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Michel Ancel and Rayman dev team show up at fan(?) protest RE: Rayman Legends delay


Well, obviously. They don't want to spend marketing dollars two times(and one time on a semi-dead console) when they can spend it just one time to sell the game on a much larger combined userbase. This is the only reasoning behind the delay for the Wii U's release, that I can see.
Not just that, but they also don't want to run the risk of the game losing "perceived value" by not gaining traction on a troubled platform.

Presumably, their original intention was to stagger the release on multiple platforms, but Wii-U panic has set in. They don't want to damage the Rayman brand by setting it adrift.

But, man, must it suck to be that dev team. I really do feel badly for them. And part of why the team would be so public about their displeasure is so that fans don't think they're a bunch of a-holes. The prior game succeeded because of the fans, even when Ubi sent the game to die.


Maybe, but its not Ubi's fault that WiiU sales, especially software sales, are an absolute fucking disaster, enough to inspire absolute blind panic at the suit-level.

Not sticking up for Ubi here, crunching that team twice in one year is a bastard thing to do, but i understand the decision.

Thats the thing though, its a bad decision and everyone and the devs know it. They are much better off spending marketing and getting the Wii U version out the door now. Release the two ports later as planned with no marketing because it wont matter going up against the holiday onslaught. Much better than sending all three out to die, and we have precedence, look at Origins. This time they are releasing against GTA V, it will be a bloodbath. Its a completely idiotic decision some bean counter at Ubisoft convinced some execs was the right move.
Yep, so it leaves three scenarios:

- Those private channels failed, so it's their last mean to communicate, which is worrisome
- It's a PR move
- It's just a fan passing by with a cardbox, and managing to have Ancel & other folks taking the pose :p

I hope it's two or three, because I have a problem with the first.

I do not always agree with my bosses' decisions. No one does.

But part of being a loyal, professional employee is keeping those disagreements in house. Taking your displeasure public is unprofessional.


Pretty pathetic for a development team. If I was the CEO, I'd let them go after they were done.

My thinking is they probably got Ubisoft's approval before pulling this stunt.

If they didn't, then they are doing something very stupid. Ancel and his team should just be happy Ubi lets them keep making these games. Hell, I am happy Ubi keeps letting them make these games. Let's not ruin a good thing guys.

If they are really doing this without the higher ups approval they are fucking over their chances to do BG&E 2 and that pisses me off. Don't let the Nintendo crazies ruin it for the rest of us. Keep your head down and keep making awesome games.
Hopefully, not sure how pivotal he is to the series I know they have other talent. I'm guessing this will fall on deft ears, but management could easily hold this against him.

He's an auteur and one of the world's most famous video game designers. He started the Rayman Origins / Legends projects, he's the game director and lead creative designer, and his work is the face of Ubisoft Montpellier.

He's also one of the guys who's trying to merge art and video games.

Hell, the guy has been called the "French Miyamoto." Ubisoft is NOT getting rid of Michel Ancel over a silly little sign.


Not just that, but they also don't want to run the risk of the game losing "perceived value" by not gaining traction on a troubled platform.

Presumably, their original intention was to stagger the release on multiple platforms, but Wii-U panic has set in. They don't want to damage the Rayman brand by setting it adrift. It sucks, but it does make sense. And it may actually be the best thing for the game.

But, man, must it suck to be that dev team. I really do feel badly for them.

A Rayman game has been a launch game for a LOT of platforms.


Why not just carry on with the next project? Why do they care if/when the game releases? Do they get a bonus if the game sells a lot? If so, they should be kind of happy about the delay.

Weird Industry.


Well, obviously. They don't want to spend marketing dollars two times(and one time on a semi-dead console) when they can spend it just one time to sell the game on a much larger combined userbase. This is the only reasoning behind the delay for the Wii U's release, that I can see.

which is ironic seeing at how everyone talks about this game now. best marketing strategy ever !


My source is my ass!
That's the T in Montpellier down below. It's just gigantic apparently.

