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Official NH Primary Results Thread

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JayDubya said:
Random aside: I thought Huckabee did reasonably well and made me feel more comfortable with him as a possibility.

Was it because of the fraud in that one county about Paul or was there some shady stuff on the Dem side too?
I just heard from someone there are large discrepancies on both sides. Looking for source.

Edit: It will likely hit news waves tomorrow. Hand recount of everything.
TheKingsCrown said:
I just heard from someone there are large discrepancies on both sides. Looking for source.

Edit: It will likely hit news waves tomorrow. Hand recount of everything.

5 bucks that Fox news doesnt mention it


Well he sent the fee in, so the recount will start. Paul will probably pay for it also since he's got so much cash right now.


I voted. Sadly, I could not vote twice, just like last time. :'( Can't wait to hear Hannity's crap.

Also, I'm pretty sure Paul will get griped at by Hannity for the whole Paul fans chasing him thing. :lol
I heard from someone two candidates have requested it now. Neither of which is Paul, I can't remember their names, they are like worthless or something.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
A new FOX News South Carolina Republican presidential primary poll shows McCain is now the front-runner with 25 percent, followed by Iowa caucus winner Huckabee at 18 percent and Romney at 17 percent. The results for all three top candidates are within the survey’s margin of sampling error.


Like in Iowa, about 6 of 10 likely voters in the South Carolina Republican primary are Evangelical Christians, and 23 percent of this group says they are backing Huckabee and 22 percent McCain, followed by Romney at 16 percent.

Why, again, are these key states in the election?

About half of Republicans in South Carolina are looking for a candidate who "stands up" for what he believes (47 percent), while others want a "true conservative" (21 percent) or a candidate who has the "right experience" (19 percent).

Really? How is Paul not that candidate again?
APF said:
I don't get what the complaint with Luntz is; apparently he asks questions, and this is evil.

The complaint is that he manipulates questions to get the answers he wants in his day job. Of course that is his goal so complaining about that is fairly useless.


Fox News in a joke. They keep snubbing Paul(didn't interview him after the debate like the others candidates were) and during the debate they asked him stupid ass questions like "Do you think you are electable?" and "Do you support those who say the US Government had something to do with 9/11?".
Also, ROFL at the "focus group". "Raise your hand if you think Paul lost the debate" *Everyone raises their hand at the same time. Yet Paul is winning the "Who won the debate poll?" that everyone can vote in, not just Foxes supposed focus group.

"Fair and Balanced" my ass :lol


Stoney Mason said:
The complaint is that he manipulates questions to get the answers he wants in his day job. Of course that is his goal so complaining about that is fairly useless.
Well, he's a Republican pollster whose entire shtick is coming-up with the right way to frame issues. I still don't see what the problem is.
NeoUltima said:
Also, ROFL at the "focus group". "Raise your hand if you think Paul lost the debate" *Everyone raises their hand at the same time. Yet Paul is winning the "Who won the debate poll?" that everyone can vote in, not just Foxes supposed focus group.

"Fair and Balanced" my ass :lol

That is a poll based on both Republicans and Democrats that watch the debate and type a message into a cell phone. That's hardly scientific. Ron Paul is obviously going to win a 'text your winner' poll because he appeals to anti-war democrats more than any other republican. When stacked up against Thompson, Giuliani, Romney, etc. Paul sticks out like a sore thumb. But he'll
a) Never get those votes in a general elections
b) DEFINITELY never get them in a primary

Wow, if you think someone who "Wins" a PRIMARY DEBATE gets to tally votes from people who aren't going to vote in a republican primary, then you're lost.
APF said:
Well, he's a Republican pollster whose entire shtick is coming-up with the right way to frame issues. I still don't see what the problem is.

As I said in the context of that I don't have a problem with him. I could see where some would argue that even within the Republican framework he forces an orthodox way of framing issues and anyone who exists outside of that version of it (Even though they may be Republican) will of course suffer.
NeoUltima said:
Fox News in a joke. They keep snubbing Paul(didn't interview him after the debate like the others candidates were) and during the debate they asked him stupid ass questions like "Do you think you are electable?" and "Do you support those who say the US Government had something to do with 9/11?".
Also, ROFL at the "focus group". "Raise your hand if you think Paul lost the debate" *Everyone raises their hand at the same time. Yet Paul is winning the "Who won the debate poll?" that everyone can vote in, not just Foxes supposed focus group.

"Fair and Balanced" my ass :lol

Seriously. The whole time I'm watching this trainwreck all I can think about is, "What writers' strike?" Most writers couldn't come up with such absurdist theater.
AEBrock said:
That is a poll based on both Republicans and Democrats that watch the debate and type a message into a cell phone. That's hardly scientific. Ron Paul is obviously going to win a 'text your winner' poll because he appeals to anti-war democrats more than any other republican. When stacked up against Thompson, Giuliani, Romney, etc. Paul sticks out like a sore thumb. But he'll
a) Never get those votes in a general elections
b) DEFINITELY never get them in a primary

Wow, if you think someone who "Wins" a PRIMARY DEBATE gets to tally votes from people who aren't going to vote in a republican primary, then you're lost.

