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Oreimo 2 |OT| Return of the Pandering

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So we're spoiler tagging things I guess? Might as well be safe.

This entire ending was pretty baffling to me, even though the season ending made it clear this is where it was going. I'm a Kuroneko fan, but I don't have any real problem with an incest end if it's done well. It just seemed terribly written here. Not nearly enough time/events were spent between "I'll do anything to get Kuroneko back" to "I'm rejecting you all because I have to be with my sister" for it to be remotely believable.

Also didn't help that the OVAs took a turn for the fantastical. Kuroneko showing up on the street at night because "their hearts were connected" or some crap, along with Kanako's confession/rejection were two of the big ones that had me shaking my head. These episodes were just full of junk that never would have fit in with the series proper, which was always pretty grounded and moving in a logical way. I was actually expecting the whole thing to be a dream sequence because of that.


omigawd, spoilersssss

It was okay, a bit dragged on and boring in some parts. I didn't expect that kind of an ending, and I think it's good the way it ended. The obvious that can be expected from the finale, was typing up loose ends and wincest (for the most part).

I haven't read the light novels, so I don't know how different they are compared to the anime.
Everyone is spoilering shit and I had a good header imagine for this ending but I guess i'll just nestle it into my spoiler section:

Feels like a Kodaka ending, which in this case is probably a good thing... all things considered...

Yeah I don't know what to say, this show was definitely a worthwhile watch, it's a premise I've never explored before in media (or my fantasies (you gotta believe me!)) so on some level I was kind of cheering for them to just get together in a serious way just for the hilarious novelty of it. But at the same time I gotta admit it would be depressing as fuck thinking about these guys living their lives out in secret, having fucked up mutant babies, and never being able to speak to their respectable parents again, so really this was the best choice.

Bittersweet, just like Kirino
The hell?
What did I just watch? I can't even believe that really happened. I've always defended this show, but now it's indefensible.
The hell?
What did I just watch? I can't even believe that really happened. I've always defended this show, but now it's indefensible.

I was waiting for this. Hopefully more of the show's staunch defenders have seen the truth and the truth has left them in shock and horror.
Wasn't it more of just like a pretend fantasy for them? Even though they went through the motions of telling all these people, in the end they were just playing out their fantasy without actually "playing it out"?

That doesn't seem so bad. I mean the relationship is creepy and gross, but they had feelings they couldn't deny, and so it seemed like rather than totally destroy their lives or live life unfulfilled they decided to go half-way, experience a little bit of it and then move on.

Obviously it would have been better not to even pretend, but I guess they felt that seriously about it. It's the fault of the characters in the end, but the consequences they face are probably temporary and they get to have that little fantasy safely pocketed in their mind while they live out their ordinary lives.

I guess i'm just looking at this from a "they can't help it" perspective? I seem to have a tender spot for weirdos that way, so long as they don't harm anybody (or themselves).
Oreimo S2 14-16:
God damn. This was soooooo fucking bad. It has been long time since I have laughed so hysterically while watching anime. How in the hell we came to this? Not to mention that just as I had accepted thas this actually has an ending even though it's the worst possible ending author gives us last ultimate trolling
and decides that they will not be lovers after all and will go back to being normal siblings.
Just wtf.
You reject all those girls for love of your sister and then decide that yep lets just go back to normal life.
It makes fucking no sense.
If you are going to do incest ending at least go to fucking end with it then for gods sake.
I can really imagine the look on voice actors while they read the script of these final episodes: ''just for what did we sign for''.
Actually after I knew that Kyousuke wouldn't choose the best girl (ayase <3) or even someone non-kirino
I still kinda got enjoyement from this as it was so huge trainwreck but then that final twist even spoiled that. Fuck this show.
I came in here to see how people would react to the ending and this is what I expected. lol

And it's not even the
that makes me hate this ending so much. It's the fucking
no ending.
With full
incest ending
at least author would have pleased some creepy otakus out there. With this he pleases no one. It's fucking troll ending. Just can't imagine what was going on in his head when he wrote those last few pages.


The hell?
What did I just watch? I can't even believe that really happened. I've always defended this show, but now it's indefensible.