Ah yes ! But even then, soutien means "support", and is generally used to describe an external help/comfort brought to something. So it really looks like a fan bringing a cardbox, and not something from the studio.

But even then, Ancel's & his colleagues presence on the pictures (so at the very least, a "distant" agreement with what the cardbox is saying) + anonymous reports confirm that there is indeed a disapprove of this decision, internally.
Yep, so it leaves three scenarios:

- Those private channels failed, so it's their last mean to communicate, which is worrisome
- It's a PR move
- It's just a fan passing by with a cardbox, and managing to have Ancel & other folks taking the pose :p

I think, we can rule out the fan theory, because everybody in the studio would be pretty much aware, that allowing a picture like this to be taken means, it will appear on the internet in no time. So even if it was a fan, Ancel and the other people on the picture are willing to participate in something that will be seen as protest by the public.
The theory, that it's a PR move is interesting, but as the result is, that the public gets the impression, that the relationship between the developers and the publisher isn't the best, I find it unlikely, that anybody would do something like this. It puts Ubisoft in a bad light.
To me, it looks, even if the protest is humorous, like a protest, that is the result of a conflict, that is older, then the actual decision. It looks like a protest by people that are happy to enter the public stage, because they feel something isn't right for a longer time now.


How I see it:

scenario A:

+ release the game now for Wii U
- game is a financial disaster
- studio closes
- everybody fired
- no more Rayman

scenario B:

+ release the game now for Wii U
- release it later for PS3 & 360, at a lower price
- two marketing campaigns
- game barely makes a profit
- many people are laid off
- no more Rayman
- back to uninspired movie-games

do you even know what ubisoft montpellier is?
Thats the thing though, its a bad decision and everyone and the devs know it. They are much better off spending marketing and getting the Wii U version out the door now. Release the two ports later as planned with no marketing because it wont matter going up against the holiday onslaught. Much better than sending all three out to die, and we have precedence, look at Origins. This time they are releasing against GTA V, it will be a bloodbath. Its a completely idiotic decision some bean counter at Ubisoft convinced some execs was the right move.

It's Ubis right to make bad decisions ( though obviously they disagree). This isn't the first or last time a publisher will delay a completed game, or cancel a game, or shut down a studio. I'm sure being that they did this last minute they were aware for some Internet rage and backlash but still went ahead with it. Not site what all this protesting and boycotts are going to accomplish.


Why not just carry on with the next project? Why do they care if/when the game releases? Do they get a bonus if the game sells? If so, they should be kind of happy about the delay.

Weird Industry.

If the game tanks because of bad management decisions they care alot because they are the ones blamed and canned/cut down.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
It's Ubis right to make bad decisions ( though obviously they disagree). This isn't the first or last time a publisher will delay a completed game, or cancel a game, or shut down a studio. I'm sure being that they did this last minute they were aware for some Internet rage and backlash but still went ahead with it. Not site what all this protesting and boycotts are going to accomplish.

Watch Dogs Wii U?


Right, it's supposed to be funny.

I mean this is honestly more attention than they've gotten most (maybe all?) of their development cycle, and now they have another news story hitting all the press sites.


(in both cases I read the person's presence more as "thanks for being a fan, we really appreciate your support, bummer that sometimes stuff doesn't work out quite how you want")
Yeah, truth is, the delay has actually generated more interest in the title than they had before. Rayman now looks like one of the most hotly anticipated titles of the year. It must be, to evoke the kind of tears we see in this thread. Now Rayman goes from being "just another game" in some people's eyes, to something of great significance among gamers.


He's an auteur and one of the world's most famous video game designers. He started the Rayman Origins / Legends project, he's the game director and lead creative designer, and his work is the face of Ubisoft Montpellier.

He's also one of the guys who's trying to merge art and video games.

Hell, the guy has been called the "French Miyamoto." Ubisoft is NOT getting rid of Michel Ancel over a silly little sign.

I would be almost certain that Ubisoft corporate where aware of this "stunt" before it was done.