Wow. Now here is a revelation.


AEBrock said:
That is a poll based on both Republicans and Democrats that watch the debate and type a message into a cell phone. That's hardly scientific. Ron Paul is obviously going to win a 'text your winner' poll because he appeals to anti-war democrats more than any other republican. When stacked up against Thompson, Giuliani, Romney, etc. Paul sticks out like a sore thumb. But he'll
a) Never get those votes in a general elections
b) DEFINITELY never get them in a primary

Wow, if you think someone who "Wins" a PRIMARY DEBATE gets to tally votes from people who aren't going to vote in a republican primary, then you're lost.
I certainly wasn't implying that Paul would ever actually win anything, especially not while he's a republican(just look at the results of the primaries so far). I was just pointing out how stupid Fox is making itself look. They spend all this time making Paul look like a fool(stupid questions, not interviewing, ect), but then he wins their poll. Sure, the poll is clearly flawed but it's damn hillarious that the candidate they hate so much, wins their own poll :lol .
NeoUltima said:
I certainly wasn't implying that Paul would ever actually win anything, especially not while he's a republican(just look at the results of the primaries so far). I was just pointing out how stupid Fox is making itself look. They spend all this time making Paul look like a fool(stupid questions, not interviewing, ect), but then he wins their poll. Sure, the poll is clearly flawed but it's damn hillarious that the candidate they hate so much, wins their own poll :lol .

Well that part is ironic. Its no secret Fox News and some of the journalists have their own agendas. I'm not going to defend Paul since I personally believe he's out of touch with reality, and that he would rather complain and whine about the past then look forward for a future solution that doesn't get me killed in 30 years. Sean Hannity just doesn't have the brain capacity to analyze why that poll was off on the air, or the brain capacity for much else either.

Usually I believe most politicians actually have intelligence. But why does Rudy still insist on talking about Ronald Reagan and 9/11. Doesn't he understand its not working and he sounds redundant and stupid?


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."


TheKingsCrown said:
can't see article, could you state what it says?

Here's the whole article.

WASHINGTON — Representative James E. Clyburn of South Carolina, the highest-ranking African-American in Congress, said he was rethinking his neutral stance in his state’s presidential primary out of disappointment at comments by Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton that he saw as diminishing the historic role of civil rights activists.

Mr. Clyburn, a veteran of the civil rights movement and a power in state Democratic politics, put himself on the sidelines more than a year ago to help secure an early primary for South Carolina, saying he wanted to encourage all candidates to take part. But he said recent remarks by the Clintons that he saw as distorting civil rights history could change his mind.

“We have to be very, very careful about how we speak about that era in American politics,” said Mr. Clyburn, who was shaped by his searing experiences as a youth in the segregated South and his own activism in those days. “It is one thing to run a campaign and be respectful of everyone’s motives and actions, and it is something else to denigrate those. That bothered me a great deal.”

In an interview with Fox News on Monday, Mrs. Clinton, who was locked in a running exchange with Senator Barack Obama, a rival for the Democratic presidential nomination, over the meaning of the legacies of President John F. Kennedy and the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., tried to make a point about presidential leadership.

“Dr. King’s dream began to be realized when President Lyndon Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964,” Mrs. Clinton said in trying to make the case that her experience should mean more to voters than the uplifting words of Mr. Obama. “It took a president to get it done.”

Quickly realizing that her comments could draw criticism, Mrs. Clinton returned to the subject at a later stop, recalling how Dr. King was beaten and jailed and how he worked with Johnson to pass the landmark law. Clinton advisers said her first remark had not captured what she meant to convey. And they said she would never detract from a movement that has driven her own public service.

“She has spent the majority of her life working for poor families, poor children, fighting for the principles that Martin Luther King stood for,” said Minyon Moore, a senior adviser. “The Clintons have a track record.”

Mr. Clyburn, reached for a telephone interview Wednesday during an overseas inspection of port facilities, also voiced frustration with Mr. Clinton, who has described Mr. Obama’s campaign narrative as a fairy tale. Mr. Clinton was not directly discussing civil rights, but Mr. Clyburn saw the remark as a slap at the image of a black candidate running on a theme of unity and optimism.

“To call that dream a fairy tale, which Bill Clinton seemed to be doing, could very well be insulting to some of us,” said Mr. Clyburn, who said he and others took significant risks more than 40 years ago to produce such opportunities for future black Americans.

