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After E3, how do you feel about the future of VR?


PSVR owner here.
I am very positively surprised. I was not believing that a game like Skyrim will be released for the platform.
Give me VR ports of some of my favourite games and I will buy them full price, no questions asked. This is what I wanted VR to do for me - to transport me to worlds I always wanted to be "in".


The only PSVR exclusive that I would really love to play is The Inpatient. The rest of the games don't even come close to being called system sellers and some titles like DOOM VR with teleportation instead of actual movement only made me laugh. I never planned to buy the VR unit and it's not going to change anytime soon.


Bit of a long post, sorry. tl;dr: less negative take on E3 and more so the future of VR than OP and some posters.

Thread might have been well-intentioned, but hardly surprising to see it being used as a stick to beat VR with once again by a certain segment who will lilkely never accept or be convinced by the medium. Oh well! People clearly saw what they wanted to see at E3 in terms of VR. Anyone with more than a passing interest and watched more than a handful of pressers got to see masses of new VR content on the horizon.

Bethesda -- Ports and adaptations of older games, yes. But damn those are big games and given the install base for VR I'm very happy to see these. They're taking what they have/know and working back from there to re-engineer these titles, so the investment required is minimal in the grand scheme. OK, some will jeer and moan, but the reality is it could easily allow the next instalments of these and similar titles to come VR-ready out of the box. So that's big news IMO.

Ubisoft -- Transference looks interesting stuff, it's good they're demonstrating a desire to explore the further reaches of what VR can bring, not limited to just straight-up games. Can see why the appeal might not be there for anyone who isn't already invested in VR though. UBI have done more than most with simple stuff like Rabbids on daydream, a personal favourite Eagle Flight showing thrilling fast movement doesn't have to cause nausea on to Star Trek and Wolves multiplayer titles that Space Junkies will add to - they're not scaling back IMO, they're fully on board with VR, especially interested in VR as a multiplayer experience. Hope it continues when Vivendi swallows them up.

Sony -- Thought that, as with your post on the whole OP, this was a bit of a negative take. They showed a lot of weighty titles in the presser, really good stuff in the pre-show and there was more in the following week to fill in the details and add to what we know about other titles. Loud Ninja's list speaks volumes regarding what we've seen over the past weeks - I imagine most people in this thread speaking negatively didn't witness even half of those and wouldn't go out of their way to research them now as it'd interfere with their comfortable current opinion. Also, anyone never having experienced true VR would have difficulty seeing those clips and realising just how good some of them look to be.*asciishrug*

Microsoft -- OK, I'm not convinced anything is going to happen on this front until the next console generation, it hardly seems worth exploring a niche area of gaming on a console that is likely to remain low on install base as a small subset of the overall xb1 install. I think that's why we saw the Oculus exclusive title reworked for regular TV play, it was likely a done deal that needed to be reworked as they backed down from VR/AR plans (just my take, no evidence whatsoever). They should continue their engineering efforts in mixed reality, but have to focus on 1st party traditional games going forward 'cause the fans aren't going to accept seeing masses of effort thrown into AR/VR when 1st party isn't where it needs to be.

PS.VR is obviously the biggest seller so far, but all these companies are effectively working together to bring on the medium, they're not fierce rivals in the traditional sense during this phase. Sony are in the best position to break VR currently as consoles are an accepted livingroom device, but their offering is way too complex cabling-wise and in terms of setting up acceptable tracking, and has suffered with production/supply issues leading to not beening able to be marketed accordingly - or we could say it's managed to reach a potential audience without much in the way of required marketing effort, and we're told that's about to change. Have to wait and see how that works out, but in these early years I'm sure they're happy ticking over like this and learning what works and what doesn't. PS.VR is not a device they expect to go mainstream.

That we're little over half a year in on console side and we have the likes of Farpoint showing where peripherals like Aim can heighten the experience immeasurably (the game is fairly standard stuff without it, the experience with is next level stuff), RE7 showing a game doesn't have to be designed from the ground up to be VR-friendly and VR experiences don't have to limit themselves to 20 minute bursts, as with the upcoming Bethesda titles - not seeing much to worry about on that front. But I was never going to be a worrier, I bought in because I can afford to and because I want to experience the journey VR takes from as close to day #1 as it's possible (wish I could have been there for Oculus revisions then Vive). Some people have such a binary view though, I might game exclusively on it for a few days and for the rest of the month it sits there doing nothing, it's not like we're stuck with the HMDs on 24/7 and limited to only VR titles in isolation.

