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What's the worst game you played all year?

RE6 is legit. Steel Battalion is legit. Bayonetta, Just Cause 2 really?!? Even Diablo 3 was good. It may have been disappointing for fans of 2 but it was a good game. Those games may have been disappointing compared to expectations but they were not bad by any means.

Mass Effect 3 disappointed me but it wasn't the worst game I played all year. I quite like the multiplayer which is something I'd never thought I'd say.

Some of the games mentioned seemed to be mentioned for effect.
Your opinion isnt a fact.

Im sure there are much worse games out this year then MP3, but I was smart enough not to buy them. MP3 was a mediocre mess, and when you couple it totally screwing up one of my favorite series of games it shoots it up to the worst game ive played this year.

Im sure other people have the same feelings on games like RE 6.


I can't believe people are saying Alan Wake, The Last Remnant or Guild Wars 2. All really good games.

I'd like to say Diablo 3, but despite being a huge disappointment it wasn't really the worst if you look at it objectively.

That's true of most of the games being mentioned in this thread really, most of these are big AAA games that people expected to be great and then were dissapointed by.

RE6 is legit. Steel Battalion is legit. Bayonetta, Just Cause 2 really?!? Even Diablo 3 was good. It may have been disappointing for fans of 2 but it was a good game. Those games may have been disappointing compared to expectations but they were not bad by any means.

Mass Effect 3 disappointed me but it wasn't the worst game I played all year. I quite like the multiplayer which is something I'd never thought I'd say.

Some of the games mentioned seemed to be mentioned for effect.

It might also be that some people only play a handful of games a year. You see the same with the GOTY lists where you think "really, that's on there?" but then you realize that's basically all the games they played.


Started diving into my backlog and played Bit Trip Runner.

What an awful game. A great first 30 minutes that's absolutely ruined by awful level design by the end of Zone One.


Looking over the list of games I played this year, Bayonetta is the only one I actively hated. I finished and immediately traded it, which is something I've done kinda never.
What? But GAF loves it! That means you are just saying it for effect.

GTFO you troll.
007 Legends, maybe the worst game I've played in a decade.

I'm Jealous of those who pick RE6 and ME3, it must be like the only movies you've ever seen are Godfather Part 1 and Godfather Part 2 and then saying Part 1 was the worst movie you've ever seen.


Post reasons please! A list of crap games doesn't make for an interesting read.

I don't know which one is the worst, actually. What I can say is which one left me with the poorest feelings, and I guess that one is the new Medal of Honor.

Bad frame-rate, sticky controls (heck, I got struck in almost everything), unoriginal, derivative...

I don't know what Electronic Arts was to expect from the game, yet I guess that it is much better to cut the series here and focus on Battlefield. Makes no sense to keep both series going, expecially with this huge quality difference.

Second place goes straight to Ridge Racer on Vita.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
SSX is probably the most disappointing game this year for me, but I wouldn't say it's aggressively bad.

I actually loved a lot of the games in this thread, go figure.

It's hard for me to actually label the games I've played this year as BAD, but the one that I found the least appealing has to be Quantum Conundrum. I never expected Valve quality writing or presentation but I was hoping it wouldn't be THAT bland. The music, voice acting, writing, and atmosphere ARE aggressively awful and ruin what is otherwise an interesting puzzle game. I played it once for about 20 minutes and never played it again. It turned me off completely. I have no interest in ever playing it again.


Assassin's Creed III: Liberation

I regretted owning it within 10 minutes of starting it. I just can't believe how slow and dumbed down the combat was. I would press one button and watch Aveline do a 10 hit combo with no input from me while all the guards just stood around and watched. I haven't played an AC since part 2, and if this is what part 3 is like, it's literally one of the worst things I've ever played. Aveline was also not a likable character, at all.

I enjoyed Ninja Gaiden 3 more, and that's saying something.
Wait, you didn't like it because of the simple combat? Combat plays such a minor role in the Assassin's Creed games and, yes, it's been more like that since AC-Brotherhood. It's not a combo driven action game, you know.


