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Are you ashamed of being a gamer/nerd in public?


Nerds get nowhere in live
After reading this thread I could bash some nerds right now. I got to get it out of my system.
38, family guy, and not ashamed, although I earned an evil eye from the ticket inspector this morning when I told her I'd show my ticket AFTER I finish the Esses on Suzuka circuit (GT on PS Vita). I mean, what was I supposed to do, pause the game in the middle of an S-Rank race???


Recently turned 30, I regularly wear game related stuff in my free time, but only people who are in the know anyways recognize it as such.

No one has ever recognized a Giant Bomb member tee, or my (Destiny) Nepal earthquake relief shirt.

Then again, I'm weirded out by a) the part of the world people apparently live in where anyone gives a fuck about a NES controller t-shirt and b) people seriously giving a fuck about what people think.


Not really, I play my handhelds on the train ect.

On the other hand i don't talk with people who don't game about games. Not because i'm amashamed of it but because it makes for really bad conversation.


I don't purposely push my love for games into conversations. I'm in no way ashamed of it, but I rarely talk about it around the people my wife and I hang out with because they don't care for that sort of thing.

Now if I find other coworkers who like to game we will blabber on about it without caring who listens in on the conversation.

Also, I only wear videogame or micro brew shirts to the gym. Gotta represent.


not really, my main core of friends know i'm a big fan of gaming, one of them is also a big fan but a bum so hasn't actually got anything new since like 2007 or something

work crowd, i've said it to them but they're all about fifa and that's it nothing else so the rest doesn't even register with them

i do play my vita/3ds on the train in and from work though without an issue... except the duke nukem game mainly cuz the potential nudity (i've no clue if there is nudity just taking a sound guess)


Of course not. Why would you be ashamed of a hobby you enjoy and are passionate about? If someone thinks you're weird or awkward because of your hobby, that has nothing to do with you.

Gaming is more mainstream that it has ever been. We saw Madison Square Garden sold out for the LCS NA championship just this week. For every guy out there with a Zelda shirt he's embarrassed to wear, there's ten more going to events, gaming in public, making friends through games and enjoying themselves.


eh, I hate the term gamer. Have been playing games, importing etc since I could remember and have owned probably every console in between but still dont consider myself a gamer.

suppose it's the same as I'm also play on PC but don't consider to be part of the master race, find it obnoxious.

I think what put me off is the people. I was working for GAME ( UK ) for about 5 years whilst studying and just around the time I was leaving they bought Gamestation ( second biggest gaming store in the UK ). I was in a gamestation talking to one of their staff and told them because they didnt know about it as the news wasnt official yet, He told me I was a liar, and that I was an idiot because gamestation is a store for gamers and he would never work for GAME because he was 'a real gamer'.... Obviously I couldnt stop laughing because 2 days later the official announcement came out and the thought of him having his real gamer tantrum at work made me laugh.

It wasn't just that either, real gamers were always the worst shoppers. You could easily tell the difference between people who love games and the ones who call them selves gamers and those ones were absolute idiots. If you come into a shop and tell the girl behind the counter that she doesnt know anything about world of warcraft because she only has a level 7 mage then you are a dick. ( I did just make up the level 7 mage bit as I dont play wow so no idea how it works, you get the idea though ) If you insist that you read online a certain game was last minute cancelled and continually tell me we wont get stock that week but 30 copies of it are under the counter ready to go on the shelves and continue to insist I was lying, you are an idiot.

The irony of the girl was that she went on to work for a major games studio....and I know that the gamer who was often rude to her about games still visits the same shop annoying the new staff, 10 years later.

Unfortunately these people were more prominent then the nice people who just loved games, liked having a chat and were always courteous to staff.

So it's not that I dont think of myself as someone who plays and loves games and it will also be part of my life but the stereotype of gamer and people I have met make me disassociate myself from the social aspect of gaming


Nope never hide my love for video games and often spend all day in work talking about them.

