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Anyone else think Starfox 64 is not nearly as good as Starfox original?

aztrex said:
Oh, one more thing, I didn't like the incredible 'camp' vibe throughout. The beyond-lame voice acting first and foremost. But when you were playing Star Fox on the SNES, did you not feel an over-arching sense of dread? Yes, the game had a sense of humor to it, but to me, it had more urgency throughout. The voice acting in Star Fox 64 didn't match what the characters were going through and for that reason among others I think it failed to live up to the drama of the battles in the first game.
I consider the voice acting in Star Fox 64 to be one cases in video games :lol

They never got Fox's voice right after SF64, and probably never will.


Honestly I'd love to see a remake of this on 3DS.

I don't even expect like redone textures/models so much as up the resolution, lock the framerate at 60 FPS, and add analog support.

That right there would be amazing.
I love the original, but StarFox 64 is in my top 10 games ever list. There was barely a bad level in the game and what with the Landmaster tank, submarine and all range mode stages it did a great job of keeping things varied throughout. Many didn't like the tank levels I know, but I enjoyed them. Infact, Macbeth is probably my favourite level in the game. The whole train theme for the level was genius, as was the switch flipping idea to make the train crash. The 'all range mode' was another thing some didn't like but what with the 'Independance Day stage' and the StarWolf battles the also provided some of the games better moments. I loved the scoring system too and is one of very few games I've played over and over to get 100% on. The scoring system also meant the game itself didn't need to be that hard as the gold medals provided the challenge for the hardcore gamer (much like say, getting 100 on each level in Yoshi's Island) while players with lesser ability could see all of the game. I myself never even saw the final level on the Hard route in the SNES original.

SNES StarFox music was incredible though, that ending theme is still one of my favourite pieces of video game music ive ever heard.




Star Fox 64 was my first Star Fox game. The original never looked very interesting to me, and it was out of my genre comfort zone. The only reason I got SF64 was because of Nintendo Power's coverage of it, showing off all of the powerups and stuff like that. I played it so much when I got it; I really loved it. After that, I went back and played Star Fox and I just don't like it very much. I think it might primarily be the controls that are the issue, though.

I will agree with you on one point, however: the all-range mode levels are crap, and I dread them whenever I go to replay the game. :|
Never played the original. Absolutely loved Starfox 64. The only thing I didn't like was having to start at the beginning each time, but I'm guessing it added more to the arcade feel. Or whatever.


How dare you.

I don't remember much about the first Starfox. I played Starfox 64 enough that I once very nearly had the entire game committed to memory. Starfox 64 is one of a kind classic.


I hated the original StarFox as a kid. I found it to be too difficult and didn't like the visuals. I think I may have rented it from a local rental store a total of 2 times. I was hyped for StarFox 64 though. Mainly due to the Nintendo Power coverage and was really excited by the Rumble Pak. I was grinning ear to ear the first time my cousins and I sat down and played multiplayer. It was great. Then I went one to buy my own copy and unlocked everything in the game. I absolutely loved it.
Starfox 64 was the only Starfox I would generally consider a very good game. There are really no levels I went "eh... please end soon."

I didn't like Adventures, and Assualt was a good step, but there were too many long ground missions. No on rails land master levels was also sad.

Command was flat out boring. Every level felt like the same level every single time.

I couldn't get past level 1 in the original Starfox. It might have been because I wasn't used to an SNES controller, but I had a hard time seeing things and dodging them. If there was a game that needed 3D, it was Starfox, just to improve the contrast of enemy to background.

Also kind of funny, but Starfox 64 is a psudo-remake of Starfox, and now Starfox 64 is being remade on the 3DS. So Starfox 64 3DS is a remake of a remake of the original Starfox.


I've always loved the original more. I think the music has something to do with it, but I was also never really fond of the alternate Arwing modes in Starfox64.


Wow so much hate for Starfox 64 here, it blows my mind!

Starfox was surely a good game for the SNES and build the bases for the Starfox franchise. Brilliant gameplay and musics (I miss the original Corneria theme, and the Out of this dimension/slot machine/black holes themes :) ) and this with minimal polygon number :)

But Starfox 64 is the game that really established the franchise, and more than that, the game that make us beging for a decent sequel for years, just search the too many GAF threads about that!

All the aspects of Starfox have been improved with Starfox 64. Ok some music themes are missing, but hell the replay value was huge (McBeth train level! Starwolf! Bill & Katt teams!). I am also ok with the submarine and landmaster levels. Variety is a really good thing, and a rare thing. I can't wait for the 3DS version, I hope they are making some improvements with the multiplayer and maybe a good save system. :D


revolverjgw said:
The only thing Starfox 1 has on Starfox 64 is badass muthafuckin' music. Why did N64 midi always sound so wheezy and bassless?
That's because the SNES had a dedicated Audio Processor (and one of the best available at the time) whilst the 64 didn't.