... Not site what all this protesting and boycotts are going to accomplish.

Hmm. From what I can tell, Ubi might well want to consider not bothering to release anything else on Wii U, as their name is essentially mud at this point.

Watch Dogs Wii U?


Everyone defending Ubisoft seems to not be mentioning the whole crunch time deal.

Either they are ignoring this to support their narrative because they are corporate lickspittles or are defending Ubisoft because they are unaware of the whole situation.

Ehh.. you also have your usual "if it hurts Nintendo/Nintendo fans, I like it" crowd. It's a mix of folks/motives, really. :)


Everyone defending Ubisoft seems to not be mentioning the whole crunch time deal.

Either they are ignoring this to support their narrative because they are corporate lickspittles or are defending Ubisoft because they are unaware of the whole situation.
maybe in the US...workers in europe actually have some rights and protections.
Every work contract I've had in France made it abundantly clear that publicizing negative comments about the company or divulging confidential information could lead me to being fired. This isn't per se a worker rights issue.

The notion that labor protests are common in France is misleading IMO because there are mostly 2 categories of workers protesting: public servants (whose jobs aren't at risk) and people facing layoffs (who are already at risk). Everyone else mostly shuts up in public.

Again, I'm all for these guys, I hope they don't suffer from it, and working in that industry sounds terrible but if I went on the record to publicize and second guess legal (though shitty) business choices made by the company, I would hardly be surprised if I got fired.
That's a very nice gesture towards Wii U users. I for one will certainly reconsider my decision to not get the game when it eventually gets released.
Everyone defending Ubisoft seems to not be mentioning the whole crunch time deal.

Either they are ignoring this to support their narrative because they are corporate lickspittles or are defending Ubisoft because they are unaware of the whole situation.
Off-topic but lol at your avatar. :p


Everyone defending Ubisoft seems to not be mentioning the whole crunch time deal.

Either they are ignoring this to support their narrative because they are corporate lickspittles or are defending Ubisoft because they are unaware of the whole situation.

Of course, that is the only two possible positions.

Come on people!
Hmm. From what I can tell, Ubi might well want to consider not bothering to release anything else on Wii U, as their name is essentially mud at this point.


Not really. I don't have much faith in gamer boycotts or principled stances. All it takes is a cool trailer or hype filled preview and everyone loses their shit.


Everyone defending Ubisoft seems to not be mentioning the whole crunch time deal.

Either they are ignoring this to support their narrative because they are corporate lickspittles or are defending Ubisoft because they are unaware of the whole situation.

Or they are defending Ubisoft because lol nintendrones.


Yeah, but delaying the game is the best business/management decision they could hope for.

Spending months of developer time on ports in order to send three games to die at retail isn't necessarily a better move than sending one finished title to market and hope for a long tail in a market with little competition. I don't think it's going to work, but there's no alternate universe we can check to see how sales would be if they launched it now.


Hmm. From what I can tell, Ubi might well want to consider not bothering to release anything else on Wii U, as their name is essentially mud at this point.


Ehh.. you also have your usual "if it hurts Nintendo/Nintendo fans, I like it" crowd. It's a mix of folks/motives, really. :)

Yeah because Just Dance crap won't sell because of this widely known issue.

People are really reaching now.


Everyone defending Ubisoft seems to not be mentioning the whole crunch time deal.

Either they are ignoring this to support their narrative because they are corporate lickspittles or are defending Ubisoft because they are unaware of the whole situation.
Neither. It's a bummer for the devs they'll have to work more to get their games into players' hands. But as has been said before, they're paid, and at the end of the day, they'll probably be happy for more players to play the game. If the only way multiplatform makes fiscal sense is for Ubisoft to do a simultaneous launch this fall with consolidated marketing, etc -- and that's Ubi's call, based on Ubi's data and finances -- then that's the way it will be, I guess.

On a side note, love the Tharja-clutching-MH3U avatar. :)


Everyone defending Ubisoft seems to not be mentioning the whole crunch time deal.

