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No Man's Sky - Atlas Rises |OT| Nada, Polo and you no longer fly solo


Aftershock LA
Not only that but some of us didn't even feel like suckers when we bought it at full price. I'm thrilled that they've continued to build and expand on what was there but I and many others had plenty of fun with the game as it was when it launched.

All this concern trolling is fucking tiring. It's been a year, is it EVER going to stop?

I bought the game at launch (limited edition for $60) and sunk over 100 hours into it by the time the first patch arrived, and I had a blast. I absolutely loved just cruising around, landing on cool looking planets, taking an embarrassingly large number of screenshots, and playing it to wind down from my work day.

There is a ton of projecting from the disappointed and angry people, and the people that actually enjoyed what vanilla NMS offered are painted as suckers who were duped by the devious Sean "Molyneux" Murray, and can't decide for themselves if they're having fun with their purchase or not.

Being critical of a game doesn't automatically make you're opinion well reasoned or objective. It's still just an opinion. And it was more than a little possible to have fun with No Man's Sky at launch.

For people like me, these updates made a really awesome if flawed and bare bones game better, and this latest update has exceeded my expectations.

Everyone isn't going to feel the same way as me, and that's cool, but the negative nancies need to stop acting like everyone else that is enjoying the new update is pretending to do so out of blissful ignorance of the rough launch of the game. Some of us just really fucking like it, and have since day 1.

That mean ol' Sean Murray is a wiley one!


It felt great to jump in yesterday. Found a planet with great starshaped objects on the ground and hovering in the air. Nothing else, very surreal.

However, it took me a while that no matter what ship I jumped in the bleeping noise drove me nuts. Took me a while to realize that it was an inbound message that starts off the questline.

It's great that Hello Games created a gameworld that is much fun to be in with all the additions. I only hope that they will keep adding new stuff.


Loving this update, started a new save on survival last night. Feel like it's a challenge but not as brutal as it was before.

Love the way you can now recall your ship from anywhere as well, it doesn't discourage you from venturing out on foot and exploring.


Loving this update, started a new save on survival last night. Feel like it's a challenge but not as brutal as it was before.

Love the way you can now recall your ship from anywhere as well, it doesn't discourage you from venturing out on foot and exploring.

Yea, this is pretty huge. Really encourages exploration now. Previously it felt like there's a leash tied to you at all times.


I found the galactic map to be very badly designed before 1.3, at least on PC with keyboard/mouse but now I can't even tell how to warp to another star or a black hole.

Edit: No, the galactic map is a fucking dumpster fire.


So many bugs.... I think I might need to wait. I can't upgrade my exosuit with cargo slots, and my home planet went from awesome to radioactive waste.

Is anyone else on the PS4 getting really bad frame rate problems?


I don't know, you can still screw yourself in survival. Having not played in a while I wasn't paying attention and landed on a planet without enough plutonium to lift off. Ended up hiding in a cave making short runs for scraps of plutonium. Nearly died when a firestorm hit were it not for some swift grenade burrowing.

You never had that at launch in normal. You wouldn't now. I think if you're a new player starting out in survival, it's still plenty hard enough.

Ok. Here is the issue I have. Before the update, you would start 8 to 20 minutes from your ship. Buildings were very sparse on planets, so the odds of me finding any on the way to my ship were fairly low. If I did see a green question mark in the distance, it was likely just a save beacon, a small shelter or if lucky, a drop pod. Most times though, I had to use caves or craft shield shards to get me there. Plus traveling at night on a cold planet was extremely dangerous as your hazard dropped twice as quickly.

Start a new game on Survival today. I'm on a cold planet and 12 minutes from ship. I immediately notice a couple green question marks about 2 minutes away from my starting position.(an abandoned building). On my way to the ship I found a trading post, an Observatory, a drop pod, and one shelter. At the trading post I bought items to replace my hazard protection and life support. Oh and my hazard protection didn't fall more rapidly at night, so no need to be cautious.

My journey to the ship was devoid of the tension I usually feel at the start of a new game on that mode. Even without the trading post, the amount of buildings I encountered just in that short a time would have made it fairly uneventful. Only challenging moment was a hostile crab that seems to be everywhere in the game.

No doubt it's still more challenging than Normal mode, and many people will probably enjoy the changes. I still like the game and will enjoy the new story and other aspects. I will also like that not every Paradise planet will have hostile sentinels. I will miss some of the challenge though and not seeing buildings every few minutes when walking.


