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Colin Moriarty of Kinda Funny: source says "most developers are not happy with PS4.5"

But what YOU don't understand is that I want to hear it from daddy Cerny at the e3 stage talking to the masses. I want him to say it's gun b k and there will not be ANY ps4k exclusives and that future games will still be playable because for some reason I think my ps4 will be obsolete and won't be able to play any upcoming games. Until then I'm done with you Sony. Maybe next decade! Mobile gaming future is for me.
pc life too expensive for me.
Posts in this thread are so confusing... When this story broke few weeks ago I understood the concern about splitting the user base. But it looks like PS4K won't be that different from PS4 and developers will have to get the PS4 version of the game running well. If you hate the idea of PS4k just ignore it...


My only hope is that devs don't neglect optimization of games on the original ps4 down the line because I have no interest in upgrading.

I hope so buddy, I hope so too. I'd rather buy more games then spend money on new hardware for a few more FPS here and there.
maybe. i'm not taking this colin as the next messiah but for now we have the bioware boss telling it would be a huge pain in the ass
Ex-boss who retired before the current gen systems were even out. His insight obviously has more weight then me or most others here, but it's not like he's on the ground level of current development and knows the issues/problems with development in 2016 first hand. Nor has he used the dev kit.
"Most developers"?

This is going to look pretty stupid if Sony have a developer interview reel like they did when they announced the ps4 hardware.

I highly doubt they would push forward with this unless the major publishers were on board.

My only hope is that devs don't neglect optimization of games on the original ps4 down the line because I have no interest in upgrading.

There's no guarantee about this. Imagine the shit we'll have to pull through down the line, as regular PS4 users...


It makes you wonder how devs can develop for PC at all... what with developing the infinite versions for the infinite hardware configurations.*

* logic used in some of the posts in this thread. LOL


Arrogant Sony is back! Didn't take long.

Hey devs...just deal with it.

They are not overworked enough, lol. Now they will have two versions of PS4 and Xbox One to develop around instead of targeting each one. Again, I have no problem with these new systems for those that want the option, but I can also see why devs would not be too high on the idea.


But what YOU don't understand is that I want to hear it from daddy Cerny at the e3 stage talking to the masses. I want him to say it's gun b k and there will not be ANY ps4k exclusives and that future games will still be playable because for some reason I think my ps4 will be obsolete and won't be able to play any upcoming games. Until then I'm done with you Sony. Maybe next decade! Mobile gaming future is for me.
pc life too expensive for me.

Woah jeebus, I'm back to Community.


Thanks for the correction. Still, the founder of BioWare has a clear enough connection to the studio to make it clear which thread I was referring to.

Outside of the impact this will have on the timeline for the development of the PlayStation 4 games, the willingness of Sony developers to optimize for the old PS4 and the likes. Would Santa Monica have tried to make something as advanced as GoW2 for the PS2 when they had a PS2.5?

Why not? They are a studio that likes to push boundaries and take pride in their graphical work. If scaling is relatively straightforward you should simply end up with near the best result you can get on a PS4, and near the best result you can get on a PS4k.

If that is the case then it's really just upset that someone in a bedroom miles away from you is experiencing something at 60FPS while you 30FPS. This happens with the PC as things stand just now. Master race GAF is currently playing DS3 at 60FPS while I have 30FPS.
"What's the difference, it's just like PC now."

This comment and the variants like it are just as useless as the phone comparisons.

Previously, one of the biggest supporting arguments for console gaming was that developers needed only to develop for one baseline. That was the defining argumentthat stemmed the tide of "These consoles are really just weak PCs" argument the dreaded "PC Elitists" used when they were announced in 2013 and going forward.

Fast-forward 2.5 years

Now multiple baselines are OK because

A) Either the proponents really didn't believe their own arguments about what made console gaming special
B) The proponents are so blinded by their lust for newer and shinier that they can't see the truth
C) Some men want to watch the world burn

The issue isn't that developers can't developer for 1 more platform, its that some may have chosen to develop FOR console to avoid this kind of situation and now they have no choice. If your PS4 game is shipping after September, you better have the Base and Neo profiles ready to go.

You've taken what was a clean-cut operation and muddled it, and some of you still can't see why.

Bonus points to the poster(s) who try to look through my PH for evidence I support such a move from MS. Spoiler: I DON'T.


Colin has strong ties with Sony's first party studios so I would assume that the person is speaking on behalf of first party devs.

I expect third party devs just not to care as well.

I hope his source isn't somebody from Naughty Dog. Invariably, this is going to piss off a certain number of developers and consumers. We don't know by what percentage. Hopefully for Sony more than 50% are onboard with this.

I don't see what Sony is getting out of this. The next time Sony releases a console, I know I won't be buying it at launch.

Also, can't 3rd party developers just release the same game on NEO without optimizing it or do they have to make improvements?
But if you game on consoles, you always have an inferior machine. Nothing has changed.
How many people enjoyed the Xbox 360 that launched without the HDD? (Arcade/Core edition, known as the "tard pack", etc.)

How much did that consumer option for a HDD-less console affect game development for the 360?