Either they are ignoring this to support their narrative because they are corporate lickspittles or are defending Ubisoft because they are unaware of the whole situation.

They are being compensated for crunch time. If not, well thats really bad and they should protest against crunch time in general.

Maybe I am somewhat hard on them, because in my field of work every day of the year is crunch time

I feel no pity lol

Spending months of developer time on ports in order to send three games to die at retail isn't necessarily a better move than sending one finished title to market and hope for a long tail in a market with little competition. I don't think it's going to work, but there's no alternate universe we can check to see how sales would be if they launched it now.

I like to think that someone at Ubisoft has actually used a calculator and some real numbers and based the decision not only on gut feelings.


Why is it pathetic? They had presumably finished the game, when Ubsioft suddenly told em to wait 6 months and work on other versions instead of just releasing the Wii U version.

Shit happens man. This isn't the first time in gaming history where a game was done and get delayed by the publisher in order to release other versions.

Yeah, let go Ancel - that's a brilliant idea. Maybe you don't know who that guy is though...

Boo hoo. I believe he left the studio before and that didn't seem to damage Ubisoft.
Pretty much.

Judging by Miiverse comments, Ubi is poisoning their name on Nintendo consoles with this drama. This might not be a wise long-term move.

Don't forget Lego City Undercover. The more I see on it, the more I'm starting to look forward to it and I've never enjoyed Lego games much in the past.
Everyone defending Ubisoft seems to not be mentioning the whole crunch time deal.

Either they are ignoring this to support their narrative because they are corporate lickspittles or are defending Ubisoft because they are unaware of the whole situation.

There are devs that work crunch time on games that end up never seeing the light of day. Same goes with movies and tv shows. It does suck, but its the nature of the business and as long as they are being compensated, lets stop short before mentioning unfair labor practices or worker abuse.
"There's a storm coming, Mr. Ubisoft," whispers Michel Ancel. "You and your shareholders better batten down the hatches, 'cause when it hits, you're all gonna wonder how you ever thought you could live so large, and leave so little for the rest of us developers."
It does suck, but its the nature of the business and as long as they are being compensated, lets stop short before mentioning unfair labor practices or worker abuse.

give it a couple of days and people gonna say they get whipped while coding, complete with an ominous drum beat.


"There's a storm coming, Mr. Ubisoft," whispers Michel Ancel. "You and your shareholders better batten down the hatches, 'cause when it hits, you're all gonna wonder how you ever thought you could live so large, and leave so little for the rest of us developers."


I don't know why but this combo made me laugh pretty hard


Better shot of the poster from Ubisoft's Facebook page (posted by someone else):


That Yves Guillemot in the bottom right. I know who's gonna be pissed about that.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
The Escapist:

Protests and boycotts and righteous anger are the order of the day for gamers expressing dissatisfaction with a company. Less common is when the developers decide to do the same thing. Following the postponement of Rayman Legends on the Wii U, the team that developed the game joined fans in asking Ubisoft to release the completed Wii U version ahead of its still-in-development 360 and PS3 counterparts. The dev team now has an unlikely and potentially powerful new ally: Michael Ancel, the man who created Rayman.

A photograph of Ancel along with two of the two of the Ubisoft Montpellier developers shows him behind a sign depicting a hand-drawn Rayman face in tears. "Relase Rayman," the poster urges (in French, naturally). "Support Ubisoft Montpellier." Rayman himself sports a speech bubble with "Please!" penned in, and finds himself backed by crowds of adoring fans with "Wii U" and "28/02/13" (the game's original release date in charming European style) flags.

So far, Ubisoft has promised another Wii U Rayman Legends demo to pacify fans, but with Ancel stepping in, the publisher may have to respond with something a little heftier. Ancel and the Montpellier developers are taking a big risk by standing at odds with their publisher, but they obviously feel strongly about their work releasing in its original timeframe. Whether they succeed, we'll know one way or another by February 28.
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