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PlayStation Network Thread (Vita/PS3/PS4) | April 2014

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No way I'm buying TWD for £15.99 when it'll be on sale by next month, no doubt. I learnt my lesson with TWAU.
I'm personally waiting for all of the episodes to be released before jumping in. Still trying to decide if I want the PS3, Vita, or inevitable PS4 version though.

Edit: Top of the page, buy Demon Gaze so that NISA brings over more dungeon-crawlers to the west!


just played a couple of hours of TWD season 2 on vita, i have to say its pretty descent, never played season 1 on vita, played it on ps3 i just decided to support vita instead.

Now alli need is Wolf Among us, has it been confirmed for vita?


Just brought Disaea 3 for vita, so I know it will go on sell or be the first game to repeat on IGC. But I can play Disgaea on the toilet.
You can go wrong as far as I'm concerned. I paid about $9 for it on PC and I'd be hard pressed to name a single positive (I guess movement becomes amusing in late game once you have the catapult... but that's not really anything special).. It's more braindead than Blackgate. At least Blackgate has a decent story and some quality voice acting. The worst part of Blackgate is the new game+ system necessary to 100% the game and the fact that the combat/predator rooms didn't transfer well to 2.5D (the combat in particular). Still, there's more variety and variation in Blackgate for the most part.

I wouldn't recommend EITHER of them, to be honest. But I think I enjoyed my time with Blackgate a bit more than I did my time with Strider. Strider is one of the biggest disappointments I've played in several years and one of the worst games of 2014 as far as I'm concerned. This "reboot" is as disappointing to me as FFX was when I purchased it on release back in 2002 and couldn't force myself to like it no matter how much I *wanted* to.

God damn, I loved the new Strider to death. My favorite game of the year, easily, and I'd kill for a Vita port. Based on this comparison I seriously need to get around to playing my copy of Blackgate.
Please take me with you the next time you hop on your time machine. (The NA PS+ list isn't out yet, right?)

And you're expecting something GOOD? I do not share your optimism. I have been beaten down by the sub-par Vita offerings over the last 4 months and many months before December 2013 from what I recall...

What's been on sale a lot lately?
When Vikings Attack? That sounds like something they'd do. And pair it with a PSP game probably.

I don't need a time machine to know that we're probably getting something that can't live up to or possibly even eclipse the EU offerings.

Ah, no worries... you're seemingly experiencing what I experience every month with PS+ in NA. Either I own the games so there's disappointment there because I get nothing or the the games range from nothing special to downright terrible.


The No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either OT needs more posts. I'm loving the game, even if I'm now at a complete brick wall blocking the part of the game I enjoy the most (I need LOADS more potency to keep levelling/evolving my monsters).

Right up to 8-8, but it'll be a while before my team is strong enough to brute force through that. I might actually have to become good at the game. :'(


And you're expecting something GOOD? I do not share your optimism. I have been beaten down by the sub-par Vita offerings over the last 4 months and many months before December 2013 from what I recall...

What's been on sale a lot lately?
When Vikings Attack? That sounds like something they'd do. And pair it with a PSP game probably.

I don't need a time machine to know that we're probably getting something that can't live up to or possibly even eclipse the EU offerings.

Ah, no worries... you're seemingly experiencing what I experience every month with PS+ in NA. Either I own the games so there's disappointment there because I get nothing or the the games range from nothing special to downright terrible.

yep, i can totally agree with you here, cant remember when was the las time i got something good on the vita on plus in NA


Right up to 8-8, but it'll be a while before my team is strong enough to brute force through that. I might actually have to become good at the game. :'(

Become good and lucky. Sometimes things just won't work.
Great game, and completely not viable to play without getting the mega box ($10). Will try to hang out at the OT.


You can still buy it. More money will go to Vanillaware.

Edit: Or not. I forgot they won't allow you to buy it if you're a PS+ member.

Yep. And concerning physical copy, both Zaavi and Base don't have it anymore.

If anything buy the DLC to support the devs. The DLC is great too and adds alot of content.

Good idea, but I can't find it on UK store.
you dont...

Truth. I almost regret paying the $12 I did to get it on PC with HD and fixed maps... I think I might have liked it less had I played the Vita version.

God damn, I loved the new Strider to death. My favorite game of the year, easily, and I'd kill for a Vita port. Based on this comparison I seriously need to get around to playing my copy of Blackgate.

