon effect is the effect of the subjectivity of perception on recollection, by which observers of an event are able to produce substantially different but equally plausible accounts of it. A useful demonstration of this principle in scientific understanding can be found in an article by that name authored by Karl G. Heider.

It is named for Akira Kurosawa's film Rashomon, in which a crime witnessed by four individuals is described in four mutually contradictory ways. The film is based on two short stories by Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, "Rashōmon" (for the setting) and "Yabu no naka", otherwise known as "In a Grove" (for the story line)."

Read the link for hyperlinks. I'm on my phone. Such a fun read! Remember when Kojima said that "Do you see an OGRE?!"; Snake is that Ogre!!
I fucking love these times, man. I don't know how Kojima consistently makes even some of the most cynical internet assholes gush over his stuff.
1. Kind of created it before or during Peace Walker in name at least.
2. if you want.
3. Big Boss is given the mission by Master Kazuhira McDonell Benedict Miller or whatever his name is this time.
4. The mission was in Cuba, the hospital is in Cyprus.
5. probably.
6. Probably.

I think:
  • Big Boss goes to rescue Paz and Chico,
  • Brings back Chico, leaves Paz behind,
  • Mother Base attacked by a nuclear submarine
  • Big Boss hides in a fridge but can't fit his left arm inside.
  • Nuclear blast sends the fridge flying to Cyprus.
  • Big Boss wakes up in hospital 8 years later.
  • After escaping from an attack on the hospital, Jack Bauer dies.
  • Undergoes an operation to have Jack Bauer's forearm attached to his missing one.
  • Sets up base in the eastern Mediterranean sea.

I'm was pretty sure it's a border-line assumption that Chico/Paz are in this thing. Also, Outer Heaven was announced to the troops in the closing credits of Peace Walker.

Either way, whatever Kojima creates will be crazier than the arm eating nuke fridge scenario.
Wow! Mind fuck!!


Got linked to this via Twitter (Thank you!). It's an amazing theory! You earn the detective badge of honor!

Read the link for hyperlinks. I'm on my phone.

Some good ideas in there, the thing about Demon Ibaraki's arm might be involved. Maybe Snake goes to get his own arm back?! And a retcon about taking genes from the arm or something.
What's the red thing strapped to burned guy's leg? A sword or a gun? Edit: shotgun.


In MG Rising, supposedly the left arms of soldiers contain their "memories".

Is this some sort of attempt at retconning/adding to the whole Ocelot/Liquid arm thing? If Big Boss really lost his left arm and they replace it, whose arm will it be? Are they going to justify that Big Boss "became evil" and built Outer Heaven because of that?

So far, there is still nothing that explains why Big Boss would become as he has in MG1/MG2, where he talks like a dangerous madman.

But MGS4 sort of shat on that, making BB sound like he was normal and hadn't gone crazy/dangerous.

edit: Definitly the enemy is some sort of shape-shift, or someone causing hallucinations. It's definitely Raiden who is on fire, lol. I think the soldiers get killed by Mantis.

edit: BTW the idea that you play as different characters in different contexts is impossible. The whole chopper-flying-anywhere thing, the previous screenshots of Big Boss walking around near some vehicles, the black kid in the jungle, etc., to me it would make no sense to develop very different gameplay mechanics for different characters. "Kept you waiting uh" and all, this game will be about Big Boss. Maybe there will be a part with Solid Snake, as Kojima hinted at, but it's extremely unlikely to involved playing as other characters.
In MG Rising, supposedly the left arms of soldiers contain their "memories".

Is this some sort of attempt at retconning/adding to the whole Ocelot/Liquid arm thing? If Big Boss really lost his left arm and they replace it, whose arm will it be? Are they going to justify that Big Boss "became evil" and built Outer Heaven because of that?

So far, there is still nothing that explains why Big Boss would become as he has in MG1/MG2, where he talks like a dangerous madman.

But MGS4 sort of shat on that, making BB sound like he was normal and hadn't gone crazy/dangerous.

Big Boss is pretty deranged already in Peace Walker.
In MG Rising, supposedly the left arms of soldiers contain their "memories".

Is this some sort of attempt at retconning/adding to the whole Ocelot/Liquid arm thing? If Big Boss really lost his left arm and they replace it, whose arm will it be?

In Rising, they're cyborgs. Doktor asks Raiden to cut the left arm of cyborgs off because that is where their "black box" is.


I wonder, is this coma the time for Big Boss' genetic info to be stolen for the les Infants project?

Oh god my headbrain

Wow! Mind fuck!!


Got linked to this via Twitter (Thank you!). It's an amazing theory! You earn the detective badge of honor!

