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Dragon's Crown Reviews

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I'm not making fun of anyone for liking it. I said that's fine if you like it, I personally just find it pretty eye roll worthy.


You could have stopped there pages ago...yet you just kept on trucking.

Must be bored today, eh?

Your new tag should be "eye roll" and it should link to your novel of taken-offense in this thread.


Calling the game an unapologetic adolescent fantasy isn't shaming, unless you think there's something wrong with enjoying that.

Yes it is, you are saying that anybody that enjoys this has the mind of an adolescent boy. I have a big problem with that. You are insulting your readers, let alone showing your elitism.


I would like to meet the teenager who rubs one off over 'touching' characters in this game, to be honest.
Like, 50 bucks for this?


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
Has this been posted? Excellent review by a woman that actually engages the topic intelligently and dispassionately:

Dragon’s Crown’s action outpunches its controversial art

The art

It’s totally understandable if you find the art in Dragon’s Crown offensive, repulsive, and demeaning to women. It really is, but we should also take a second to consider what games and media influenced the game. Golden Axe depicts various underclothed warrior types in fur boots and loin cloths. All the characters in the original Sega arcade game and later Genesis versions are notably without protective clothing, but they are not depicted in an overly sexual light. That wild barbarian vibe does make its way into Dragon’s Crown.

That influence is likely coming from Western genre fantasy. Snake women with breasts, overly sexualized Amazonian fighters laying waste to monsters in bikinis, and women contorting themselves in impossible ways all comes out of fantasy artist Boris Vallejo’s work. He’s not alone in depicting fantasy worlds as oily, sweaty, naked places, and it’s easy to see how those images would work their way into a semi-Western inspired “let’s go slay the dragon” adventure.

Dragon’s Crown plays like a Dungeons & Dragons inspired brawler, borrowing a great deal from fantasy stories where random (and sometimes unusual) characters team up for a common goal. Putting a tradition-driven Amazon or a sultry sorcerer next to the modestly dressed female elf archer accentuates the idea that heroes from all walks of life are coming together to save the day, regardless of their appearance and history. Every character you encounter in Dragon’s Crown is drawn in the same exaggerated style, not just the female ones. This stylistic choice doesn’t single out women for revealing/repulsive interpretations but supports the idea that the entire world is pure fantasy.

I also argue that we treat various fetishistic illustrations differently, and often without thinking. To me, I do not see much difference in Kamitani drawing to appeal to his aesthetic sense and American cartoonist Robert Crumb openly creating work that appealed to his tastes. Crumb’s work often depicts women with massive, impossibly large legs, much like the Amazon in Dragon’s Crown. Kamitani is free to design his characters according to his standards, even if they make us uncomfortable. That uncomfortable feeling might be his aim or his challenge to audiences who shy away from bare forms in various shapes and sizes.

I’m sure people find a lot to dislike in Crumb’s often disgusting work, and people are still free to remove themselves from it. But I think Crumb’s creativity outshines the sometimes abrasive way he draws, and the same is true for Kamitani. His art is beautiful, albeit sexually charged. It does not detract from the solid gameplay it illustrates and actually reaffirms the idea that the game world is nothing like our own. But you’re free to skip Dragon’s Crown because of it’s style.

It’s up to the player to decide if DC’s art is acceptable or not, but understanding possible inspirations and motivations can help you make a more reasoned decision beyond disliking Kamitani’s work solely because female characters are skimpily clothed.


...Say what you want about the stylistic choices that went into art, but Dragon’s Crown’s appeal is greater than its looks. Smashing baddies, exploring dungeons, and scrounging for as much money and items as you can find is a satisfying departure from many strategy-heavy games coming out these days. Dragon’s Crown is a nostalgic return to classic side-scrolling brawlers found in arcades in the early ’90s, complete with flashing “go” arrows and food that falls out of villains and chests.

