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1973 Japanese Magazine shows Big Daddy & Little Sister


So I looked up Lighthouse: The Dark Being and holy shit....

holy shit.

They're kidnapping the baby and escape through a portal ?
Which wiki was this taken from, Bioshock Infinite or Lighthouse: The Dark Being?

Also, just watched the ending to Lighthouse, and no, they're not the same.

I'm not saying he copied the whole game, I just said that there is some stuff in common between those games and that it looked fishy to me. Nothing else, just my opinion.

Also, you are being quite defensive over this matter. Chill out, nobody is taking the guy to the court, FFS.


I'm not saying he copied the whole game, I just said that there is some stuff in common between those games and that it looked fishy to me. Nothing else, just my opinion.

Also, you are being quite defensive over this matter. Chill out, nobody is taking the guy to the court, FFS.

This is a non comment, don't want to engage in discourse? Don't talk to me. Sorry that I don't like threads with non arguments and just hooting and hollering with no context applied or given.


Ok, now tell me that's only a coincidence.

it more than likely is, i just think its super funny.

now if it turned out the game's antagonist was also a parallel universe version of the protagonist or something then i dunno man thatd start to look fishy
Not exactly the same, but:

I think there's more to this than Ken is letting on.

Given the stupid amount of research done on this game to be period accurate, it's not unfeasible they looked at this magazine for source material for retro-futuristic designs...

I don't get what you're saying here. They based the game of Atlas Shrugged, so of course it's linked to that. The fact that the magazine is also somewhat similar to an image on the book, that was itself inspired by a greek myth means...?

If anyone was inspired by that magazine it was a random artist on the team, not Levine, the writer. If it had an influence he'd likely be totally unaware of it. But I still doubt it did.


Plot from wiki for "The Dark Being":
Once the player has explored the house, a snap is heard, and Amanda begins crying. When the player enters her room, the "Dark Being", described in Dr. Kricks journal, takes Amanda, and jumps through a portal. At this point, the Player can either follow him through, or use Dr. Krick's laboratory to construct their own portal. Either way, the player ends up on a rocky beach in a parallel world. Krick's notes on this make reference to the real physical concept of Godel's universe.

Bird man
Bird-man: a mechanical bird-human creature who guards the tools necessary to operate one of the devices in the alternate world.

The trolling part of Levine is that it makes sense with his multiverse theory lol

EDIT: and the portals/gateways are in a lighthouse

I don't know what to make of this, either a crazy coincidence or heavy inspiration
This is a non comment, don't want to engage in discourse? Don't talk to me. Sorry that I don't like threads with non arguments and just hooting and hollering with no context applied or given.

Don't worry, won't happen again after this post. Also, if you don't like the thread... just leave it? Nobody is forcing you to stay here.


Oh man, this thread got interesting.

I've got free time.

I'll watch a Lighthouse: The Dark Being walkthrough and see what the game is about, since, holy shit the villain walking through a portal and stealing a baby is seen as a big deal.

Don't worry, won't happen again after this post. Also, if you don't like the thread... just leave it? Nobody is forcing you to stay here.

Not liking a thread doesn't equal not wanting to post in it. Tons of good threads have gotten tarnished by bad posts in the past.
This thread is blowing my mind. What the fuck?

I find it even more disturbing if Levine (or the dev team as a whole) indeed didn't draw inspiration from these sources. Then it would be a bizzaro mindfuck coincidence at a whole other level. Some Cthulhu-sending-dreams type of shit.


Unrelated but I think it would be cool to see different developers take the same piece or artwork and try to build a universe around it to see how different the games would turn out.
This thread is blowing my mind. What the fuck?

I find it even more disturbing if Levine (or the dev team as a whole) indeed didn't draw inspiration from these sources. Then it would be a bizzaro mindfuck coincidence at a whole other level. Some Cthulhu-sending-dreams type of shit.

Are you serious? You're acting like ideas are unique or something.


maybe he read it when he was kid and forgot about it , or someone told him about this when he was kid , and forgot it
after many years , the ideas comeback to him as ( new idea ) ...maybe ?

this happen to me before , 2 years ago i told my friend a good idea for a game story
it was good
after a minute he told me he remember this story from something else, it was in old cartoon show in the 80s

Or perhaps he's a plagiarizing scumbag...you decide :) But on a serious note the coincidence, we'll should call it that until otherwise...is very cool. Forget Bioshock that image is amazing. Let's celebrate the artist!
Still not as blatant as Bungee borrowing Ringworld from Niven:




Not exactly the same, but:

I think there's more to this than Ken is letting on.

Given the stupid amount of research done on this game to be period accurate, it's not unfeasible they looked at this magazine for source material for retro-futuristic designs...

Are you seriously suggesting that somehow this cover illustration, which had only a passing resemblance to Atlas of mythological fame, somehow led to him choosing Ayn Rand's book as inspiration?

Seriously, walk through the possible thought process of how that works, because this is ridiculous.


TBH, I don't find it all that hard to believe that this is a coincidence. Stranger things have happened.

EDIT: LOL. Beaten to it :p... kinda.


