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//: MLG Anaheim Spring Championship 2013 - StarCraft II: HotS, LoL & CoD: Black Ops 2


Epsilon with the crazy close win, forcing game 5

:( Tubby. Well played by catz

Calder you missed one of the sickest naniwa defense i've ever seen he like 2 base defended 6-7 stalkers with like 3 sentries and 2 stalkers.

Ghst, aspie levels off the charts.


Best/worst thing about Saturday at MLG, I have two or three streams going and I'm still always missing something! I'm on Nani/huk for gm 2 with cod on second screen.


thanks for the laugh
Calder you missed one of the sickest naniwa defense i've ever seen he like 2 base defended 6-7 stalkers with like 3 sentries and 2 stalkers.

Ghst, aspie levels off the charts.

a starcraft 2 player's power level is based on how few milliseconds they can maintain eye contact.


Sad for huk. Smix is like 'gtfo dude, we need this booth'.

Crazy how the crowd is so behind epsilon. Everyone likes an underdog I guess.


Have to say, Twitch has been really solid for me so far. I've been swapping streams around and just noticed that I had left two streams at 1080+ and another window at 480 with no issues at all.


Have to say, Twitch has been really solid for me so far. I've been swapping streams around and just noticed that I had left two streams at 1080+ and another window at 480 with no issues at all.

I think my ISP is throttling Twitch because the only way to get consistent 720p streams is through Teevox and other sites that have Twitch streams.

I don't have a great connection, but I was able to watch streams at 720p+ flawlessly for about a month then started getting insane stuttering and frame loss out of no where. My PC is a beast too, so it definitely isn't that.

: /
I think my ISP is throttling Twitch because the only way to get consistent 720p streams is through Teevox and other sites that have Twitch streams.

I don't have a great connection, but I was able to watch streams at 720p+ flawlessly for about a month then started getting insane stuttering and frame loss out of no where. My PC is a beast too, so it definitely isn't that.

: /

I'm starting to wonder that as well, or that maybe twitch has regional servers that work exclusively in said regions and mine are overloaded... Most of my connection is sitting idle (60mbps) and I'm still getting stutters at 480...


Is the CoD tournament on consoles? Certainly seems like it.

Yes it is on Xbox 360. The only console gaming eSports you will see is whatever the most popular on the biggest platform. Competition by quantity, not by quality, there are better console FPS to be played, but the playerbase and money behind them isn't there. So you are left with the CoD on Xbox 360.


Yes it is on Xbox 360. The only console gaming eSports you will see is whatever the most popular on the biggest platform. Competition by quantity, not by quality, there are better console FPS to be played, but the playerbase and money behind them isn't there. So you are left with the CoD on Xbox 360.

Are there no PC FPS tournaments on this level anymore? I remember the days of CAL, etc which I'm sure are long gone lol. These guys are still extremely good though, even with a controller.


Are there no PC FPS tournaments on this level anymore? I remember the days of CAL, etc which I'm sure are long gone lol. These guys are still extremely good though, even with a controller.

Not with this kind of money behind them sadly. There are still small to mid scale CS 1.6/GO tournaments and Quake Live tournaments. Sadly, most of them are online and not at big LAN events. The European scene is pretty much the last vestige for quality PC FPS tournaments, but it is a far cry from the exposure of old. MOBA's have taken over in that respect.

These players are still very good and just as dedicated to being the best though, so that can't be taken away from them just because they are playing with controllers and the aim assist mechanics that come with most console FPS games.

Not as fun to watch though.


Same, seems to be a Comcast and Twitch thing.

360p and tooooooons of lag.

yea comcast here as well. their streams usually work fine on the smaller things. maybe comcast gets upset when too many people are watching the same thing or something
yea comcast here as well. their streams usually work fine on the smaller things. maybe comcast gets upset when too many people are watching the same thing or something

They can't legally do that however, as it goes against net neutrality, which is still enforced in the US, at least currently. Big companies are trying to put it under still...


Not with this kind of money behind them sadly. There are still small to mid scale CS 1.6/GO tournaments and Quake Live tournaments. Sadly, most of them are online and not at big LAN events. The European scene is pretty much the last vestige for quality PC FPS tournaments, but it is a far cry from the exposure of old. MOBA's have taken over in that respect.

These players are still very good and just as dedicated to being the best though, so that can't be taken away from them just because they are playing with controllers and the aim assist mechanics that come with most console FPS games.

Not as fun to watch though.

They allow aim assist? :eek:


Not with this kind of money behind them sadly. There are still small to mid scale CS 1.6/GO tournaments and Quake Live tournaments. Sadly, most of them are online and not at big LAN events. The European scene is pretty much the last vestige for quality PC FPS tournaments, but it is a far cry from the exposure of old. MOBA's have taken over in that respect.

These players are still very good and just as dedicated to being the best though, so that can't be taken away from them just because they are playing with controllers and the aim assist mechanics that come with most console FPS games.

Not as fun to watch though.

I agree with most of what you are saying. To be fair since everybody has aim assist, it's kind of of dimension that all players have to deal with and work around how to abuse it the most. So in essence i don't think it's that much of a detriment to competition at all. But these kids can't or couldn't aim like Cypher or F0rest, that's an art on its own that is lost on console.


