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Battlefield 1 PC Performance Thread


Ya my 4690k runs at basically 100% with this game, doesn't seem to impact anything too much but I blame all stutters on it... pretty weird.

yeah I get no stutters at all, all is smilky smooth 135 fps at all times which is awesome - but I get 100 % usage on CPU and 75-76 degrees on CPU only in this game which is so wierd :S it shouldn't be the same on ultra quality as on low, right? :S


anyone else having an issue with DDU? When I run it it seems to work, and when I reboot and come out of safe mode in the past the resolution would always be low until I installed the new driver. Well I noticed that when I run it now, once im back into normal mode instead of staying at a low resolution it comes back to 1440p. I right click and see the NVP, which is typically gone after using DDU and noticed that it only removed the current version of the Nvidia driver but brought me back to an older one. If I run it again it just keeps the older driver instead of completely removing it. Anyone else have this issue?

Sounds like you may have not chosen the option to prevent Microsoft Windows from installing a driver automatically for you. There's a check box in DDU. If you are using that feature, then perhaps it's broken at the moment. You should always download the latest version of DDU instead of using whatever one you have sitting around on your disk.


Wonder what's up with that

For longest time only times BF4 got patches was when DLC was released. I imagine it was EA's way to save money because they certed everything in one go. I can see them doing with BF1 too and release patches between only to fix critical issues. Reason why I don't expect balance changes before next March.


Sounds like you may have not chosen the option to prevent Microsoft Windows from installing a driver automatically for you. There's a check box in DDU. If you are using that feature, then perhaps it's broken at the moment. You should always download the latest version of DDU instead of using whatever one you have sitting around on your disk.

I'm definitely on the latest version but im not sure if I selected that option. Is it in an obvious place or do I have to dig around for it. I'm at work right now so I can't check. Thanks.


For longest time only times BF4 got patches was when DLC was released. I imagine it was EA's way to save money because they certed everything in one go. I can see them doing with BF1 too and release patches between only to fix critical issues. Reason why I don't expect balance changes before next March.

Thats a lot of Jesus-10 service stars if true.



I have had this error and crashed twice today. The game runs just fine otherwise, here is my system.

Intel Core i5 2500k-Overclocked to 4.5GHz
nVidia GTX 770 2GB

Anyone have any insight on why I keep getting this?

Update, STILL getting this crap today after clean install of drivers and disabling Origin overlay...what the fuck


Does anybody have an idea of how my 4670k and 2gb R9 270 will be able to handle this on 1200p? I'm debating upgrading to a RX480 or just getting it for PS4 lol


Aren't a lot of 600 and 700 cards having this issue?

Apparently the 770 specifically, I've seen it a ton out there on Reddit and the BF forums, and the ball is supposedly in nVidia's park on this. If I can't find a solution for this, I'm getting a refund.



I have had this error and crashed twice today. The game runs just fine otherwise, here is my system.

Intel Core i5 2500k-Overclocked to 4.5GHz
nVidia GTX 770 2GB

Anyone have any insight on why I keep getting this?

Welcome to the club!

There's a 160+ page thread on it on the BF1 forums. I had the same issue with BF4 and I don't think it ever got fixed. Seems to be most common on 770 cards. I've tried everything: underclocking, clean driver uninstalls, BIOS options, audio drivers, etc etc.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFLbAmqpgqE (not my video)

Happens on most rounds of Mt Grappa and Ballroom Blitz for me. Sometimes I can play hours before it happens, other times it happens 3 seconds into my first game.



Welcome to the club!

There's a 160+ page thread on it on the BF1 forums. I had the same issue with BF4 and I don't think it ever got fixed. Seems to be most common on 770 cards. I've tried everything: underclocking, clean driver uninstalls, BIOS options, audio drivers, etc etc.


Happens on most rounds of Mt Grappa and Ballroom Blitz for me. Sometimes I can play hours before it happens, other times it happens 3 seconds into my first game.