Jebus, dog fights are at least 100 times more tough now. Yes literally 100 times. Reason being that before 1.3 I was easily able to take on 50+ enemy ships at a time but now a single 3 star "mostly harmless" bounty involves replenishing shields


Were we able to harvest minerals from our ships while on a planet before (and have the targets deform too)? I feel like that's something new that came with low flight.


Going to redownload this later, and start again. Last big patch which came out, i had no idea how i got to a space station or where i was going. It's nice to see Hello Games never gave up with the content for the game, even after it was heavily criticized at launch a year or so ago.
The bounties are pretty fucking cool.

One popped up for me so I'm thinking "hmm, let's see what this is".

Start slowly flying to it only to then see a whole bunch of ship trails flying towards the marker making me rush to get there first only to get there and all hell breaks loose. Ended up dying just before I could kill the bounty.

My game then glitched upon respawning so all I could do was walk, look, run and scan but not jump or hold square to get into my ship. Had to reload and lost all my ships cargo but I wasn't too bothered.

Loving the update so far, only have a few issues that hopefully can be fixed:

Draw distance seems worse which is annoying.
Seems the framerate drops a little more when things are busy and travelling in the roamer.
Extra shop inventory stock numbers are better but holding down to buy lots is annoying now.

Other than my scientists mission to build a beacon glitching too (doesn't recognise I built it) that's about it.

Not bothered though as I'm sure it will get patched and the game is still a tonne of fun to play. I really wanna start the new story missions but need to finish my base ones to get the rest of the blueprints that I didnt when I went back to my old file about a week ago (never tried 1.1 or 1.2 updates).

Is the zoology achievement still a bitch to get? As in very time consuming? Only trophy keeping me from the plat
Unless it was patched out previously, dead planets count towards the trophy which makes it a little easier. Just make sure to upload the completed data like normal (complete for 200,00 credits section) and it should count towards your total completed planets.


According to save data I abandoned the original game on the 1st of September last year... Time to start on survival and deep dive into this new experience :)


Were we able to harvest minerals from our ships while on a planet before (and have the targets deform too)? I feel like that's something new that came with low flight.

You could harvest from certain resources before using your phase beam but it was really slow and inefficient. The big improvement is being able to easily take out resource depots without needing to land due to the speed reduction and proximity in low flight mode


"hello?" "this is vagina"
What are the big white circles on the HUD/compass that look like targets? They seem to be points of interest that I've discovered, but I'm given no info when I look at them and they never go away. Screen's getting crowded.


Anyone else having a bug where you can't buy a cargo slot in your exosuit? I go to buy one and it takes my money but doesn't add a slot (0 cargo slots). Any ideas?
Loving this update, started a new save on survival last night. Feel like it's a challenge but not as brutal as it was before.

Love the way you can now recall your ship from anywhere as well, it doesn't discourage you from venturing out on foot and exploring.
Even in Survival? That's kind of disappointing. I was looking forward to having to make sure to resource-manage if I wanted to trek far from my ship, or have the challenge of braving dangerous journeys back to my ship

Now you can just summon your ship anytime?


I found the galactic map to be very badly designed before 1.3, at least on PC with keyboard/mouse but now I can't even tell how to warp to another star or a black hole.

Edit: No, the galactic map is a fucking dumpster fire.

I had the same problem on PS4 last night,selecting a destination seems impossible.

Will give it a try on pc today and hope for the best.


Anyone else having a bug where you can't buy a cargo slot in your exosuit? I go to buy one and it takes my money but doesn't add a slot (0 cargo slots). Any ideas?

I read further up in the thread someone else having a similar issue, so I assume it's a bug. Hopefully these will get patched out pretty quick.


Even in Survival? That's kind of disappointing. I was looking forward to having to make sure to resource-manage if I wanted to trek far from my ship, or have to challenge of braving dangerous journeys back to my ship

Now you can just summon your ship anytime?

Yes, as long as it is fully fuelled with Plutonium, and in survival (on the starting ship at least), a liftoff consumes a full amount of fuel. So it's not like you can do it an unlimited number of times.
Yes, as long as it is fully fuelled with Plutonium, and in survival (on the starting ship at least), a liftoff consumes a full amount of fuel. So it's not like you can do it an unlimited number of times.
Ah, okay, that sounds better. A last resort option then, back to your ship at the cost of your fuel tank
Yes, as long as it is fully fuelled with Plutonium, and in survival (on the starting ship at least), a liftoff consumes a full amount of fuel. So it's not like you can do it an unlimited number of times.
Actually that started happening to me too, got a couple that have stuck around.

*edit - after reloading my file from last night my targets disappeared and my beacon mission fixed themselves so maybe try that.


