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Captain America: Civil War - First impressions (Full review embargo lifts Apr 13)

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If there was any issue I expected, it was this. Come on Marvel, step yo villain game up.

The public is there to see Tony vs Cap, this is the one time I think where people won't care very much about the villain but yeah for Spidey and BP they gotta step it up for sure.


Looks like Marvel just set the bar real high again. I really hope the Russo Bros don't lose their momentum for Infinity War.


semen stains the mountaintops
I don't get how Marvel even got to this point with the Russo Brothers. Before Winter Soilder they had directed Welcome to Collinwood and You, Me and Dupree, how did they know to give those guys Winter Soldier?

Marvel are talent wizards.
Pretty sure they're just referring the actress that is playing a character on the Luke Cage TV series but not playing the same character.

She wouldn't say who it was, their gender or anything at all. I'm really hoping it wasn't just that. I'm not expecting Jessica Jones hanging out at Stark Tower but throw TV Marvel a bone here.





I'm tempted to go back and find first impressions for Age of Ultron... I seem to remember early critics being very kind and then it tailing off.

Nevertheless. Exciting!


Unconfirmed Member
I don't get how Marvel even got to this point with the Russo Brothers. Before Winter Soilder they had directed Welcome to Collinwood and You, Me and Dupree, how did they know to give those guys Winter Soldier?

Marvel are talent wizards.

*delusional* I'm sure it had everything to do with their work on Community *delusional*


Tepid is a good way to put it. At least it's not negative.

Some people criticized the last act of Winter Soldier as well compared to the highway fight but I loved it all so I'm not that worried.
Well it's a Marvel movie so honestly I'm just expecting like 30 minute long sequence where everyone fights a bunch of faceless mooks before facing off the villain of the movie. Probably after they begrudgingly make up for fighting one another for most of the movie instead of the real bad guy. (I barely know what his movie is about).


I'm super stoked for this movie even more than I was before! Huge Spider-man fan and love the Captain America movies! This is gonna be so good!!!!!!!!


I don't get how Marvel even got to this point with the Russo Brothers. Before Winter Soilder they had directed Welcome to Collinwood and You, Me and Dupree, how did they know to give those guys Winter Soldier?

Marvel are talent wizards.

You can see their talent on that paintball episode of "Community". It was tense while maintaining a sense of fun.


I'm tempted to go back and find first impressions for Age of Ultron... I seem to remember early critics being very kind and then it tailing off.

Nevertheless. Exciting!
A lot of these early reactions are from enthusiast blogs, so they may be kinder to a genre film like this than some of the other critics, especially those with an axe to grind with regards to the superhero genre.


I'm tempted to go back and find first impressions for Age of Ultron... I seem to remember early critics being very kind and then it tailing off.

Nevertheless. Exciting!
They were very positive but still tempered, lots of "it's great in spite of its size" type of comments. Some gushed but many were merely very positive and there were warning signs that it would feel overstuffed
Marvel had to know it would play well. They're screening this way early and letting critic talk on Twitter.

I honestly think they're aiming to depress Batman v Superman's third weekend sales.

That said, sounds good.



Always funny to see the hype machine at work.

Astounding hyperbole POSITIVE = holy shit this going to be amazing movie of the forever; complete trust

Astounding hyperbole NEGATIVE = must be a troll; not to be trusted

Never trust early reviews either way.

I'm positive that guy didn't see the movie. Look at some of the other dumpster tweets he shat out.

T'Challaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! My body is fucking ready.

I know people are mostly hyped for Spiderman but for me I'm fucking stoked for Black Panther. I've seen Spiderman too many time. I need someone fresh.

Black Panther is the main reason I'm watching Civil War. Thank fucking God for Boseman.


I'm tempted to go back and find first impressions for Age of Ultron... I seem to remember early critics being very kind and then it tailing off.

I'd almost pay for you to do this. Almost.

People always forget about this kind of thing.


(I barely know what his movie is about).

Yeah it shows :) I think you're going to be surprised

Always funny to see the hype machine at work.

Astounding hyperbole POSITIVE = holy shit this going to be amazing movie of the forever; complete trust

Astounding hyperbole NEGATIVE = must be a troll; not to be trusted

Never trust early reviews either way.

Good advice but I was already at maximum hype. This is like rich and creamy sustenance
Alright, headed to bed now, I think.

If any more hot takes roll in please post them and I'll add to the OP in the morning

Never forget BvS early impressions;

One of them has an egg avatar. Not exactly the same crowd (not that we should take these ones too seriously either)
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