I'm lucky in the fact that my office has quite a young work force so, despite me being 35, I work with a lot of 20-25 year old's who all seem to game in some capacity.

It was my father who first introduced me to gaming 31 years ago and he played and loved games until he passed away a decade ago. I'll always be grateful to him for the time we spend together and the connection that video games gave us. So if anyone asks if I'm a gamer my usual response is to proudly say: " No I'm a huge gamer... oh and a massive anime/fantasy movie nerd"


I'm more bothered by the fact that everyone expects me to like sports and talk about them all the time. They do exactly what I try to avoid: talk about my hobby to people that don't care about it.

So in my eyes they're the geeks that won't shut up about their silly footballs


I most definitely am not. Some may call me weird to my face but hey, it's what I like, so I don't take offense at those kind of comments, I just smile and move on. Everyone has passions and hobbies, no need to feel ashamed by a part of who you are.


I'm 36, happily married with a wife and kid, and use a handheld on my train to work practically every day. I get no different reaction whether I'm toying with a phone, 3DS, Vita, kindle, ipod, tablet or laptop.

Once people are adults, they stop caring. Everyone is shattered or concentrating on something else, and when half the train is fiddling with a little black gadget nobody notices that yours has tiny little sticks on it. People who don't follow games have no idea what a Vita even is.

I don't tend to play games at bus stops etc, but that's mainly because I prefer being a bit more alert in the street, than on a commuter train where everyone is relaxing (or trying to). Every so often someone else will sit at my table with a handheld, and we exchange a thin smile (or occasionally a streetpass!) before minding our own business. Maybe that's just the UK, where the concept of interrupting another passenger to talk to them (or even to wake them up and check their ticket sometimes!) is a social faux-pas, let alone doing so to mock them!

I think I used to care about this stuff when i was a teenager, but only because other teenagers could be dicks about it in my home town.
Ashamed? Not really. But I don't go out of my way to say that I am a gamer. It's a personal hobby and pastime which I don't like sharing with other people other than my immediate family.


In the general public it's fine. But being an 'anything outwardly unacceptable' in the medical profession doesn't really slide.

But you know; I have colleagues who are gamers and it's fine but not to everyone.
I played Project Diva 2nd once on my way to college. People next to me looked at me with a bit of disgust. Now I just play this at home :)

But no, I am not ashamed...

yes I am
Nope, because

1) life is way too short to let your life revolve around what other people think about you

2) past experiences have shown me that those very same people who judge me for playing my 3DS in public or wearing a videogame shirt all have an equally "embarrassing" (if not moreso) pasttime.

If I had a penny for every time a friend or co-worker who openly admits to rotting their brain marathoning trashy reality TV shows every weekend judged me for "wasting time on videogames", I'd be insanely rich.

There's a shitty double standard against videogames. Someone spending a day grinding levels in a JRPG is considered a loser wasting their time. But someone who watches the Kardashians all day isn't. It's stupid. But it's not going to change if you give into it and change yourself to fit in. The more people see that videogames are just as valid a part of pop culture as their favorite TV show, band, or film series, the faster this ignorance will fade away.


I dont give a shit what people think of the things I get enjoyment out of. If they want to ridicule me for liking games (and whats more Nintendo games) thats fine. I always meet it with a ridicule in retort along the lines of the fact they must be too cool to be allowed to fully enjoy life and I hope for their sake they can lose the shackles and live life as free and easy as I do!


I'm going 30, most of my friends game one way or the other. Be it Fifa, something like Destiny or Roleplaying games or Dota - most males I'm friends with play rather regularly, some female friends too. It's not the main conversation piece or the reason why we are friends though. It's just by chance that we all game one way or the other.

I also have no problem brining it up on dates, when we talk hobbies. Most find it cute, some game themselves, some don't care.

These last few weeks I have been playing Shadowrun: Dragonfall or Monkey Island 2 on the train and while some people look at what I'm doing, it's mostly interest and not contempt.