Some love to dismiss VR as a motion-control-like-fad or a 3D-like-fad, but the fact is it takes both those fads, multiplies their effectiveness together, negates many of their limitations and realises more of their true potential as it adds in its own magic: presence. You don't get to experience any of this by sticking your phone to your face, it's sad to see people write off the medium after doing so. Current hardware is far from perfect on any platform, but we're in the Atari 2600 era of VR (90s Vitruality and Virtual Boy didn't count). In a few years we'll be taking leaps to the NES and SNES iterations when we drop the cables and employ techniques such as foveated rendering. When the PlayStation, Dreamcast and Xbox of VR come, maybe a decade from now, that's when VR will be accepted and adopted on a grander scale. But this will happen, VR isn't getting dropped as a fad as it's real potential is far from explored.

So yea, I understand people saying the tech isn't there and it's not ready for the mass consumer - in the console space especially. But damn that doesn't mean it's any less incredible and truly impressive for many of those invested right now, and without this phase none of what comes later is possible. So you guys sat on the fence and not being convinced, years from now you can thank us enthusiasts who are all in and throwing our money not at the TV, but randomly into the virtual space extending before us (seriously, I've spent a lot on VR software!).

Sony has shown us VR can be social. UBI is showing us VR is multiplayer-friendly and can crossplay between not only manufacturer platforms but also beyond gaming ecosystems. Bethesda and Capcom are proving that some traditional games can be adapted for more immersion and future games could come with it built in day 1. And away from the massive corporations, small dev teams are doing exciting and amazing things by pioneering advances in gaming and storytelling. To shrug that off seems... blinkered.

So E3 wasn't ever going to be a time or place to convince non-believers, but what it offered was more than many realised and with VR being notoriously difficult to convey, maybe the annual press conf megashows wasn't really where we should have looked for it. That might change years from now as technologies and VR development evolves, maybe strapping a phone to the face will allow people to demo a little of the look and feel of VR titles more directly.

E3 has much to offer, VR is a tiny subset of it and needed some legwork to uncover, but as a whole, what VR has in store now vs what we knew a month ago can objectively be seen positively.


I was hoping for some new PSVR titles on Sony's stage, and I was positively surprised. They showed 2 games in pre-show, one port, one new, and 6 Titles in the main event, including some very solid entries like The Inpatient and Moss.

IMHO the only people that could have been completely disappointed of what was shown must be those expecting something among the lines of CoD or Destiny in VR. The market for that kind of budget is just not there, VR is not mass market like the console itself, but still deeply in enthusiast territory.

Smaller games are getting announced all the time before, during and after E3. Those are the ones you will have to look for in the mid term. If they are not for you, VR is (currently?) not for you. But VR is not dwindling at all.
The only PSVR exclusive that I would really love to play is The Inpatient. The rest of the games don't even come close to being called system sellers and some titles like DOOM VR with teleportation instead of actual movement only made me laugh. I never planned to buy the VR unit and it's not going to change anytime soon.

There are plenty of different exclusives and multiplatforms right now for the system(announced or existed). For all tastes.

If you don't like platform, horror, adventure, racing, sport, fps, multiplayer arena, social, puzzle, strategy, shooting, sci-fi, flight simulation action games etc. Maybe you don't like games at all.
it was obvious from the first Oculus prototype that VR is still just a pathetic gimmick. who the hell wants to wear a ridiculous looking box on their heads? have we forgotten Virtual Boy already? VR is 100% trash, made only for anti-social nerds who hate the sun. is FIFA on VR? no. is COD fully playable in VR? no. there are no real games on VR, just tech demos. it's dead and buried, deal with it, "GAF".

seriously though i'm jumping in next week with PSVR, i've heard enough good things about it. and there's a lot i want to play on it already like RE7 (of course), Statik (most interesting puzzle game i've seen in years), Rez Infinite, Thumper.. that Star Wars space mission i have to experience even if it's just 10-15min.


As a Day1 PSVR owner I'm pretty blown away. I was close to selling my headset because the last couple of months felt kind of quiet. E3 however has completely reversed that. Plenty of great games (either new or ported) are coming and I'm very glad and excited. People who aren't impressed probably didn't have much interest in the first place. Overall e3 was a disappointment in terms of Megatons, so the reassuring VR support has been my personal highlight this year.
its still too expensive for me to care

Still 0 interest in VR. It just doesn't bother me at all.

I always find it funny how whenever a VR thread is made, there are always people who want it to die or apparently have no interest in VR, yet they still have enough interest to click on the thread and tell us.

Genuine question, What is it that is not interesting to you about VR ? Is it the price or something else ?