I agree with most of what you are saying. To be fair since everybody has aim assist, it's kind of of dimension that all players have to deal with and work around how to abuse it the most. So in essence i don't think it's that much of a detriment to competition at all. But these kids can't or couldn't aim like Cypher or F0rest, that's an art on its own that is lost on console.

Yes, since CoD aims for you on console, the game at a competitive level is much more focused on strategy, which is still pretty interesting. It's kind of weird, though, because it's like everyone plays with an aimbot. The most important thing, I think, is too take advantage of the extremely narrow FoV on console, and set up good flanks against your opponents.


Yes, since CoD aims for you on console, the game at a competitive level is much more focused on strategy, which is still pretty interesting. It's kind of weird, though, because it's like everyone plays with an aimbot. The most important thing, I think, is too take advantage of the extremely narrow FoV on console, and set up good flanks against your opponents.

Visually it looks like CoD is fixed at around a 60 FoV. Is that the case?


They allow aim assist? :eek:

I agree with most of what you are saying. To be fair since everybody has aim assist, it's kind of of dimension that all players have to deal with and work around how to abuse it the most. So in essence i don't think it's that much of a detriment to competition at all. But these kids can't or couldn't aim like Cypher or F0rest, that's an art on its own that is lost on console.

Yes, since CoD aims for you on console, the game at a competitive level is much more focused on strategy, which is still pretty interesting. It's kind of weird, though, because it's like everyone plays with an aimbot. The most important thing, I think, is too take advantage of the extremely narrow FoV on console, and set up good flanks against your opponents.
I really don't understand why aim assist is such a strange and upsetting topic in respect to console FPS Multiplayer. It is a necessary evil for aiming with dual analog. It is literally impossible to aim as well with dual analog sticks compared to a mouse. You get a pixel perfect aiming device that utilizes your entire arm, compared to the gross movement of an analog stick with only your thumb.

Halo CE essentially invented aim assist for consoles to replicate the control and accuracy afforded by a mouse in the best way possible through dual analog sticks. Different console FPS games handle this mechanic in varying ways, CoD being one of the easiest to control and utilize for mass consumption, but the same mechanics are there for everyome to use and perfect.

I don't know if most people know this, but there is a discrepancy in skill dependent on the implementation of aim assist in different Console FPS MP games. Some of them have mechanics that allow for a higher skill ceiling, based solely on the mechanics of aiming and aim assist. Whereas others, like CoD, have a pretty low, bare minimum bar of aiming in them.

Learning and exploiting, so to speak, the aim assist mechanics of a console FPS is a skill in and of itself. That specific skill is no where near the level of the pure and unassisted, unadulterated skill of PC FPS aiming with a Mouse is, but it is still a discernible and talent driven skill. A skill that dictates the overall talent level of a Console FPS player among their peers. This all ties into the inherent game mechanics of aim assist implemented by the designers of the game, so no game is the same, and thus no player's talent directly translates to all other console FPS. Which is a relatively unique concept considering the zero aim assist environment of PC FPS games.

There are other factors of FPS that determine its competitive merit of course, so bearing those in mind is important when judging a competitive FPS, aim assist or not. CoD is a pretty low bar in the aiming department on consoles, but that isn't to say other Console FPS are similarly as less skilled because they also have aim assist mechanics. They are handled differently to appeal to an overall game design goal.

CoD on 360 is on the MLG Pro Circuit because it is popular, well supported and easy to watch for spectators. MLG as a league knows its competitive console shooters, they were built on them. Halo CE is at the forefront of quality, high skill based console shooters. Shadowrun, being another one was a passion project because of how much they adored its merits as a competitive console shooter.

The harsh realities of running a eSports league has forced MLG to eschew their passions and host CoD tournaments on 360.


Whoa! Sage 2-0'd SaSe???

DeMu got 2-0'd by theognis in the Losers Bracket???? ;_;

Edit: Wow, and Illusion knocked ThorZaIN out of the tournament with a 2-0 in the Losers Bracket? Who is this kid? :O


And Dear 2-0'd Jaedong in Winners Round 5? Jeez, has Dear dropped even a single map in this tournament? It's looking like he's gonna win it all.

Edit: HyuN vs Sound is happening on the NASL stream right now.

The remaining schedule for tonight is to finish up Losers Round 6, 7 and 8 as well as Winners Round 6.

Still a lot of great matches left!

Winners Round 6 - NaNiwa vs Polt
Losers Round 6 - SaSe vs mOOnGLaDe, soO vs Golden, Suppy vs Stats, qxc vs theognis
Losers Round 7 and 8 - Plenty of other great matches!


Is SC2 done for the night? The MLGSC2 stream is just playing their filler crap right now.

I think all the 2-0's kind of messed with the schedule a bit. If only Catz played a few more 1 hour maps to even it all out. ;)

Hyun vs Sound is on the NASL stream <3 Bitterdam


Oh wow poor Hyun had a bunch of drones hatch right as some hellbats were firing lol.

Rottie: "oh jesus hellbats are so good!"


People complaining about Axslav and Axeltoss don't know how good they have it.

Try bearing a full hour of Supernovamaniac and Whiplash whenever Proleague is on. Granted they have somewhat improved, but UGH


Gold Member
whiplash and snm are far better than axslav and axeltoss. whiplash and snm are entertaining because of the stupidity and their married couple complex. axslavtoss are just dry boring ass casters.
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