On topic, I love Lylat Wars but haven't played the original yet (not for long then 10 minutes at least) so I can't really comment.
Segata Sanshiro said:
I actually have an even more controversial opinion about the series.

I like StarFox Command more than 64, too :p

Come on, Im one of the little amount of people that liked A LOT Command but its nowhere as good as 64.
But I would love that things like mutliple ships with differnt stats and characters can be implemented to the Super and 64 formula to make the best Starfox game ever, making the replayabilty mutliply by a hundred.

Why would you do that? said:
Well, a lot of people call Starfox 64 a re-imagining of the original (I don't know why... Maybe someone officially said it?) so I can see why you would think that.

Nope, 64 is a re-imagining of Starfox 2 without the tactics map (characters, story and some of the ideas). Although Command is the real Starfox 2 successor.

balladofwindfishes said:
Also kind of funny, but Starfox 64 is a psudo-remake of Starfox, and now Starfox 64 is being remade on the 3DS. So Starfox 64 3DS is a remake of a remake of the original Starfox.

Thats not true, see my above message.


starfox 64 is the better game but the original has it's own charm. the music and some sound effects in the original are better overall but the 64 had some good tunes. there were some very atmospheric tracks in the 64 game but the main issue was the n64's inability to give the music that oomph it needed.

one thing the snes game had was fucked up animal designs. they creeped my out, especially the feet. i always wondered if they were robots...


Nope, 64 is a re-imagining of Starfox 2 without the tactics map (characters, story and some of the ideas). Although Command is the real Starfox 2 successor.

its not a re-imagining of starfox 2. few elements were taken from the snes game (having starwolf team & freeroam levels) im happy nintendo canned starfox 2, horrible game imo.

if we ever get a true sequel to the series i really hope nintendo scraps the shit that was done to the story post SF64. peppy>krystal.


Can't let you post that, OP. This thread is filled with COCKY LITTLE FREAKS. Star Fox 64's enemy is my enemy.


big_z said:
starfox 64 is the better game but the original has it's own charm. the music and some sound effects in the original are better overall but the 64 had some good tunes. there were some very atmospheric tracks in the 64 game but the main issue was the n64's inability to give the music that oomph it needed.

one thing the snes game had was fucked up animal designs. they creeped my out, especially the feet. i always wondered if they were robots...


had a dream with that creepy motherfucker in it as a child.


I didn't know that people thought StarFox 64 was the better game.

To be frank I've never played it. I was just about to start getting into Virtual Console when reports started popping up about people with broken Wiis losing everything they've ever bought.


No I like Starfox 64 way more. It's the pinacle of the series and I palyed the game way too much for my own good.


It may not be a better game but I definitely like the first game more. At the time, the tech blew my mind which definitely didn't happen with 64. Better music, no boring free-range mode, no shitty voices.
Fraid not. It's like saying SMB1 is better than Super Mario World - SMB1 is an awesome game that lays the foundation for a bigger, expanded world where there's more to do and more ways to do it.
I used to own Starfox for SNES when I was little. I didn't really like it, and I sold it... I really regret doing that now, and I've only played Starfox 64 for, like, 5 minutes total. Then I bought Starfox Command. Terrible game, and I swore off the series.

I guess Starfox 64 3DS is a good place to start when giving this franchise a second chance.
Segata Sanshiro said:
I'm with you, friend, though we may well be standing virtually alone.

Fuck yeah. Not to mention the absolute tragedy of abandoning Hajime Hirasawa's soundtrack for the shit they put in Star Fox 64.


Wow, I can see why people prefer the SNES soundtrack over the N64 one, but I didn't think it was bad. Except for the goddamn between levels theme. That song can go to hell and die.

But overall, it's hard to pick one over the other. Star Fox had a better setup as far as picking a path and having three completely unique experiences, better music and atmosphere. But Star Fox 64 controls and plays so much better 99% of the time. It's so hard for me to go back to the original when it runs at like 15 FPS and is so unresponsive.

Azure J

Hmm, you know I've never actually gone back and checked out the differences between SF & SF64 but looking at that comparison in the OP is really interesting. I love StarFox 64 to death, I've probably played that game more hours in my life than I'd be proud to admit. That being said, I can appreciate SF classic equally for trying so many different and varied things.

Dragona Akehi said:
Fuck yeah. Not to mention the absolute tragedy of abandoning Hajime Hirasawa's soundtrack for the shit they put in Star Fox 64.

You know, I always see lot of people going to these lengths to describe the quality of compositions between SF & SF64 and a lot of the time, I'm there saying to myself "...but Starfox 64 had awesome music." I guess that just goes to show that the composers on those two games, while different as night and day, were pretty damn good at what they did for those two entries.


Rolling Girl
AzureJericho said:
You know, I always see lot of people going to these lengths to describe the quality of compositions between SF & SF64 and a lot of the time, I'm there saying to myself "...but Starfox 64 had awesome music." I guess that just goes to show that the composers on those two games, while different as night and day, were pretty damn good at what they did for those two entries.
I'm with you on this one. I've never heard anyone complain about StarFox64's soundtrack before this. The voices I can kinda see even though I love them, but the music was part of the reason I got really immersed in the game.