Also have you even tried it ? Because I know a lot of people that were saying that before trying it but changed their mind after they had.
The only thing I'm interested in right now is Star Trek: Bridge Commander, but that game seems to be lacking any depth at the moment.

I'll definitely be more interested in the tech when it becomes more affordable for me. I can't drop $600 on a setup without it really hurting my wallet atm. When the price comes down to significantly more affordable levels, and good games are plentiful, I'll be more than happy to jump on board.


I've yet to have someone dismissing vr convince me it's not because they're poor and can't afford it lol. Everyone I've demoed it to have been blown away.

Anyway, I thought some great stuff was shown off at e3; certainly enough to fill the gaps between major non-vr releases!

I returned my headset because I knew it would be a dust collector. It's a neat novelty and that's about it.

So now you've met someone who can buy a headset for every room of his house and just flat out thinks it's not great


I've been on here for 10+ years and never in a post have I been trolling, and I am not trolling now. You could say my opinion is different than yours, and you having a different opinion is fine. I bought into a HMZ-T1 helmet which was super expensive believing in 3D, and I ain't gonna make the same jump towards these new VR helmets, especially not when I can't find a single full experience that would entice me other than Resident Evil 7.

To me, VR is not the future, and it is like the 3D "fad", so nothing's different. You can agree to disagree.

Well, Sony didn't necessarily forget about 3D either. Though that headset you mentioned happens to be in the same ballpark pricing of the PSVR headset on Amazon( 400 to 500), they put out an update for PSVR to also support 3d in its cinema mode so you can literally have best of both worlds, if you like. It just evolved.


They need to find a way to improve the control scheme. I do not really like "jumping" through the enviroment, or using the analog stick to move my character while my body is still (it gives me a good headache in first person games, which are the majority of games for VR) or owning a big room only for VR.

Maybe add a gadget that can let you walk (I tried one in an expo, your character moved while you were walking and making sound on the platform) and make the movement more natural, but right now it feels limited.


Well, Sony didn't necessarily forget about 3D either. Though that headset you mentioned happens to be in the same ballpark pricing of the PSVR headset on Amazon( 400 to 500), they put out an update for PSVR to also support 3d in its cinema mode so you can literally have best of both worlds, if you like. It just evolved.
Reading that it seems like the 3D lacks depth which is concerning since the HMZ had the best 3D and depth on the market. It was really impressive so I need something of the same quality.

I also need games like Gran Turismo and Ace Combat to play in VR. I would love to play online races and the entire campaign as a pilot but it's not possible because they've once again limited it to "modes". And Doom also uses weird teleporting instead of analogue controls? What about Skyrim? Can that be played in 3D during the entire game with a controller?


VR has its uses. Too expensive for me, but I can only ever imagine it would be a useful/immersive tool for racing games for the time being. All of these shooters or adventure games where you point at where you want to move before teleporting there seem really jarring to me.


it was obvious from the first Oculus prototype that VR is still just a pathetic gimmick. who the hell wants to wear a ridiculous looking box on their heads? have we forgotten Virtual Boy already? VR is 100% trash, made only for anti-social nerds who hate the sun. is FIFA on VR? no. is COD fully playable in VR? no. there are no real games on VR, just tech demos. it's dead and buried, deal with it, "GAF".

I've read enough real GAF posts close to this that I did not catch on till more than half-way through.

I didn't pay too much attention to the VR showings this year at E3. As usual, the stuff truly pushing the boundaries are made by smaller devs that show up to the smaller shows. Sprint Vector looked neat as long as I can ensure nobody can see me while I'm playing it. I was honestly expecting Croteam to show off Sam 4 in VR, but I baselessly expect Sam every year.


Gold Member
I love VR. It's just not quite ready for prime time. Increase the field of view, 4K panel (2k per eye), 240Hrz and make it slightly lighter and you'll have the perfect VR experience.
I also need games like Gran Turismo and Ace Combat to play in VR. I would love to play online races and the entire campaign as a pilot but it's not possible because they've once again limited it to "modes". And Doom also uses weird teleporting instead of analogue controls? What about Skyrim? Can that be played in 3D during the entire game with a controller?

You can't call 15 Hours Of Gameplay for VR Ace Combat limited:p

Skyrim will use teleportation as well as free movement with controller.


You can't call 15 Hours Of Gameplay for VR Ace Combat limited:p

Skyrim will use teleportation as well as free movement.

15 hours of gameplay? Ace Combat 7's VR is limited to a single mode. So you can't play it in VR during online battles or through the single player campaign.

Nice to know I can play the entirety of Skyrim with a controller though.

