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Keighley: Konami lawyers holding Kojima hostage; audience loudly boos. Inconceivable.

This is a pretty shitty situation. But good on Geoff to call Konami out. Kojima and some of the lead devs should've accepted that award.

One of my most burning video game industry questions of all time has to be how much of the Metal Gear series is Kojima responsible for?

konami pls
Does Konami even have a console gaming coming?

They really are making their way out of this business and don't give a single fuck about their reputation among the gaming community. They don't even care if they publicly look like villains. What a shit situation.

Can't wait for Kojima's contract to be over. I hope he'll then talk a bit about his last months/years at Konami...

i want a full on expose secrets exposed
especially if it will hurt Konami as a business even the slightest


How in the world did Konami make such a horrible decision Jesus Christ. Now I can't ever buy MGS5. I can't ever support Konami again. Total assholes. 10/10 dick move Konami.


Only thing Konami is now good for is yugioh and possibly MGR2.

And they are viciously screwing over the former ATM.

I was about to say when I first saw that post, I'm not particularly fond of the their latest ban list. Or the major jump in power creep happening atm. While I'm not a meta player at all, I'm definitely planning to ignore their ban lists in the future with the logic they apply to them(I'm looking at the ROTA ban they put in place to kill a whole bunch of low tier decks like UAs, Battlin Boxers, etc.)
A lot of the questionable decisions come from Konami wanting the game out the door it seems. Like in March he was talking about shooting the tank of water above the outhouses that are at guard outposts to bring guards out of them/distractions and while you can do that in the Phantom Pain it doesn't seem as elaborate as he was describing.

Kojima, for better or worse is a very detail/perfectionist person. And Konami isn't in the business to dump that amount of money for him when they can save that money and do shitty Casino games.

Thing is, instead of MGSV ending up a close-but-not-quite game that solicits a lot of "how did this get 10's?" and "what were we thinking?" things from many people, the MGSV that could've been probably would be a classic evergreen that makes money for decades. The attention the game got had everyone's eyes on MGS, new and old. They didn't know how to Nintendo or Disney, and let Rockstar be Rockstar, basically.

...but yeah, they're staring mountains of potential easy money in the face and don't care anymore, the two don't mesh, and few companies could/would have support Kojima Productions. In the end though, they wouldn't be in the position to pursue all this low hanging money if it wasn't for the devs and games that made them what they are.


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
Nooooooo. This made me tear up. Nooooooo. Holy crap I wouldn't be rational in that situation. That's terribly depressing. I went to RTX to watch the first RWBY premiere and completely missed it because of my friends derpiness. It must be like that but x35 worse.


I had no idea they could stop you from attending a ceremony? Can someone explain to me how ? lol

Non-compete laws in Japan that don't allow you to leave the country a certain amount of time after leaving the company. Probably a contract he signed. He could get sued if he did.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.



When he was still developing his game, he was locked out of his entire development studio, the bedrock for any director. His company, his name, his face, his identity, everything was stolen from him.


This world will become one. I have found the way. Race, console affiliation, all will be irrelevant. The world that Kojima envisioned will finally become a reality, and it will make gaming whole again.


With this, I rid the world of infestation, aller vous faire foutre Konami. The company will be torn asunder... and then, he shall be free.

Amazing, that right there is why you're the Boss.

S Rank
Wait, so Geoff was incorrect?

The tweet is just saying that it's horse shit that Konami did that to Kojima.

Also, I just finished watching the game awards (had a late class), and I was convinced it was a ruse for a second there. It seemed like Geoff was just kidding or something and that Kojima would reveal himself, but then nothing happened, and I was like, "Oh shit, he's serious!"


The sheer volume of love and support being replied to that one tweet alone is mind blowing.

Regardless of our personal feelings towards MGSV, Kojima, or Konami; I find this simply unacceptable. You don't deny a creator their ability to celebrate with their peers. It's fucking childish to the extreme. Kojima could be entirely responsible for the faults of MGSV for all I care, but to deny him his due at a fucking award show rubs me the wrong way.
Non-compete laws in Japan that don't allow you to leave the country a certain amount of time after leaving the company. Probably a contract he signed. He could get sued if he did.

As far as I know he was forbidden to make public appearances representing Konami or Metal Gear franchise. Pretty much he cannot go public until his contract ends.
Fuck Konami.

Kojima doesn't deserve to be treated like this. What would appearing have actually cost them against refusing to let him appear?

Kojima and Kojima Productions will live on.
Why am I not surprised? Anybody following the development of MGSV knew what the fuck was up. That's just straight up, fucked up.

You're the real Big Boss, Geoff, kudos. I hope Konami gets all the hate in the world for denying one's accomplishments and happiness.


Konami is doing a piss poor figure although what they're doing is legit. They don't want an ex-employee to get the spotlight for them.
But they can't cancel he made the game and with Kojima's games they made a lot of money during all these years.


Really shitty by Konami.

They're management are a bunch of Zeroes

Karma's gonna bite them in the ass in the end.

Kinda like a Snake eating its own tail.

Can't wait for the Legend to come "back to life"!

Thank YOU Kojima! THANK YOU!
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