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Official February 19th Primary/Caucus Thread (OBAMA wins so does McCain but really..)

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First tragedy, then farce.
woeds said:
RCP still has Obama leading by 2.4% (down from 4.1 yesterday though).

Weird how a double win makes him drop in the polls

we are within the margin of error.. so he may not have dropped in the polls.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Texas, Ohio, and Penn are irrelevant now. Even if he loses all three 55-45 Obama will still have a sizable lead and the Supers will follow. This things is over. Hillary is treading in Huckabee like territory.
Cooter said:
Texas, Ohio, and Penn are irrelevant now. Even if he loses all three 55-45 Obama will still have a sizable lead and the Supers will follow. This things is over. Hillary is treading in Huckabee like territory.

I doubt this is true with 10 points wins in 3 large states


a child left behind
StoOgE said:
To be fair, they oversampled Travis and Williamson county in this poll (Austin) so its going to give Obama a boost. Their reasoning being Travis and Williamson allways show up in huge numbers.

Although, Poll presented in donut model = obama win confirmed.


Luclkliy those should be the counties that Obama should be wining in two weeks.


What is hillary trying to accomplish?

I saw on MSNBC that as we all know she has to get 65% of the delegates in all of "her" states to tie him. But not only that, she has to get 58% of the popular vote in "her" so called states from here on out to tie him in popular vote count.

Neither of these two things are happening, even if she wins all 3 of the big states. What does she plan to do in June when she has less delegates AND less votes? Winning Ohio and Texas wont solve any of that.


Cheebs said:
What is hillary trying to accomplish?

I saw on MSNBC that as we all know she has to get 65% of the delegates in all of "her" states to tie him. But not only that, she has to get 58% of the popular vote in "her" so called states from here on out to tie him in popular vote count.

Neither of these two things are happening, even if she wins all 3 of the big states. What does she plan to do in June when she has less delegates AND less votes? Winning Ohio and Texas wont solve any of that.
She's trying to frame the contest around everything BUT the votes, either in terms of popular vote or pledged deligates.

I do hope that if she loses Texas, she drops out.



Hillary Rodham Clinton started the year flush with cash, but by the beginning of this month, she'd blazed through most of it — spending $11 million on ads, $3.8 million on messaging guru Mark Penn and $1,300 at Dunkin' Donuts, just to name a few expenditures — leaving her campaign woefully unprepared for an extended battle for the Democratic presidential nomination.

About $15 million — or more than half of the New York senator’s January spending — went to a cadre of high-priced consultants. Though much of the cash went through the campaign media buyer for ad time, the considerable payments to outside consultants mark an increase in a pattern that has irked campaign insiders. From the beginning of the race through the end of last month, Clinton paid the consultants $33 million — nearly one-third of the $105 million spent by the campaign.

Holy shit, Mark Penn has made $3.8 million? And her consultants $33 million?

No wonder they're convincing her to keep going!


GhaleonEB said:
I do hope that if she loses Texas, she drops out.
Me too. For a while, I thought she was a great candidate, but at this point it seems like she's just dragging things out as painfully as possible, and hurting the entire democratic party with her mud-slinging.
GhaleonEB said:
She's trying to frame the contest around everything BUT the votes, either in terms of popular vote or pledged deligates.

I do hope that if she loses Texas, she drops out.
She won't. No way in hell. This thing is going all the way to the end and beyond. You guys will be lucky if either one gets a month to campaign directly against McCain.


Small balls, big fun!
Tamanon said:

Holy shit, Mark Penn has made $3.8 million? And her consultants $33 million?

No wonder they're convincing her to keep going!

I've heard north of $4 million for Penn, but that may have been total to his polling firm.

The $33 million probably includes a lot more than people who actually advise the campaign, especially on a national level. "Consulting" seems to be the preferred euphemism for walking around money given to local people of influence.

Romney spent a TON of that sort of consulting money in Iowa, ferinstance.

EDIT: After actually reading the damn article, it seems they were talking specifically about actual professional consultants. Yikes.


v1cious said:
why is he on his feet today? i thought he was sick.
He is. The campaign says he has a "head flu". He is still out there though, he is just coughing and sneezing a lot in rallies.


Hollywood Duo said:
She won't. No way in hell. This thing is going all the way to the end and beyond. You guys will be lucky if either one gets a month to campaign directly against McCain.
I don't know about that...Her campaign will live or die based on what happens in Ohio and Texas and (I believe) that if she does not have the delegate count, she will bow out for the greater good...at least I hope so.

Edit: There is a benefit to all this infighting and something that Romney never understood when he backed out of the Republican race...Its the Dems that are highlighting the news cycles! McCain is nowhere to be seen...at least until the NY times made him a punching bag.
3rdman said:
I don't know about that...Her campaign will live or die based on what happens in Ohio and Texas and (I believe) that if she does not have the delegate count, she will bow out for the greater good...at least I hope so.
The greater good is what is best for her not the party. Her camp has already made it clear they will steal delegates if they don't have them.
Hollywood Duo said:
She won't. No way in hell. This thing is going all the way to the end and beyond. You guys will be lucky if either one gets a month to campaign directly against McCain.
She'll quit. She'll be out of money.