(edit) Okay, this sounds really nice:

”There's going to be a deep story, similar to the one you had in the previous Ace Combat games. It's going to be a very deep story that's set in the strange-real universe. Strange-real is a term coined by the fans for the alternative universe that Ace Combat is set in. It's strange because it has a different history and continents but it's real because we've got real world aircraft over here, that are recreated in very high fidelity,"

I might jump in around PlayStation 5, but they really need to improve the technology and game developers need to come forward and support it even more, and that'll take a very long time.
15 hours of gameplay? Ace Combat 7's VR is limited to a single mode. So you can't play it in VR during online battles or through the single player campaign.

Nice to know I can play the entirety of Skyrim with a controller though.

I edit my last post with a link. I don't know about online battle tbh.
Reading that it seems like the 3D lacks depth which is concerning since the HMZ had the best 3D and depth on the market. It was really impressive so I need something of the same quality.

I also need games like Gran Turismo and Ace Combat to play in VR. I would love to play online races and the entire campaign as a pilot but it's not possible because they've once again limited it to "modes". And Doom also uses weird teleporting instead of analogue controls? What about Skyrim? Can that be played in 3D during the entire game with a controller?

I had Sony HMZ-T3. It was a terrible device due to comfort issues and screen door effect, so I returned it after a few weeks. PSVR is a much better device on both counts. 3D looks about the same on both devices with less pronounced SDE on PSVR. Granted, it has been a while since I have used HMZ, and it never impressed me much with its 3D depth. I think that a traditional 3D tv is better if you are looking for that.


I had Sony HMZ-T3. It was a terrible device due to comfort issues and screen door effect, so I returned it after a few weeks. PSVR is a much better device on both counts.

I had no issue with screen door effect. And if you bought extra equipment you could make the comfort better but I agree that it had serious comfort issues. It was hell to wear on your head. The screen itself was magnificent and the best quality I've ever seen. No ghosting, deep blacks, and no other stupid screen effects. It was better than any other tv screen on the market. The 3D was insanely impressive and obviously better than the 3D glasses most got from buying 3DTVs.


Plane Escape Torment
VR will never properly take off until locomotion is solved, by solved I mean figuring out a way to transition natural human movement into the game without teleporting or other disruptive non-natural shortcuts.


Who said after E3 VR will take off?
. Eventually it will get there.
Vive is the best there is right now, in my opinion. Everyone I have shown it to, has been blown away. I do believe some new breakthroughs have to happen for that next big leap for VR. I don't know when that is, but I do believe it will eventually come.
I've tried Oculus and PSVR sorry Vive :(

And although I had a good time with both I wouldn't even consider investing in the platform until the prices come down a bit and more importantly they are using wireless headsets.

Im happy to wait it out until that point but I don't know if VR will grow during that time or fade away.


The floor is VR.

Also, I really, really, really need to get a decent setup to play Elite Dangerous, Dirt and even American Truck Simulator.
We're at the stage where it's probably safe to assume that the dedicated VR headsets are going to be nowhere near the magic mark of selling 10 million units in a year combined. Hell, I'll be surprised to see the PSVR reach 3 million in its first 12 months. Subsequently, sub-Vita sales will result in sub-Vita support.
(PSVR owner) Before E3 I already had about 6 games in my wishlist that I plan to buy at some point. That's after buying about 8 games since I got the headset. Some I have really enjoyed others less so, but for the most part my lack of time is to blame for not playing them all more. Post E3 -- impressed with the volume and variety of games announced. Not sure if I will pay $70 to play Skyrim again but since I didn't get the DLC I'm considering it. Also not certain I want to wave a sword around so much or draw an arrow back to fire 10000 times but maybe there will be options to avoid that fatigue.

Most anticipated game for me is Bravo Team. There are not enough non-horror/fantasy shooters on the platform yet and after playing Farpoint I definitely see the potential for some serious gunplay.

E3 somewhat reinforced for me that I made the right decision going with PSVR all thing considered. It seems like there will continue to be 2-4 games out per month between ports and PSVR originals and I'm fine with that.

Overall I already own or plan on buying enough announced games to keep me going for another couple years and then who knows what the headsets will look like. PSVR is serving its intended purpose for me. A decently supported first wave device that continues to show me the potential for what's to come with enough baseline quality to the experience that I don't feel ripped off at all.


it was obvious from the first Oculus prototype that VR is still just a pathetic gimmick. who the hell wants to wear a ridiculous looking box on their heads? have we forgotten Virtual Boy already? VR is 100% trash, made only for anti-social nerds who hate the sun. is FIFA on VR? no. is COD fully playable in VR? no. there are no real games on VR, just tech demos. it's dead and buried, deal with it, "GAF".
Holy shit, reading this first part, I was like damn...lay the hate on even thicker. Reading some of the posters in this thread was making me boil, and then ending at this was going to make me EXPLODE!

seriously though i'm jumping in next week with PSVR, i've heard enough good things about it. and there's a lot i want to play on it already like RE7 (of course), Statik (most interesting puzzle game i've seen in years), Rez Infinite, Thumper.. that Star Wars space mission i have to experience even if it's just 10-15min.