You must not have played many games this year then. :p

I still can't get over how disappointing the game was. I finished up the speed run trophy/achievement and promptly deleted it from my hard drive. It's one of less than 5 games I disliked enough to write a negative review for on Steam. There are some franchises that get taken in new directions and it works out well (Metroid Prime, for example) and there are some that really don't (Strider and Blackgate).

To further expand for anyone interested in my disappointment with Strider, let's see if I can recall all of the issues I had with the game:

(1) The combat is brain dead and from the very beginning enemies are an annoyance instead of fun to fight. I like enemies that are interesting to deal with, but the most complex the enemies really get are the armored ones that require a charge hit before you mash x or the ones that require a colored hit before you mash x. There's some sort of "upward" or "launcher" attack on y, but you NEVER have reason to use it and I only used it in a few occasions where I liked the animation better for reflecting projectiles.

(2)There's no reward system, there's no reason to fight the endlessly respawning enemies. It works in the original Strider because that's how a side scrolling platformer works. But when you turn the game into a metroidvania of sorts, you need a reward system to keep the combat interesting. Symphony of the Night did this through experience and leveling, so you were rewarded for continuing to kill enemies. Guacamelee does this by dropping money which is used to purchase upgrades. Without this sort of system, the enemies just exist to slow you down and to give you something to fight.

(3) Speaking of the hordes of enemies, there's about 5 types of enemies total, not including bosses, in the whole game. There's not a lot of variety there to what you fight or how you need to change your tactics.

(4) Speaking of variety, the game didn't have a lot of variety in terms of the design other than the throwback to the flying cart traversal stuff. Most of it was in the city. There were some caves and stuff but it all kind of jumbles together and there's not a lot of distinct areas.

(5) There's no real difficulty, even on hard. I think I had 3 problematic areas during my playthrough that had me stuck for a bit (1) the first boss, because you have low health so you need repeated attempts to learn the pattern, (2) the gorilla boss, which was just cheap for the most part, and (3) the elevator ride to the final boss where you have to deal with that bigger enemy type up on the edges -- without the magnetic upgrade that puts them in stasis, that fight is ridiculously cheap. Otherwise, the entire game is pretty much mash x as you run in a direction and when you get to a boss, dodge and then call the robotic eagle.

(6) While the story remains pretty much true to the original game, the voice acting and overall script are painfully bad. It's not even like there are "jill sandwich" style camp lines which stick out as enjoyable, I just found it all very painful to sit through.

(7) While focusing on story/dialogue, I'll bring up attention to detail -- and these are more nitpick annoyances, but things that just bothered me and there were plenty of them, but the two that immediately come to mind are the anime style portraits with the dialogue looked out of place and didn't really fit anything else. and the fact that they give Strider's model a Kunai pouch from the very beginning and yet you can't throw kunai until you're about 40% into the game.

While Double Helix was truer to the character designs of the franchise than Ninja Theory was rebooting the Devil May Cry franchise, I think I have less issues and had more fun with DmC than I did with Strider.
I originally thorught the game wouldn't be good based on reveal footage and Double Helix at the helm... but I wanted it to be good so badly as a huge Strider fan that as the game neared release and I watched some of the PR stuff they were putting out, I bought into the hype and grabbed it for $9 or so. Now I advocate against purchasing the game for the most part as there are so many games out there that do Metroidvania style gameplay better than the new Strider.

Yep. And concerning physical copy, both Zaavi and Base don't have it anymore.

Good idea, but I can't find it on UK store.

You can't search Muramasa... you have to search by the name of the add on which -- for some reason -- doesn't have Muramasa in it.


Become good and lucky. Sometimes things just won't work.
Great game, and completely not viable to play without getting the mega box ($10). Will try to hang out at the OT.
Yeah, I've bought the mega box. But I'm at the point where I need multiple thousands of potency to level my characters, and even if I S+ one of the 8- levels I only get around 1600.

I'd probably spring for a bottomless potency pack.

Just seen Starlight Inception on the store for Vita. It looks quite interesting, any impressions?
The beta seemed to be universally hated, but hopefully the final release is better because I'd be interested.
The beta seemed to be universally hated, but hopefully the final release is better because I'd be interested.[/QUOTE]

Thanks, I'll have a closer look. Love the sound of it!

Edit: messed up the quote.


And you're expecting something GOOD? I do not share your optimism. I have been beaten down by the sub-par Vita offerings over the last 4 months and many months before December 2013 from what I recall...
Of course not. The last Vita IGC game I remember downloading was Sonic Racing...