Seeing as how I can't bring myself to even finish it, Assassin's Creed 3.
The same goes for RE6, but I was at least having SOME fun in that game.
In AC3, it just seemed.. off. There was variety, but imo the variety sucked. I didn't really dig the ship thing too much, there were way too many things to do on the side, there was a mission where
you were riding on horseback and had to press a button to have a guy guide you to your destination
. That was stupid. I had no fun doing that.
Even some of the assassination missions were just tedious to me.
Someday I'll go back to it and finish it.. but no time soon.

Oh, and RE:RC comes in second.

Hmmm.. I dunno, man. Such a good game... You might've been playing it "wrong".
I went over to a friend's house and saw a group of friends playing this, complaining about how boring it was, so I asked to play.
After about 5 minutes, I had them convinced it was a damn fun and crazy game.
Your opinion isnt a fact.

Im sure there are much worse games out this year then MP3, but I was smart enough not to buy them. MP3 was a mediocre mess, and when you couple it totally screwing up one of my favorite series of games it shoots it up to the worst game ive played this year.

Im sure other people have the same feelings on games like RE 6.

No my opinion isn't fact but there are game most sane people agree are bad. RE6 and Steel Battalion fit that. Even fans of Resident Evil didn't like the Resident Evil game.

There are things that most people agree are bad design decisions like checkpoints before cut scenes and pause menus that have to load. Those aren't fact either but people have come to a consensus that they are bad things.


Assassin's Creed III: Liberation

I regretted owning it within 10 minutes of starting it. I just can't believe how slow and dumbed down the combat was. I would press one button and watch Aveline do a 10 hit combo with no input from me while all the guards just stood around and watched. I haven't played an AC since part 2, and if this is what part 3 is like, it's literally one of the worst things I've ever played. Aveline was also not a likable character, at all.

I enjoyed Ninja Gaiden 3 more, and that's saying something.

No to pile on, but you're being pretty ridiculously hyperbolic by saying you hit a button and watch them do a 10 hit combo. That's false. Any of your other problems seem to be more personal than mechanical, so opinions, but don't misrepresent the combat.


I'm having a hard time deciding between Unfarted 3 and Shitman Absolution.

Both games were bad for different reasons, and both were missteps in franchises that I loved.

Uncharted 3 was a pseudo-playable, dull, and oddly glitchy waste of 10 hours. People around here have probably already heard my rant on UC3 a dozen times, so I'll leave it at that.

Absolution was, ugh... It's an abortion. It possibly killed the series as we know it, which is why there will be a complete reboot for the next game.

As for games that I played this year that weren't actually released this year, the dishonor goes to Nier. I bought into the GAF praise and picked up the game used. After spending a couple of hours with it, I immediately took it back to the store and returned it. I honestly can't understand the love for that game around here. Everyone praises its story and music, but I thought both were atrocious! I was actually embarrassed while playing it, as I knew my wife was in the other room hearing that awful dialog and thinking to herself, "Who the fuck did I marry?" Game was bad. Real bad.
My least favorite has got to be May Payne 3. Nothing going on gameplay-wise, completely absurd(which would be OK were it not purporting to be gritty and realistic), awful, hateful checkpointing. It does some stuff that is at least solid with its VA and presentation, but not near enough to save it. You just spend most of it being a drunk middle-aged dude stumbling through murdering dozens and dozens of people without a hint of self-awareness.

The actual worst(that I've played) has to be Assassin's Creed III. AC is my shit so I'm a bit of an apologist, but what a bumbling, incoherent, overreaching mess of a game.

EDIT: Man that one guy really does not like Just Cause 2.


Halo 4. Abysmal story, awful voice work, same garbage save system, copy & paste guns with different skins, rote gameplay.

The only good thing about Halo 4 was Chick's review.