Exactly what I'm experiencing right now! I tried three times earlier and couldn't play without it immediately crashing when I joined the game. Now I have gotten through two full matches without issue.

This latest time, I switched down to DX11, as much as I hate to do it.


If I can run it at 60+ FPS, you absolutely can. A few things to try.

1. Disable Origin overlay. That fixed some of those types of problems as well as crashes. I don't know why that stupid thing is so terrible.
2. Get DDU and uninstall and reinstall your drivers completely: http://www.guru3d.com/files-details/display-driver-uninstaller-download.html

Both of these fixed my issues. I'm guessing you probably have it where whether there is intense action or not, your performance is very inconsistent. Sometimes you're in the 20s while nothing is going on and other times you're over 60 when everything is happening at once.

So, I gave DDU a try and the first map I played didn't have a lot of hitching but it didn't seem to be running as smooth as I would have liked. Loaded up Monte Grappa and it didn't have the horrendous stuttering but it still dipped well below 60fps. The next map, Aimens, ran like garbage - stuttering and low framerate. Very disappointing. Guess I just have to wait for a patch or something.


Not sure why but I've been getting CRAZY load times all day. A round of conquest takes literally like 3 or 4 minutes to load. Not the end of the world but it seems new. And I'm talking about the map loading, not the actual matchmaking.


Not sure why but I've been getting CRAZY load times all day. A round of conquest takes literally like 3 or 4 minutes to load. Not the end of the world but it seems new. And I'm talking about the map loading, not the actual matchmaking.

Try disabling Windows Defender, it apparantely was blocking loads on Civ 6 recently. edit: Actually, adding an exception might be the smarter thing to do.


Apparently the 770 specifically, I've seen it a ton out there on Reddit and the BF forums, and the ball is supposedly in nVidia's park on this. If I can't find a solution for this, I'm getting a refund.

Game is nearly unplayable for me with my 680. I can't play for 30 minutes before I get that crash.


Trucker Sexologist
Apparently the 770 specifically, I've seen it a ton out there on Reddit and the BF forums, and the ball is supposedly in nVidia's park on this. If I can't find a solution for this, I'm getting a refund.
Try underclocking, but prepare your refund paperwork.


Full werewolf off the buckle
You think i'll be able to run this game on Medium Settings constant 60fps?

I am not overclocking by the way.

Motherboard : Gigabyte Z170X-UD3

Processor : Intel Core i5-6600K CPU @ 3.50GHz

Video Card : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970

RAM : 16 GB

Operating System : Microsoft Windows 8.1 (build 9600), 64-bit
I'm running i5 6600 (Regular) with 16 GB of RAM, and a GTX 970. Now, I am running at 720p but on Ultra I get a rock solid 60 fps. I have played Supersampled to 1080p (My TV is 720p) and it stayed above 50 fps if memory serves.

With the slightly faster processor I think it'll be just fine on Ultra even at 1080p. Might bounce between 50-60 but if you're cool with that try it out. Game is gorgeous.


It's so weird, my FPS always stays above 60 but the game just feels stuttery. Tried all the tips suggested but I can't get it to change.


Neo Member
i5-6500 oc'd to 4.2ghz
GTX 1060 6GB.

It seems to run fine for me in most instances until I get to Argonne Forest. Stutter is mental and fps dips like crazy. Every other maps seems to be fine with some exceptions a long the way.

Definitely not unplayable but hinders my performance now and then. Seen some 'fixes' for the issue but I'd rather not make things worse considering it's only one map I see a problem on.
For longest time only times BF4 got patches was when DLC was released. I imagine it was EA's way to save money because they certed everything in one go. I can see them doing with BF1 too and release patches between only to fix critical issues. Reason why I don't expect balance changes before next March.