InfiniteNine said:
I'm with you on this one. I've never heard anyone complain about StarFox64's soundtrack before this. The voices I can kinda see even though I love them, but the music was part of the reason I got really immersed in the game.

I like the soundtrack in StarFox 64, but nothing really stands out... I remember every song in Star Fox 1 distinctly, but usually it takes me listening to stuff in SF64 to be like "hey, I remember that"


I'm right there with you. Starfox 64 is garbo COMPARED to the first one. Music alone does it for me. Can't stand that terrible N64 midi sound.


I loved both but I'd say Starfox 64 is the better one. I wish Nintendo would make a proper Starfox game again, not one with shit on-foot missions but a pure on-rails one.



0G M3mbeR
This thread is actually news to me. I thought it was the general consensus for years that StarFox is better then StarFox 64...

Secret Slot machine level > all.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I disagree (except on music), but is there any Star Fox game after 64 that plays anything like Star Fox 64/1?


Get Inside Her!
Tag quote.

Both are just so good, why must we fight.

Though: the original Star Fox has probably one of the best soundtracks ever and it is a certifiable tragedy that it was all but abandoned as the series continued on.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
I agree completely. I was brutally disappointed back in the day by Starfox 64. It didn't feel like a real Starfox game.

The music was a different composer and utterly inferior to the spooky, innovative, spacey soundtrack of the original.

The level design was boring with less emphasis on navigating abstract floating structures.

The lack of Argonaut involved with the game was painfully apparent. Starfox was never just a Nintendo game, but a combination effort.

And yes, the stupid system of unlocking the better levels was just dumb.

The original Starfox was virtually a flawless game, IMHO - one of the greatest of all time. No game since then has ever come close to it, tho I attribute 64's insane reverence to the power of the N64 to blow away Nintendo Kids (of which I was one, yes) with anything on it.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
I've always preferred the original.

The release of that game was one of the biggest ever, for me. I can't even express to you how hyped I was for it and it TOTALLY delivered on every level.


Personally I grew up with Starfox 64, so it's hard to beat in my mind. I went straight from NES (got at a garage sale) when I was 6 to N64 when I was 8 so I didn't play Starfox for SNES until several years after. Purely on the basis of nostalgia (but beyond that I really still enjoy Starfox 64) it'd be hard to me to agree with you OP but Starfox original definitely looks fantastic and sounds fantastic and was really groundbreaking for its time.
Darklord said:
omg :lol the dog looks so angry


Why would you do that? said:
3 reasons why I don't think Starfox 64 is as good as the original.

1. Shift of focus from dodging junk to gaining combos. Starfox has you dodging junk all the time. [video] It's fun and frantic. Starfox 64 has less of that and more shooting for high combos.

2. All-Range Mode. Also shows a much bigger focus on shooting instead of dodging and skillfully flying. All-Range Mode is something that flight sim lovers would probably like, but I really dislike flying around in a small arena, destroying the same enemies over and over.

3. Weird conditions for exploring different levels. Starfox was great. Choose Course 1, 2, or 3, each of which has a different difficulty and 6 or 7 completely different levels. Starfox 64 starts you off at the same level all the time, and finding the conditions to branch to other levels is often weird. (Make sure Falco doesn't die and then fly under 7 arches to move to a good level? Weird.)

Those are the three big, important reasons why Starfox 64 really disappointed me.

Some other things about original Starfox that I believe were better:

Bosses. Not including the all-range mode bosses, Starfox 64 had some pretty great bosses. However, Starfox's bosses were more imaginative [two-headed fire-breathing robot dinosaur!] and also had you relying on dodging enemy fire as well as their physical bodies [like this spider boss].

Music. Starfox 64 has some good tunes, but nothing like the original's Fortuna, its boss theme, Titania, its boss theme, Macbeth, its boss theme, Venom Surface, and other boss themes.

So yeah... Does anyone else think Starfox original is a whole lot better than Starfox 64? If not, then what do you like about Starfox 64?
Did I just step back in time, what is this, 1997/1998?

I love both Star Foxes for different reasons, I cannot choose which is better. But Starfox 64 has a lot of fond memories of my adolescent years, and the original of my even younger years.

The music in the original is fucking untouchable.

Starfox 64, I just remember playing the fuck out of that game during the summertime.
I actually had this conversation last week with my friends, where I said the original can't be touched and they said 64 was way better. I definitely love me some SF64, it's an excellent game, but there is something about the original that makes it more fun to play for me. I think the OP did a good job of detailing the qualities of the original.

I always thought the landmaster stages in 64 were great, the submarine was not quite as much fun but still enjoyable. The one awful thing about 64 as others have said is the free range fighting, as it is more annoying than anything else. The original's focus on flying and shooting makes it more fun for me to play.
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