(I guess technically it was my least favorite game of the year, not necessarily the "worst" game I played as I played some things that were essentially broken)


Knows the Score
Resident Evil 6 : Expected it to be a bit ropey due to feedback from others.

After 5 minutes I'm wondering why it even says Resident Evil on the box when everything is exploding and completely different from the claustrophobic atmosphere of the others.

After 10 minutes I'm swearing at the TV because it had the option of unlimited ammo.

And not long after this it throws up a find mission where I need to follow some slow moving fellow that lost his daughter and at this point I think 'nope'. The game just doesn't seem to know what it is.

It's hard for me to actually label the games I've played this year as BAD, but the one that I found the least appealing has to be Quantum Conundrum. I never expected Valve quality writing or presentation but I was hoping it wouldn't be THAT bland. The music, voice acting, writing, and atmosphere ARE aggressively awful and ruin what is otherwise an interesting puzzle game. I played it once for about 20 minutes and never played it again. It turned me off completely. I have no interest in ever playing it again.

This was such a disappointment, I expected some spark of creativity at least and it appears entirely devoid of it. Even John Lancie seems to be phoning in his performance.
Probably Syndicate.

The campaign felt really generic and the actual controls felt really floaty to me. They could have done a lot of cool stuff with the source material but instead they played it pretty safe and I was bored.

The co-op was actually pretty good but on the ps3 I kept getting game breaking frame rate drops and lag so I had to stop playing the one fun thing about it.


Ghost Recon Future Soldier.

To be honest it's not a bad game, just fairly average. I really enjoyed GRAW and its sequel but FS just felt like it grabbed my hand at the very beginning and never really let go.

There were some neat moments and I don't want to shit on it because as I said, it's not a bad game. Just the poorest I've played this year and I never felt compelled to finish it which is kind of rare.


Payday: The Heist

Felt absolutely horrible. Had to drag myself to finish the last level before exiting and deleting it lol.


No my opinion isn't fact but there are game most sane people agree are bad. RE6 and Steel Battalion fit that. Even fans of Resident Evil didn't like the Resident Evil game.

There are things that most people agree are bad design decisions like checkpoints before cut scenes and pause menus that have to load. Those aren't fact either but people have come to a consensus that they are bad things.

I ended up really liking RE6. It was rushed, had a lot of bad design decisions, and varied wildly in quality from one moment to the next. However, the core combat mechanics were fantastic, it's an underrated game that makes a truly awful first impression. I also liked Syndicate, I'm insane apparently.


Most disappointing would be Max Payne 3.
And its also joint tied as the worst game i played this year along with back to the future.

It was just so boring.

which is funny as the walking dead is up there as my game of the year so far.
I didn't play many new games this year, but the worst was Dungeon Fighter Live. I thought it would be a solid coop brawler. I don't think my friend and I even said a word about it, we just stopped playing after 10 minutes and went back to the dashboard.

That being said I really don't like naming an inexpensive downloadable game as worst game I've played.

Resident Evil 6 truly deserves it even though I only played the demo. It's pathetic that is what Capcom comes up with for a Resident Evil game.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Far Cry 3 on 360 was the only day one return I've made all year long.

Maybe its so gorgeous on PC that none of the crappy and played out gameplay mechanics matter, but geez... Its like everything I hated about open world games multiplied.


Your opinion isnt a fact.

Im sure there are much worse games out this year then MP3, but I was smart enough not to buy them. MP3 was a mediocre mess, and when you couple it totally screwing up one of my favorite series of games it shoots it up to the worst game ive played this year.

Im sure other people have the same feelings on games like RE 6.

I will not stand here and watch someone talk shit about Metroid Prime 3!
I didn't really like Max Payne 3 much either. I think having no reverance for the series made me enjoy it more than most though.
Hmmm.. I dunno, man. Such a good game... You might've been playing it "wrong".
I went over to a friend's house and saw a group of friends playing this, complaining about how boring it was, so I asked to play.
After about 5 minutes, I had them convinced it was a damn fun and crazy game.