I also like gaming shirts, or nerd shirts in general - but they have to be rather subtle and not too much in your face. If someone recognizes what it's about or asks about it - fine, but I don't have to scream 'I'm a nerd' out constantly...

Not the best example, but something like this:

So no, I'm not ashamed to be a nerd in public, but I try to not rub it into everyones faces on the first possible occasion.


I can be. I’d certainly never volunteer it as a massive interest in life unless I detect some synergy with whoever I am speaking to.

One part is the gamer identity – it still hasn’t shaken the adolescent male wahbaby image and we often do little to shake that (case: anything involving third party devs making a game solely for one platform – threads devolve into wah). The gamer identity needs to die. Of enthusiast hobbies, gaming probably has one of the most negative connotations. Electronic music can tend to wade into these waters (tiresome gear talk, endless discussions about the "right" music, boorish techno types), but nothing on the same scale.

The other part is the games themselves – on the whole, the quality of them has been on the up. There are still far too many titles that have an incredibly poor grasp of what mature is and unfortunately hit “cringe” as a result.

Right now there is a bit of a battle going on in the community. There is one group who want to see games continue to evolve and strive to better themselves, there is another group who see that as a direct attack on their hobby and identity and will fight to counter absolutely everything they see as a threat.

While this untold shit rages in the background, I’m not even vaguely considering myself a gamer. Who wants to lump themselves in with that? Instead, I just enjoy games along with a multitude of other things in my life.


I often wear nerd shirts (“bow before me, for I am root“) at work and everywhere else and everybody who knows me knows I'm a nerd.
Doesn't mean I'm degenerated or lack more in social competence than other people do.
I don't really give a shit but then I don't do anything that would outwardly suggest I'm a gamer/nerd I don't think - only ever had the one gaming t-shirt, don't play handhelds in public (worried about damage), etc.

The only thing that makes me cringe is there are some horrendous gaming t-shirts out there.


Maturity, bitches.
I'll be honest, I despise the very in your face gaming image so rather than being ashamed I'd be mortified to be associated with that.

But to just be associated with liking gaming in general, no shame in that. It's a fun hobby.
About half my shirts are "gamer" shirts - and I never minded wearing them out in public but when I was working as a dishwasher at a local restaurant for a time, I always felt a bit nervous wearing my SNES controller shirt as some of the staff there were quite arrogant - boss took a jab at me being a gamer early on when I was asked what I was going to do with my first paycheck "Your mom said you can't spend it on video games" I shrugged it off, but seriously, fuck off dude.

I used to be afraid of playing handhelds in public, but not anymore. I always bring my Vita with me and play games in the waiting room, on the bus, etc. my recent Greyhound trip probably made a lot of people think "is that a PSP?" :) though admittedly I haven't played my 3DS in public in years, though I've been tempted to bring it out lately - Smash is a lot of fun for quick sessions.


Yes, I feel I am being judged if I were to play a handheld in public. Barely see anyone doing it and if you do, it is typically someone who is a child or someone that looks like they are trying to stand out. I guess it is silly to worry what others think of me, but it has stopped me from using my handhelds on transit or while waiting for a bus or something. Also, I don't want my handheld or game to get stolen or damaged also stops me. I do wear the occasional nerdy shirt, but where it fits an acceptable style and doesn't overtly stand out.

No need to feel like you're judged if you game on a handheld. Think about it this way, someone glares at you with them judging eyes, probably a snort or a frown on top of that. "oh what a fucking manchild, playing that donkey dong at the age of a grown man, what a fucking nerd and a waste of money!" and then they look down at their iphone 6 (recently upgraded from their 5s because of no reason other than having to flash their phone), takes a sip from their 15 dollar moccafrappulattehachino and stare at their newfeed on facebook for the next 30minutes. Hoping to get likes from their recent post about how they are out drinking coffee and "living the life!".