Sometimes options have a wider effect than may be immediately obvious.


Good to hear and hopefully developers and gamers start to become much more vocal about it. Sony needs to just write this thing off with any losses. It shouldn't make it to market.

Lmfao. This mindset of "I don't like it so it shouldn't be a thing." Needs to go. I'm sure devs hate configuring for different PC or iOS/android settings too. I'm sure they aren't jumping for joy to port games between xb1 and ps4. But they do it.

And speak for yourself. I'm interested in this thing and interested in how it plays out. If it fails sony is out a bit in R&D and I'm out like $400 bucks on a system that'll continue to play ps4 games.

Whether it fails or succeeds I foresee 2 constants. Ps4 continues to sell better than the competition, games continue to be sold and made and we all keep moving in our daily lives


Gold Member
I don't know why developers would care that much, they could still just do a base PS4 version and no Neo enhancements. Developers who want to target the hardcore crowd can go the extra mile.
Yeah... I would say at this point it'd probably just be better to wait until 2018 and release a new gen console but shit Sony probably isn't the only one coming out with new hardware, Nintendo is bringing out their own mid-gen console to replace the WiiU and MS is almost certainly doing it themselves. They're going to drop the PS4 to like $200-$250 and release this new version at $400 aren't they?
But you already have an inferior machine. You're playing on a console and not a PC.

And this isn't a slam on consoles. I'm a console gamer.

The only issue console gamers can complain is if we get games that are made for PS4K and are poor on PS4. If it's 20 fps with muddy textures on PS4 but the PS4K version is locked 30 and beautiful, then yeah, we have a problem.
I feel like that could happen. I know there's a rumor going around that these games will have to be optimized for both PS4 configurations, but part of me wonders if Devs will focus on the stronger hardware and then optimize less for the weaker one. Or vice versa. And will you start seeing comments around here where people complain about PS4's holding back PS4k games like we see with current X1 PS4 parity arguments?

Things are going to get real interesting with these consoles. That's the only certainty.


Posts in this thread are so confusing... When this story broke few weeks ago I understood the concern about splitting the user base. But it looks like PS4K won't be that different from PS4 and developers will have to get the PS4 version of the game running well. If you hate the idea of PS4k just ignore it...

Not necessarily true when publishers make the decision for the devs. It's fine having an opinion against it and still doing your job.
I don't know why developers would care that much, they could still just do a base PS4 version and no Neo enhancements. Developers who want to target the hardcore crowd can go the extra mile.

This is how i see it but people are fearful of the opposite extreme even though it wont be allowed
Lmfao. This mindset of "I don't like it so it shouldn't be a thing." Needs to go. I'm sure devs hate configuring for different PC or iOS/android settings too. I'm sure they aren't jumping for joy to port games between xb1 and ps4. But they do it.

And speak for yourself. I'm interested in this thing and interested in how it plays out. If it fails sony is out a bit in R&D and I'm out like $400 bucks on a system that'll continue to play ps4 games.

Whether it fails or succeeds I foresee 2 constants. Ps4 continues to sell better than the competition, games continue to be sold and made and we all keep moving in our daily lives
They're not forced to develop for iOS and Android though. By forcing to develop both you're encouraging more unoptimization/delays as well as undercutting some improvements that could have been made by an entirely new gen.


And unfortunately no matter how many devs or people experienced with coding say this, there will continue to be people on this and other sites who "disagree" despite not knowing what they are talking about. This behavior is unreal.

These PC comparisons are pointless. Getting the game to run on the new system is not the issue. Giving both versions the same attention and care is potentially a big one however.

PC games accommodate a wide variety of hardware configurations, and they also tend to not be as optimized for almost any of them as a console game is for it's set of specs. Coding for consoles can very often require a very different strategy than coding for PC and there were plenty of devs that spoke about this when they first started embracing consoles last gen.

The point isn't that it's super difficult. The point is that it does require significantly more time and resources if you want both versions to be as polished as they can be. And in an industry where games cost insane amounts of both of these things as it is, it should be very easily understood why developers would have an issue with this. If you don't get this then you probably don't want to.

This would probably not be as big a deal to them if they were getting any benefit from it, but I would imagine most devs don't see the benefits outweighing the cons for them.

What about the devs in this forum saying it's not that big of a headache at all? Should their input be ignored?


Why should anyone be happy about extra work? But they'll adapt. It's not that big of a change for multiplattform titles


I don't know why developers would care that much, they could still just do a base PS4 version and no Neo enhancements. Developers who want to target the hardcore crowd can go the extra mile.

This is a viable proposition. Developers are under no obligation to butter Sony's toast with extra stuff. However, slightly different hardware will still need to be tested separately and may produce different issues which will have to be tracked down and supported.
Arent they launching a 4k streaming service later this year too

Yeah think that's why they aren't rushing a stand alone UHD player out and with UHD players being pretty expensive, a PS4 with UHD is definitely better value for customers than a standard player, pretty much like dvd with PS2.


Sony just shot themselves in the foot (also Microsoft).