Oh of course, that was it - I was "playing it wrong" the entire time! The borked shooting mechanics, the appalling handling of the vehicles, the giant sandbox of drabness that is the setting, the main character who makes Steven Seagal look like Humphrey Bogart, the ear-bleeding voicework, the extreme repetitive nature of, well... just about everything that features in the game from locations to missions, the fucked up checkpoint system - it was all because I was playing the game incorrectly. I finally see the light!

Hey guys, whatever game you state as being the worst you've played this year, stop and think that maybe the reason it was so bad in every feasible way was because you were playing it wrong.


The problem with topics like this is that in about 5 minutes the theme shifts from "Worst games" to "Games which disappointed me" (yet they are usually good games) to "Games which somehow did not 100% fulfill my expectations even though I really enjoyed them and they are better that 95% of other games published in the past five years".



"Objectively?" Risen 2 (broke my heart) or Syndicate. How did so many people give it favorable opinions?

But playing Black Ops 2 made me want to take a shower. Never made it to the end of that YOSEFIIIIIIINAARGARAGBALAGAGA!!!111!!! bullshit. Fucking Noriega?
The problem with topics like this is that in about 5 minutes the theme shifts from "Worst games" to "Games which disappointed me" (yet they are usually good games) to "Games which somehow did not 100% fulfill my expectations even though I really enjoyed them and they are better that 95% of other games published in the past five years".


This. Thanks for making my point better than I did.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
The problem with topics like this is that in about 5 minutes the theme shifts from "Worst games" to "Games which disappointed me" (yet they are usually good games) to "Games which somehow did not 100% fulfill my expectations even though I really enjoyed them and they are better that 95% of other games published in the past five years".


Some people don't play every single game that comes out. Its not like you can tell someone what they did and didn't play and how awesome they should've rated it.


Some people don't play every single game that comes out. Its not like you can tell someone what they did and didn't play and how awesome they should've rated it.

Ok, I see your point.

Yet, if I play an average-good game and find flaws in it I could think not to mention it as "The best game I've played in recent times". Yet, at the same time I'd think twice before adding it in a "worst game" list.

In this topic I've read the titles of Max Payne 2, Guild Wars 2, Diablo 3...


I couldn't spend more then 30 minutes playing either Gears of War 3 or Skyrim, so those have to be the two worst games for me I played in 2012. I at least summed up the strength to play through normal in Diablo 3 before smashing my disc into pieces.

I hate western RPGs and Skyrim just felt very un-intuitive to me. I probably should have given it more time but I absolute hate first person view (especially in RPGs) and found the third person unplayable. Weird menu systems as well, but again that could be due to a lack of playing the game. After 30-45 minutes I said this isnt for me.

Gears of War 3 was just more of the same Garbage. I enjoyed the first one, got through about half the 2nd one, and just rented 3 to see it. After about 15-30 minutes of shooting, going behind cover, the reloading game and unloading clips for the same monsters it was more Gears then I'll ever need for the rest of my life.


Ok, I see your point.

Yet, if I play an average-good game and find flaws in it I could think not to mention it as "The best game I've played in recent times". Yet, at the same time I'd think twice before adding it in a "worst game" list.

In this topic I've read the titles of Max Payne 2, Guild Wars 2, Diablo 3...

What's this scientific method of best/worst that you've apparently discovered? I'm reading a whole lot of opinions and finding the perspectives interesting, especially the ones I disagree with. I guess if I knew the magic way to scientifically judge a games goodness/badness I'd find this thread incredibly annoying.
Some people don't play every single game that comes out. Its not like you can tell someone what they did and didn't play and how awesome they should've rated it.

This is also true. But if you've played two games all year one of them is going to be the worst you have played all year but that isn't really useful information.


the holder of the trombone
Jade Empire.

Ok, not from this year, but I started it this year.

I have no idea why but it just runs like dogshit on windows 7.