YOU on the other hand, is at least doing something constructive and something that makes your brain work so good on you for playing handhelds in public! I play on my PSvita from time to time while i travel and at work if there is spare time and if people think I'm a child or whatever because of it. Fuck them, I'm having a blast!

The part where you're afraid it might get stolen i get, that's a valid reason for not having it on you at all times.


Not huge into gaming/nerdy clothing but only one i thought about getting.

Not bad, the one thing I don't like about most nerd shirts that are on rotation on these '1-3 shirts a day' sites is, that they are mostly black shirts.
The occasional black shirt is okay, but I don't want all of my shirts black. Didn't buy some good motives because of that.


No, because I don't act nerdy or wear nerd clothes (poorly made t-shirts with game logos on them just don't appeal to me).

I'm fine playing a handheld in public- depending on the situation. Like I probably wouldn't in a park or at a mall, but on a bus, airplane, or train why not? Though I will admit, I disliked playing the original 3DS in public because I think it looks ugly. Hate that design.

I dunno though, most of the people my age around where I live are fine with games and play them. You only really get made fun of for it if you're clearly super obsessed, it's your only hobby, you base your life on it (the way you dress for example), etc.

But then again, I refuse to describe myself as a gamer. I view the fact that I happen to enjoy playing games to be a very small part of my life- it's about as significant as the fact that I like listening to music. Or watching movies. Or cycling.

In fact, I actually kind of dislike the people who obsess over it and base their whole persona on it. And the people who get overly worked up over dumb things relating to games.

Also, I will admit I'm one of those jerks that would probably snicker or scoff at people waiting in line to get an amiibo...

I have a couple nerdy tshirts, but I generally don't talk games unless I know the person I am talking to is into them too. None of my IRL friends are really as into gaming as I am, with the exception of one guy but we diverge on genres quite a bit.

It's not that I'm ashamed, I just don't shove it in people's faces. I would actually be more bothered about, say, someone noticing my tshirt, or playing 3DS/vita on the train, and having some other 'gamer' come up to me and start awkwardly trying to tell me about his opinions. That worries me more than being judged actually hah
yes of course, i mean, have you ever seen the average nerd?

The average nerd as in the average American nerd? The caricature of the one who lives in a basement and seldom bathes?

I'm sure there are a few like that, but it's not really fair to say the average nerd is anything like that. Most are reasonably well dressed, in decently paying jobs and have a somewhat decent social life.


I'm not a "gamer", I play games, it's my hobby but it's not my life.

And I don't really care what other people think about me.


meh, i love gaming but i don't look the part. Way too fashion-sensitive / focussed on my looks to have that classic gamer look. I'll play my 3DS on a plane, or when commuting though.

I don't know, i think you should wear whatever your comfortable with, but i also understand
that people might think that wearing gaming apparel is one bridge too far. It's the same for every hobby/fandom really. I can't help but feeling a little cringe when someone's going for the man-baby look.


About a month-ish away from being 26 and all I own is gaming/movie/tv show themed shirts and I wear them with pride each and every day proudly. I just wish I could wear them at work too, but we have a strict uniform to adhere to.
With video games not really. Today I feel most are sensible enough to discern that games are simply another medium of entertainment - cousins to film and television. It is however also a hobby, and in a way, I find gaming to be usually a very private and personal experience. I don't like forcing my video-game hobby into conversation with others just as I don't enjoy talking about my hobby of playing the piano. Nor do I like actively identifying myself as a gamer. It's a mainstream enough hobby now that most won't bat an eye at a 'casual gamer', but games will probably always be seen as just frivolous diversions. Being seen as any more than just a 'casual gamer' - appearing as if gaming is integral to your real-life persona - is when it really beings to alienate others.

For me it's essentially: I'm happy to talk about gaming if it's raised and don't mind people knowing I play games at all! Though I am very reluctant to reveal just how invested in the hobby I am, how much money and time I dedicate to it annually, how I lurk GAF every evening, how I love my Bayonettas, my Fire Emblems, etc.