BF4 near launch was patched and patched and patched, it wasn't until later that patches were spread out with major content updates. Now, BF1 launched about 100 times more stable than BF4, so I don't expect as many patches, and balance patches are always going to come later, just from a data collection perspective, but I would be shocked if we don't get a patch or 2 to address issues in the next weeks and months.

I'll say this though, one balance patch they should make now is to remove Suez from all server rotations. That map is the worst BF map in my memory and needs to be completely reworked or thrown out entirely. Never has a map been so utterly unbalanced.
Well, I bit on 16gb ram, hopefully it was worth the investment. I haven't purchased this yet, been just testing with the access trial, I still have some time left so I haven't wasted any money. Seems like a lot of games recommend 16gb these days so I'll be set either way. I'll update when I get it to let people know if it fixed my stuttering.


Exactly what I'm experiencing right now! I tried three times earlier and couldn't play without it immediately crashing when I joined the game. Now I have gotten through two full matches without issue.

This latest time, I switched down to DX11, as much as I hate to do it.

So wait, it's crashing in DX12 only?
Why are people in this thread using DX12 mode? It gives negative performance on Nvidia and results in unstable frametimes on AMD cards according to benchmarks posted acrossed this thread.



Anyone have any insight on why I keep getting this?

in my 18 hours of MP only (64 player maps only as well) so far I've only encountered this twice, the second time immediately after restarting the game (on Monte Grappa in that campaign-ish MP mode). Logged out of Win10 and never saw it again so far (knocks on wood)

running a 670 SLI 2GB overclocked on Win10 (2600K@4.8 & 16GB) with the latest drivers, I suspect it is a 2 GB memory issue or something given it occurs on 670/680/690/770 2GB variants ... I've been running textures at low so maybe that's why I'm safe so far? it's not an overclocking issue because Unigine benchmark ran fine with both cards used

as for performance; I'm running everything low except for Mesh set to Ultra and FXAA High + SSAO , and I'm getting 100 fps or more pretty much everywhere at 1080p. Some small frametime hitches at times, indicated by both Afterburner overlay & the framerate warning icon, but it plays very smooth 95+% of the time and doesn't look too terrible

so for performance I'm actually happily surprised compared to some other modern releases! (need to get rid of this SLI/2GB wank soon though)

edit: DX11 only, haven't touched DX12


So wait, it's crashing in DX12 only?

In the hour or so I played after switching, it didn't crash. Knock on wood it doesn't anymore, but based on 770 problems all over Reddit, it is bound to still crash.
Why are people in this thread using DX12 mode? It gives negative performance on Nvidia and results in unstable frametimes on AMD cards according to benchmarks posted acrossed this thread.
I hadn't been paying attention to that. I'm running in DX11 now.


Typical Frostbite Engine error I encountered first at Dragon Age Inquisition. The reason why I dumped it and stoped playing it. In the past it seems it's pretty sensitive to overclocking as I got this error message in every Frostbite Engine besides BF1 when I did overclock my GPU. My girlfriend, though, is also getting the error from time to time without having anything overclocked (she got a GTX 980 Ti). With my GTX 1070 I've never encountered that error in BF1, though.


Typical Frostbite Engine error I encountered first at Dragon Age Inquisition. The reason why I dumped it and stoped playing it. In the past it seems it's pretty sensitive to overclocking as I got this error message in every Frostbite Engine besides BF1 when I did overclock my GPU. My girlfriend, though, is also getting the error from time to time without having anything overclocked (she got a GTX 980 Ti). With my GTX 1070 I've never encountered that error in BF1, though.

I haven't overclocked my GPU, but have overclocked my CPU.


Are there any recommended ports to forward for BF1? I do forward ports for Black Ops 3 to keep my NAT type open.


Does this game perform worse the longer you play

Not really, but there is random performance hitches on Ballroom and Gappa. One round in Ballroom runs smooth as silk, but next round on it has hitches. I suspect something at server side because it's only those two maps at random.