I need help! I seem to have accidently placed white circle markers that appear on my screen at all times as destinations. I have no idea how I placed them but I can't get rid of them, and I can always see them, even from other planets. It's bugging the hell out of me lol


Even in Survival? That's kind of disappointing. I was looking forward to having to make sure to resource-manage if I wanted to trek far from my ship, or have to challenge of braving dangerous journeys back to my ship

Now you can just summon your ship anytime?

As long as it isn't damaged and has enough plutonium to lift off, you can call it.

Not sure why they included this option in Survival mode. It certainly makes it easier.(among other aspects)
I need help! I seem to have accidently placed white circle markers that appear on my screen at all times as destinations. I have no idea how I placed them but I can't get rid of them, and I can always see them, even from other planets. It's bugging the hell out of me lol

Way points where you save at bases maybe?


I need help! I seem to have accidently placed white circle markers that appear on my screen at all times as destinations. I have no idea how I placed them but I can't get rid of them, and I can always see them, even from other planets. It's bugging the hell out of me lol

Restart your game. At least that fixed it for the guy 3 post above yours.


Yeah. They really need to patch in a proper way to remove waypoints. They didn't even disappear for me when I got to them.


Seems like the hype is real NMS is currently selling very well on Steam again. (second place on global top sellers list)


Easily removing waypoints should make the next upgrade absolutely. Such an unnessary nuisance as it is now.

It's been an issue since day 1 of the game though. You'd think they'd have figured it out by now :p I wonder if the people at HG actively play the game themselves. It seems like such an obvious QOL fix.


It's been an issue since day 1 of the game though. You'd think they'd have figured it out by now :p I wonder if the people at HG actively play the game themselves. It seems like such an obvious QOL fix.

No, this is a new issue. You get white waypoints on planets and they don't clear.
I've booted up the game after a year and it works pretty badly with my 1080, sttuters a lot and seems to be capped at 30fps even though I have set 90fps maximum. I've already disabled Gsync - any clues on what I might be missing?
I've booted up the game after a year and it works pretty badly with my 1080, sttuters a lot and seems to be capped at 30fps even though I have set 90fps maximum. I've already disabled Gsync - any clues on what I might be missing?
This update seems to have some pretty bad performance issues right now, previous to this update I was getting at least around the same performance as on a standard PS4 with my setup (660TI 2GB, FX 8350, 8GB RAM), now I'm getting average 20fps with dips down to 10fps if I look at a planet in the distance. On the lowest settings possible.

Meanwhile, running great on my PS4 :/


The online servers keep going down on PS4, which hasn't happened since launch. Doesn't impact game like - works fully offline.


No, this is a new issue. You get white waypoints on planets and they don't clear.
He's talking about your screen being filled with unneeded waypoints that fly around your viewing area confusing the ones you DO need. At release Horizon Zero Dawn let you pick which waypoints are on screen. How this gets by HG and their testers I can't figure out.


It's been an issue since day 1 of the game though. You'd think they'd have figured it out by now :p I wonder if the people at HG actively play the game themselves. It seems like such an obvious QOL fix.

Absolutely. Probably won't be much work to implement it either. Let's hope they will.


I've booted up the game after a year and it works pretty badly with my 1080, sttuters a lot and seems to be capped at 30fps even though I have set 90fps maximum. I've already disabled Gsync - any clues on what I might be missing?
Why are you running without gsync??

I have gsync fullscreen on in nvidia control panel, NMS running full screen, vsync off, max fps 90, fxaa+taa, everything else at max, and while it does dip occasionally it's generally really really smooth.

With gsync off it tears a lot and looks like crap tbh, fullscreen+window gsync on teared too for some reason for me, it stopped when only activating fullscreen gsync.

I have a 1080ti though but it should be fine on a 1080 too since it ran fine on my old 980ti. 1080p btw.


Too much on my old save got messed up so I started fresh now. Feels great! So much has changed since launch day when I started my old save.
Why are you running without gsync??

I have gsync fullscreen on in nvidia control panel, NMS running full screen, vsync off, max fps 90, fxaa+taa, everything else at max, and while it does dip occasionally it's generally really really smooth.

With gsync off it tears a lot and looks like crap tbh, fullscreen+window gsync on teared too for some reason for me, it stopped when only activating fullscreen gsync.

I have a 1080ti though but it should be fine on a 1080 too since it ran fine on my old 980ti. 1080p btw.

I don't have a monitor with gsync and I read on the internet that leaving gsync enabled can take a toll on performance if you don't actually have gsync
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