However with anime I am very very discrete in my interest. People just don't quite 'get it' yet beyond an ignorant idea of wacky japanese cartoons.


I'm going 30, most of my friends game one way or the other. Be it Fifa, something like Destiny or Roleplaying games or Dota - most males I'm friends with play rather regularly, some female friends too. It's not the main conversation piece or the reason why we are friends though. It's just by chance that we all game one way or the other.

I also have no problem brining it up on dates, when we talk hobbies. Most find it cute, some game themselves, some don't care.

These last few weeks I have been playing Shadowrun: Dragonfall or Monkey Island 2 on the train and while some people look at what I'm doing, it's mostly interest and not contempt.

I also like gaming shirts, or nerd shirts in general - but they have to be rather subtle and not too much in your face. If someone recognizes what it's about or asks about it - fine, but I don't have to scream 'I'm a nerd' out constantly...

Not the best example, but something like this:

So no, I'm not ashamed to be a nerd in public, but I try to not rub it into everyones faces on the first possible occasion.
I made that tee.


36, I'm old enough to not give a damn. I have a Super Mario figure on my desk at work, I wear movies and videogame t-shirts occasionally, it's all good.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
The average nerd as in the average American nerd? The caricature of the one who lives in a basement and seldom bathes?

I'm sure there are a few like that, but it's not really fair to say the average nerd is anything like that. Most are reasonably well dressed, in decently paying jobs and have a somewhat decent social life.

no the average nerd who is wearing a halo tshirt, cargo shorts and birkenstocks

in the middle of winter


Nope, im a grown ass man of 30 with a hobby full of people my age, and we talk about gamer shit all the time. When around people who don't, i'll still talk about a game im playing, and they get the concepts of FPS, or RPG.

I didn't think it was still a thing to shun at this point.

Not that i display my hobby in public with clothing and portables(i have before though)

I most certainly have no issues talking about games in public

That said most people keeps to themselves in an adult world so i really dont see any inherent issues.

I suppose if i was being obnoxious in public id get more than a few looks
I don't give a fuck what people think of me. Shit, I even answered a question of "What do you love doing?" in an interview. My answer: I love playing games.

I was hired. Didn't expect that one, did you?


I don't give a fuck what people think of me. Shit, I even answered a question of "What do you love doing?" in an interview. My answer: I love playing games.

I was hired. Didn't expect that one, did you?

I wouldn't probably list video games as my hobby when asked in a job interview, but if I would be asked directly, whether I play video games or not in my free time - I wouldn't lie and deny it.

I had this one job interview a few years ago, where that one guy asked me if I had heard about Battlefield 3. I answered that I had heard about it but didn't play it, because I had no interest in that particular game. He then proceeded to talk about the game for like 20 minutes straight... and I was just sitting there and listening to him... it was a bizarre expierence...
I find the concept of being ashamed to tell people you play games in public funny (I mean literally giggle a bit lol) for some reason. We all shouldn't care about what others think of it because it's a hobby and like all hobbies it can be seen as weird, especially if you are passionate about your hobby. We shouldn't be worrying about things that other people clearly don't even care to understand in the first place.
the reason I created this thread is just to know your opinions. I don't really care about what people think if me, but it bothers me when they judge people like us because I know some people are not as strong minded and can really get down. My brother is one example, he likes to game but is very shy and he always feels bad when people look at him disproving his actions.


no the average nerd who is wearing a halo tshirt, cargo shorts and birkenstocks

in the middle of winter

I've seen a few posts mention cargo shorts in the last few months. As someone who wears them all the time in the summer (they are just practical when carrying my baby daughter's pile of stuff around!) I had no idea they are apparently a nerd uniform! I prefer trousers for work though, even though I could turn up in shorts if I wanted to. Had to look up Birkenstocks too- the idea of choosing sandals for a brand name is something new to me too...

In the winter we're more likely to need wellies than sandals around here :D
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