I know right?
It's not like the series isn't called "My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute". I thought the ending was obvious. Still disgusting and weird, but this series has always been like that.
I was waiting for this. Hopefully more of the show's staunch defenders have seen the truth and the truth has left them in shock and horror.
I quite enjoyed that part of the ending, actually.
I still don't see a problem with mutually agreed-upon brother-sister incest. In fact, I'd have been dissapointed if they'd bailed out and taken the safe route.

Here are my thoughts on the ending:

1. The place Kyousuke confesses is right in front of Kinshicho station. I walk past it every day!

2. I feel that the pacing was way too fast. This season could easily have been 26 episodes. This caused a lot of awkwardness with the confession scenes being way too close together, but at least they attempted to address it with the whole "I will never be this lucky in my life" thing.

3. I really don't know how to feel about the whole 180 at the end. I can't help but think that it's never going to last; the whole point of the show is how hard it is to stop loving something/someone, so it should be pretty obvious that this relationship isn't going to dissappear.

Apparently there is a "6 years after" novel included with the first Blu-ray, so I'll be reading that before passing judgment.

4. That whole confrontation with Manami was amazing.

5. I didn't reallly like how Saori and the others found Kyousuke and helped him in that chase scene, but I am willing to let it go. I might have way bigger fish to fry with the final episode, depending on how that novel turns out.

No matter who won, someone would be unhappy here.
I'm just glad they didn't take the safe way out.


These reactions have been golden.

Oh and the 10 years later story in the BD?
Kuronekos sister grows up to be the same thing as Kuroneko, delusions and and all. She meets Kirino at a remake of Meruru and they shoot the shit for a bit. Nothing else happens.
I've been seeing conflicting reports about Kirino saying that she and Kyouske live together, so take that with a grain of salt.
Kirino FTW!!!! S2 seemed a little rushed, but overall Im happy with what they did. Hope we will see some more OVA's or something in the future.



Even with the disappointing ending, this has been a fun rollercoaster ride to be on and to watch. There was a clear winner and that's good enough for me to end this.

Now, Sena spinoff please.


Kirino FTW!!!! S2 seemed a little rushed, but overall Im happy with what they did. Hope we will see some more OVA's or something in the future.

I would hope if they ever go do OVA's they give us flash backs to earlier in the series when it's just shenanigans and not romance.
Or maybe the pointless 10 years later thing just to see the updated Kirino.
Even with the disappointing ending, this has been a fun rollercoaster ride to be on and to watch. There was a clear winner and that's good enough for me to end this.

Now, Sena spinoff please.

The 2nd biggest travesty of this season was Sena's lack of screen time.
She was another victim of having scenes from the LN cut.
While Ayasa and Kuroneko being shot down was heartbreaking, I feel like the ending is suitable. I've always found the incest stuff the least likeable of the show, that's in the end what it was about. The show was about a brother and a sister that went from being in a cold war to being close together again. Just a chunk of Kyousuke's life where he goes through various comedic circumstances with his sister and her friends.

They knew it would not pan out well so they take it all the way until marriage and then stop, let the play end there, and go back to living normal lives.Here's to hoping Ayase or Kuroneko are in the future(Even though they're too good for him)


I'm more upset about
Kuroneko being rejected and that crying scene
than the ending and the final 'choice'.

Poor girl.

Anyways, as for the incest angle, at first it was bothering me a bit, but I'd be a hypocrite for saying it was disgusting, you watch this series pretty much knowing what's going to happen. And, I suppose, you can't help who you fall in love with. Incest is kind of socially programmed into us as 'wrong', but then 50 years ago, even now, some people say that about homosexuality. So I dunno... I think I'm ok with it. Just disappointed for Kuroneko.
I came in here to see how people would react to the ending and this is what I expected. lol

After seeing it at Otakon I already pretty much knew how the reaction would go. As for my own opinion, I'm neither upset nor surprised by how it wrapped up. I think I may watch again and post some more detailed thoughts later.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I knew what was going to happen, I didn't want it to happen, but it happened, and I decided to sail those winds all the way to the end. I had so many chances to quit, but I rode those tides to the end. My first incest anime, and I don't plan to go to another in a long time,



Okay, just got on episode 10, I know what happened in it, but all this ending talk hints to me that what's coming up is going to be *Mwuhuhahaha* good.
Okay, just got on episode 10, I know what happened in it, but all this ending talk hints to me that what's coming up is going to be *Mwuhuhahaha* good.