290x performs fairly well. ultra almost locked 75 FPS, but cpu[4790k/4.5ghz] usage is all over the place.. DX12 crashes for me 95% of the time as soon as the game boots up and hits full screen. Its funny reading all the rage about this on the battlefield forums.. It's like people do not remember how BF4 went, and how long DICE/EA said nothing.. It took like 6 months before the game got fixed.


Woah, why the hell did my game suddenly start having regular drops to 16FPS after a perfect match?


Was running at 100FPS+ before and then bam, didn't want to work anymore. Any ideas?

EDIT: Restarted the game and my PC. STILL THE SAME ISSUE. What the actual fuck?

EDIT 2: Turned off Origin Overlay and things were fine. Weird...


Wow, I played last night on my 2GB R9 270 and was amazed at the quality. I think the game put it on Medium, but it ran at about 60fps on 1200p. I know it's not great, but for this old card I was blown away. The graphics still looked great. I can't even imagine what it looks like on Ultra. It almost made me second guess my R9 Fury purchase.
On a lol-related note, I forgot to turn down the resolution scale from 200% after taking screenshots and didn't notice for at least 2 matches because it was still running at more than 50 fps.


Neo Member
So i ran i5 2500k @4.5ghz and gtx1070 at average of 45 FPS, no matter the settings. (1080p)

Now that I upgraded to i7 6700k @4.4ghz, I never drop below 70 FPS (capped) at Ultra with 150% res scaling.

Crazy how CPU demanding the game is.


Went back to ancient drivers, 334.81, as people on the EA forums had had success with them. Played all night exclusively on the crash-prone maps, so far, no crash! Performance is a bit worse though.

(To bypass the driver version requirements on BF1, delete or rename nvapi64.dll in Windows\System32)


Trucker Sexologist
So i ran i5 2500k @4.5ghz and gtx1070 at average of 45 FPS, no matter the settings. (1080p)

Now that I upgraded to i7 6700k @4.4ghz, I never drop below 70 FPS (capped) at Ultra with 150% res scaling.

Crazy how CPU demanding the game is.
Something aint right. Your 2500k should be able to handle a locked 60 at least. Is this only on a handful of CQ 64 maps or in the SP as well? Remember that DX12 still sucks for Intel.


Something aint right. Your 2500k should be able to handle a locked 60 at least. Is this only on a handful of CQ 64 maps or in the SP as well? Remember that DX12 still sucks for Intel.

My friend with a 2500K@4.2GHz can't even play 64 player CQ because it's not enough to keep up. He is closer to 30 than 60 fps most of the time with pretty much everything set to low and the CPU gets completely maxed out.

Rush is the biggest mode it can handle and even then he still gets a lot of drops down towards 30fps.

Is there any site that has done a proper multiplayer benchmarks yet comparing a wide range of CPU's? So far pretty much everyone is just testing SP because it's easier to replicate the runs, but that doesn't help anyone.

I would like to know what possible gains I could perhaps get om maps where my 4.4GHz i7 4770K is a huge bottleneck if I got something new with 6+ real cores. On some maps my GPU usage is down at 50-60% and I get around 70-85FPS instead of the 120+ I get where I get full GPU usage.


Neo Member
Something aint right. Your 2500k should be able to handle a locked 60 at least. Is this only on a handful of CQ 64 maps or in the SP as well? Remember that DX12 still sucks for Intel.

Only MP. On all maps. SP ran fine. My i5 was at 100% 24/7 and each explosion or smoke particle caused my FPS to drop. I tried both DX 12 and 11, was no difference. Similar to what Xyber said, my FPS was much closer to 30 than 60 too.


Something aint right. Your 2500k should be able to handle a locked 60 at least. Is this only on a handful of CQ 64 maps or in the SP as well? Remember that DX12 still sucks for Intel.

BF1 is incredibly CPU demanding and 4 threads are actually not enough for minimum FPS of 60 no matter how fast.
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