But then I read further, and it immediately dissipated lol Very good Keyboard Warrior acting, sir. Glad you're going to be a part of the team. It's glorious :)
I had no issue with screen door effect. And if you bought extra equipment you could make the comfort better but I agree that it had serious comfort issues. It was hell to wear on your head. The screen itself was magnificent and the best quality I've ever seen. No ghosting, deep blacks, and no other stupid screen effects. It was better than any other tv screen on the market. The 3D was insanely impressive and obviously better than the 3D glasses most got from buying 3DTVs.

I am a big 3D enthusiast. My primary 3D tv was Panasonic ZT60 65 inch plasma, and I preferred it to HZM-T3 by a long shot. I now have Samsung JU7100, which has pretty good 3D as well once calibrated. I tried 3D on PSVR. It is good and better than HMZ, but I prefer traditional 3D tv still.


There are plenty of different exclusives and multiplatforms right now for the system(announced or existed). For all tastes.

If you don't like platform, horror, adventure, racing, sport, fps, multiplayer arena, social, puzzle, strategy, shooting, sci-fi, flight simulation action games etc. Maybe you don't like games at all.

Maybe I don't like short and overpriced mini-games packs and tech demos. That leaves me with indies which I can play without investing in VR.


Really interested to know how many people hating on VR have even tried it. Because I have never once shown it to someone and had them come away disappointed, and I've demoed it to at least 15 people.

And no, Gear VR doesn't count. Without positional tracking you're basically just watching a 360 video.
Driveclub VR still one of the best experiences I have had in VR. Wipeout should be ported over with a cockpit view, it would work very well.

I worry it is a fad, Sony don't seem to be doing much now for VR
Still seems like a fad to me, even it becomes a huge gaming phenomenon it still won't interest me. Rather just play on a 1080p screen with 144+fps.


Feel like it has no future. The closest thing VR got to a killer app was Resident Evil 7 and even that game was primarily bought by people not for VR reasons.

VR needed a Mario 64-like killer app/experience to have massive sales and word of mouth and that never came, now it's been out for a while and it's pretty much out of mind/out of sight and I doubt it ever really recovers.

If something absolutely amazing comes out for it that changes the way we view VR currently it might have a chance, but I've seen nothing on the horizon or from current previews that gives me any hope VR is anything but a fad that's already come and is dying a slow death.


VR is, was, and always will be a niche product. I honestly don't see anything that's a must have title coming out for any VR platform for years.
As somebody with PSVR and limited access to a Vive very positive. The game library is continuing to grow as it has been doing but now with more games on the horizon that are catered more to my tastes and exploring areas I think are fascinating.

I'm happy to see there are still many games that are catered to those like me who can handle the high octane side of VR with no problems and that there are lots of games in development for those who can't. Both types looking great fun.

As an aside locomotion in everything I have played has been perfect for me so if developers include it I'm happy. I also enjoy teleportation as long as they allow me to go as fast as I want because it feels like Dishonoured and quickly zip about the place faster than with standard locomotion and why I think Doom VFR will be better with it. Teleportation that is slow or has a slight cool down is boring.
I have tried the Vive only of the headsets on the market. It was amazing and so many fun games both on Steam and places like itch.io.

Will not be buying one before its A: Wireless B: Cheaper. So probably a couple of years down the line.


OP, I would not say that goalposts have moved. But rather, the collection of software titles still is not there yet.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
Very positive.

VR (both vive and PSVR) has been worth every penny thus far. More content than me (or my wallet) have the ability to get through. And now we have a good amount of really meaty experiences to dig into.

VR is just getting started.


I didn't expect so many games from big publishers. Against last year, which most were experiences and not full games, this is awesome.

Bethesda and PlayStation even did a bigger segment on VR.

I didn't watch others conferences tho.


Driveclub VR still one of the best experiences I have had in VR. Wipeout should be ported over with a cockpit view, it would work very well.

I worry it is a fad, Sony don't seem to be doing much now for VR

Huh? Plenty of examples in this thread showing that they ARE doing a lot for VR. Did you not read the thread?
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