I would say there is definitely some good stuff to be had right up to the end. I am interested to hear what your opinion is once you've gotten through it ;).
I think most of us could agree that the "return to being normal siblings" idea is a bunch of BS that they have no intentions of following through and is for public appearances only. They are still in love and wouldn't be able to drop it so casually like that.

Even the last bit shows him kissing Kirino on the cheek, attempting to cash in pervertedly on an unfulfilled promise, and then her scolding him telling him that she will have a "talk" when they get home alone and out of the public eye.


I would say there is definitely some good stuff to be had right up to the end. I am interested to hear what your opinion is once you've gotten through it ;).

Hah, I'm one of the watchers that finds the greatest laughter and enjoyment over the more awkward/terribly hammy/"troll"-material events of the series, so I'm hoping for more of it. :) I apologize ahead of time if my impressions are shorthand; I'm largely playing catch-up.


Episode 11's Ayase vs. Kuroneko

I can't. This is amazing. For some reason I never thought of this confrontation showing up in the show, but it (along with the season in general) has made Ayase a much more entertaining element on-screen compared to the first season in my eyes. She has simply been better incorporated into the antics (especially when showing more offense over Kyouske than always towards him). Kuroneko did her thing too and I wish the "catfight" took up more of the episode.


Epsisode 12

Harem dukeout. lol


Episode 13

A ham-fisted introspective, as expected, but young Kirino makes my heart hurt good. She's a little cutie! The episode places more light on her perspective (displaying more weight on her brother as an influence in her life and her major traits to present day). In that sense it was, average? It's handled largely as it has been in the past and a number of the developments can be called early, but it "does the job" speaking relatively for the overall show and its typical character depth (or lack of).


In hindsight though.

Regardless of the ending, the LN author already had this type of conclusion already in mind which is a bit crazy due to the fact all the advertising and publicity the series has gotten.

In turn this affected the ending as the LN author has stated and implied on many occasions that this ending is the best he could have done for the incest route due to publishing issues which explains why in the end Kyosuke didn't really win and we're left with a somewhat non-conclusive ending.

In the end, it was an enjoyable series through and through.

My jimmies are still extremely rustled tho.
I think most of us could agree that the "return to being normal siblings" idea is a bunch of BS that they have no intentions of following through and is for public appearances only. They are still in love and wouldn't be able to drop it so casually like that.

Even the last bit shows him kissing Kirino on the cheek, attempting to cash in pervertedly on an unfulfilled promise, and then her scolding him telling him that she will have a "talk" when they get home alone and out of the public eye.

That would sit much better with me than the
shit we got.


Unconfirmed Member
Incest is kind of socially programmed into us as 'wrong', but then 50 years ago, even now, some people say that about homosexuality. So I dunno... I think I'm ok with it.
Please don't tell me you just
compared incest to homosexuality.
This kind of shit is why I have to be embarrassed to tell people I like animu.

The ending made me furious. Like, legit angry. I'm still mad about it several days later.

Part of what I found so enjoyable about the show was that it seemed to spend a lot of its time actively talking about how foolish it was to root for an incest end. Then... we get it! In the most absurd fashion imaginable, I may add. Not only does boring ass self insert harem lead turn down all the cool women to be with his sister... he does it so they can be together for a few months before graduation! Come on. And because they went this route, things that I found charming or amusing about the show are now pretty disgusting and I can't enjoy them anymore. I feel bad for ever defending the show. I feel angry that I watched 29 episodes only for them to take a shit left turn at the end and ruin the entire god damn thing for me. Terrible.


Maturity, bitches.
BGBW, rpmurphy and now you. I respect you all very much as my friends, but it's unfortunate that we must since so differently on this!
It can't be helped, I suppose.
Actually I agree that less exposure is a good thing. It meant less risk of her character being ruined by the trainwreck ending. :3c
Please don't tell me you just
compared incest to homosexuality.
This kind of shit is why I have to be embarrassed to tell people I like animu.