The fight for the black vote in the state primary has been under way for months. One legacy Mrs. Clinton had hoped to inherit from Mr. Clinton was his strong support among black voters. Even after Mr. Obama’s entry into the race, Mrs. Clinton did not give up hope of winning a substantial share of the African-American vote. She worked hard to win endorsements from prominent black leaders like Representative John Lewis of Georgia, a highly respected civil rights activist, even as her opponent won celebrity backing from Oprah Winfrey.

After Mrs. Clinton lost to Mr. Obama in Iowa, even her top supporters judged the South Carolina Democratic primary, set for Jan. 26, to be out of reach. Representatives of both campaigns were virtually ceding much of an African-American voting bloc that could represent half of the primary electorate to Mr. Obama by virtue of his strong victory in Iowa.

But Mrs. Clinton’s triumph in New Hampshire on Tuesday restored some sense of competitiveness in the Democratic race in a state that also has a serious Republican rivalry under way.

As a result, Mr. Clyburn’s stamp of approval could carry significant last-minute weight given his standing among African-Americans and his deep political connections throughout the state, as well as the role he played in winning the right for South Carolina to have the showdown.

“His influence would be extraordinary if he should endorse somebody,” said Don Fowler, a longtime South Carolina Democratic activist and former national party chairman who is backing Mrs. Clinton.

Mr. Clyburn, who plays down the importance of personal endorsements, did not convince national party leaders to give South Carolina a coveted early primary slot in order to play kingmaker. He said he saw it as a way to bring millions of dollars to the state, showcase the tourism industry and rebuild a Democratic Party that has struggled in a state dominated by conservative Republicans.

“This is a real shot in the arm for us,” said Mr. Clyburn, who is known for eager pursuit of economic benefits for the state and its minority population.

He also helped promote three Democratic presidential debates in South Carolina, one at his alma mater, South Carolina State University, one at the Citadel and one still to come, in Myrtle Beach on Jan. 21. That event is sponsored by the Congressional Black Caucus, and Mrs. Clinton could face questions there about her statement.

Last week, Mr. Clyburn spent a day in Charleston touring the Air Force base, a local charter school and a family support program to mark the first anniversary of his party’s taking the majority in Congress and his own rise to the No. 3 party post in the House. He reveled in his accomplishments, those of a boy who was 13 when the public schools were ordered desegregated and who was discouraged by a customer at his mother’s beauty shop from pursuing an interest in politics — an interest she saw as out of reach for a black youth.

Mr. Obama’s allies in South Carolina said he surged there after his triumph in Iowa, which was seen as providing reassurance to black voters still skeptical of his ability to win over white voters. Mrs. Clinton’s backers regained their hope after Tuesday’s victory, but state analysts say they believe Mr. Obama has a significant advantage among blacks.

“I don’t think Obama will be disappointed in South Carolina,” said Cleveland Sellers, director of the African-American studies program at the University of South Carolina.

Last week, Mr. Clyburn said his extended family was divided over the presidential choices, with a daughter in the Obama camp and a cousin aligned with John Edwards. He said he had found it difficult to stay out of the thick of things.

“It is very, very hard, no doubt about it,” he said.

The Clintons might have just handed Obama S.C. :lol


BobbyRobby said:
Great response. Times like this where it's so transparent that Fox is just looking for soundbytes.

If you watch this from the two-minute mark, Paul puts McCain in his place as well,

So what you're saying is Paul put McCain in his place by transparently using a soundbyte from a McCain campaign speech without the proper context. Round and round we go!


Macam said:
So what you're saying is Paul put McCain in his place by transparently using a soundbyte from a McCain campaign speech without the proper context. Round and round we go!

I'd say McCain put himself in his place with that silly "we will not trade with them, all they trade in is burqas" remark. He looked like a damn fool there.
Macam said:
So what you're saying is Paul put McCain in his place by transparently using a soundbyte from a McCain campaign speech without the proper context. Round and round we go!

I don't get you...

Do you actually like any of the other republicans more than Paul? You should be happy that Paul at the very least made the worst most biased/neo-conservative media outlet look absolutely ridiculous and stupid tonight...

I understand you disagree strongly with the policies of Paul... but wheres the respect? I don't think there is a god... does that mean I can't respect others who do believe in god? Do I only associate myself with others who are completely in line with my way of thinking?

I know that Paul supporters are annoying. I know they are overly passionate for their candidate and I know you think they are crazy for supporting someone who wants to get rid of the IRS... but for the sake of fucking humanity can you like chill and just let us (paul supporters and fox news haters) have a little bit of fun... before turning this into yet another discussion on whether or not the civil war was necessary.
Macam said:
So what you're saying is Paul put McCain in his place by transparently using a soundbyte from a McCain campaign speech without the proper context. Round and round we go!

I was referring more to how he took the steam out of his joke rather than bashing him for wanting to stay in Iraq for 100 years.
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