I know the art is a problem for many, and I would be lying if I said it didn’t bother me. Understanding the influences, both artistic and thematic, helps me appreciate Dragon’s Crown even though I don’t want to see undulating breasts every five seconds. I can look beyond them and lose myself in the mechanics and combat. Hopefully, you’ll give it a chance.

Score: 90/100
I guess some people are just going to see what they want. Trying to prove a negative, or trying to prove "Dragon's Crown is not being sexist or objectifying women" without their first being a real case as to why it is being sexist, is a pointlessly long task. The onus should be on the accuser to prove first, with real evidence, not just conjecture. I'll just leave it at that.


I think you are conflating the issue.

I don't have a problem with Christina Hendricks having incredible breasts.

I have a problem with AMC exploiting her TNA as the sole reason she is on Mad Men. (Not entirely true but just the analogy)

The breasts aren't the issue, the intent and purpose are. Hint: sad pandering fan service.

Christina Hendrick's character is often sexualized, there is nothing wrong about that, that's a trait of her character. I also don't see where your deriving "intent" from. Why cant a character just have big boobs? Does a woman in real life with large breasts have some kind of hidden "intent" or alternative motive that small chested women don't have? I don't see Arnold Schwarzenegger or other body builders expressing "intent" or a desire to show off their bodies that is anything other than "hey I got a super ripped body and I want to show it off." I don't see anybody saying that ripped dudes showing off muscles is somehow objectifying and degrading to men. So why is it then when a woman has the same belief and desire of expressing their body and sexuality that they will often get ridiculed for it? Why is it that a small chested woman in a low cut shirt can be seen as classy and cute, but a large breasted woman couldn't dare wear the same outfit without being judged? You keep going back and forth on large breasts being the issue, and then somehow it's not the issue it's the context, but you haven't done a good job of explaining what exactly that is or why exactly something is disrespectful.


You have no evidence that they are "catering" and "pandering". You simply do not know the intent. If this sounds familiar, it is because I pointed this out to you pages ago and you ignored it and ran away from it.


Junior Member
Polygon is full of shit right now.

First, was the stupid and childish and noob review for "The Last of Us".

Now, another stupid and prejudiced review and for another PlayStation exclusive.

What a disgraceful site...
I'm not making fun of anyone for liking it. I said that's fine if you like it, I personally just find it pretty eye roll worthy.


It reads like.

"It's okay that you like that sexist garbage but I for one don't because it is childish and I'd be embarrassed to play that shlock"

Its that extra touch of "i am superior gaiz" that ruins it. You have every right to not like it...but don't throw in passive aggressive insults whilst doing so.

Once again, I am not even a huge fan of the art as a whole, Buying it because Atlus and it looks fun and games like this need to be supported. But I can't stand the schoolyard mentality that oft goes on these boards/topics. S
Yeah. I was more talking about the incredibly unnecessary pose and then referring to it in a funny way.

Unnecessary? So it needs to be explained explicitly why a woman would dare have her legs spread apart, even when they are fully clothed? Really? She can't just, ya know, prefer to stretch out?


Yeah. I was more talking about the incredibly unnecessary pose and then referring to it in a funny way.

There are tons of poses a person can be in at anytime, no matter how unnecessary it might be. You don't know the joys of doing Jojo poses, man. I think I'd react like that if I'm a battle nun with a dog strapped to my leg. It'd be one of relief, because at least my chastity's safe.


You could have stopped there pages ago...yet you just kept on trucking.

Must be bored today, eh?

Your new tag should be "eye roll" and it should link to your novel of taken-offense in this thread.
I was criticized earlier for not responding to people's points so I was trying to be fair and explain my viewpoint.

No big deal, I enjoyed the discussion with everyone and I have no ill will towards anyone.

Well maybe to that one guy who said Dragon Crown was objectively good. That's just hilarious.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Unnecessary? So it needs to be explained explicitly why a woman would dare have her legs spread apart, even when they are fully clothed? Really? She can't just, prefer to stretch out?

Women wearing pants should be burned at the stake! I can see where their nether region is!