Resident Evil 5 (free on PSN Plus, so luckily I didn't have to pay for it) probably takes the cake. The gameplay just felt stilted and annoying, the setting and story were urgh, and it just felt confused about what it wanted to accomplish. It also had a pretty terrible framerate.

Overall, though, I don't think I played any other game I'd consider outright bad this year, though of course there are games I'm more enthusiastic about than others.

Hey look, someone already typed my post for me.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Ok, I see your point.

Yet, if I play an average-good game and find flaws in it I could think not to mention it as "The best game I've played in recent times". Yet, at the same time I'd think twice before adding it in a "worst game" list.

In this topic I've read the titles of Max Payne 2, Guild Wars 2, Diablo 3...

I can't speak for Guild Wars, but Max Payne 3 and D3 had major flaws that would easily turn a lot of people off immediately. Again, if you only play a few games a year (and this really points to the Diablo crowd... who were expecting a big time sink and many made the jump from MMOs to take it on and fill that gap), then saying its the worst experience you've had with a game from this year isn't a stretch at all.
This is also true. But if you've played two games all year one of them is going to be the worst you have played all year but that isn't really useful information.

Useful information like opinions. Its like me asking what your least favorite food is. "You don't like tacos? Liar."

And again, I really hate Far Cry 3. The repetitiveness of it all...


Assassin's Creed 3. Coincidentally I posted a brief summary in the Vita thread late last night about how terrible it is but I didn't go into a ton of detail.

Technical problems: Bugs everywhere on a Bethesda-level, framerate consistently in the low 20s and teens in Boston/New York, pretty bad pop in at times.

Lots of gameplay and design issues too. It has all of the problems the old games had like too much auto gameplay and barely any skill involved in the combat but they made it worse with even more auto stuff in battles and the double counter-kills. Took assassination missions out for more junk side content that acts as nothing more than traditional Ubisoft filler. Stuff like delivering letters and collecting feathers.

The story is as big of a mess as it is in Liberation with the game jumping all over the place and jumping years at a time only to throw you right into some random situation with no build up or explanation. Not to mention it's really poorly written to begin with.

Probably the only redeeming factor in this game is the naval stuff.

It's easily the biggest mess of a AAA game that I have ever played, it's simply inexcusable for this shit to have come from a 600 person team. It's up there with some of the worst games I've ever played too.

Naked Lunch

I havent played many new games this year but Halo 4's multiplayer is absolute trash to me. Beyond the horrible maps and shitty objective modes, the multiplayer overall is dumbed down beyond belief. Its like the old Halo Fiesta playlist: the game. Random power weapons everywhere. Given that 99% of my friends who were completely horrible at past Halo multiplayers now all love 4 tells me all I need to know who the game is catered to.


Resident Evil 6, by a longshot. Doubly disappointing because I took a week off of work to play it. Shitty controls, boring visuals, combat straight out of a terrible third person shooter.. I have no idea how I managed to played through all of those campaigns. Mercenaries mode from RE4 and RE5 are pretty much the highlights of the entire RE series for me, and even that couldn't redeem RE6.

On the plus side, I took the rest of my paid time off to get into Darksiders 2 and Tokyo Jungle, which were both great.
SSX is probably the most disappointing game this year for me, but I wouldn't say it's aggressively bad.

I actually loved a lot of the games in this thread, go figure.

It's hard for me to actually label the games I've played this year as BAD, but the one that I found the least appealing has to be Quantum Conundrum. I never expected Valve quality writing or presentation but I was hoping it wouldn't be THAT bland. The music, voice acting, writing, and atmosphere ARE aggressively awful and ruin what is otherwise an interesting puzzle game. I played it once for about 20 minutes and never played it again. It turned me off completely. I have no interest in ever playing it again.

Wait, you didn't like it because of the simple combat? Combat plays such a minor role in the Assassin's Creed games and, yes, it's been more like that since AC-Brotherhood. It's not a combo driven action game, you know.

lol combat is a huge part of these games
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