The ending made me furious. Like, legit angry. I'm still mad about it several days later.

Part of what I found so enjoyable about the show was that it seemed to spend a lot of its time actively talking about how foolish it was to root for an incest end. Then... we get it! In the most absurd fashion imaginable, I may add. Not only does boring ass self insert harem lead turn down all the cool women to be with his sister... he does it so they can be together for a few months before graduation! Come on. And because they went this route, things that I found charming or amusing about the show are now pretty disgusting and I can't enjoy them anymore. I feel bad for ever defending the show. I feel angry that I watched 29 episodes only for them to take a shit left turn at the end and ruin the entire god damn thing for me. Terrible.

Not trying to be rude or support people to get behind incest as a principle, but really what is the difference? I really wonder if you could give a non-religious reason why anyone should support one over the other. As the previous poster said people love who they love and who are we to tell them otherwise.

I predict soon after gays are allowed to marry, someone will challenge why relatives can't get married either. I mean I could see a brother/sister couple make just as much of a case as a homosexual couple on why they should be able to marry or why they are being discriminated against.
Not trying to be rude or support people to get behind incest as a principle, but really what is the difference? I really wonder if you could give a non-religious reason why anyone should support one over the other. As the previous poster said people love who they love and who are we to tell them otherwise.

I predict soon after gays are allowed to marry, someone will challenge why relatives can't get married either. I mean I could see a brother/sister couple make just as much of a case as a homosexual couple on why they should be able to marry or why they are being discriminated against.

Genetic deformities are the main reason. Your basically hardwired to not be attracted to your siblings as a result. A similar thing happens when you find yourself unable to fall for a close friend, as they are seen as a sibling to you.

The biggest problem with this series was they spent a lot of time trying to build up proper love interests,
only to throw the characters away or try to turn them into villains in order to pander to siscons.

As it stands, it's just a badly written story with unbelievable character motivations and plot armor. It reminds me a lot of Love hina, where the author spent too much time building up Mutsumi, and didn't have a real good reason for her not to win, so he retconned her backstory and then completely wrote her out of the series as a major character.

Interestingly, Love hina had an incest angle in later volumes, and well, it was resolved the way I hopped this one would be. Sadly, the author just wasn't a good enough story teller to do it.


Before S2 started, and before the novels had finished, I had a few theories as to where it could go.
1) Typical route: "You guys aren't related, one of you is adopted", just like the PSP game.
2) Crazy route: He gets with Ayase, only to somehow find out she's really his sister...somehow(They kinda look the same. They have the same hair). Deep depression ensues as Kyosuke realizes what's happened to him.
3) My ideal route, the "True Harem" route, where he pulls a Makoto and survives. Eventually starts an all in the family baseball team

BGBW, rpmurphy and now you. I respect you all very much as my friends, but it's unfortunate that we must stand so differently on this!
It can't be helped, I suppose.

Maybe I find her antics wildly hilarious because I know a real-life fujoshi. Who knows?


Before S2 started, and before the novels had finished, I had a few theories as to where it could go.

3) My ideal route, the "True Harem" route, where he pulls a Makoto and survives. Eventually starts an all in the family baseball team

Haha, such an admirable hope for the series!


2) Crazy route: He gets with Ayase, only to somehow find out she's really his sister...somehow(They kinda look the same. They have the same hair). Deep depression ensues as Kyosuke realizes what's happened to him.
This sounds deeply entertaining.
"Genetic deformities are the main reason. Your basically hardwired to not be attracted to your siblings as a result. A similar thing happens when you find yourself unable to fall for a close friend, as they are seen as a sibling to you. "

This doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me as there have been many examples incestuous couples throughout history, including royal families. Also many would argue that straight people are hardwired to be attracted to the opposite sex and that gay people are hardwired to like people of the same sex. Not everyone is wired the same.

Again Im not supporting incest as something we should encourage whatsoever, I just don't see why they shouldn't be able to get in on the whole freedom of marriage thing if they want to.

Just as a reference, as far as TV goes right now: Game of Thrones, The Borgias, Bates Motel, and to some extent Dexter all showcase incest as a theme and are being shown on American TV.
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