No they didn't. The PS4 will be 299$ or maybe even less by holiday this year with the PS4 Neo for 399$ I can see them appealing to everyone. If Sony and MS do this people will just rage for a few days and then forget about it because the only other options are PC or NX and I can't see them taken the majority of PS4/XOne.
I don't know why developers would care that much, they could still just do a base PS4 version and no Neo enhancements. Developers who want to target the hardcore crowd can go the extra mile.

Because there still could be costs when it comes to QA and certification that they wouldn't have had to do otherwise. And also add on what if this is not the only platform doing this? It sounds like it's a requirement for a game to be PS4 and Neo compliant moving forward.
Lmfao. This mindset of "I don't like it so it shouldn't be a thing." Needs to go. I'm sure devs hate configuring for different PC or iOS/android settings too. I'm sure they aren't jumping for joy to port games between xb1 and ps4. But they do it.

And speak for yourself. I'm interested in this thing and interested in how it plays out. If it fails sony is out a bit in R&D and I'm out like $400 bucks on a system that'll continue to play ps4 games.

Whether it fails or succeeds I foresee 2 constants. Ps4 continues to sell better than the competition, games continue to be sold and made and we all keep moving in our daily lives

"I don't like it so it shouldn't be a thing" is the exact reason why the Xbox One isn't a DRM box. This message board along with other social media channels flooded Sony and MS about that. And while Sony never was going to do it in the first place, it made it quite clear to them and eventually MS that it was a terrible decision. And in that case there were people who defended it and liked it as well. Even now there are some that still liked the concept of the original Xbox One. But my point was that Sony says they're listening, how much louder do people need to be when it comes to an incremental upgrade? Because I think if you just look around gaming sites you'll see constant negativity about this thing.


There might be some noise in the early days but I don't think there will be some huge resistance to this new hardware from developers. At least on the technical side of things, you always hear from developers on twitter etc that they really like to work on new things, well there it is and it's really powerful this time.
Not necessarily true when publishers make the decision for the devs. It's fine having an opinion against it and still doing your job.

Fallout 4 was released on PS4 when PS4k didn't exist. Did that help? This fear of something that we have no idea how it will play out is buffing to me. If somebody releases a game that runs shitty on 40 million consoles, the existence of PS4k will never be a good enough excuse.


Gold Member
The reality here is that even if the developers are unhappy about it, if the publisher says they also need to do a Neo version and then allocates resources towards it then they will make a Neo version.

So what I want to know is what are the publishers thinking about this?


I wonder how this is going to affect indies, is Sony going to give them lax regulations?

Considering I think most indies get support via pub fund and development as things stand I fully expect support to continue over to scaling between PS4s. I mean a lot of them as things stand put their games on PS4 and Vita which should require far more scaling work than PS4 to PS4k.

"I don't like it so it shouldn't be a thing" is the exact reason why the Xbox One isn't a DRM box. This message board along with other social media channels flooded Sony and MS about that. And while Sony never was going to do it in the first place, it made it quite clear to them and eventually MS that it was a terrible decision. And in that case there were people who defended it and liked it as well. Even now there are some that still liked the concept of the original Xbox One. But my point was that Sony says they're listening, how much louder do people need to be when it comes to an incremental upgrade? Because I think if you just look around gaming sites you'll see constant negativity about this thing.

Cmon man this is nothing in the realm of XB1 DRM. Not to mention we had an official announcement from MS, we do not have ANY announcement or plans from Sony as of yet. Lets let them get their announcement out of the gate before we say messageboards and social media movements know exactly what they're talking about.

Daft Punk


They can't make use of that extra power unless they also make use of the underpowered existing PS4.

Wrong this is not how it's going to work. These games are going to already be made with the PS4 as the base game and optimized for it. The Neo will handle what was probably the original version of the game before concessions had to be made for the PS4 version. The real question is what cost would this come to developers?


They're not forced to develop for iOS and Android though. By forcing to develop both you're encouraging more unoptimization/delays.

We literally had a Dev in this thread comment about how it could be possible to optimize and port between the two versions like on PC. Sure it a bit of extra work but it doesn't seem impossible or that it'll throw development that far off like many in this thread are saying.
Fallout 4 was released on PS4 when PS4k didn't exist. Did that help? This fear of something that we have no idea how it will play out is buffing to me. If somebody releases a game that runs shitty on 40 million consoles, the existence of PS4k will never be a good enough excuse.
So your solution to shitty game optimization is to add even more effort and forced platforms?


I don't wanna buy a new Playstation just to play the same exact games, with that money I can just get a new console like the NX or w/e. I'm still hoping the Neo is just a false rumour.
Yes it is all an elaborate April fools joke, oh wait. You wont have to buy anything if you don't want to as all of the games will work on PS4 as well as the Neo.


Um why are they complaining? I am not a dev but are sliders really that hard to implement? How much more expensive is it going to be? Most competent devs do a decent jobs of supporting PC's of various builds. How hard is it to write code for two closed systems?


The reality here is that even if the developers are unhappy about it, if the publisher says they also need to do a Neo version and then allocates resources towards it then they will make a Neo version.

So what I want to know is what are the publishers thinking about this?

Excellent question.
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