That was a legitimate question, by the way. I thought the NA PS+ list leaked or something.
Remember when games didn't have saves? Or when you had to write down a password full of indistinguishable characters that never worked when you tried to put them back in?

I'm guessing you don't. :lol
of course I do but it does have saves and continues so why create this bizarre system where in the level you need to collect 3 items to go to a bonus level that you can still miss and then get a checkpoint. Such a crazy half measure
Have you guys ever wanted a game, then it went free on Plus, but you still want to buy the game anyways?

What do you mean? I bought Soul Sacrifice on release day and it went free recently. I dl'd it anyway so I don't have to swap cartridges. Then I sold SS. The other way around.. I would say Tokyo Jungle, I bought it at a sale a while back.. then this past weekend it was up for 99 cents.

I'm personally waiting for all of the episodes to be released before jumping in. Still trying to decide if I want the PS3, Vita, or inevitable PS4 version though.

Edit: Top of the page, buy Demon Gaze so that NISA brings over more dungeon-crawlers to the west!

This is exactly what I'm doing. I heard good things about it so far so I can't wait til they're all out.

Just brought Disaea 3 for vita, so I know it will go on sell or be the first game to repeat on IGC. But I can play Disgaea on the toilet.

IIRC, this was free at one point for PS+, but who knows. Maybe there'll be a sale.


Rented out the Jak Collection from Gamefly and have been playing it on my new Vita 2000 (it is an amazing system and a very worthy upgrade)

Honestly, it's surprisingly playable. I was expecting it to be a lot worse. I have been playing through Jak 1 for the last few hours on a road trip and have been having a lot of fun, falling in love with the game all over again. Even if the framerate is low (probably around 25fps if I had to take a guess), it has been very stable which is what's more important to me, and the game looks and plays beautifully on Vita. I played the first few minutes of Jak 2 and that game seems to run even better. I'm due for a replay of these games and I think the Vita versions will be good enough for me. Just sucks that almost no PS2 games can hit 60fps on Vita, but I'll take what I can get I guess.
It should be known that I'm not that picky about framerate and resolution. I will always prefer and want higher res and fps but I can still enjoy a game at low fps and res, though I know others have higher standards than I do :p

I've also been playing Jet Set Radio on Vita; THAT is an incredible port. It's as fun a game as ever and it looks and runs so good on the Vita. Only complaint is that it wasn't cross buy with the PS3 version I already own.


I sucked six dicks to get this tag.
Why? Injustice is awesome. Is the Vita version just a bad port? If so I'm quite surprised considering how good Mortal Kombat Vita was.

I actually like Injustice. It's a pretty decent fighting game but the Vita port is just not that good
details here:http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=109202181&postcount=3957 the tldr version of that is that the framerate is just bad which is a huge no no for fighting games. You're literally fighting in slow motion at times and it's especially at its worst when Online.
Such a shame too since in MK you had a rock solid 60fps and a better netcode then console versions at times although the tradeoff was those PS2 quality character models. Wish NRS did the port internal instead of Amature.
I actually like Injustice. It's a pretty decent fighting game but the Vita port is just not that good
details here:http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=109202181&postcount=3957 the tldr version of that is that the framerate is just bad which is a huge no no for fighting games. You're literally fighting in slow motion at times and it's especially at its worst when Online.

Didnt play Injustice port but SFxT vita port is like this too. Frequent framedrops even when theres nothing intensive going on onscreen. i didnt even bother with online.


I just watched a video for Starlight Inception, and...that's the worst looking Vita game I've ever seen, bar none. WOW. I feel bad for anybody paying over $20 for this.


Why? Injustice is awesome. Is the Vita version just a bad port? If so I'm quite surprised considering how good Mortal Kombat Vita was.
It's a bad port. Well worth it on PS4, though.
I wouldn't be surprised if remote playing the PS4 version through the Vita provides a better experience.


I just watched a video for Starlight Inception, and...that's the worst looking Vita game I've ever seen, bar none. WOW. I feel bad for anybody paying over $20 for this.

Reminded me of a recent experience playing G-Police. Hopefully it's not as bad as it seems, but I won't be finding out myself.


I sucked six dicks to get this tag.
Didnt play Injustice port but SFxT vita port is like this too. Frequent framedrops even when theres nothing intensive going on onscreen. i didnt even bother with online.

I agree with you on SFXT since that was one of the first Vita games I downloaded off PS+ but Injustice framedrops are on a whole different level.
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