Polygon did surprise me with their tough criticism of the XBone's DRM policy, they should not be allowed to review Sony's games anymore, it's always a bad review by them..

I underatand some of it, but the score should not reflect it that much, lol
The developers really should be embarrassed, because it is catering EXACTLY to the teenage wankers. It's pretty obvious what their intent is in that clip alone.

I can see it that way, but also it could be catering to their primary Japanese audience, where stuff like this appears in a multitude of games and isnt questioned as heavily as it is here. This is a very Japanese game, made in Japan for that audience, and being brought to America. Along with that is what may be normal to that audience but questionable in America.

Im not saying its without criticism, but the target audience may have different values in what they see as offensive.


Unnecessary? So it needs to be explained explicitly why a woman would dare have her legs spread apart, even when they are fully clothed? Really? She can't just, prefer to stretch out?

There are tons of poses a person can be in at anytime, no matter how unnecessary it might be. You don't know the joys of doing Jojo poses, man. I think I'd react like that if I'm a battle nun with a dog strapped to my leg. It'd be one of relief, because at least my chastity's safe.

The one pose really isn't even the point. One picture like that? Sure, whatever.

If every picture of women in the game is like that with them bending over or opening their legs etc etc then it is a pattern and I would begin to find it problematic. Personally I have no idea if all the art is like that, as I haven't played it. The Polygon review suggests this is the case, however.
The one pose really isn't even the point. One picture like that? Sure, whatever.

If every picture of women in the game is like that with them bending over or opening their legs etc etc then it is a pattern and I would begin to find it problematic. Personally I have no idea if all the art is like that, as I haven't played it. The Polygon review suggests this is the case, however.
But that's not the case. A majority of women are not tied up or spreading their clothes legs in the game. Some of them are even trying to kill you or do the monster killing themselves.
I would like to meet the teenager who rubs one off over 'touching' characters in this game, to be honest.
Like, 50 bucks for this?

That's one expensive fap.

You could probably get more for your buck there...

I never understood the whole "THIS IS FOR PEOPLE WHO JERK OFF TO IT". You can literally say that about everything. I am watching Baseball right now...guess what. Someone out there is rubbing one off to the Pirates right now. Guess that makes Baseball, adolescence wank material then...hur hur hurr


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
If every picture of women in the game is like that with them bending over or opening their legs etc etc then it is a pattern and I would begin to find it problematic. Personally I have no idea if all the art is like that, as I haven't played it. The Polygon review suggests this is the case, however.

The Elf says hello.


Has this been posted? Excellent review by a woman that actually engages the topic intelligently and dispassionately:


Man drama drama

Anyways I'm seriously considering getting a Vita for this. Looks great and the beat em up gameplay and RPG stuff seems right up my alley. I also kinda wanna play persona and LBP, and I saw Hot Shots Golf for cheap the other day too...


Here goes my two cents:

I am a woman. I am purchasing this title day one. The art is a stylistic choice, whether you accept that or not. You wanna be offended? Fine. Be offended. I'd rather be a sorceress shooting down monsters and making hordes of skeletons than playing Lara Croft almost getting raped by some douchecanoe. I like what I've seen of the gameplay; I could care less about the story if the gameplay is as awesome as it looks. I think The Last of Us gave gamers their fill of intense story.

It's a beat em up. It's a game. It's supposed to be fun. Get over it.

And just as a reminder, this is my opinion. The great thing about opinions is that NOBODY is 100% correct.


Has this been posted? Excellent review by a woman that actually engages the topic intelligently and dispassionately:

Oh wow, that's a good review

The one pose really isn't even the point. One picture like that? Sure, whatever.

If every picture of women in the game is like that with them bending over or opening their legs etc etc then it is a pattern and I would begin to find it problematic. Personally I have no idea if all the art is like that, as I haven't played it. The Polygon review suggests this is the case, however.