Read the link for hyperlinks. I'm on my phone. Such a fun read! Remember when Kojima said that "Do you see an OGRE?!"; Snake is that Ogre!!

What the fuck. This is too crazy.


Pretty sure the "ogre" thing is just symbolism for Big Boss training children into becoming soldiers. Hence the whole "taboo subject" he has been talking about.

I've always associated ogres with monsters that eat children:

Un ogre (du latin orcus, « enfer », fém. ogresse) est un personnage de contes et traditions populaires, sorte de géant se nourrissant de chair fraîche et dévorant les petits enfants.

An ogre is a character in stories and traditions popular sort of giant flesh-eating and devouring small children.

We see Big Boss engulfed in flames in the trailer, with horns and fiery eyes. He is probably the "ogre" because of what he will do down the line. In the first trailer, burned-head dude already talks about Chico as if he was not a real soldier. One of the first images released of the Fox engine had a black kid in the woods, probably another orphan.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
I may also add that the doctor in the pp trailer might not be Dr.Kio. Kio had brown eyes, this doctor has blue eyes. Could be possible that he is Dr.Pettrovich, idk what his eye color is though.

Edit: lol Xun, my hair looks smoother than yours.

Hey you! >:-(

So far, there is still nothing that explains why Big Boss would become as he has in MG1/MG2, where he talks like a dangerous madman.

Maybe there won't be. The first two Metal Gear games were released a very long time ago, when Kojima had no idea that he would eventually turn Big Boss into the character he is today. In the first game, he definitely is a madman, not any different from old 80s action movie antagonists with no redeeming qualities. Kojima made him more human in MG2, in which he was essentially an anti-villain. Still, there is a disconnect between the Big Boss in MG1+2 and the one we know and love.

Which is why I believe that Kojima is slowly making his way up the MGS timeline, intending to conclude the saga with a remake of Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake into one game called "The Metal Gear".


It's been speculated that Phantom Pain and Ground Zeroes are separate parts of the same game, so could we be looking at a story that revolves around the various FOXHOUND team members? Let’s take it a step further…

Remember the intro to MGS4? With the different television channels and ads for the various PMCs? What if MGSV is similar, and it’s actually a collection of five smaller games, each one telling the story of a member of FOXHOUND (with the exception of Revolver Ocelot) and playing in a different style? Ground Zeroes is the open world Metal Gear game, Phantom Pain as a sort of military horror game (something like F.E.A.R. but in the MGS style), and so on.

It’s MGSV, not MGS5. That is to say… maybe it’s not the fifth game in the Metal Gear Solid series, but a game about five stories all related to Metal Gear Solid?

Woah that is an awesome idea but I do not give Kojima enough credit to come up with a something like that. Plus this is something that is not practical to make in 2012.

Oh, I don't know that it's so impractical. I said the same thing earlier in the thread and noted that it might actually make good sense to do mini-sodes of Metal Gear. Little test projects to put Fox Engine through its paces on current-gen platforms in a familiar universe. And maybe these episodes would be done by different teams across the globe, some by Kojima's team and some by the new American studio as it's starting up ... maybe even some by a company that really did start in Sweden (because otherwise, it's kind of a racist joke, even if it is on-white racism, to just say that 'Kojima' misspelled looks funny and swedish,) all working together with a common engine and asset set.

Thus a single project that tests the new engine, the new staff, and the new international workflow that might be needed in order for Kojima Productions to be productive in next-gen development, and in the process it yields a profitable product based on a proven IP.

And yes, episodic might be tougher to sell (boxed or download, sales are still unproven at this scale,) but don't forget, the GOTY this year was in fact an episodic release. Kojima is on the pulse, and if he doesn't innovate it, he's for sure studying it and thinking about how to master it.

...Otherwise, Keighley had to have been lying or misinformed when he said that Phantom Pain "is a completely game [sic?], nothing that has been shown before." Because there can't be two Metal Gear games (or even two Kojima games, given the possibility that these Metal Gear connections in Pain aren't all a mindfuck tease that he'll swap out ala Raiden in the "real" Ogre Project) for current-gen consoles, right?

Which is why I believe that Kojima is slowly making his way up the MGS timeline, intending to conclude the saga with a remake of Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake into one game called "The Metal Gear".

I wish, I wish, I wish... I kind of lost hope when Subsistence brought out the originals, but full-blown remakes would still be very welcome means of completing the canon.
I liked the idea that got thrown around earlier that Ground Zeroes would be the game to finally, definitively bridge the gap between the Big Boss games and the original Metal Gears, and that then Metal Gear Solid 5 would be a remake of the original games. I guess that's not going to happen at this point though.
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