For you.
Thats nothing, Donald Duck invented Minecraft

Donald Duck also did Inception first.

And Raiders of the Lost Ark opening.

And it also randomly discovered a molecule 20 years before science did it( a reminder that extremely specific coicidences can happen)

And Manga was inspired on Carl Bark's work.

Just a couple of duckfacts.


Unrelated but I think it would be cool to see different developers take the same piece or artwork and try to build a universe around it to see how different the games would turn out.

Its not quite the same idea, but Experiment 12 is series of 12 short games made by indie devs, where each continued where they thought the story was going without any input from the others. Essentially each chapter is its own self contained personal interpretation of the universe up to that that point.


Its not quite the same, but Experiment 12 is series of 12 short games made by indie devs, where each continued where they thought the story was going without any input from the others so each chapter is its own self contained personal interpretation of the universe up to that that point.

Played that last year.

Loved it, was in my top 10 games of last year.
Are you serious? You're acting like ideas are unique or something.

I'm exaggerating a bit in tone of the topic, but I only skimmed through the images and posts and I feel like someone just told me Chico=Quiet is actually true. That japanese mag image is hauntingly incredible to me, I'm loving it on many levels.
I could see the first image being a coincidence, but this:

Yeah. I have a hard time believing that that's a coincidence.

Also, from Lighthouse's Wikipedia page:
After turning on the power and entering, the player finds Amanda in her crib, alone. Once the player has explored the house, a snap is heard, and Amanda begins crying. When the player enters her room, the "Dark Being", described in Dr. Kricks journal, takes Amanda, and jumps through a portal. At this point, the Player can either follow him through, or use Dr. Krick's laboratory to construct their own portal. Either way, the player ends up on a rocky beach in a parallel world.


I don't believe him at all, and the "coincidences" are adding up, apparently. He answers as if he knew what went through the minds of every artist that worked on the game. He could be unaware of the...inspirations, but it doesn't mean they didn't exist.

Thief and System Shock.

Not really.
Thief had a lot of different people behind its creation. As for System Shock, he had nothing do with the first.


Holy mind fuck Batman! This thread is very interesting. Haven't even played Bioshock Infinite yet. The Jin Roh and Helghast imagery is staggering as well. Reminds me of a youtube video I found of middle eastern music which were all songs that producer Timbaland has been sampling from for at least a decade. Songs like Big Pimpin, Get your Freak on, and others are all originally middle eastern instrumentals.


Holy shit, the vitriol in this thread.

Not surprising. Japanese gaming fans have an inferiority complex at times.

The irony is that they're calling Levine a hack even though it's refreshing seeing the distinctive and wide ranging art direction Japanese pop art once had like this:

Before succumbing to an artistic, and stubborn hegemony like this:

I personally think the Big Daddy thing is a coincedence, but the Lighthouse one goes much deeper (plus, there is a much higher chance that Ken played that game compared to coming across a random Japanese magazine)


I could see the first image being a coincidence, but this:

Yeah. I have a hard time believing that that's a coincidence.

Also, from Lighthouse's Wikipedia page:

Watching the walkthrough right now, on part 2 of 10.

The thing that kidnaps the baby is a giant, naked imp that makes weird noises. The beach part is a beach with rocks and sand. Game looks like a different flavor of Myst graphically.
Nate Wells (who went to Naughty Dog and now Giant Sparrow) designed Big Daddies, and he's a cool guy who does a lot of research and thinking about his creations. I met him in a non professional capacity in 2007 shortly before BioShock was released, and we talked a little about all the old imagery he looked at to come to the final Big Daddy design. I'd be surprised if he hadn't come across this image or something like it, he's a hard-working designer who takes his work seriously.


If he were inspired by this, I'm not sure why he would deny it, only to say he was inspired by something else. I'm inclined to believe it's a coincidence. I know I've had ideas and then seen them practically come to life in other peoples' works. It's also entirely possible he or someone else on the design team saw that image before designing the Big Daddy/Little Sister and doesn't even realize it.

Sounds like a lot of people should go watch Everything is a Remix.
If he's never denied it or commented on it, it's not that crazy to suggest the idea that The Dark Being was maybe used as inspiration.
On the other hand I'll take him at his word though about the diver image because it's not that crazy a coincidence and he seriously has no reason to lie about it.

This is one of the early pieces of concept art for the "Rosie" model of Big Daddy, which seems to be very, very close to the image in the magazine in terms of base design (helmet is nearly identical):


It's a standard looking old fashioned diver helmet. I mean do we know what came first? Did the concept of a monster man and little girl come first? Was the little girl one idea and the monster man another? Was the monster man a diver because it was decided the game takes place in an underwater city? There's a million ways this could have happened.

I don't believe him at all, and the "coincidences" are adding up, apparently. He answers as if he knew what went through the minds of every artist that worked on the game. He could be unaware of the...inspirations, but it doesn't mean they didn't exist.

The coincidences are adding up? Even if it was proven that inspiration came from The Dark Being that doesn't automatically invalidate his comments on the discussion of the diver image. It's not an all or nothing proposition.
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