Both men and women are both displayed in an equally boisterous manner. Men are seen displaying their wares as often as women, and prove that they can pose just as well as, if not better, than the women. Not to mention both sexes kick ass on an equal level, that's a plus.
Just throwing my two cents in: I find the female character designs to be gross, and would feel embarrassed if my girlfriend saw me playing it. I'll be skipping this one purely based on the character designs.

To each their own and what not, but I'm not supporting this one.

only when the scores are bad or a hot button issue gets popped up.

This was created to solely get the discussion out of the OT.

A good move.


As much of an interest I have in this game, the boobs are actually putting me off.

I love boobs and all, but it's just... I would basically feel awkward playing this basically.


As much of an interest I have in this game, the boobs are actually putting me off.

I love boobs and all, but it's just... I would basically feel quite awkward playing this basically.

Don't worry man, you get to experience your own fair share of manly PECS and BULGE. You don't need to feel awkward about playing this because of women, there's more men to spread around.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Just throwing my two cents in: I find the female character designs to be gross, and would feel embarrassed if my girlfriend saw me playing it. I'll be skipping this one purely based on the character designs.

To each their own and what not, but I'm not supporting this one.

As much of an interest I have in this game, the boobs are actually putting me off.

I love boobs and all, but it's just... I would basically feel quite awkward playing this basically.

People do realize that you can play as something other than the Sorceress and Amazon right? Or are you saying the NPCs also throw you off?
I think she's wearing a chastity belt. With a lock and key setup too, like you also see in the film Robin Hood: Men In Tights. That's a pretty amusing detail.
Why it's almost as if the design of the nun was meant to purposefully display an interesting contrast between the sexual pose and the chastity belt. :O

I can't believe people are missing this.

The character (as far as I know) has exactly one slightly moving image and a few lines of dialogue to convey a detail or an idea. She's an example of Vanillaware being utterly masterful at defining so much out of so little.
Never will understand the "i am embarrassed to play a game" crowd.

Like why even play games if you are that insecure?

each to his/her own tho.


Funny how no one bats an eye when this happens in any other game.

All this selective outrage is just that, opportunistic.

Well, to be fair not many games are as egregious, save a few fighting games.

Also the anime art influence certainly lends to the creepiness of it.
Just throwing my two cents in: I find the female character designs to be gross, and would feel embarrassed if my girlfriend saw me playing it. I'll be skipping this one purely based on the character designs.

To each their own and what not, but I'm not supporting this one.

A good move.
That seems like a good way to miss out on a lot of great games. I assume Alice's appearance in Virtue's Last Reward would embarrass you from playing it too? That would be disappointing.


Don't worry man, you get to experience your own fair share of manly PECS and BULGE. You don't need to feel awkward about playing this because of women, there's more men to spread around.

It has nothing to do with it being a woman, mroe so it's a woman with huge bouncing tits...

People do realize that you can play as something other than the Sorceress and Amazon right? Or are you saying the NPCs also throw you off?

Didn't know that but good to hear, I guess.


I am sick and tired of hearing that the Sorceress' breasts are unrealistic. I and many other Gaffers can give you names of girls with breasts bigger than the Sorceress. There are people out there with breasts that big in real life so they are realistic. Are they bigger than average? Yes, but saying unrealistic is so disingenuous as there are real life people that go about their day with breasts that big. Making the sorceress a B cup and giving her the exact same clothes and there would be no controversy so the only thing off putting is her cup size. Why? What is so offputting about breasts the size that real women have?


It has nothing to do with it being a woman, mroe so it's a woman with huge bouncing tits...

Then play a character class that isn't a woman. Like a man. You really think you'd be ridiculed by playing a MANLY ASS knight who doesn't take shit from anybody? How about a wizard who can blast shit with fire? You're looking at this wrong.


I guess some people are just going to see what they want. Trying to prove a negative, or trying to prove "Dragon's Crown is not being sexist or objectifying women" without their first being a real case as to why it is being sexist, is a pointlessly long task. The onus should be on the accuser to prove first, with real evidence, not just conjecture. I'll just leave it at that.

Would you say the knight with her legs open is in a sexualized position?
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