Hollywood Duo said:
The greater good is what is best for her not the party. Her camp has already made it clear they will steal delegates if they don't have them.
Shit, if that were to happen, even I wouldn't vote for her.


the worst case scenario at this point is Obama loses by a narrow margin, and this moves past march 4th. aside from Pennsylvania, he has a strong advantage in the other states.


v1cious said:
the worst case scenario at this point is Obama loses by a narrow margin, and this moves past march 4th. aside from Pennsylvania, he has a strong advantage in the other states.
I thought RI was decidedly pro-Hillary. Or is that a March 4th state?
Help me write a good email to this billary poster:

On Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 12:53 PM, ******** wrote:

First of all no experienced and true statesman would ever make a statement like that, which would polarize and alienate people. What benefit did it make? Yes, Bush would've made a statement like that back in 2000 when he first came in, but even he won't make a statement like that now. So you can't seriously defend that statement, even he hasn't defended it since he made it. It was a mistake and I think he knows that as well. My real worry is that he will make more mistakes like that when he is in office, since he will be very new to the complicated game of foreign policy.

As for solutions, I am sure his solutions are not very diff than Hillary's, both being democrats. They key is who can successfully implement them. Since Obama is relatively new to this game I am sure he will have a very tough time on capitol hill. Hillary's been there so she'll be able to get things done. Just what I believe. And I am all for sending a message of hope to people, its the message of change that I have a problem with. He is trying to tell people that he is different than all other politicians, when he's really not. I truly believe he is no different than any other politician, he can't be, otherwise he couldnt have come this far. At least Billary is who she is, and she doesnt deny that. He on the other hand is using his relative obscurity to his advantage. He missed something like 400 votes, just bc he knew that those opinions of his can come back to haunt him when he's running for prez. So the guys is going after Hillary for having an opinion, which is very convenient for him since he has none, or at least he hasn't shown it by voting on key issues while in the office. At least she's always had an opinion and she's expressed it. She stood up for what she believed in, this guy on the other hand deliberately did not take a stand on anything. You cant be on the fence when you're running a country, and sometimes you have to make tough decisions.

As they say, the greatest trick that satan ever pulled was to convince people that he doesn't exist. Just like that Senator Kenobi has been able to convince people that he's not a politician.

From: ********
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2008 11:35 AM
To: *****

Subject: Re: John McCain-The other side

If Obama is all talk then so is Hillary. What are really Hillary's solutions which are not provided by Obama. Time and time again it has been said that Hillary has the same solutions as Obama but she is portraying it as if only she is the one with the Solutions. Obama has the same solutions but if he gives out his solutions which are the same as Hers, obviously people will vote for Hillary because they will be naive and go for Experience. Obama has laid out a correct strategy to differentiate himself by using his orator skills and give a message of Hope which is counter to Hillary's message of Pessimism.

Yes he made a statement about Pakistan and it was a statement which even Hillary or Bush would have supported if you look at it in context. He said if he has intelligence that pinpoints where Osama is hiding in Pakistan and if Pakistan refuses to do anything about it, then he will go about bombing where his intelligence says Osama is hiding. Bush and all senators in the congress have said the same thing. Its just the context which was taken out inappropriately by Bush, McCain and Hillary. If Pakistan has a terror suspect and he is hiding on the Indian side of Kashmir and Pakistan knows where he is hiding, do you think the Military of Pakistan would hesitate to bomb that area if that person was responsible for a single attack which killed 3000 people?

On Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 10:54 AM, ****** wrote:

And I voted for Billary on Tuesday. I think Obi-Wan is all talk, way too smoove. He's a great orator, but I aint buying into all of his talk. He was known as the do-nothing senator in IL senate. After he won Scansin one of his supporters, a senator from TX state senate was on CNN and they asked him to list Obi's accomplishments and the dude just froze. Could not talk about a single one! But there is no way Billary can catch up to him now. Even though she is the only one who can make a difference and really get some things done and get us out of this mess that we're in. But unfortunately she doesnt have the charisma that he does, so she's unable to convince people. And what about the naive statement he made about invading Pakistan? That was a very good reflection of his inexperience as a statesman. And look where this country is bc of the last guy we picked who came in with no experience as a statesman...

But having said all that, I'll still vote for him over Grandpa McCain any day.
artredis1980 said:
Help me write a good email to this billary poster:
Go back a few pages and look at the list of things Obama accomplished as a senator and in the IL legislature. That should be a good response to the "Do nothing senator" remark.


striKeVillain! said:
Wow, Obama looks so skinny.
He said he weighed 175 pounds like a year ago. And he has also said he has due to stress lost 8 pounds since he started running so yeah....pretty damn skinny.


Cheebs said:
He said he weighed 175 pounds like a year ago. And he has also said he has due to stress lost 8 pounds since he started running so yeah....pretty damn skinny.

Is Obama still a chain-smoker, or did he quit?


Zeed said:
Not enough secret service in those pics.
Needs more secret service.

Who would try to kill Obama in a room full of black football players? That's like wrapping a sirloin around your dick and running naked through the Serengeti.
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